---------------------DISCLAIMER------------------------------- These MP3s are for backup and educational purposes only. You should only have this software/music to serve as a backup. You have an evaluation period of 24 hours but after that you must delete the mp3's from your computer. I will not be held responsible for anything you do with the MP3's. For controversial reasons, if you are affiliated with any government, Software manufacterer, Legal Firm, Legal Service, Public Service, F.B.I., Private Investigation Service, OR any ANTI-Piracy group or any other related group, or were formerly and/or formally a worker of one you CANNOT access any of my files. If you look at my files you are not agreeing to these terms and you are violating code 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act signed by Bill Clinton in 1995 and that means that you CANNOT threaten my ISP(s) or any person(s) storing these files, and cannot prosecute any person(s) affiliated with this page which includes family, friends or individuals who download my files. By continuing to downloading my files, you are expressly and impliedly agreeing to all terms as stated above, and affirm that you are in compliance with all federal, state and local laws concerning the files I share. SOMETIMES (esp. at night) MY 2nd DRIVE IS DISCONNECTED TO SAVE POWER/WEAR & TEAR (MM 23) - JUST MSG ME IF YOU WANT SOMETHING FROM THERE ABSOLUTELY NO LEECHERS 'NO FILES SHARED' = POSSIBLE BAN, ALTHO SLSK CAN & DOES MAKE MISTAKES ABOUT THIS, SO I'M PREPARED TO BE REASONABLE, & SO SHOULD YOU! ONE ALBUM OR MOVIE/TV EP AT A TIME PLEASE PLAY FAIR WITH ME, AND iLL PLAY FAIR WITH YOU EVERY TIME. I.E.- PISS ME OFF @YOUR PERIL!!!!!!!! xxxxORGANISE YOUR FILES PROPERLY!!!!!!! XXXX CONSIDER THIS!!!! IF U MAKE UR FILES 'AVAILABLE TO PEOPLE ON MY USER LIST ONLY' ON THE 'FILE SHARING' TAB, U ARE A LEECHING SCUMBAG AND, WHAT'S WORSE, A BRAINLESS MORON! - U CUT URSELF OFF FROM MANY POTENTIAL SHARES...BECAUSE THIS MEANS UR FILES DON'T SHOW UP ON FILE SEARCHES AND IT READS AS 'NO FILES SHARED' TO ANY NON-LISTED BROWSER, WHO IS LIABLE TO LOSE INTEREST & V.POSSIBLY BAN U AS A MATTER OF COURSE, WHEN IN FACT THAT PERSON CLD BE A FELLOW TRAVELLER WHO HAS EXACTLY THE SAME TASTE AS URSELF, & THE VERY ALBUM U'VE BEEN SEEKING(sic} FOR SEVERAL YRS!!!! THE FILES U SHARE ARE UR BAIT, GEDDIT! BTW, even if it occasionally says 0 uploads allowed in the box down below, what that means is that i'm being plagued by leeches, or that i sometimes(but not always) have to operate list only, due to my small bandwidth - but be assured, IF I D/L FROM YOU, YOU ARE ALWAYS ADDED TO MY LIST AS A MATTER OF COURSE, AND ARE WELCOME TO D/L FROM ME- otherwise msg me nicely & i can add u to my list IF THERE'S ANYTHING U DON'T UNDERSTAND, JUST ASK - I LIKE TO CHAT! www.myspace.com/thebillybonkers www.improbabble.com www.myspace.com/highflats www.myspace.com/thetattybogles