P1 Version 1.00 Hiroshi Seo http://www.aerialline.com/ Chapter 9 Revolutionary Japanese Input Method Kaname The world's first? Ubuntu school love comedy. Ubunchu! First publication: Ubuntu Magazine Japan ASCII Media Works http://ubuntu.asciimw.jp/ P2 [AKANE] Kanamechin? [MASATO] Kyougoku Kaname-chan? [RISA] Yes [RISA] She just switched over [RISA] To Ubunchu [MASATO] She'll switch back soon enou- ouch! [AKANE] Why did she switch? [AKANE] She's in the literature club, right? [RISA] Yeah, you see [RISA] She bought a second hand computer for taking notes, but it didn't have an OS installed [RISA] She didn't know what to do, so I recommended it to her [AKANE] (Akane) Good job! [MASATO] (Masato) Why would you do that?! [RISA] What's wrong? P3 [AKANE] Kaname-chan is such a quiet and refined person [AKANE] The very definition of a humanities girl, you know? [AKANE] To think that the day would come when even a perfectly normal girl like her can use Linux... [AKANE] It warms my heart [AKANE] I'll finally stop being a weirdo [MASATO] Weirdo [SFX] footsteps approaching at a run [SFX] SLAM [AKANE] Ka- Kanamechin? [AKANE] Risa-tan... [AKANE] This OS... P4 [AKANE] WHY THE HELL WON'T IT LET ME WRITE [AKANE] IN JAPANESE?! [AKANE] My carefully composed sentences will scatter on the wind before I'll even get the chance to write them down! [NOTE: not entirely sure about this, someone have a look; also, should probably rewrite to sound more poetic] [AKANE] (NOOOOO!) [AKANE] Mph [AKANE] (nom nom) [AKANE] Oh- oh no! [AKANE] I'm so sorry! [RISA] (Don't worry, happens all the time!) [AKANE] Please forgive my rude outburst! [AKANE] I sometimes lose control when my writing is involved [AKANE] A "normal girl"... [MASATO] Warms your heart, right? P5 [AKANE] Hmm... Japanese locale is properly set up [AKANE] (Don't worry) [AKANE] It's not like you can't write at all [AKANE] Anthy, the default Japanese input method [AKANE] Doesn't cut it I guess [KANAME] It's called [KANAME] Anthy? [RISA] Let me explain! [RISA] Sharing the name of a character from some anime or another [ANTHY] Are these the kanji you wanted? [RISA] Anthy takes the kana you type and turns them into the kanji you want to use! [RISA] It's Ubunchu's very own kana-to-kanji professor! [RISA] ...is what I got out of our last study meetup (Absolute Destiny Apocalypse) [MASSIVE TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: Absolute Destiny Apocalypse, or Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku, is the battle theme of the main character from Revolutionary Girl Utena. The girl in the background is a parody of the character Anthy from the very same anime who, incidentally, shares her name with the default Japanese IME for Ubuntu.] [On arrow] convert [NOTE: leave the kanji as they are] [MASATO] (I feel like I've seen this somewhere...) [AKANE] (She got the gist of it... I guess) P6 [AKANE] However, unfortunately [AKANE] Its development has been discontinued, so it's not getting any more updates [AKANE] So people with particular needs turn to specialist software [AKANE] (Like ATOK or WNN) [KANAME] I see... [AKANE] But don't worry [AKANE] A new developer [AKANE] Joined the Anthy team recently [MASATO] And so, by this developer's hand [MASATO] Anthy has gotten all kinds of issues treated! [MASATO] It's like she went through a timeskip and came back an adult! [RISA] (Isn't it wonderful?) [MASATO] Modified Anthy! [MASATO] She's on fire! [AKANE] Why do you have to phrase it that way?! P7 [AKANE] That aside [AKANE] The new version is supposed to come with an improved dictionary. [AKANE] Want to try it out on my box? [KANAME] Thank you very much! [AKANE] I had no idea Kanamechin was so passionate about her writing [AKANE] I want to support her artistry [KANAME] This one doesn't work [KANAME] (Grrrrrr) [KANAME] Nor this one [AKANE] But [AKANE] Modified Anthy doesn't seem to do it for her [AKANE] I wonder what she's typing [NOTE: long sentence with lots of very niche lingo - not sure if translating this monstrosity is productive/necessary, but if it is we'll need to break out the big yaoi dictionary] [AKANE] Is that even Japanese? [RISA] Oh [RISA] Kaname's an avid P8 [RISA] Critic of [RISA] BL novels! [AKANE] Please tell me BL stands for BSD License! (It doesn't.) [AKANE] I see (BL lingo) [AKANE] You know, a general purpose dictionary can't really handle this kind of obscure vocabulary [KANAME] It can't? [KANAME] Sorry for asking the impossible [KANAME] I guess I'll just have spell those words out by hand [AKANE] However! P9 [AKANE] For my pretty senpai [AKANE] There's nothing my user dictionary can't handle [MASATO] Not gonna work! [NOTE: ridiculously obscure words - if anyone can figure them out, be my guest; otherwise we may want to replace them with something similarly obscure in english - the exact meaning isn't important] [KANAME] U- Unbelievable! [KANAME] Turning everything from ridiculously specific uke-variants to that coupling into kanji with a single keystroke?! (NOTE: shit sentence, rephrase) [KANAME] What sorcery is this?! [AKANE] Hmph [AKANE] I'll tell you P10 [AKANE] Modified Anthy + Rose Bride dictionary [NOTE: another reference to Revolutionary Girl Utena; Anthy (the character, not the software) is sometimes referred to as the Rose Bride] [AKANE] I put together an ultimate Anthy dictionary using data scraped from BL sites and BBSes [KANAME] With this- [KANAME] With this, I can write again! The power to revolutionize Ubunchu's Japanese input! (for BL use) [NOTE: yet another Utena reference; whoever wins a series of tournaments is supposed to receive the "power to revolutionize the world"] P11 [BIRD] caw [MASATO] Got a bit carried away, eh? [AKANE] (Self-loathing) [KANAME] Thank you very much! [KANAME] Now I can finally express my innermost feelings with Ubunchu! [KANAME] Co-author: sysadmin club president [AKANE] Eh? [KANAME] That's how you'll appear in the acknowledgements for my BL reviews from now on! That's when The president broke down, mumbling "I gained a user, but I feel like I lost something precious" To herself over and over again There, there Next time, we'll continue with mozc [another Japanese IME]... Not.