login as: root root@ubws1's password: Have fun with UniBone ! Last login: Mon Dec 19 18:02:37 2022 root@ubws1:~# mc root@ubws1:~/10.03_app_demo/5_applications/pdp11-05/rt11v4# ./RTRKV4_shared.sh iarg1=8, iarg2=15 [18:03:44.348963 Inf APP] Printing verbose output. demo - QUniBone UNIBUS test application. Version DBG v1.5.0, compile Nov 22 2022 12:19:33. [18:03:44.353697 Inf APP] Registering Non-PRU GPIO pins. [18:03:44.355043 Inf GPIOS] GPIO0 registers at 44E07000 - 44E07FFF (size = 1000) [18:03:44.356295 Inf GPIOS] GPIO1 registers at 4804C000 - 4804CFFF (size = 1000) [18:03:44.357534 Inf GPIOS] GPIO2 registers at 481AC000 - 481ACFFF (size = 1000) [18:03:44.358369 Inf GPIOS] GPIO3 registers at 481AE000 - 481AEFFF (size = 1000) [18:03:44.374609 Inf APP] Disable DS8641 drivers. [18:03:44.386330 Inf APP] Leave SYSBOOT mode. d [18:03:44.391195 Inf APP] Connecting to PRU. [18:03:44.399067 Inf DDRMEM] Shared DDR memory: 4194304 bytes available, 4194304 bytes needed. [18:03:44.405172 Inf DDRMEM] Virtual (ARM Linux-side) address: 0xb53c5000 [18:03:44.406595 Inf DDRMEM] Physical (PRU-side) address:9d100000 [18:03:44.407726 Inf DDRMEM] 4194304 bytes of UniBone memory allocated [18:03:44.411292 Inf PRU] Loaded and started PRU code with id = 2 [18:03:44.516920 Inf APP] Registering non-PRU pins. [18:03:44.517214 Inf GPIOS] GPIO0 registers at 44E07000 - 44E07FFF (size = 1000) [18:03:44.517370 Inf GPIOS] GPIO1 registers at 4804C000 - 4804CFFF (size = 1000) [18:03:44.517471 Inf GPIOS] GPIO2 registers at 481AC000 - 481ACFFF (size = 1000) [18:03:44.517560 Inf GPIOS] GPIO3 registers at 481AE000 - 481AEFFF (size = 1000) [18:03:44.529047 Inf APP] Disable DS8641 drivers. [18:03:44.530687 Inf APP] Leave SYSBOOT mode. [18:03:44.537623 Inf APP] Registering multiplex bus latches, initialized later by PRU code. [18:03:44.539101 Inf APP] Initializing device register maps. [18:03:44.559894 Inf QUNAPT] QUNIBUSADAPTER::worker(0) started [18:03:44.564124 Inf QUNAPT] Trying to set thread realtime priority = 50 [18:03:44.567261 Inf QUNAPT] Scheduling is at RT priority. [18:03:44.567436 Inf QUNAPT] Thread priority is 50 [18:03:44.585445 Inf pnl] PANEL::worker(0) started [18:03:44.587325 Inf MSSVR] Trying to set thread realtime priority = 50 [18:03:44.588139 Inf MSSVR] Scheduling is at RT priority. [18:03:44.588252 Inf MSSVR] Thread priority is 50 sd m9312 Current device is "M9312" p v 5 Name Short Value Unit Access Info --------- ----- ----- ---- -------- ------------------------------------------------------ verbosity v 5 writable 1 = fatal, 2 = error, 3 = warning, 4 = info, 5 = debug p bl DIAG Name Short Value Unit Access Info ----------------- ----- ----- ---- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------- bootaddress_label bl DIAG writable MACRO11 label from *.lst file to auto boot. Empty = no autoboot p cer 23-248F1.lst Data of ROM "CONSEMU", baseaddress=io765000, wordcount=256: 765000 165000 765002 165000 765004 100000 765006 177777 765010 165006 765012 165006 765014 000500 765016 000501 765020 005003 765022 005203 765024 005103 765026 006203 765030 006303 765032 006003 765034 005703 765036 005403 765040 005303 765042 005603 765044 006103 765046 005503 765050 000303 765052 001377 765054 012702 765056 165000 765060 011203 765062 022203 765064 001377 765066 063203 765070 165203 765072 044203 765074 056203 765076 000012 765100 037203 765102 000012 765104 001777 765106 010703 765110 000123 765112 012703 765114 165122 765116 000133 765120 000113 765122 165120 765124 105767 765126 177654 765130 001377 765132 022222 765134 105722 765136 001377 765140 105712 765142 100377 765144 010701 765146 000554 765150 010701 765152 000526 765154 010400 765156 000524 765160 010600 765162 010701 765164 000521 765166 010500 765170 000517 765172 010605 765174 010701 765176 000540 765200 112702 765202 000100 765204 010703 765206 000554 765210 010706 765212 000544 765214 000302 765216 000542 765220 020227 765222 046040 765224 001450 765226 020402 765230 001001 765232 005725 765234 010204 765236 020227 765240 042440 765242 001446 765244 020227 765246 042040 765250 001432 765252 020227 765254 051415 765256 001002 765260 000005 765262 000115 765264 012704 765266 173000 765270 031427 765272 000200 765274 001323 765276 022402 765300 001405 765302 061404 765304 020427 765306 174000 765310 001731 765312 000766 765314 010701 765316 000423 765320 000005 765322 113705 765324 173024 765326 106105 765330 106105 765332 000164 765334 000010 765336 010701 765340 000412 765342 010015 765344 000713 765346 010701 765350 000406 765352 010005 765354 005004 765356 000706 765360 010506 765362 011505 765364 000675 765366 005000 765370 005002 765372 010703 765374 000453 765376 120227 765400 000015 765402 001433 765404 162702 765406 000070 765410 062702 765412 000010 765414 103357 765416 006300 765420 006300 765422 006300 765424 050200 765426 000760 765430 012702 765432 000030 765434 000261 765436 006100 765440 106102 765442 010703 765444 000435 765446 012702 765450 020206 765452 006300 765454 001403 765456 106102 765460 103774 765462 000765 765464 000302 765466 010703 765470 000423 765472 022121 765474 000161 765476 177776 765500 012702 765502 014012 765504 010703 765506 000414 765510 061702 765512 003767 765514 105002 765516 152702 765520 000015 765522 000770 765524 105737 765526 177560 765530 100375 765532 105002 765534 153702 765536 177562 765540 105737 765542 177564 765544 100375 765546 110237 765550 177566 765552 142702 765554 100200 765556 022323 765560 000163 765562 177776 765564 012705 765566 165006 765570 012702 765572 000500 765574 011503 765576 005012 765600 112512 765602 005202 765604 112512 765606 005302 765610 023512 765612 001015 765614 005202 765616 143522 765620 024542 765622 143522 765624 001010 765626 010502 765630 016505 765632 177772 765634 110532 765636 150572 765640 000000 765642 020352 765644 001407 765646 000000 765650 005723 765652 001011 765654 021605 765656 001007 765660 000203 765662 000000 765664 011206 765666 012702 765670 165650 765672 005726 765674 004312 765676 000000 765700 004362 765702 000004 765704 012705 765706 160000 765710 005037 765712 000006 765714 012737 765716 165722 765720 000004 765722 012706 765724 000502 765726 005745 765730 005003 765732 010313 765734 005723 765736 020305 765740 101774 765742 005003 765744 005413 765746 060313 765750 005723 765752 001004 765754 020305 765756 101772 765760 000164 765762 000002 765764 014304 765766 010300 765770 005006 765772 000000 765774 040460 765776 123162 Code labels: DIAG =765020 NODIAG =765144 RESTRT =765564 T1 =765020 T2 =765054 T3 =765106 T3A =765120 T3B =765122 T6 =765564 T6Z =765646 T7 =765664 T7A =765650 T7B =765654 T7Z =765676 T8 =765704 T8A =765722 T8B =765732 T8C =765744 T8D =765764 cmdboo =765314 cmddep =765336 cmdexm =765360 cmdlda =765346 cmdnxt =765354 crc16 =765776 data0 =765000 data1 =765004 data2 =765006 getoct =765366 nxtcmd =765174 nxtdpy =765160 prteol =765500 prtoct =765430 retR1 =765472 retR3 =765556 rxchar =765524 txchar =765540 verson =765774 [18:03:44.828644 Inf m9312] Code label "DIAG" resolved, auto boot PC = 765020 Name Short Value Unit Access Info ------------ ----- ------------ ---- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- consemu_file cer 23-248F1.lst writable ak6dn.com *.lst file for console emulator & diag ROM. "-" = no ROM in socket. p br1 23-756A9.lst Data of ROM "BOOTROM1", baseaddress=io773000, wordcount=64: 773000 042113 773002 000026 773004 000261 773006 012700 773010 000000 773012 012701 773014 177404 773016 010704 773020 103057 773022 000426 773024 173000 773026 000340 773030 042124 773032 000146 773034 000261 773036 012700 773040 000000 773042 012701 773044 177342 773046 010704 773050 103043 773052 010003 773054 000303 773056 010311 773060 052711 773062 004003 773064 005711 773066 100376 773070 005761 773072 177776 773074 010311 773076 000410 773100 010003 773102 000241 773104 006003 773106 006003 773110 006003 773112 006003 773114 010361 773116 000006 773120 012761 773122 177000 773124 000002 773126 052703 773130 000005 773132 010311 773134 105711 773136 100376 773140 005711 773142 100003 773144 000005 773146 000164 773150 000002 773152 042711 773154 000377 773156 005007 773160 000137 773162 165564 773164 000261 773166 012700 773170 000002 773172 000707 773174 000000 773176 124650 Code labels: common =773120 crc16 =773176 diag =773160 disk =773100 dk0d =773006 dk0n =773004 dk2d =773166 dk2n =773164 dkNb =773016 dkNr =773012 dt0d =773036 dt0n =773034 dtNb =773046 dtNr =773042 next =773030 start =773000 tape =773052 [18:03:44.887013 Inf m9312] Code label "DIAG" resolved, auto boot PC = 765020 Name Short Value Unit Access Info ------------- ----- ------------ ---- -------- ---------------------------------- bootrom1_file br1 23-756A9.lst writable ak6dn.com *.lst file for BOOT ROM1 p br2 23-751A9.lst Data of ROM "BOOTROM2", baseaddress=io773200, wordcount=64: 773200 042114 773202 000176 773204 000261 773206 012700 773210 000000 773212 012701 773214 174400 773216 010704 773220 103064 773222 000402 773224 173000 773226 000340 773230 010003 773232 000303 773234 010311 773236 012761 773240 000013 773242 000004 773244 052703 773246 000004 773250 010311 773252 105711 773254 100376 773256 105003 773260 052703 773262 000010 773264 010311 773266 105711 773270 100376 773272 016102 773274 000006 773276 042702 773300 000077 773302 005202 773304 010261 773306 000004 773310 105003 773312 052703 773314 000006 773316 010311 773320 105711 773322 100376 773324 005061 773326 000004 773330 012761 773332 177000 773334 000006 773336 105003 773340 052703 773342 000014 773344 010311 773346 105711 773350 100376 773352 005711 773354 100003 773356 000005 773360 000164 773362 000002 773364 042711 773366 000377 773370 005007 773372 000137 773374 165564 773376 171540 Code labels: crc16 =773376 diag =773372 dl0d =773206 dl0n =773204 dlNb =773216 dlNr =773212 go =773230 start =773200 [18:03:44.943550 Inf m9312] Code label "DIAG" resolved, auto boot PC = 765020 Name Short Value Unit Access Info ------------- ----- ------------ ---- -------- ---------------------------------- bootrom2_file br2 23-751A9.lst writable ak6dn.com *.lst file for BOOT ROM2 p br3 23-767A9.lst Data of ROM "BOOTROM3", baseaddress=io773400, wordcount=64: 773400 042125 773402 000176 773404 000261 773406 012700 773410 000000 773412 012701 773414 172150 773416 010704 773420 103003 773422 000404 773424 173000 773426 000340 773430 000137 773432 165564 773434 010021 773436 012705 773440 004000 773442 010703 773444 100000 773446 002404 773450 000000 773452 000001 773454 000011 773456 001041 773460 005711 773462 100753 773464 031105 773466 001774 773470 012311 773472 006305 773474 100371 773476 005002 773500 005022 773502 020227 773504 002404 773506 001374 773510 010237 773512 001064 773514 112337 773516 001100 773520 111337 773522 001105 773524 010037 773526 001074 773530 012722 773532 001004 773534 010522 773536 012722 773540 001070 773542 010522 773544 016102 773546 177776 773550 005737 773552 002406 773554 100775 773556 105737 773560 001016 773562 001313 773564 105723 773566 001743 773570 005041 773572 005007 773574 000000 773576 032074 Code labels: crc16 =773576 diag =773430 du0d =773406 du0n =773404 duNb =773416 duNr =773412 go =773434 start =773400 [18:03:45.020951 Inf m9312] Code label "DIAG" resolved, auto boot PC = 765020 Name Short Value Unit Access Info ------------- ----- ------------ ---- -------- ---------------------------------- bootrom3_file br3 23-767A9.lst writable ak6dn.com *.lst file for BOOT ROM3 p Parameters of device M9312: Name Short Value Unit Access Info ----------------- ----- ------------ ---- --------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- name name M9312 read only Unique identifier of device type type m9312_c read only Type enabled en 0 read only device installed and ready to use? emulation_speed es 1 writable 1 = original speed, > 1: faster verbosity v 5 writable 1 = fatal, 2 = error, 3 = warning, 4 = info, 5 = debug base_addr addr 773024 writable controller base address in IO page slot sl 31 writable backplane slot #, interrupt priority within one level, 0 = next to CPU intr_vector iv 000 writable interrupt vector address intr_level il 0 writable interrupt bus request level: 4,5,6,7 consemu_file cer 23-248F1.lst writable ak6dn.com *.lst file for console emulator & diag ROM. "-" = no ROM in socket. bootrom1_file br1 23-756A9.lst writable ak6dn.com *.lst file for BOOT ROM1 bootrom2_file br2 23-751A9.lst writable ak6dn.com *.lst file for BOOT ROM2 bootrom3_file br3 23-767A9.lst writable ak6dn.com *.lst file for BOOT ROM3 bootrom4_file br4 writable ak6dn.com *.lst file for BOOT ROM4 bootaddress_label bl DIAG writable MACRO11 label from *.lst file to auto boot. Empty = no autoboot bootaddress_info bi 765020 read only resolved bootaddress => power-on PC en m9312 [18:03:45.022451 Inf QUNAPT] QUnibusAdapter: Registering device M9312 pwr [18:03:45.025646 Inf m9312] M9312::worker(0) started <<< Emulating M9312 <<< You should see console emulators "@" prompt now <<< Press ENTER to continue. dis m9312 [18:03:48.661024 Inf QUNAPT] QUnibusAdapter: UnRegistering device M9312. [18:03:48.685331 Inf m9312] M9312::worker(0) terminated. p bl dk0n [18:03:48.764858 Inf m9312] Code label "dk0n" resolved, auto boot PC = 773004 Name Short Value Unit Access Info ----------------- ----- ----- ---- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------- bootaddress_label bl dk0n writable MACRO11 label from *.lst file to auto boot. Empty = no autoboot en m9312 [18:03:48.777173 Inf QUNAPT] QUnibusAdapter: Registering device M9312 en rk [18:03:48.789362 Inf QUNAPT] QUnibusAdapter: Registering device rk en rk0 [18:03:48.793878 Inf m9312] M9312::worker(0) started [18:03:48.799199 Inf rk] rk::worker(0) started [18:03:48.802771 Inf rk] Trying to set thread realtime priority = 50 [18:03:48.805060 Inf rk] Scheduling is at RT priority. [18:03:48.805287 Inf rk] Thread priority is 50 sd rk0 Current device is "rk0" Controller base address = io777400 p emulation_speed 10 [18:03:48.813431 Inf rk0] rk0::worker(0) started Name Short Value Unit Access Info --------------- ----- ----- ---- -------- ------------------------------- emulation_speed es 10 writable 1 = original speed, > 1: faster p runstopbutton 0 Device "rk0" has no parameter "runstopbutton". p powerswitch 1 Device "rk0" has no parameter "powerswitch". p image RTRKV4.00 Name Short Value Unit Access Info ----- ----- --------- ---- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ image img RTRKV4.00 writable Path to binary image file. Empty to detach. ".gz" archive also searched. p shared_filesystem RT11 Name Short Value Unit Access Info ----------------- ----- ----- ---- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------- shared_filesystem shfs RT11 writable Encode shared dir in this file system (empty, RT11, XXDP). p shared_dir RTRKV4_shared_rk0 [18:03:48.859922 WRN rk0] TODO: drive size (trunc!) and unitno may change? Propagate to shared image! demo: /root/10.02_devices/2_src/sharedfilesystem/filesystem_rt11.cpp:325: virtual void sharedfilesystem::filesystem_rt11_c::init(): Assertion `image_partition->size >= layout_info.block_count * layout_info.block_size' failed. ./RTRKV4_shared.sh: line 3: 2212 Aborted ~/10.03_app_demo/4_deploy/demo --verbose --cmdfile RTRKV4_shared.cmd $* root@ubws1:~#