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Fedbugs interrupting patriot faxes?

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Jon Roland

Feb 17, 1995, 9:01:22 AM2/17/95
A number of activists, including myself, who make a great deal of use of
faxing to spread the word, especially about militia matters, have noted
that many of our fax transmissions are being interrupted by the loss of
the carrier on the phone line. This does not seem to occur during voice
conversations or Internet access, although unusual noise is often noted.
I would be interested in having any of you with similar experiences to
report them to the Net, and those with access to phone company and/or
intelligence organizations to report on what you can learn about activity
within phone companies and/or intelligence/law enforcement organizations
that is causing this.
Just at this point, as I was typing this, I got a "NO CARRIER" while
logged on to my provider. Coincidence? Inquiring minds want to know!



Feb 17, 1995, 4:18:51 PM2/17/95
You can purchase a detector to put on your phone line, to see if it is
tapped. I really think the FEDS have bigger fish to fry though...
Be seeing you,
Number 6
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