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Ready for a wind up (as in twist,not breeze)

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Sep 23, 2009, 9:17:59 AM9/23/09
If you all promise not to tell Dawlish ,here is Joe's latest missive,
Who want's to make a note of his winter forecast ?



Sep 23, 2009, 9:41:33 AM9/23/09
On Sep 23, 10:17 am, "ronaldbutton" <> wrote:
> If you all promise not to tell Dawlish ,here is Joe's latest missive,
> Who want's to make a note of his winter forecast ?
> RonB

Already noted it and commented upon it Ron. I can assure you there are
far greater critics of Joe Bastrdi than I around. At least I
acknowledge his meteorology.

BTW The forecast is no more than a guess. All three months with below
average temps in the UK is unlikely to come true, but there's always a
possibility and boy(!) does it look good to denialists (why? This is a
tiny area of the globe??). It looks good to snow lovers like me too. I
quite like the promise of cold and snow!

If it does come true he'll be the greatest forecaster of all time, of
course (is already to some who don't understand outcome success
percentages, or don't set any store by them (which would make them
completely ignorant of forecasting prowess), but it won't change the
fact that this is a guess, based solely on what he would like to come
true and what would benefit his attention-seeking ego no end. He has
forecast cold again and again in British winters over the last few
years; all forgotten now, of course. One day he's bound to get it
right, as a warming trend does not preclude cold winters in the UK; it
just makes one less likely.

On another thread, I've talked about the "I told you so" mentality of
denialists. Joe's now praying for a cold winter in Europe - but if
there isn't one, I can assure you that it won't change the minds of
his anti GW "fans" (idolatrists, one on here!) and it won't stop him
forecasting another cold one next year. You know, thinking about it,
that's exactly what I wrote when he issued his UK forecast for last
year. *>)). He will get it right one time, promise you.

The rest of the story is a rant and unworthy of comment from me.

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