--- swagger: '2.0' info: version: '1.0' title: DUCS IFTTT Connector API (currently only containing the ECL Portal IFTTT channel) host: ducsifttt.azurewebsites.net basePath: "/" schemes: - https produces: - application/json paths: "/ecl/api/v1/ifttt/v1/actions/setsavermode": x-swagger-router-controller: ducsifttt post: tags: - setSaverMode operationId: setSaverMode produces: - application/json - text/json parameters: - name: post in: body description: Action Request Comming from the IFTTT service schema: "$ref": "#/definitions/actionRequestIFTTT" responses: '200': description: OK schema: "$ref": "#/definitions/setSaverRespFinal" deprecated: false "/ecl/api/v1/ifttt/v1/actions/testTrigger": x-swagger-router-controller: ducsifttt post: tags: - testTrigger operationId: testTrigger produces: - application/json - text/json parameters: - name: post in: body description: Trigger Request Coming from the IFTTT service schema: "$ref": "#/definitions/triggerRequestIFTTT" required: true responses: '200': description: OK schema: "$ref": "#/definitions/testTriggerRespFinal" deprecated: false "/ecl/api/v1/ifttt/v1/test/setup": x-swagger-router-controller: ducsifttt post: tags: - iftttTestConfig description: ECL Channel Endpoint test configuration operationId: iftttTestConfig produces: - application/json - text/json responses: '200': description: OK schema: "$ref": "#/definitions/RequestTestIFTTT" deprecated: false "/ecl/api/v1/ifttt/v1/status": x-swagger-router-controller: ducsifttt get: tags: - iftttTestStatus description: ECL Channel Endpoint test status operationId: iftttTestStatus responses: '200': description: OK schema: "$ref": "#/definitions/statusResult" deprecated: false "/ecl/api/v1/ifttt/v1/actions/echotest": x-swagger-router-controller: ducsifttt get: tags: - simpleEchoRequest description: Simple Echo Get request operationId: echotest responses: '200': description: Success deprecated: false "/swagger": x-swagger-pipe: swagger_raw definitions: statusResult: description: Final response to the iftttTestStatus request type: object RequestTestIFTTT: description: Final response to the iftttTestConfig request type: object properties: data: "$ref": "#/definitions/param" setSaverRespData: type: object properties: id: type: string testTriggerRespData: type: object properties: id: type: string setSaverResp: description: Response to the setSaverMode request type: array items: "$ref": "#/definitions/setSaverRespData" testTriggerRes: description: Response to the testTrigger request type: array items: "$ref": "#/definitions/testTriggerRespData" testTriggerRespFinal: description: Final response to the testTrigger request type: object properties: data: "$ref": "#/definitions/testTriggerRes" setSaverRespFinal: description: Final response to the setSaverMode request type: object properties: data: "$ref": "#/definitions/setSaverResp" triggerRequestIFTTT: description: Request coming from the IFTTT service type: object properties: trigger_identity: type: string triggerFields: "$ref": "#/definitions/triggerFields" ifttt_source: "$ref": "#/definitions/requestIFTTTIftttSource" user: "$ref": "#/definitions/requestIFTTTUserForTrigger" actionRequestIFTTT: description: Request coming from the IFTTT service type: object properties: actionFields: "$ref": "#/definitions/actionFields" ifttt_source: "$ref": "#/definitions/requestIFTTTIftttSource" user: "$ref": "#/definitions/requestIFTTTUser" requestIFTTTUserForTrigger: description: User field in the triggerFields part of the request type: object properties: timezone: type: string requestIFTTTUser: description: User field in the actionFields part of the request type: object properties: timezone: type: string param: description: param description type: object properties: samples: "$ref": "#/definitions/param2" param2: description: param2 description type: object properties: actions: "$ref": "#/definitions/param3" param3: description: param3 description type: object properties: setsavermode: "$ref": "#/definitions/setsavermode" setsavermode: description: fttt_source field in the actionFields part of the request type: object properties: username: type: string password: type: string serial: type: string requestIFTTTIftttSource: description: ifttt_source field in the actionFields and triggerFields part of the request type: object properties: id: type: string url: type: string triggerFields: description: ifttt_source field in the triggerFields part of the request type: object properties: username: type: string password: type: string serial: type: sting actionFields: description: ifttt_source field in the actionFields part of the request type: object properties: username: type: string password: type: string serial: type: string ErrorResponse: required: - message properties: message: type: string