Tri-County Bicycle Assn Advocacy Committee

Contact owners and managers
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Welcome to the discussion group of the Tri-County Bicycle Assn. Advocacy Committee (formerly Mid-Michigan Active Transportation Coalition). For more information visit our website:

Our mission statement:

The Advocacy Committee of the Tri-County Bicycle Association works with local governments, businesses, and other groups to insure that our roads, trails, and other infrastructure have bike-friendly features.



·         Monitoring relevant developments in existing transportation infrastructure, governmental activities, and future planning

·         Advocating the needs of active users to government bodies, non-governmental organizations, and businesses. Key activities would be participating in public hearings and providing support to communities attempting to implement transportation policies that support our mission

·         Publicizing the benefits of active transportation and activities to general and specialized audiences

·         Acting as a watch dog on proposed governmental activities, such  road projects and policy formation

·         Sharing expertise and information resources to coalition members and the broader community

·         Supporting and promoting the activities of local affiliated groups

·         Acting as a forum to discuss and debate active transportation options

·         Encouraging active transportation through special events and services such as valet bike parking, community-organized short walks and bike rides

·         Highlighting transportation “trouble spots” within the region and developing action plans to rectify these situations

Please join us!

Ground Rules for Posting to the TCBAAC group:
1. All mail to the group should directly be related to the mission of
TCBAAC. For example, don't send humor columns, chain letters, other
people's inspirational poetry, or any off-topic information to the list, no
matter how wonderful or necessary you may find it.

2. Please be conscientious of the volume of mail posted to the TCBAAC group. Send
personal mail directly to the person concerned not to the whole group (the
default is set to reply to the individual).

3. Brief congratulatory/welcome messages should also be sent personally
rather than to the group. "Atta-boys", notes of thanks, 'me-to's", etc.
should not be sent to the group.

4. No flaming! Any messages of complaint about another subscriber to the
TCBAAC should be sent directly to that person or to the administators (Tim
Potter or Mike Unsworth).

5. The writings and opinions posted to the TCBAAC group are
strictly the opinions of the writer and do not contain any endorsements or
guarantees of any kind, unless otherwise noted by a TCBAAC group administrator.

6. Postings that could be construed as defamatory, libelous, or
offensive to individuals, organizations, or institutions should not be
posted to the TCBAAC group.

7. Membership on this list constitutes an undertaking to abide by the
these ground rules and to be considerate of other members when posting mail
to the list.

8. When you reply to a message, don't include the entire length of the

original message in your post. Take the time to use your delete key and
either select the small part that is pertinent to your letter or summarize
it in your response.

9. Label the content of your post in the subject line. If the subject
in your response differs from the one your are replying to, update the
subject line to match your new topic. The form "XXX (was YYY)" works well
for changing topics.

10. Don't send attachments to the list. Instead upload your files to
Google Docs or other free web hosting services ( or for photos, etc.) and then include a link to your file in
your message.