========================================================================== "Read Me" file for the Stone Edge Order Manager, Version 7.036 8/6/2018 CONTENTS: - IMPORTANT RELEASE NOTES - PLEASE READ!!! - Important note on the new PDF Writer - Misc. Notes - Note for New Users - New Features and Other Notes for Latest Version and other recent versions - Open Source Licensing Information ========================================================================== * * * IMPORTANT RELEASE NOTES - PLEASE READ!!! * * * BEFORE YOU RUN THIS VERSION FOR THE FIRST TIME: BACK UP YOUR DATA FILES! If you have to revert to an earlier version of Stone Edge, you may need to also revert to a backup copy of your data that has not been used with the new version! ========================================================================== * * * Important note on the new PDF Writer * * * In order for the new PDF Writer to function properly, you must follow this URL and install Ghostscript: http://www.ghostscript.com/download/gsdnld.html ========================================================================== MISC. NOTES: 1. For help at any Stone Edge screen, press the F1 function key. Or, to access the Help system via the Internet, go to: http://www.stoneedge.com/help 2. First-time users: the installer has added a Quick Start guide to your Windows Start Menu. To open the Quick Start Guide, click the Start button, then go to Stone Edge/Quick Start Guide. 3. For information about setting up and using the Stone Edge with specific shopping cart systems, go to http://www.stoneedge.com/help, then select Legacy Knowledge Base > Specific Shopping Carts in the navigation pane on the left-hand side of your screen. =========================================================================== Note for New Users: Thank you for purchasing Stone Edge Order Manager! Unlike most other programs that you purchase, Stone Edge is constantly being improved as we add new features that are requested by our users. We actually enjoy hearing from our users, both new and experienced, and encourage you to contact us BEFORE you get frustrated with a problem! Support requests should be submitted through our Website. Go to www.StoneEdge.com, hold the cursor over the Support link to open the Support Menu, and select Contact Support. Or go directly to www.stoneedge.com/mailsupport.asp. We try hard to respond to most support requests within a few hours or at least by the next business day. For urgent support issues, give us a call at 484-927-4804. We are generally available Monday thru Friday from 9:00 to 6:00 Eastern Time. Be sure you have installed the most current service packs to Microsoft Windows and Access (Office) prior to installing Stone Edge. Also review the Knowledge Base topics for your particular operating system and version of MS Access for any special considerations or additional requirements. =========================================================================== New Features and Other Notes for Latest Version and Other Recent Updates The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.036 8/6/2018) 1. NEW Shortcut Control-Shift-P to search System Parameters. Follows security rules. 2. NEW Shortcut Control-L to log off of SEOM from any screen. 5. ENHANCEMENTS made to Shopping Carts form 6. ENHANCEMENT Enabled Web Order Number field on View Orders 7. ENHANCEMENT Updated Info/Connections form 8. FIXED Advanced Functions option available on Shopping Carts form for ChannelManager and Connect2Cart 9. FIXED Error approving an order via View Orders CLASSIC 0. FIXED Error saving a new supplier 11. FIXED Error cancelling an order if DefaultOrderView is Multi-Order Processor 12. FIXED Error cancelling a line item if DefaultOrderView is Multi-Order Processor 13. FIXED Custom order fields are locked when creating manual order in CLASSIC and BETA Manual Order forms 14. FIXED Error missing ImportIDs table when launching SEOM 15. FIXED Email update now using TLS 1.2+ 16. FIXED Errors related to Adjust QOH form not updating carts 17. FIXED Security settings for Settings Menu options not saving The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.035 6/6/2018) 1. NEW Connect2Cart and ChannelManager carts. Can be imported as FBA orders and automatically archived 2. NEW Braintree payment gateway integration 3. NEW NMI payment gateway integration 4. ENHANCEMENT Redesigned Shopping Carts form 5. ENHANCEMENT Added FIFO records to View Inventory 6. FIXED various issues in BETA Manual Orders 7. FIXED Error 2465 when populating Manual Orders with existing customer information 8. FIXED links on Info form 9. FIXED AllowPriceChanges parameter now also controls price field in Manual Orders order item list The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.034 5/3/2018) 1. New Generic Payment Gateway 2. FIXED Manual Orders BETA not carrying existing customer info to new order 3. FIXED Field length error when saving a new Supplier 4. FIXED 3162 Null value when saving a new shopping cart The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.033 4/19/2018) 1. BETA Manual Orders screen 2. Included version 5.9xx Manual Orders and View Orders screens 3. Now sending Stone Edge defined Event Status along with user-defined Event Status 4. Customer Statement report now accepts either customer name or customer id 5. FIXED Sixbit imports now correctly referencing CartID 6. FIXED issue with Generic Carts not able to import via internet 7. FIXED changed Credit to Refund for USAePay as full cc numbers are not available The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.032 3/5/2018) 1. Fixed Quick Ship form to show hidden controls due to accordion background transparancy 2. Enhancement to Purchase Orders screen to expand to full screen 3. Modifications to installer package 4. Updates to Endicia/USPS shipping codes 5. Fixed bug saving an edited customer name does not update full name field The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.031 4/19/2018) 1. Patched Dazzle Integration to accomodate new shipping methods and country codes 2. Fixed the "Reorder" feature to enter new orders as Manual Orders instead of Web orders 3. Fixed issue of Green Background still showing on some forms after upgrading 4. Removed obsolete functionality - Half.com Functions - Old Main Menu - ProStores Functions The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.030 10/9/2017) 1. Updated branding and color scheme 2. Misc. bug fixes including: - Show all transactions at "Existing Transactions" at View Orders - Limiting feedback posts to Stone Edge to once every 30-days - New Browser control to fix USPS package tracking The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.024 10/1/2014): 1. FIXED: InventoryUseComboBox sets cursor index in adding items to PO 2. FIXED: Error 94 when deleting item from PO 3. FIXED: Run-time error '3162' You tried to assign the null value to a variable that is not a Variant data type 4. FIXED: Real time rates error message in 7.022 5. FIXED: Custom Fields not showing in View Inventory 6. FIXED: Cannot Search By Company Name with an Apostrophe The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.023 9/8/2014): 1. FIXED: Add "Summary" template to Credit Card Deposits report 2. FIXED: Relabel the button on the Purchase Order form which expands the PO view 3. FIXED: Decrypt account numbers before sending to gateway 4. FIXED: Reposition label on Multi-Record & Price Editor (Inventory Editor form) so radio buttons are visible 5. FIXED: Add "Summary" template to Sales Summary Report 6. FIXED: Do not contact PayPal when importing SixBit orders since all orders are paid in full 7. FIXED: Add check for value of control name in SecureControls function 8. FIXED: Last import information on Import Orders form is not accurate 9. FIXED: Correct Balance Due not displayed after forcing a backorder at Process Orders form 10. FIXED: Maintain filter applied when switching between Menu and List tabs of Inventory form 11. FIXED: Add Cart Type check to SixBit import logic 12. FIXED: Runtime error 3167 after printing shipping label from DAZzle Batch 13. FIXED: Change label text color and underline Referral field in Process Orders form 14. FIXED: Error message when editing a transaction through Process Orders>Payment>View Previous Transactions 15. FIXED: Enhance the button on the Purchase Order screen that expands the PO view 16. FIXED: Additional Data REquested from SixBit 17. FIXED: Security not enforced when importing cost, weight & price or suppliers through Manage My Inventory The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.022 6/17/2014): 1. FIXED: SixBit PayPal not mapping correctly 2. FIXED: SixBit Add tracking numbers via CSV 3. FIXED: Importing with SixBit cart throws "Overflow" error 4. FIXED: Exporting to PDF issues - New PDF Writer The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.021 5/21/2014): 1. FIXED: SixBit acknowledges use of eBay UserID 2. FIXED: The view Last order option after creating an order indicates message to cancel order 3. FIXED: Customer Cannot Charge 4. FIXED: Issue Charging Cards from View Orders The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.020 5/14/2014): 1. NEW: SixBit integration 2. FIXED: Quickship: "Print Shipping Label" text gets removed from the button 3. FIXED: Error message "Too few parameters" when selecting wrong odbc 4. FIXED: Process Tracking remains highlighted if tracking # was voided 5. FIXED: Unable to Delete Miva Batches through Stone Edge 6. FIXED: ConvertReportToPDF issue - Access 2007+ The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.019 4/15/2014): 1. FIXED: Drop Ship items deduct from inventory and cause it to go negative 2. FIXED: Error When Searching Customers After Creating A New Customer 3. FIXED: Login form Change Password option shows the current password in clear text 4. FIXED: Error setting Group Permissions in Security 5. FIXED: Error selecting all shipping methods in batch printing 6. FIXED: Transmit Button Still Visible with Restricted Permissions The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.018 4/8/2014): 1. FIXED: FedEx ShipManager SmartPost Tracking Numbers 2. FIXED: Typo in confirmation prompt when Converting Subscriptions to orders 3. FIXED: Manual orders with Drop Ship items are not showing as shipped 4. FIXED: Invoice Display Issue 5. FIXED: USPS Tracking/Delivery Confirmation Label 6. FIXED: [View Inventory] in Subscription Inventory form crashes Access 7. FIXED: Subscription Duration text box issue 8. FIXED: Change PDF generation calls through OM to call "dynapdf.dll" 9. FIXED: Error 91 in Security Options 10. FIXED: Reorder function from View Orders, At Do CarryForward: Error = 3265: Item not found in this collection. 11. FIXED: Archiving Orders issue 12. FIXED: Add tracking numbers as USPS 13. FIXED: SMTP settings in setup wizard 14. FIXED: Error 3058 in DoCarryForward from POS 15. FIXED: PackingLookBackDays - v7.012 on SQL 16. FIXED: Rename Open Communique link to Open External Reports in SE 17. FIXED: Update Interface Version in QB integration 18. FIXED: Entering Notes on a new customer 19. FIXED: CaptureBalanceNotAuthAmount System Parameter not working 20. FIXED: Cannot Select Price Level When Creating Trade Show 21. FIXED: PO Totals not showing on email and PDF 22. FIXED: POS order source display The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.017 2/26/2014): 1. FIXED: When deleteing a product, total is not getting recalculated in "Show POs" 2. FIXED: Do not have the ability to edit existing payments 3. FIXED: Kit import error 4. FIXED: Manual order created from Order History/RFM incorrectly prompts customer for change in price when QOH is edited 5. FIXED: SEOM installer to include new ShipRush wrapper 6. FIXED: Launching 7.017 - broken reference to SEOMCC01.dll 7. FIXED: Newest builds of StoneEdge fail print through ShipRush after Rate Shopping 8. FIXED: Quickbooks XML Integration Product Import does not work 9. FIXED: ShipRush v10 Rate shopping 10. FIXED: [View] button in the Edit Line Item form crashes access 11. FIXED: RMA-ing an item on a Shop.com/Altura order sends bad status to shop 12. FIXED: Multi Level Pricing does not work 13. FIXED: March 24th PayPal API Changes 14. FIXED: Default useforbuild in options list to "checked" for imported option lists 15. FIXED: No support contract - unable to download orders The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.016 9/26/2013): 1. FIXED: Unable to edit any but the first customer record in View Customers form 2. FIXED: Runtime error 2467 on Inventory Adjustments 3. FIXED: Error message when adjusting quantity ordered in new POs while in the unlocked order window 4. FIXED: Miscellaneous tab of the Inventory form: unable to switch view of cross sell items between Name and SKU without clicking Edit 5. FIXED: Run-time error 3075 when using the mouse's scroll wheel when the cusrsor is in the Ship To Address field on the Customer tab in Process Orders. The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.015 9/9/2013): 1. FIXED: When importing web orders from Miva Cart get a BuildKit error 3265 2. FIXED: Quickbooks IIF updated for QB2013 The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.014 8/26/2013): 1. FIXED: Unable to edit existing payments in Process Orders 2. FIXED: When printing a shipping label in Pack & Ship, receive Error = 3075 3. FIXED: Opening Stone Edge with no store database attached gives Payment Manager Conversion warning 4. FIXED: Error '3075' when doing the quick search in View Inventory 5. FIXED: Cannot receive against a PO 6. FIXED: MoveAfterApproveOrder system parameter not working 7. FIXED: Scanning web order to close box on pack and ship does not work 8. FIXED: Run-time error '2467' on Delayed capture The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.013 7/22/2013): 1. FIXED: Importing orders, AtProcessOrder: Error = 91: Object variable or With block variable not set 2. FIXED: Message "OpenArgs not set!" when attempting to Add a Primary Supplier for new Inventory item 3. FIXED: Balance Due now in red text on Manual Orders Summary tab and VO Snapshot tab 4. FIXED: Clicking View Items button in View Suppliers form, Run-time error '3077' Syntax error (missing operator) in expression. 5. FIXED: Run-time error '94'; Invalid use of Null in Special System Parameters form 6. FIXED: View inventory opens empty if trying to view an item from Revise Line Item (Process Orders) that does not exist in inventory. 7. FIXED: Unable To Clear Order Number When Searching at Process Orders 8. FIXED: StoneEdge synchronizing negative QOH from 3dcart 9. FIXED: Orders tab not refreshing after payment 10. FIXED: When the program is initially launched, the Main Menu does not honor security settings to restrict Today's Data 11. FIXED: Invalid knowledge base reference for HTTP Error:12045 - ERROR_WINHTTP_INVALID_CA ... MESSAGE BOX 12. FIXED: Special System Parameters form displays Enter/Confirm "Password" instead of "Token" for parameter YahooAPIGatewayToken 13. FIXED: System parm PackingAllowVeiwOrders is not working 14. FIXED: "#Error" displayed in Payment Method on Invoice 15. FIXED: Residential checkbox not being flagged in View Orders 16. FIXED: Add Order button from View and Process Orders Form not working properly 17. FIXED: Transaction In Progress Window has incorrect instructions 18. FIXED: Error when using Apostrophe in QOH adjustment reason 19. FIXED: Check number not showing when viewing list of transactions 20. FIXED: Run-time error '7951' when adding a customer. 21. FIXED: Quantity Pricing Not Working 22. FIXED: Accordian Menu Disappears from time to time on Manage Inventory > View and Manage My Inventory 23. FIXED: Access 2013 - Email in SE 7 duplicates Bill to and Ship to 24. FIXED: "Sales Include Externally Fulfilled Items" instructions not clear 25. FIXED: Number lock turns off/on when receiving a purchase order 26. FIXED: Able to use the same SKU to define both a KIT and an ASSEMBLY 27. FIXED: Main Menu slow - Enterprise SQL 28. FIXED: RMA Return doesn't go to Discard after receiving inventory when parameter DefaultReturnsToDiscard is set to TRUE 29. FIXED: #Name? showing up in Create a new customer Form 30. FIXED: #Name? showing up in Purchase Orders Form 31. FIXED: Yahoo send QOH batching error 32. FIXED: Customer Statement Report Does Not Honor Windows Regional Settings for Currency 33. FIXED: Search orders by phone number not working 34. FIXED: When Searching PO's by a Specific Sku all PO's Are Returned 35. FIXED: Filter in the List menu of processing Orders not working 36. FIXED: Added ability to Remove Store Credits 37. FIXED: Inventory Status screen in Pos not functioning properly in regards to discontinued items 38. NEW: Option to include disconitued items with QOH = 0 when synchronizing QOH to website 39. NEW: Added List view back into View Inventory screen. The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.012 5/8/2013): 1. FIXED: Reorder - Create a new order and carry balance due from previous order not working. 2. FIXED: Ctrl+Shift+D keyboard shortcut does not work in V7 with Access Database. 3. FIXED: Form Import from Shopsite gets error 94, Invalid Use of Null when no option is selected before clicking OK. 4. FIXED: Shopping Carts form, Carts List not resorted after new cart is added. 5. FIXED: View Inventory Accordion Search (basic) shows discontinued items. 6. FIXED: Get msg "Error: User Name not found" when returning to Import Orders form, same cart selected and click Import from Internet. 7. FIXED: Stone Edge Installer not compatible with Access 2013 - does not recognize 2013 as a valid version of Access. 8. FIXED: Relabeled the Remaining field on the Process Orders Payment tab to Credit Remaining. 9. FIXED: Manual Orders Payment tab shows PAID in Full before any payment transaction is executed or logged. 10. FIXED: Packing Slip pdf report looking at the wrong template parameter. 11. FIXED: Process Orders Snapshot shows $0.00, but says Credit Due on order that is Paid in Full. 12. FIXED: MOV OK checkbox on main form not cleared when responding YES to Clear checkmarks. 13. FIXED: RMAs exchange item subform only shows two digits in the Price field. 14. FIXED: Send Status to Web button's "Online Order Status" message box need to have the phone number updated. 15. FIXED: Export Inventory form; Clear All does not visibly remove Load Export Template selection. 16. FIXED: Purchase Orders, Run-time error 21187. You must save the current field before you run the Requery action. After adding Instructions and clicking Create. 17. FIXED: Setup Guide Sales Tax tab throws run-time error '3058' Index or Primary Key cannot contain a Null value. 18. FIXED: Multi Porcessing Order bug. 19. FIXED: Run-time error 2501 when clicking View Orders button on Main Menu and no orders in system. 20. FIXED: Installer tried to compile OM and show readme even on uninstall. 21. FIXED: Purchase Order form gets run-time error 2450, clicking blank portion at the top of the accordion. 22. FIXED: Form Packing shows "Searching for Dazzle..." in the lower left-hand corner when told to not look for DAZzle. 23. FIXED: Security Bug with Quick Clicks Menu. 24. FIXED: At cmdInternet_Click: Error = 9: Subscript out of range (Importing from MIVA) 25. FIXED: Security on Custom Reports Not Functioning Properly. 26. FIXED: Error 3197 When Importing Archived Orders. 27. FIXED: Parameter comments for AuthNet parameters in V5.9 and V7.0 unclear. 28. FIXED: System parameter DropShipReturnsToInventory not working for RMA. 29. FIXED: Invoice printed out with hashtags in payment data 30. FIXED: Fedex shipping rates not pulled correctly. 31. FIXED: "View Selected Items" button in advanced item search changed to "View These Items" for clarity. 32. FIXED: Importing Cost, Price & Weight - Option to match on Item Name misleading as SKU is always needed. Removed Item Name option. 33. FIXED: "Sale" credit card function option in Multi-Order Processor does not capture preauthorizations. 34. FIXED: Error 2110 when trying to approve an order in Process Orders after viewing order from Mutli-Order Processor. 35. FIXED: Scale support for Windows 8. 36. FIXED: eBay Functions link visible prior to saving new eBay shopping cart in Cart Setup. 37. FIXED: "Balance Due" not highlighted properly in Manual Orders Payment tab. 38. FIXED: Error 2164 when approving order in Process Orders. 39. FIXED: Error 91 processing authorization through AuthNet. 40. FIXED: Error 2110 when trying to create a new Purchase Order. 41. FIXED: Payment tab not refreshing data in Process Orders. 42. FIXED: "####" displayed in some data and other calculation fields in several reports. 43. FIXED: Report filter for Purchase Order Status report opens as a pop up window after filter on Reports Menu is used. The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.011 3/25/2013): 1. FIXED: Runtime error '2450' on Multi-Order Processing screen, Stone Edge Order Manager cannot find the referenced form 'View Inventory'. 2. FIXED: Accounting Export Setup form comments need to be updated. 3. FIXED: At ViewOrders, Form_current, error=2465. Application-defined or object-defined error. Error relates to Stop Light functions. 4. FIXED: Error searching by last name or state on View Orders screen. 5. FIXED: Packing data not showing properly on Shipping tab of View Orders screen. 6. FIXED: Wrong order displayed in View Orders screen when selecting from orders list. 7. FIXED: Security setup form shows 'Turn Security On' when security is already turned on. 8. FIXED: Error At DoBars: Error = 3075: Application-defined or object-defined error when scanning items in Packing screen. 9. FIXED: Error 3058 in Point-of-Sale setup form. 10. FIXED: Invalid use of Null error in Assemblies screen. 11. FIXED: At SEOM_DataAccess_GetCustomer: Error = 3421: data type conversion error. During order import when Stone Edge attempts to match customers. 12. FIXED: Error 2118 you must save the current field before you run the requery action. When adding notes to an existing PO. 13. FIXED: Today's Data remains visible to users who do not have permission to view it. 14. FIXED: UsePrinterMenu parameter was being ignored. 15. FIXED: Customer form is reset after editing a record. 16. FIXED: Inventory Adjustments were duplicating when viewing list of adjustments made. 17. FIXED: #Name? displayed in the Transactions portion of the Daily Audit report. 18. FIXED: Missing fields in Show PO screen. 19. FIXED: Date field too narrow to display dates in Detailed Sales Report. 20. FIXED: Validated address not saved. 21. FIXED: Missing payment method data on Invoice reports. 22. FIXED: SendKitsToYahoo function not respecting 'Do Not Synch with Yahoo' option. 23. FIXED: Shipping Methods popup window too narrow to display full method names. 24. FIXED: Run-time error 3075, Syntax error. When searching for items in View Inventory if search criteria includes an apostrophe. 25. FIXED: Cannot create list of values for custom fields. 26. FIXED: Tax Rate truncated on View Orders screen. 27. NEW: Accounting Summary New report now includes section for Cancelled Orders. 28. NEW: Added support for latest ShopSite Product Import. 29. MODIFIED: Pack & Ship screen - removed orders list and filters. The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.010 2/11/2013): 1. FIXED: Error 4767 when associating a new sku to a supplier. 2. FIXED: Error 2467 when assigning a supplier to a newly created SKU. 3. FIXED: Error 3420 - random throughout program. 4. FIXED: Error 3265 During order import. 5. FIXED: Customer list jumbled in Customer Statement filter. 6. FIXED: Error 75 exporting QOH to Amazon. 7. FIXED: Total Shipping Cost not displaying on Shipping & Tracking tab in Process Orders. 8. FIXED: Preview Shipment Button at Pack and Ship Is Not Visible. 9. FIXED: Check payments not visible in View Previous Transactions. The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.009 1/23/2013): 1. FIXED: DAZzle upgrade causes international labels not to print. 2. FIXED: Dazzle International Label Overlap. 3. FIXED: Error 2455 when clicking View Items within the View Suppliers form. The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.008 1/14/2013): 1. Modified: Support added to adhear to changes in USPS/Dazzle updates to Parcel Post (now Standard Post) and ExpressMail. 2. Fixed: Unable to create a new customer record on Customer Match form during order import. 3. Fixed: Pay Status on Summary tab of Manual Order was cut off. 4. Fixed: "Cash" does not show as Paid By option on Summary tab of Manual Orders. 5. Fixed: Errors encountered when running RebuildIndexes function (Control-Shift-I). 6. Fixed: Unable to view entire Maxmind Result data. 7. Fixed: annot search web order number if not a number value (cannot search using text characters) on Search tab in View Orders. 8. Fixed: Blank screen if no orders are found after searching in View Orders. 9. Fixed: Invalid use of null error if zip code is not entered for a credit card purchase in Manual Orders. The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.007, 12/10/12): 1. Support added for ASPDotNetStorefront Multi-Store. 2. Order information not transferring to QuickBooks. 3. New Indexes added to Notes table to help increase speed. 4. Road Trips now controlled with Security System. 5. Credits on Manual Orders not reversed if order is cancelled. 6. ChannelAdvisor status/tracking update showing current date rather than ship date. 7. Note error when switching quickly between tabs in View Orders. 8. Error exporting customer data if no criteria are chosen. 9. Inventory QOH adjustments not recording reason or user. 10. View Previous Transactions option now available for those with AND without a credit card processor setup. The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.006, 11/16/12): 1. View Orders and Multi-Order Processer screen maximize to user’s screen resolution. 2. Error occurs when previewing data to send to QuickBooks. 3. SeekIndex errors occur on the Temp tables. 4. Packing form locks when entering an invalid order number. 5. Error 91 when running Control-Shift-I. 6. Ability to copy customer info from Customer tab of Order Processing screen. 7. Locked search fields on Process Orders screen. 8. Error when Computer Startup Screens are assigned. 9. Missing options after scanning an order barcode in Packing form. 10. Import Customers, Suppliers, etc. option in Quick Clicks not working. 11. Unable to edit Sales Person in Process Orders screen. 12. Error searching in View Customers screen using custom fields. 13. Missing labels/options when creating a new PO via Refills option. 14. QOH adjustment made when editing cost of a received item on a PO. 15. Show PO’s data not updating when deleting an item from a new PO being created. 16. Missing customs option shipping internationally via DAZzle. 17. When using Avalara on Order Import, all orders were sent to Avalara regardless of location. 18. When using Avalara with Point of Sale and having a discount applied, taxes are not calculated. 19. Login window appears when closing Stone Edge. 20. Overflow error when creating a Purchase Order using the Refills option. 21. Various UI fixes. The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.005, 9/20/12): 1. The system parameter MonsoonShowProductExport has been added. The default is False. 2. Additional fields have been added to some mappings for the Monsoon Product Export. 3. The system parameter MonsoonDontUploadDefault has been added. The default is False. 4. When editing the quantity of a received item on the Purchase Order form, and subtracting the original quantity from the QOH would result in a number below zero, the quantity added back would be doubled. 5. When selecting a shopping cart on Page 2 of the Shopping Carts section of the Setup Wizard, an error 3079 occurs. 6. When receiving a purchase order, the Post Data button does not appear. When clicking where it should be, an error 2220 occurs. 7. When clicking the Custom tab in Point of Sale, an error 2101 occurs. 8. When updating dropship orders with tracking in the Drop-Ship Tracking form using the Update Data section, the Tracking Number and Date Shipped text boxes now clear when Post Data is run. 9. In Purchase Orders, when filtering the Inventory Status by supplier and then clearing the supplier and clicking elsewhere on the form, an error 2164 occurs. 10. Label and spelling corrections. 11. An issue where the UPS default length, width, height, and PackageType parameters are not checked even though there is no value for those when creating a UPS shipment. 12. When revising a line item, an error 6: Overflow occurs The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Standard Version 7.004, 8/23/12): 1. When saving a customer on a POS order, an” error 2465: Stone Edge Order Manager can’t find the field ‘Box 11’ referred to in your expression” occurs. 2. When running Stone Edge against a SQL Server backend with Access 2010 on the frontend, an “error 7: Out of Memory” error occurs. 3. When searching for a non-existant SKU at View Inventory, an “error 94: Invalid use of Null” occurs. 4. The following System Parameters have been unhidden since they are required for the integration with ShipRush: FedExAccountNumber, FedExAddress1, FedExAddress2, FedExCity, FedExCompanyName, FedExState, and FedExCountry. The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Beta Version 7.003, 7/30/12): 1. Copying of the Order Number from the View Orders form is enabled. 2. The label “Serial # Scan” has been changed to “Scan Serial #”. 3. The Transfer Inventory button on the Adjust Inventory Form is now hidden unless a multi unit sku or the single unit sku of a multi unit sku is viewed. 4. A separate screen for editing/receiving RMA data has been added. 5. The Save button has been removed from the Payment Methods form. The Close button will also save the data. 6. On the Road Trips form, the Add Shows tab has been re-named Assign Shows. 7. A Path/File access error occurs when creating a new store file. 8. The screen for inputting the user name/password has spacing that is not aligned correctly (see attached) where you cannot read the text. 9. A data type conversion error occurs when using Customer Match during an order import. 10. An error occurs if you try to exit Stone Edge using the X in Access. 11. When clicking a button on the home screen to get info about today’s data, then click to import data, an error 2165 occurs. 12. A runtime error 2110 occurs when adding a supplier. 13. When the Payment Method button on the Packing form goes to a second line, it is cut off and hard to read. 14. When opening Stone Edge with a data file that has UseSubscriptionManager set to True and not all of the Subscription Manager components exist, setting UseSubscriptionManager to False results in an Error 13, Type Mismatch. 15. When opening Stone Edge and upgrading a data file, the following error occurs: At SEOM_LicMgr_LoadSessions:Error = 3061: Too few parameters. Expected 3. 16. The tab order of the From and Thru columns on the Customer search form has been corrected to flow correctly. 17. When double-clicking a SKU on the Packing form, and error stating Stone Edge Order Manager can’t move the focus to the control txtQty occurs. 18. Adjust QOH does not honor the parameter AllowAdjustInventory. 19. When closing Batch Printing an error 91 occurs. 20. Inventory Custom Fields do not display in the PO Email Template from Resend option in Pos. 21. The Last Import details on Import Orders does not refresh after importing new orders. 22. When clicking through reports on the Run My Management Reports screen, an On Mouse Move error occurs. 23. On the Road Trips form, data from deleted Road Trips is not cleared immediately from the lower section of the screen. 24. On the Road Trips form on the Add Shows tab, the Road Trip drop-down still shows “#Deleted” after a road trip has been deleted. 25. On the Road Trips form, when creating a data file with both Customers and Product, a runtime error 2450 occurs. 26. On the Road Trips form, when switching from the Create Data File tab to the Add/Edit Road Trips tab, a runtime error 2165 occurs. 27. When clicking Revise on the Pick & Export Inventory tab of the Road Trips form, an error 2450 occurs. 28. On the Purchase Orders form, the Create New PO tab gets a runtime error 2118 when Start Over is selected. The following changes have been made to Stone Edge: (Beta Version 7.002, 6/20/12): 1. New User Interface =================================================================== Open Source Licensing Information: Third Party Software Copyright Notices and Legal Terms The Software Package is provided with several third party components, including the following: • Log4Net v1.2.10. © 2007 Curt Arnold, Nicko Cadell, Niall Daley, Gert Driesen, Ron Grabowski, Julian Biddle, Daniel Cazzulino, Aspi Havewala, Rick Hobbs, Lance Nehring, Angelika Schnagl, Edward Smit, Douglas de la Torre, Thomas Voss, and other authors (http://logging.apache.org/log4net/index.html). • Authorize.Net Advanced Integration Module for osCommerce, © 2006 Rhea Anthony, Jason Lebaron, osCommerce, and other authors (http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/4091). • GhostScript. © by the respective authors (http://www.ghostscript.com). Log4Net v1.2.10 is made available pursuant to the Apache License, Version 2.0. Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 http://www.apache.org/licenses/ TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work. 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions: (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. Authorize.net Advanced Integration Module for osCommerce and GhostScript are made available to you under the terms of the General Public License, a copy of which is available at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html The version of Authorize.net Advanced Integration Module for osCommerce is distributed by StoneEdge in source code form, which has been modified to store credit card processing details so they could later be transmitted to Stone Edge. Revised in mid-2010 to mask the sensitive portions of credit card account numbers [Confirm description of modifications] The original, unmodified, source code for Authorize.net Advanced Integration Module can be obtained from http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/4091. Source code for GhostScript can be obtained from http://www.ghostscript.com. In compliance with the GPL, PGP Corporation also offers a CD-ROM containing all modifications made by PGP Corporation to the GPL code. Note that the CD does not contain any modifications not also readily available from the GPL source code download URL above. To order a copy of the GPL software CD, please send a written request, along with a check or money order for $5 to cover shipping and handling to: Contact Sales Phone: Toll-free 877-StoneWeb (877-786-6393) or 484-927-4804. Email: Contact sales via e-mail. Contact Technical Support Phone: 610-994-3699 or 484-927-4804 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., EST, Monday through Friday Email/online: Please complete our tech support request form. Physical Address Stone Edge Technologies, Inc. 1100 Schell Lane Suite 104A Phoenixville, PA 19460 =================================================================== NOTE: For information about changes made in earlier versions, please contact Stone Edge Technologies, Inc.