BLOG POLL: Comment from Johan Thomas - discussed

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Mar 26, 2006, 2:06:51 PM3/26/06
to Sustainopreneurship Group
Johan Thomas posted a comment on the Blog Poll;


"I believe many would read a paper, report, book on Sustainopreneurship
to boost their own vision. This is why I encourage you to build up any
publication or speech as much as your scientific sides allow you
towards this end. I'm talking of the rhetorical/dramaturgical
satisfaction of vision as a climax, but also about vision as a channel
to put all my inspiration into, after reading some of your work.

Further more, personally, I would appreciate, if not a presentation, at
least a glimps of how economy as a whole could function differently
from today. I'm talking a brief guide with references to alternative
economic systems, or visions of economic systems. Many feel stuck in
today's economic system/-s and need a reminder of the personal and
collective choices that are actually "out there".

Let's see if any (more) of this can fit in nicely somewhere and
popularize the concept of Sustainopreneurship as well as vision in a
broader sense.

(Don't get me wrong. I'm trying to say visions is your game, throwing
it out there to see about concensus..;-)

Maybe the paradigm shift under way in the media could serve as an
analogy or something, or am I just squeezing that in everywhere


Mar 26, 2006, 2:19:41 PM3/26/06
to Sustainopreneurship Group
Dear Johan,

Thanks for your comment.

You really get the bottom-line idea of creating these easily accessed
eBooks, thanks! Anchoring it to the scientific work is a pragmatic way
to increase legitimacy to the concept, and thus seen as an engine for
its further development - both in Idea and Action. I will continue to
be an inspiration source for you :). eBooks naturally evolve as speech
platforms, as well - of course. But remember - half of an hour on any
news broadcast have the text mass only covering a front page of a news
magazine - each media format has its own advantages/disadvantages.
Speeches work better as direct inspiration, where text is informative
primarily, but of course can work as an inspiration source as well!

Best inspiration comes when it is cross-inspiration going on. As for
your second call, the "vision of alternative economy", I let you to
take that ball to begin with. Not that I have the mind/space to take
it, but I do not have the time/space - and for that reason,
sustainopreneurship can apply regardless of economic system. With less
or more obstacles and resistance, of course. And remember, there are
also institutional entrepreneurs (e. g. the entrepreneurs that created
the Federal Reserve!), so that applies painting visions for
"alternative economical institutions", especially with the governance
structures, I guess this is what you implicitly call for. And I support
that idea :).

And yes, knowing you since before, Johan, media is most certainly your
hooy horse, so let's grab that one too - and let it diverge into a
thread on its own.

Now, I have bounced back with a twist, in order to inspire you to start
two topics, separately :).

Suggested Subject Lines for these two topics:

1. "Alternative economic systems"
2. "Media and Sustainopreneurship"

Good work, Johan!

Shoot :).

Ha-haaa! ;)

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