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Parade of faggots in Moscow get a good kicking

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Michael McCann

27.05.2006, 14:45:3227.05.06

The first Gay Rights march held in Moscow has been broken up by
Russian police, militant Orthodox Christians and neo-fascists.

A group of about 40 marchers, led by 28-year-old Nikolia Alexeyev,
planned to lay flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The tomb is
symbolic of the World War Two struggle against fascism.

27.05.2006, 18:32:3827.05.06
A faggot is "a ball or roll of chopped pork and liver mixed with
breadcrumbs and herbs eaten fried or baked"
Perhaps you mean that gay men were beaten up by the Russian police,who
were men dressed in leather with short hair and big muscles.

When I was a student we had a fair number of American visting
students,the dining room was always full of laughter when faggots
followed by spotted dick was on the menu.

I wonder what percentage of the dead Russian soldiers had homosexual

Die Nachricht wurde gelöscht

Chris X

28.05.2006, 04:18:2828.05.06

"Dave" <da...@> wrote in message

> On 27 May 2006 15:32:38 -0700, wrote:
>>A faggot is "a ball or roll of chopped pork and liver mixed with
>>breadcrumbs and herbs eaten fried or baked"
>>Perhaps you mean that gay men were beaten up by the Russian police,who
>>were men dressed in leather with short hair and big muscles.
> Homosexuals appropriated the word "Gay" so why complain when others re-use
> the
> word "faggot".

I bet Fraudelard could tell us all about the chopped liver. Doubt he'd be
so keen on the chopped pork, though ;))

Freddie Freeloader

28.05.2006, 06:29:0628.05.06
It's not gays that need smacking up, it's Russians. So no worries!


28.05.2006, 10:44:4828.05.06
Here is a Video:
Scenes from the streets of Moscow

"Asterix" <> wrote in message
> Aren't faggots supposed to be burned?
> Did someone forget the Molotov Cocktails for the celebrations?
> Glad to see that even in Russia, sensible people there do not want to
> create another Sodom & Gomorrah as is now in Canada, Usa and Britain!!

Revolutionary Ideas

28.05.2006, 23:02:3528.05.06

"Asterix" <> wrote in message

> Aren't faggots supposed to be burned?
> Did someone forget the Molotov Cocktails for the celebrations?
> Glad to see that even in Russia, sensible people there do not want to
> create another Sodom & Gomorrah as is now in Canada, Usa and Britain!!

Hetero swine, hetero pervert, hetero fornicator, hetero terrorist you better
kill yourself by thrusting your filthy head into the cunts of your
fornicating whores and by eating their shit and drinking their piss. All
hetero bandits like you should be nuked.

Heterosexual Terrorism and Heterosexual Dictatorship

Heterosexual people are terrorists. They have always attacked and agressed
people. They have always molested, bullied and criticised others. When the
others criticise them, they threaten them. They want to silence them. They
do not accept criticism. They claim the right and the freedom to attack and
criticise others but they refuse others this same right to criticise them.

Heterosexual people terrorize others by violence and repression. They
terrorize people also by passing discriminatory laws against others. This
heterosexual terrorism and dictatorship have been legalised and
institutionalized. There is something common in heterosexual people,
terrorists and religious extremists and fanatics. Their psychologies are
more or less the same.

Heterosexual people are like dictators and religious fanatics. They do not
accept that people question and criticise them. They are tyrannical. They
want to make people believe that heterosexuality cannot be questionned,
analyzed, criticised and challenged. This shows that heterosexuals are

Heterosexual people have oppressed others for centuries and if we suggest
making them feel for only a week (or even a day) what they have done to
others, they rant and threaten with violence. This confirms the terrorist
nature and mentality of heterosexual people. They are the source of all
evils in this world. The only solution is to remove them from the world.
All hetero bandits, hetero pigs, hetero fornicators, hetero perverts, hetero
and hetero murderers should be condemned to death. The world will be a
better place without those hetero shit.

Heterosexual people are terrorists. They like to resort to violence. They
don't care about children. They just use children as an arm and a shield to
justify and defend their lustful and lascivious heterosexual desires.

All dictators and terrorists are heterosexual.

The talibans who were dictatorial and who tortured women were also
heterosexual. All those black dictators of african origin are heterosexual.

Heterosexuals have always been on the offensive. They have always attacked
others without good arguments. Their attacks are based on lies, violence,
vulgarity and injustice. Gays and other groups of people have always
been on the defensive. This is why heterosexuals have become arrogant and
tyrannical. Gays and other groups of people should strike back more often.
They should counter attack They should be more on the offensive also. In
fact it is heterosexuals who have not respected others. They have oppressed
others. The others have the right to strike back. Heterosexuals have always
acted like terrorists. This is Heterosexual Terrorism. They should be

Five articles are reproduced below to show how heterosexuals are murderous,
abnormal, perverted, sinful and dirty.

Heterosexuals are beasts and filthy

Heterosexuals like to criticise others when they have themselves many more
faults, defects, vices and perversions.

Heterosexuals are monsters. In 1999, in a few days heterosexuals committed
many monstrous crimes. In Egypt a man stabbed the lover of his wife 300
times and then cut his head. In Israel a man set fire to the house of his
wife, killing his wife and his children. In atlanta, USA a man killed his
wife and children and then killed 9 other people.
Heterosexuals are beasts. Heterosexuality is bestiality.

Some time ago, in belgium, a pastor and his daughter with whom he had
an incestuous relationship killed 10 people. 5 were members of their
family. The two heterosexuals got rid of their victims by dissolving their
bodies in acid. The heterosexual man was a pastor and a theology teacher.

In Gloucester, Great Britain, frederick and rosemary West who were
husband and wife, killed and buried 18 persons. Some were their children.

In the eighties, a heterosexual man in california raped, tortured and
killed more than 15 women. the man took sadistic pleasures in seeing the
women suffered. One of his methods was to cut them with an electric saw.
The man took pleasure in seeing the women shouting in terrible pain.

Several years ago in South America (Colombia) a heterosexual man raped
and killed more than 100 girls.

In France the parents of a 5 year old boy martyrized the little boy
for years. They beated him and imprisoned him in a little cage. They took
pleasure in seeing the little boy suffered.

A few years ago in France a Head of school killed the prostitute he was
frequenting because the prostitute no longer wanted him.

There are many other cases of heterosexual atrocities.

Every week (sometimes every day) in the media of the world you can read and
hear about heinous crimes committed by heterosexuals.

Heterosexuals like to brag and threaten people about many things. Then for
offences and crimes they must be punished more severely because they
have no extenuating circumstances.

There are only three possibilities for them. Either they are shut in
psychiatric hospitals or they are shut in prisons or they are executed.

It is not because many parents are heterosexual that they are perfect. Many
parents and heterosexuals want only to satisfy their vicious desires.
Children are just the result of their vices. It is not that because
something is necessary that it is perfect. Excrement is necessary and it is
not perfect. Heterosexuals are like excrement. They are not perfect, they
are disgusting and wicked.

Heterosexuality is no longer necessary to have children. Artificial
Insemination is replacing it.

Some heterosexuals say that they have to fornicate to ensure the survival
of humankind. Their argument does not convince at all. First we do not need
so many children on this earth. On the contrary it will be better if they
stop copulating and fornicating. There will be less vices and less problems
caused by heterosexuals and overpopulation. If those heterosexuals stop
copulating and do not have children we will not regret at all. We will
rejoice because there will be less problems and more resources available
for people existing on earth. It is better to have quality than quantity,
that is, it is better to have fewer people who are better and having a
better quality of life than having too many people who are bad and who
degrade the quality of life.
Secondly to have children, heterosexuals do not need to have so many
copulations. They have thousands times more copulations than necessary. It
is as if an employee is asking thousands times more money for the real
value of a job or a seller is making people pay thousands times more than
real value of an article.

If those heterosexuals stop copulating the world will be a better place.
The world do not need those type of people. There are people more than
necessary on this earth. There are also enough smart people on this earth.
problems (crimes, vices, theft, exploitation, etc) caused by heterosexuals
will disappear. So we say, let them stop copulating and having children.

Heterosexuals are the greatest killers and the greatest perverts

Heterosexuals are the greatest killers. Since the beginning of the world
heterosexuals have killed as many as the increase in population at a
particular period and sometimes much more. For example in 1970 there were 4
billions people. Now there are 6 billions people. In 30 years the population
has increased by 2 billions. In the same period heterosexuals have killed
approximately the same number of people.

From 1970 to 1999 an average of 50 millions abortions were perpetrated each
year by heterosexuals (Data from United Nations and World Health
Organization). This means that in 30 yrs, 50x30=1500 millions abortions
have been committed. Heterosexuals are guilty of 1.5 billions abortions in
period of time. Heterosexuals are guilty of this holocaust and genocide of
children. Heterosexuals are worst than the Nazis.

Heterosexuals committed about 150 crimes per year per million people. From
1970 to 1999 the average world population was 5 billions, that is 5000
millions people. Therefore each year heterosexuals committed
5000x150=750000 crimes. For 30 years they committed 30x750000=22,500,000

During that period heterosexuals killed also about 100 millions people in
wars (soldiers and civil population).

During that period heterosexuals also killed about 100 millions people by
various diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, AIDS, tuberculosis,
leprosy, etc. In the world 85% of AIDS are caused and transmitted by
heterosexuals. AIDS is a heterosexual disease. AIDS means heterosexuality.

During that period heterosexuals have killed and maimed about 100 millions
children through wars, molestation, child batterings, ill treatment,
lack of care and abandonment. Heterosexuals had also killed and are still
millions of children in the bellies of their mothers by their furious and
savage copulations.

During that period heterosexuals have killed about 1,825 millions people,
that is, 1.825 billions (by abortions+crimes+wars+diseases+child batterings
and lack of care,etc).

Heterosexuals are therefore the greatest killers, the greatest murderers,
the greatest perverts and the greatest monsters.
Heterosexuals are the most dangerous people.

Shame on heterosexuals.

Heterosexuals say they give life to babies but they must remember that for
every person alive, they have killed another person. They give life but at
what cost. The cost is violence, crimes, vices, perversions, wars,
agressions and sins. The price of their life giving is very high. They must
also remember that most heterosexuals want only to satisfy their sexual and
vicious desires. Children are just the consequences. Heterosexuals have
nothing to be proud about having children. On the contrary they should be
ashamed of themselves for all the negative and catastrophic effects of
their selfish and vicious copulations and fornications.

Heterosexuals commit crimes against children and against humanity

Heterosexuals are perverted people. They are also child abusers and
molesters. They have perpetrated almost all of the crimes against children
and against humanity. Throughout history they have committed millions of
crimes against children. Today too they commit thousands of crimes against
children. Thousands more go unnoticed since they are not reported to the
police or the press. They have used children only for their own interests.

The children have not asked to be born. Therefore the parents have more
responsibility and duty towards the children than the children towards
their parents. The parents say they do things for the children. The children
do things for their parents. They give meaning to their lives, they
strengthen the relationships of the parents and they give the parents a
justification to indulge in sex. Often too the children look after the
parents when they get old. The parents have obtained more than they have
given. They have been paid back more than enough.
In spite of this, heterosexuals have beaten and ill-treated children for

They are also responsible of child labour. Many heterosexuals
want only to satisfy their sexual desires without caring about the
consequences. They have caused 300 millions children to be born in
miserable and dangerous conditions. They have put these children to slavery.
figures in million on child labour by United Nations are thus:

Brazil : 25 millions
Colombia : 3 M
Mexico : 10 M Pakistan : 3 M
United States : 1 M Philippines : 3.5 M
Italy : 0.5 M India : 50 M
Thailand : 3 M

and many millions in other countries also.

Battered children most of the times happen in families and are caused by
heterosexuals. The parents are not punished sufficiently. Here is a heart
breaking case among thousands others:

Police detective breaks down in child abuse case

A couple tied their son to a door for two years because he was not born a
girl, a court heard. Police found the four year old boy and his two year old
brother with
extensive injuries in a house in suburban Sydney, police woman Lola Scott
told the court.

The parents, Donald Cappeti, 39, and his wife Robyn, 38, face eight
charges of grievous bodily harm. The prosecution said they were the worst
child abusers Australia had seen.

Scott wept as she told a preliminary hearing how David Capetti, who
sufferered from gangrene in one foot, was tied to a door for two years as
punishment for not being born a girl. He weighed only 25 lbs and had severe
rope burns on his body, she said.

David and his brother Darren had not been bathed for two months and were
fed only occasionally. The younger child had extensive burns, Scott added.
The parents will appear in court again in September 12. Magistrate John
Hiatt refused bail, saying the offences were "too horrific".

Heterosexuals are liars and lascivious

Heterosexuals hide themselves behind children. Heterosexuals always use
children as pretext. In the past they had 10 to 20 children. If they had
really wanted all those children, they should continue to have 20 children.
But nowadays contraceptives exist and they have only 1 to 3 children. This
is proof that they place the satisfaction of their desires before
everything. Heterosexuals are uncontrollable. If contraceptives do not
exist, they would still have 20 children, with all the disastrous
consequences for the family, society, the country and nature.

Moreover, all those sexual relationships are not necessary. To have 3
children only about 10 copulations are sufficient. But heterosexual couples
have on average 4000 copulations in their lives. This means that the 3990
relationships are not necessary. They use children to justify them. They
hide themselves behind children.

Artificial Insemination must be popularized. All the companies
manufacturing contraceptives will be converted into Artificial Insemination
clinics. Then the sexual act will be a thing of the past, just as the
washing machine is replacing more and more washing by hand.

Heterosexuals are uncontrollable (compulsive desire - a mental illness).
They are also egoist, irresponsible, vicious and lascivious. They commit
millions of abortions which are premeditated crimes. They are thus

The ugliness of heterosexuality

The perversities of heterosexual people

When the woman becomes a wheelbarrow
The man stands between the legs of the woman and holds her legs with his
hands. The woman has her head down with her hands on the floor. The woman
ressembles a wheelbarrow that the man is going to push. As the woman moves
in front with her hands, the man follows her and strikes her with his penis
in her hole. Both get excited viciously and perversely. The man pushes the
woman-wheelbarrow. Now and then they stop and the man strikes the woman more
furiously and viciously with his penis in her hole. When the woman moves
with her hands on the floor, the man follows her. When the man pushes the
woman, she moves by making steps with her hands. After being perversely
satisfied, they stop. From time to time they perform this vicious sexuality.

This is only one example of the perversities of heterosexuals.

Heterosexuals are the greatest fuckers and the most vicious and dirty. They
fuck women in front, at the back, at the top (mouth), in the middle (between
breasts). They are cunt lickers, ass lickers, shit eater and urine drinker.
Their houses are like brothels and toilets. Their houses are stinky of shit
and urine. They have turned the world into brothels.
They are also the greatest child abusers and the greatest rapists. They are
also the greatest murderers. They commit almost all abortions which are
premeditated crimes. They fill the world with their shit and their filth.
Almost all prostitutes and brothels are heterosexual ones.
Their riches and their comfort are based greatly on theft, exploitation and

Heterosexuality is bestiality
Heterosexuals are violent, vicious, criminal, depraved
Heterosexuals are perverted
Heterosexuals are thieves
Heterosexuals are fornicators
Heterosexuals are rapists
Heterosexuals are vampires. They like to bite their partners like vampires.
Heterosexuals are sinners. They commit all sorts of sins.
Heterosexuals are cunt lickers
Heterosexuals are ass lickers
Heterosexual men are hungry of women. They want to devour women.
Heterosexual men want to stab women between their legs with their penises.
Heterosexuals are corrupting and rotting the world.
Heterosexuality is despicable and repulsive.
Heterosexuality is beastly and sick.
Heterosexuals are bestial
Heterosexuality is bestiality
Heterosexuals are disgusting and nauseating.
Their lifestyles are disgusting, nauseating and repulsive.

Heterosexual men are so vicious on women's breasts and in their vaginas that
they cause breast and uterine cancers in women.

Heterosexuals are abominable
Heterosexuals will be condemned to hell

Artificial Insemination Clinics should be encouraged to be set up.
Artificial Insemination will replace heterosexuality.

> On Sat, 27 May 2006 19:45:32 +0100, Michael McCann <m1cky@(((0))).net
> > wrote:

Revolutionary Ideas

28.05.2006, 23:05:3228.05.06

"Asterix" <> wrote in message
> Aren't faggots supposed to be burned?
> Did someone forget the Molotov Cocktails for the celebrations?
> Glad to see that even in Russia, sensible people there do not want to
> create another Sodom & Gomorrah as is now in Canada, Usa and Britain!!
Hetero swine, hetero pervert, hetero fornicator, hetero terrorist you better
kill yourself by thrusting your filthy head into the cunts of your
fornicating whores and by eating their shit and drinking their piss. All
hetero bandits like you should be nuked.

Heterosexuals Burn in Hell

God hates heterosexuals

God destroys the heterosexual brothels

Heterosexuals want only to fornicate. They are motivated by vice, lust and

perversion. Their houses are like brothels. Their houses are filthy. God is

angry with them. That's why God had destroyed those heterosexual brothels.

Two of his means to punish heterosexuals are by earthquakes and floods.

In the last century all earthquakes and floods occurred in countries and

regions where heterosexuality was predominant. This shows that God punishes

heterosexuals for their vice, lust, perversion and wickedness.

In future, God will destroy many more heterosexual brothels by earthquakes

and other methods. Another method God uses to punish heterosexuals is by

cancer. Most people afflicted by cancer are heterosexual.

Disgust of heterosexuality

Without copulation everything falls down

A judge has granted divorce to a woman because her husband is impotent.

This means that without copulation everything falls down. All feelings of

heterosexuals depend only on sex. Without copulation everything turns to

ashes. Therefore heterosexual relationships are like prostitution. In fact

heterosexuals are disgusting. They think only of fornicating. They use

children to hide their vices and perversions.

In holy books it is said that wars and earthquakes are punishments from

God. God punishes mankind by wars and earthquakes. Why? Because

heterosexuals have turned this world into a great brothel with millions of

smaller brothels in it. God makes wars to destroy all those heterosexual

brothels. Examples: Kosovo, Turkey, Chechnya, Vietnam, Africa, etc.

Heterosexuals are sex addicts and sexoholic (like alcoholic). With viagra

they will go via grave - to hell.

God punishes heterosexuals

Somebody says that you should not speak in God's name. Heterosexuals like

to speak in God's name. They say that God dislikes homosexuality. God will

condemn them for saying wrong things in his name. Jesus Christ never talked

about homosexuality. He told people to love one another, like gays are

doing. Jesus Christ himself was never interested in women sexually. He wept

for Lazarus and he said about St. John that he was the disciple he loved.

Jesus loves his father whereas male heterosexuals dislike their fathers.

Male heterosexuals are often slaves of women. Jesus Christ was probably gay

according to his behavior and feelings. He condemned heterosexuals many

times. He said that misfortunes would fall not only on them but also on

their children.

Some people like to cite St. Paul. But St. Paul was not a good man. He

was a bad man. He was a violent man. He was a homophobe and full of hate. He

was probably an ugly man as most homophobes are. After he had a vision of

Christ he began to change. It was after undergoing many sufferings and dying

for Christ that he became a "saint". The word of St. Paul cannot be taken as

God's word because on earth he was not good enough to enter Heaven. He had

to die for God to expiate his sins first. He too was a sinner as all

heterosexuals are. Heterosexuals are the descendants of Adam and Eve who

were sinners and of Cain, the murderer and sinner. That was why Adam and Eve

were expelled from paradise. Their sinful and criminal genes have been

transmitted to heterosexuals of today. Therefore in heterosexuals there are

sinful and criminal genes.

In Sodom and Gomorrah there were many more heterosexuals. God had

destroyed the two towns because of the perversions and wickedness of

heterosexuals. They committed crimes, rapes, sadisms, thefts, vices,

idolatry, etc. God had said that he would not destroy those town if there

were some good persons. But there were not and most of those bad people

were heterosexuals. Again in the period of Noah God punished heterosexuals

by the flood.

God punishes heterosexuals by wars also. In the times of Jesus almost all

of the inhabitants of Jerusalem were heterosexuals. Nevertheless Jesus

prophesized its destruction. In the bible St. Luke and others write about

what Jesus said:

"When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then you will know that it

will soon be destroyed. .....For those will be "The days of Punishment". How

terrible it will be in those days for pregnant women and for mothers with

little babies! Terrible distress will come upon this land and God's

punishment will fall on this people. Some will be killed by the sword, and

others will be taken as prisoners to all countries; and the heathen will

trample over Jerusalem until their time is up."

History recorded that it happened in 70 A.D and 75,000 Jews were killed by

the Romans in 5 days. Jerusalem was destroyed.

In the days of the prophet Jeremia, i.e, 600 B.C, Jerusalem was inhabited

by heterosexuals. God, through Jeremia, had warned them of their wickedness.

They had not changed and Jerusalem was destroyed and burnt by the

Babylonians in 583 B.C. The Jews were taken as prisoners to Babylon. They

had to walk a very long distance (1500 kms), many in chains. It was after 40

years that they were liberated.

God does not like heterosexuality. Saint John in his Revelation (14)

writes "The 144,000 people stood before the throne; they were singing a new

song, which only they could learn. They are the only ones who have been

redeemed. They are the men who have kept themselves pure by not having

sexual relations with women." Saint John is the spokesman of God. He

considers heterosexuality as dirty, impure and sinful. He considers

heterosexuality as something that corrupts and soils men and women

physically, morally and spiritually. Saint John is a greater saint than Saul

(whom christians call st. Paul). Saint John is the only apostle who did not

die in a violent way. About Saint John, Jesus Christ replied to Peter "If I

wish to keep him alive till I return to judge the world, it's not your

business." This shows how Jesus Christ loves Saint John.

Moreover, the Virgin Mary appeared many times and warned mankind (mostly

heterosexuals) that God would punish them by wars and earthquakes if they

remain wicked and vicious, if they run after material wealth without caring

for others.

God considers heterosexuals as sinners. He told them that it was very

difficult to enter Heaven. God does not like heterosexuality. That was why

Saint Mary remained a Virgin.

> On Sat, 27 May 2006 19:45:32 +0100, Michael McCann <m1cky@(((0))).net
> > wrote:

Revolutionary Ideas

28.05.2006, 23:07:2228.05.06

"Asterix" <> wrote in message
> Aren't faggots supposed to be burned?
> Did someone forget the Molotov Cocktails for the celebrations?
> Glad to see that even in Russia, sensible people there do not want to
> create another Sodom & Gomorrah as is now in Canada, Usa and Britain!!
Hetero swine, hetero pervert, hetero fornicator, hetero terrorist you better
kill yourself by thrusting your filthy head into the cunts of your
fornicating whores and by eating their shit and drinking their piss. All
hetero bandits like you should be nuked.

Let Heterosexuals Die from Calamities

African and islamic countries are homophobic. So when AIDS, earthquakes,
wars and other calamities strike them, don't help them. Let them die. Let
heteros die because by helping them, you will help your enemies and your
oppressors to oppress you more. You will save your oppressors and give them
the chance to attack and oppress you more and again. Therefore don't help
them. Let heteros die.

More than 90% of AIDS cases in the world are heterosexual ones. Let heteros
die of AIDS. Let AIDS remove those hetero viruses and hetero pests. AIDS,
earthquakes and other calamities are the anti-viruses to eliminate and
reduce the heterosexual viruses and heterosexual pests. Let those hetero
fornicators get destroyed. They would otherwise spread their filth in the

Let women chain heterosexual men, lead them like animals, whip them and
strike them with their needle heel shoes. Let women urinate and defecate on
heterosexual men. They will like it because it is in the nature of
heterosexual men to live under women's cunts. For women's cunts they will be
on their knees and crawl like an animal.

Countries and States that oppress gays are terrorist states. They should be
attacked like Afghanistan and Irak. They have no right to exist in a modern
civilized world. The Vatican, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe, Namibia,
Nigeria, Malaysia, Poland, etc are terrorist states. They deserve the
treatment reserved for terrorist states.

Hetero pervert, you are rotting the world. All hetero bandits, hetero
terrorists and hetero fornicators should be nuked. The world will be better
without those hetero shit and hetero pests.

> On Sat, 27 May 2006 19:45:32 +0100, Michael McCann <m1cky@(((0))).net
> > wrote:

Revolutionary Ideas

28.05.2006, 23:27:5728.05.06

"Asterix" <> wrote in message
> Aren't faggots supposed to be burned?
> Did someone forget the Molotov Cocktails for the celebrations?
> Glad to see that even in Russia, sensible people there do not want to
> create another Sodom & Gomorrah as is now in Canada, Usa and Britain!!

Hetero fornicator, hetero terrorist, you have been unmasked. FBI, CIA, NSA,
Interpol, Scotland Yard have detected and blacklisted you because you are a
Your internet service provider is "Shaw Residential Internet". You are
posting from Canada or thru the canadian ISP.

> On Sat, 27 May 2006 19:45:32 +0100, Michael McCann <m1cky@(((0))).net
> > wrote:


28.05.2006, 14:45:3728.05.06
On Sun, 28 May 2006 15:38:31 GMT, "Daz" <> wrote:
>"Unicorn" <> wrote in message

>> Here is a Video:
>> Scenes from the streets of Moscow

>> "Asterix" <> wrote in message
>>> Aren't faggots supposed to be burned?
>>> Did someone forget the Molotov Cocktails for the celebrations?

>Can you imagine Asterix as president of the USA? He'd probably extend the
>death penalty to include puffs.

A hell of a good idea.
I should have thought of it before you did.


28.05.2006, 14:46:2028.05.06
On Sun, 28 May 2006 15:38:31 GMT, "Daz" <> wrote:
>"Unicorn" <> wrote in message
>> Here is a Video:
>> Scenes from the streets of Moscow

>> "Asterix" <> wrote in message
>>> Aren't faggots supposed to be burned?
>>> Did someone forget the Molotov Cocktails for the celebrations?

>Can you imagine Asterix as president of the USA? He'd probably extend the

>death penalty to include puffs.

A hell of a good idea.
I should have thought of it before you did.

>>> Glad to see that even in Russia, sensible people there do not want to

Mr Q. Z. Diablo

28.05.2006, 16:26:4528.05.06
On 2006-05-29 13:02:35 +1000, "Revolutionary Ideas"
<> said:

> "Asterix" <> wrote in message
>> Aren't faggots supposed to be burned?
>> Did someone forget the Molotov Cocktails for the celebrations?
>> Glad to see that even in Russia, sensible people there do not want to
>> create another Sodom & Gomorrah as is now in Canada, Usa and Britain!!
> Hetero swine, hetero pervert, hetero fornicator, hetero terrorist you better
> kill yourself by thrusting your filthy head into the cunts of your
> fornicating whores and by eating their shit and drinking their piss. All
> hetero bandits like you should be nuked.

[snip remaining lines of santorum]


Looks like Grosvenor has met his perfect match!

Mr Q. Z. D.


02.06.2006, 01:22:0102.06.06

"Asterix" <> wrote in message

> On Sun, 28 May 2006 15:38:31 GMT, "Daz" <> wrote:
>>"Unicorn" <> wrote in message
>>> Here is a Video:
>>> Scenes from the streets of Moscow
>>> "Asterix" <> wrote in message
>>>> Aren't faggots supposed to be burned?
>>>> Did someone forget the Molotov Cocktails for the celebrations?
>>Can you imagine Asterix as president of the USA? He'd probably extend the
>>death penalty to include puffs.
> A hell of a good idea.
> I should have thought of it before you did.

I would bet you did, old son.


Proposition 13

29.05.2007, 15:46:0229.05.07
Aren't faggots supposed to be burned?
Did someone forget the Molotov Cocktails for the celebrations?

Glad to see that even in Russia, sensible people there do not want to create

another Sodom & Gomorrah as is now in Canada, Usa and Britain!!

On Sat, 27 May 2006 19:45:32 +0100, Michael McCann <m1cky@(((0))).net > wrote:


Here is a Video:


30.05.2007, 23:11:4430.05.07
time for u to come out of the closet prop 13.

"Proposition 13" <> wrote in message

Greg Carver

06.08.2007, 16:15:0206.08.07
Aren't faggots supposed to be burned?
Did someone forget the Molotov Cocktails for the celebrations?

Glad to see that even in Russia, sensible people there do not want to create
another Sodom & Gomorrah as is now in Canada, Usa and Britain!!

On Sat, 27 May 2006 19:45:32 +0100, Michael McCann <m1cky@(((0))).net > wrote:


Here is a Video:


07.08.2007, 00:52:3807.08.07

"Greg Carver" <> wrote in message

> Aren't faggots supposed to be burned?
> Did someone forget the Molotov Cocktails for the celebrations?
> Glad to see that even in Russia, sensible people there do not want to
> create
> another Sodom & Gomorrah as is now in Canada, Usa and Britain!!

you mention sodom and gomorrah. don't you believe that since God created
man, God also created homos? didn't Christ say that all men are created

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