Announcer branch

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Robert C Corsaro

Oct 13, 2008, 4:49:28 PM10/13/08
I was wondering if I could have a branch to work on something like the
announcerplugin design as a core trac service. The code quality isn't
to good, so I hope to use most of the trac notification for the low
level impl, but the overall design like the announceplugin.

Jani Tiainen

Oct 14, 2008, 3:46:23 AM10/14/08
Robert C Corsaro kirjoitti:

Sounds pretty good idea.

I've been testing this announcer plugin for a while and most of it's
functionality is pretty ok. (I haven't looked code)

One feature that I'm missing is automatic "add me to watcher
automatically" for tickets. I mean that for example when I create custom
ticket query I could say that add me watcher to (these and) any future
tickets that matches my query.

Jani Tiainen

"Tein sein mihin näillä lahjoilla pystyin.
Tein sen, en yhtään enempää." - Martti Servo & Napander


Oct 14, 2008, 6:16:00 AM10/14/08
to Trac Development

Thanks for your interest in helping out with this! Redoing
notification is definately on the roadmap for the Trac project, and it
should be much easier than today to reuse, extend and hook into it.
This topic has been much discussed over the years, and there are also
heaps of tickets related to improving and extending the notification
"subsystem". What has been lacking is progress, and hopefully you can
be able help us into the future here :-)

I haven't looked at that particular plugin much, and likely I'm not
alone in that I suppose. What I would like before work on a branch is
started is a proposal with details on basic design, api, usage
samples, references to related tickets and other related information -
see We should
document such major topics anyway, and it makes it easier to decide on
"go" and review it as it makes progress.


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