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masters of war

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Jul 4, 1991, 9:38:39 AM7/4/91

I am very grateful to Petar Simic for posting that Chicago Tribune
article. In the times when Serb-bashing has risen to an almost all-time
high, it is gratifying to know that this world has not yet lost its
sense of balance. By way of contributing to that balance,
I include some of my own views on recent, lamentable, events.

The first casualty of war, the saying goes, is truth. But when truth had
gone out of the picture long before the war started, the situation is even
worse. So much so in fact that I suggest this "is the camera-man ready?"
war was a staged affair and for the following reasons:

o The whole project of Slovenia's secession was a well engineered
and supremely executed piece of work. True, there were hitches along
the way, but they were few and far between. On the whole, this was a
controlled process, in which the Slovenes proved themselves excellent
manipulators of Balkan politics, moods and motives. If we agree that the
last five years of Slovenia's history show high degree of purpose and
co-ordination, I move that the pinnacle of their activities (i.e. the
"war") must show even more.

o The timing of the plebiscite was such that the proclamation
of independence would come at the height of the tourist season, when
many foreign nationals would be trapped between the combatants. This
was to ensure EEC governments react swiftly.

Provoking a controllable war meant Slovenia would start its independent
life soon and at a high note. Having the sympathies of the West would
ensure Slovenia is treated like Poland and Czechoslovakia (i.e. special
status in EEC and, probably, writing-off of the debts).

o The "monstrous" JNA generals ready to use even napalm showed themselves
less than professional in sending in tanks not followed by the
infantry. Why would they do that? Surely, if their purpose was to
annihilate Slovenes they would have used better troops and better tactics.
More men, to say the least!

Having served a year in JNA, I and many of my friends (including
Slovenes) were in no doubt that our units were not a top-notch
force. However, there were units - and I saw one of them in action
in Pula - who impressed by their ability and discipline. The unit
I saw numbered several thousand men. I am sure there are more of its
kind. Would it be true to say that these, rather than practically
untrained recruits should have been sent in? Since less than perfect
units *and* tactics were used, was it not because attack on
Slovenia was master-minded by the Slovenes themselves?

Mr Jansa was reported saying that the attack plans found in the
captured armoured personnel carriers were practically identical
to those for the possession of which he had been tried not long
ago. Now, is that because JNA is forgetful and incompetent, or
because general Kolsak's loyalties were (just slightly!) split?

o The sharpness and efficiency of the Slovene propaganda machine has
been perfected over the years, but even so, the ratio of (JNA) atrocities
and (Slovene) gallantry is too much to stomach. Slovenes made
no mention of the hostages they took among the families of
Serbian officers stationed in Slovenia, for example. Neither
have they mentioned the opposition to this war in Serbia.
A fact - 5 busfulls of parents whose sons are currently with JNA
in Slovenia have left from Belgrade for Slovenia yesterday (3.07)

Portraying Serbs as narrow-minded, uncivilized communist bastards
that no one can do business with worked as well as spreading
serbophobia did under Austro-Hungaria. This enabled the Slovenes
to sweep under the carpet the fact that the negotiations on Yugoslavia's
future, with all republics stating they no longer want Yugoslavia
as it is, were still on and even progressing after the June 6th
meeting of 6 Presidents.

Now, you may say, this is all bunkum and balderdash. Even if it was
staged, who gives a damn? No one, not even Serbs, should, but they do. Why?
They are fascinated by the lesson they've just been taught: paying 23%
of one's population is no guarantee against becoming a prop in a cheap play.

Well done, Slovenes! I hope to God you live up to your dreams and
go on being true to whatever you deem your nation stands for. But please
stop billing yourselves as fierce freedom fighters. With due respect to the
dead in this war, the only freedom Slovenia is fighting for is the freedom
of the manipulator to walk away from the manipulated.

Predrag L Popovic

27316-cengiz akgun(h513)m000

Jul 8, 1991, 1:52:08 PM7/8/91
In article <9107041338.AA00371@privet> writes:
> ..........

> of independence would come at the height of the tourist season, when
> many foreign nationals would be trapped between the combatants. This
> was to ensure EEC governments react swiftly.
> Provoking a controllable war meant Slovenia would start its independent
> life soon and at a high note. Having the sympathies of the West would
> ensure Slovenia is treated like Poland and Czechoslovakia (i.e. special
> status in EEC and, probably, writing-off of the debts).
>Well done, Slovenes! I hope to God you live up to your dreams and
>go on being true to whatever you deem your nation stands for. But please
>stop billing yourselves as fierce freedom fighters. With due respect to the
>dead in this war, the only freedom Slovenia is fighting for is the freedom
>of the manipulator to walk away from the manipulated.
>Predrag L Popovic

According to Turkish media reporting, the number of dead Turkish truck
drivers who have been caught in the middle of this conflict, rises to
5. And many Turkish owned trucks were confiscated to be used for the
road barriers. As far as I have seen that Slovens were independent
enough to have para-military forces in their region. I certainly got
upset to see them bringing people, whose only worry to make a living,
into their scheme. And, I hope Turkish trucks were not picked on
because of some diatribes that I have noticed in this news group about
Turks' involvement in Yugoslavian history, especially attributed to
their backwardness. How come those wise asses have forgotten that
they were in their own almost two hundred years (as far as Turkish
ruling is concerned)? Stop shedding the blood or becoming the
perpetrators of blood shedding, especially the third parties.

Cengiz Akgun

their fight

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