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Marshall Kenneth Kirk 1955-2005

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Jul 28, 2005, 8:36:13 PM7/28/05
Sadly, my friend Scott Bartley and I discovered the body of Marshall
this afternoon in his apartment in Brookline. I knew Marshall for
some 10-15 years. He was a frequent contributor to this group. He did
work on the ancestries of Gov. Thomas Dudley, Thomas Bradbury, the
Winslow brothers and other subjects in medieval genealogy. His
articles were published in several different journals.

He was certainly the smartest person I've ever met. Keen, logical,
precise-- a huge intellect. I wish he had been less troubled by his
emotional side.

I have no idea what plans are to be made for any services.

Sorry to be the bearer of such sad news. Truly a light has gone out
for scholarly genealogy.

D. Spencer Hines

Jul 28, 2005, 11:19:01 PM7/28/05

Natural Causes?

Harvard graduate, wasn't he?


<> wrote in message

Jul 28, 2005, 10:24:26 PM7/28/05
We don't know the cause yet. Yes, he graduated from Harvard College
and had a master's from there as well (in psychology).

D. Spencer Hines

Jul 28, 2005, 11:29:32 PM7/28/05


<> wrote in message

James C. Woodard

Jul 28, 2005, 10:32:25 PM7/28/05
to wrote in news:1122597373.746106.17790

> Sorry to be the bearer of such sad news. Truly a light has gone out
> for scholarly genealogy.

Indeed, sad to see one go young. He will be missed. Both here and on

James C. Woodard
"Too many laws make scofflaws of all"

Jul 28, 2005, 10:45:35 PM7/28/05
Thank You for letting us know he surely will be miss.
Sincerley Yours
Mike Welch

Jul 28, 2005, 10:56:12 PM7/28/05
To All:
Only fifty. He did an enormous amount in genealogy and will be
sadly missed.
James W Cummings
Dixmont, Maine

Tony Ingham

Jul 29, 2005, 12:47:10 AM7/29/05
I echo your sentiments entirely.

I wish I had made contact with him when he was less troubled.

As a researcher he had a razor sharp intellect. One of the few who would
prove his own research by doing his best to disprove it.

Rest in peace "Marshal"

Tony Ingham

Message has been deleted

Jul 29, 2005, 1:52:02 PM7/29/05
I wrote the following last night upon learning of Marshall's untimely death, but apparently the message didn't make it to the list. In light of John Brandon's recent query regarding Marshall's work on the Dudley line, I'm trying again:


This is indeed very sad news. He was very creative. His articles proposing speculative lines for the Winslows and other New England families of possible royal descent, and particularly his works relating to the Bradbury ancestry, were superb.

We had exchanged e-mails several months ago regarding his continuing work on the Bradbury ancestry, at which time he told me he thought a new article he had prepared proposing a new speculative line for Thomas Bradbury might be published soon in TG. From his description, I would expect this article might be a blockbuster. Anyone know the status of Marshall's work? It would be a real shame for his work to be lost.

Dave Morehouse
Hopkins, MN

Douglas Richardson

Jul 29, 2005, 3:51:10 PM7/29/05
Dear Martin ~

I'm deeply saddened to hear of Marshall Kirk's passing. I admired him
a great deal. He was always helpful to me. I know he'll be missed by
everyone. Please give my condolences to his family and to Scott

Best always, Douglas Richardson, Salt Lake City, Utah


D. Spencer Hines

Jul 29, 2005, 5:09:34 PM7/29/05
Poor fellow.

How long had he been dead when you discovered him?

He was Harvard College Class of 1977?


Jun 28, 2013, 1:32:43 PM6/28/13
(June 28, 2013)I just discovered that Marshall died. I was looking through my old high school year book and thought I'd see what happened to my friend. I was so shocked and saddened I let out a scream . That has never happened to me before.
But I have never known a man like him. I saw a comment that a fellow had wished they had know him earlier, before the emotional issues; but in 1974-76 I saw a young man with potential, but without a life's work to his credit. Others got to see him, work with him knowing exactly what he could do. I saw the potential but not the work. Rest in peace Marshall. And for those that believe in heaven, I hope you meet again. For others that believe in past and future lives, I hope to walk with you once again. Tomorrow.

Jul 13, 2014, 12:19:57 PM7/13/14
you knew marshal kirk. And at the time didnt know how he died. Clearly by now, people know. I dont know him, nor you, but I found him on wikipedia, and the cause of death is listed as unknown, so you would be the best person to ask, so the page could be complete. How did he die?

Jul 13, 2014, 3:12:14 PM7/13/14
Perhaps how he died is nobody's business and should remain private.

Kay Allen

On Sunday, July 13, 2014 9:20 AM, "" <> wrote:

you knew marshal kirk. And at the time didnt know how he died. Clearly by now, people know. I dont know him, nor you, but I found him on wikipedia, and the cause of death is listed as unknown, so you would be the best person to ask, so the page could be complete. How did he die?

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D. Spencer Hines

Jul 13, 2014, 4:06:58 PM7/13/14
And perhaps not.


Prosecutio stultitiae est gravis vexatio, executio stultitiae coronat opus.

Quintus Aurelius Stultus [33 B.C. - 42 A.D.]
wrote in message

Jan 30, 2015, 5:30:04 PM1/30/15
lived in Currier House at Harvard with Marshall, he was designing IQ tests for the excessively gifted at the time at the school of education

he enjoyed constructing legal sentences that couldn't be deciphered by his fellow students

sorry to hear of his passing

Sep 3, 2017, 1:11:11 PM9/3/17
I was introduced to Marshall in about 1989 by a mutual friend. A fellow Dudley descendant, he shared his research with me. I wish he'd survived into the age of DNA tests; I expect he'd have been a tireless advocate of exhuming John, 3rd Baron Dudley from St. Margaret's, Westminster, to confirm his (painstakingly supported but still speculative) theory that Roger Dudley (Governor Thomas's father) was the Baron's grandson.

It's speculation of a different kind but of almost equally certainty of proof that Marshall was murdered. A conspiracy of right wing religious zealots, striking a blow, as they surely saw it, against "organized sodomy", sent a volunteer to seduce and kill our friend. 'After the Ball' was incredibly important to the success of the gay rights movement and his high-profile involvement in the project painted a big, pink target on his back.

He wouldn't be the first gay man killed by a trick or the first one assasinated for his beliefs, his activism or for merely being. He may be one of the only ones done in by a combination of the two.

D. Spencer Hines

Sep 3, 2017, 1:38:48 PM9/3/17
Many homosexuals, particularly those with good educations, smarts and honed
communicative skills, do excellent work in Genealogy.

One of the reasons they do so, is that until quite recently, they had
virtually zero chance of any Progeny.

Therefore they were inclined to look BACK to Ancestors, rather than simply
PINE on the Children and Grandchildren.

Hopefully, for the sake of continuing excellent Genealogical Research from
these talented people, that will not change now they can both adopt and sire
children in many venues.

Homosexuals also are often quite astute OBSERVERS and make excellent
RESEARCHERS, DETECTIVES and WRITERS -- Often, But Not Always, Solitary


Fortem Posce Animum

"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. Call it the stupidity
of the American voter or whatever, but basically, that was really, really
critical for the thing [Obamacare] to pass." -- Jonathan Gruber

wrote in message

I was introduced to Marshall in about 1989 by a mutual friend. A fellow
Dudley descendant, he shared his research with me. I wish he'd survived into
the age of DNA tests; I expect he'd have been a tireless advocate of
exhuming John, 3rd Baron Dudley from St. Margaret's, Westminster, to confirm
his (painstakingly supported but still speculative) theory that Roger Dudley
(Governor Thomas's father) was the Baron's grandson.

It's speculation of a different kind but of almost equally certainty of
proof that Marshall was murdered. A conspiracy of right wing religious
zealots, striking a blow, as they surely saw it, against "organized sodomy",
sent a volunteer to seduce and kill our friend. 'After the Ball' was
incredibly important to the success of the gay rights movement and his
high-profile involvement in the project painted a big, pink target on his

He wouldn't be the first gay man killed by a trick or the first one
assasinated [sic] for his beliefs, his activism or for merely being. He may

Sep 3, 2017, 3:40:46 PM9/3/17
On Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 10:11:11 AM UTC-7, wrote:

> It's speculation of a different kind but of almost equally certainty of proof that Marshall was murdered. A conspiracy . . . .

No. Just NO!

It is rare when I step into a discussion in my role as administrator of the GEN-MED mailing list, but here we go. Let this serve as notice - as GEN-MED administrator, I will come down hard on any discussion of the sexual orientation of a modern person, let alone a murder conspiracy theory predicated on it or generalizations about homosexuals as a group. Whether or not the subject is or was a medieval genealogist, whether the comment is sympathetic or condemnatory, such material will invariably cause offense and can only lead to places we don't want the list to go. I can't stop posting to, but if you ever want any of your material crossing the gateway and being seen by the list, ever again, you will not participate in this or similar discussion. Any concerns with this policy should be raised in private by email, not on the list/group.

GEN-MEDIEVAL Administrator
gen.medieval - at -

Me Brn

Mar 20, 2023, 2:14:43 PM3/20/23
oh please.. when popular people die, the cause of death is asked. we ALL will die. whats private about that? here's the thing, you guys are coming off more like a cover up. thats the problem. and youre hiding behind the idea of privacy. the man was famous. and YES famous people like privacy. Death, which is common to 100% of us, is not private. even suicides. people do it. its not a big thing. But its human interest. Dont you think that he HIMSELF has asked how someone died, that he knew of? Or even a celebrity? we ALL have asked that, or look to read the story of a celebrity who has died. Your running in to somehow "protect" this guy seems like cover up behavior. Not common human behavior. YOU ALSO have a hyper aggressive admin here thats gonna do the same thing. someone merely SPECULATED that he could have been murdered and you people are being told to quickly shut up on that possibility? that ALSO sounds like a man covering someone.

how do you people know that the man wasnt killed and these people KNOW it if youre being told to shut up? and I dont wanna hear the term "conspiracy theory" we are human. we think. we ask questions and we are NOT required to follow "after the ball". if anyone knew that, it was mark.

he did know however that vast groups can be convinced of something. He also clearly knew that opposition would have to be made to shut up. AND GUESS WHAT people? you guys are doing it to mark AND yourselves! how the man died MATTERS, if you feel his life mattered. if its suicide, well ok then, so be it. Many great men have died from that. Celebrities. But COVERING UP the conversation sounds like murder. Im sorry but who does that but someone with a reason?

Me Brn

Mar 20, 2023, 2:19:52 PM3/20/23
On Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 10:11:11 AM UTC-7, wrote:
these people have threatened you that you cant even speak your personal VIEW on his death! thats a cover up mentality. People die early. sicknesses.. or suicides, accidents or murder. ThATS the only way. but we ALL know someone that died of one of those. its not that huge of a deal. WE ALL die. celebrities die. we as humans ask WHY. if we dont ask WHY , thats how a jeffery daumer can move to victim 2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8.

we ask WHY. thats why we have a coroner's office for when people die early.

thats why the mob has been part of swaying the coroner's reports over american history. these are not "conspiracy theory" and even if it was.. man, who cares... can we not speak, without some guy over us demanding that we shut up?

what kind of group is that? for goodness sake, we are talking about a writer.. a psych person, the man LIVED with the idea of open thought, and guess what happens? everyone is told to shut up about their own thoughts?

I guess we are allowed to THINK on our own but not in this group, with a bunch of Karens telling us what we are allowed to think. SMH!!!

Will Johnson

Mar 21, 2023, 1:04:36 PM3/21/23
Well his obituary mentions that he had a wife Elizabeth who predeceased him.


Mar 21, 2023, 1:38:02 PM3/21/23
On Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 10:04:36 AM UTC-7, Will Johnson wrote:
> Well his obituary mentions that he had a wife Elizabeth who predeceased him.

Don't feed the troll.

Darrell E. Larocque

Mar 21, 2023, 8:57:03 PM3/21/23
This is unfortunately the world we live in today... someone manufactures something solely designed for hateful purposes. No place is safe from them anymore...
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