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Anti-Sihanouk Propaganda

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Bora Touch

no leída,
30 ago 2003, 23:03:2630/8/03

Dear Mr. Ly Diep,
Editor, Angkorborey News. [SR3]

I respond to the points raised in your email in Khmer.

Legal vs. Journalistic profession.

The focus of my critique was your level of journalistic professionalism. My
point was that you were incorrect in your assertion. Additionally, you do
not need to be a lawyer or a journalist to have the privilege of commenting
on someone's professionalism. A simple victim of your allegation could say
that you were wrong. In my view, your comments border on propaganda or, at
least, are rather simplistic.

For your information, I was briefly a student of journalism and I
occasionally write for papers or journals, such as the Phom Penh Post,
Researching for the Truth and other Khmer papers. Lately, I was advised by
H.R.H Sisowath Thomico that my articles were published in his The
Nationalist journal.

I find it absurd to assert that I am prohibited from interfereing with your
"profession" considering the fact that you have been, in my view,
simplistically criticising His Majesty and others etc.(for the last 20
years). It is a matter for any Khmer to comment on (or to correct) your
published assertions.

Cambodian Border Committee(CBC)/Sean Pengse.

As far as international law is concerned, CBC can do very litting in
bringing Vietnam or any state to an international court because CBC is not
state. However, the CBC is one of the most professional bodies and applies
consistent and persistent pressure on the powers that be. Like you, I
sincerely support and admire them. But my point was that your statement
(or, rather, lecture) to Mr. Pengse was baseless and ill-informed.

Kampuchea Krom in 1949.

While you are conviently ignoring His Majesty's greatest achievements (in
obtaining the return of Preah Vihear prasad etc), you instead blame Him for
the loss of Kampuchea Krom. In your words, the King "should have demanded
its return" as well.

This statement is a further indication that you are unaware of the factual
situation that is the subject of your writings. In fact, He did vigorously
demand the return of the Kampuchae Krom territories from France.

During the debate of the French Parliament (precisely, Assemble de L'union
Francais for decolonization ) in March/April 1949, His Majesty sent several
Khmer dignitaries to vigorously demand the return of the low lands from
France. These dignitaries were: Mr. Sok Chong, Mr. Sim Var, H.E Son Sann,
S.D Pen Penouth, H.E Nhek Chulong and Princess Yukanthor. Despite their
great argument, the French government had already made up their mind on the
fate of the low lands of Cambodia. What happened was that France had created
its Viet Boa Dai emperor and given those lands to him in an attempt to use
him to help France fight against the communist North Vietnam.

As you are aware, when France unilaterally gave the Khmer lands to Vietnam,
Cambodia was still under the French colonial yoke. There was nothing the
King or any Khmer could do to militarily or diplomatically retake the lands.
But His Majesty did nonetheless fight for it. During the 1954 conference,
His Majesty made an attempt to reclaim the terriotires, but the demand fell
on deaf ears because the U.S., UK and France had their interests in ignoring
the Khmer claims. Boa Dai "South Vietnam" was the stage/base to contain
communism in SEA.

To date, His Majesty has not given up the claim to the lands either yet, if
you care to read what He has been saying.

North Vietnamese-Sihanouk agreement and Viet Sanctutories in Cambodia.

One of the most effective anti-Sihanouk propaganda was that there was a
Sihanouk-North -Vietnamese agreements in which NV would use Cambodia as
their sanctuaries. This claim was made by many very important people,
including Prince Sirik Matak, Lt.General Sak Sutsakhan in his monograph, The
Khmer Republic at War and the Final Collapse (Nov. 1978); HRH Sisowath
Thomico, "Norodom Sihanouk and the Khmer Factions, in Indochina Report
journal(9) 1986; Dr. David Chandler, The Tragedy..(1992) etc. What these
gentlemen have claimed is absolutely baseless, however. The fact is that no
one has seen an agreement of that sort because there was no agreement as

In 1987, in His reply to Prince S. Thomico's paper, Prince Sihanouk said:
"Again, we confront a horrible calumny and despicable lie of Thomico
Sisiwath. I challenge him and I ask you, Mr, Editor, to show your readers
and myself the slightest trace of these "agreements"... If such an
"agreement" ever existed, I am sure that the ex-pillars of the (defunct) "
Khmer Republic" would not have failed to keep either the original or copies.
I swear that there never was an agreement of that sort": (N. SIhanouk, "A
Passion for Cambodia", in Indochina Report ( (13) 1987, p. 13).
I can assure you, Mr. Diep, you have not seen it either, have you?.

What happened was, the NV/Vietcong did use some remote uninhabited parts of
Cambodia, especially in the tri-border area in the north to cross into South
Vietnam. His Majesty and Lon Nol etc were aware their presence. but
strategically ignored it. From about 1967, there was an significant increase
of VN troops's presence in the borders area. Americans through the
Australian Embassy showed the aerial photos of their movments to His
Majesty. His Majesty did give secret orders to harass in order restrict
them, when possible when they were in small numbers (the discussion of this
issue can be seen in CIA/NIA top secret (declassifieded documents, I have).

In fact in 1969, an order was issued to attack VN forces in Ratanakiri. The
goal was to attack in order to study and determine NV strength. Guess, Mr.
Diep, who was commanding the troops?. They were: Col. Sak Sutsakhon, who was
the commander, Col Pok Sam An, Col Chhuon Chum, Um Savath, and Mj. Dien Del

Moreover, It was not the VN/Vietcong alone who used Cambodia. The US did
that as well. In fact, the US Special Forces, under their code name "Daniel
Boone" established their command and surveillance camp in Anglung Veng and
inside Cambodia along the Cambodia-Lao-Vietnam borders from at least 1967,
according US declassified (secret)documents. His Majesy "closed his eyes"
too, in view.

Another important fact you might not know is by January 1968 (that's two
years before the coup), His Majesty allowed the US to engage in "hot
pursuits" against Vietcong into Cambodia if NV attacked US forces in SVN and
withdrew into Cambodia, on the condition that the US made a open declaration
recognising Khmer borders for the sake of international recognition of
existence, and an actual respect of theborders was a different matter. This
was discussed in His Majesty's meeting with U.S Ambassador Bowles's between
8-12, 1968 (see Secret (Decl.) minute report: The Bowles Mission to Cambodia

What was interesting was from the minute of this meeting, none of the 1970
coup people were in the meeting. On the Khmer part, they were only Prince
Sihanouk, H.E Son Sann, Gen. Nhek Tioulong, Minister of Defence Duong Sam Ol
and SD Pen Nouth.

This explained as to why the coup plotters had no idea on what Prince
Sihanouk's strategy was on the Vietcongs or the Americans.

As CIA etc pointed out to President Ford, the Prince was one of those who
wanted Vietnam to remain divided because a united Vietnam would be a danger
to Cambodia's existence and His Majesty "closed eyes" policy had a reason.

The Prince closed his eyes to the presence of the NV troops was a part of
the Prince's far sighted foreign policy. He explained why that was the case:
making the NV felt indebted to Cambodia/Sihanouk if and when they succeeded
in taking the SNV:(See N Sihanouk, War and Hope (1979). He predicted they
would win the war, so He had to prepare Cambodia for that eventuality.
Another reason for closing "his eye" was his design to quell/ suppress his
domestic enemy, the KR, who were moving against him/Cambodia through all
fronts: penaltrated through the Sino-Cambodian assocations funded the
Chinese goverment and headed by KR and armed resistance.

By closing his eyes and letting the Vietcong pass through Cambodia, Prince
SIhaouk was not an obstacle to their (Chinese/NV) goal of liberating SVN.
Thus this would stop, as it did, the Chinese and NV from propping up or
arming the KR to take over Cambodia before moving onto SVN. This polcy was
quite effective: (Pov Sorpong, Cambodia: in Search for Security 1994 ?).

When Cambodia/Lon Nol became an obstacle to Vietcongs/chen after the 1970
coup, you and I know happened. Cambodia became a hell on earth. It was the
Prince's diplomatic mature Cambodia was quite at peace.

U.S Aid

Once again, you did not do your research before dismissing His Majesty's
financial assertion/history. He was correct. A quote from the US Congress's
hearing suffices to prove this: "US military and economic assistance, during
1951-63, totalled more than $350 million...Cambodia had started out in 1955
with foreign exchanges reserves of $50 million. By 1963, Cambodia has
"saved" an additional $76 million and--on termination of US finance
assistance --had a total of $126 million in the bank in the form of gold and
hard currency". The $350 was a grant and not a loan from the US". (see U.S
Economic Assistance for the Khmer Republic, 13th Report by Committee on
Government Operations, 92nd US congress, 2nd session 16/6/1972 p. 2. This
"savings", basically, was not spent until of course Lon Nol took over after
March 1970. US$1.7 billion taken by Lon Nol was largely loan. Today,
Cambodia still has about US$ 600 million to pay the U.S for Lon Nol's debts.

US$7 billions were spent by the US government for bombing Cambodia. It was
600,000 they killed.

Killings of "Khmer" "Serey" and Khmer Rouge constitute "crime against

First of all, "crimes against humanity" is an international crime.
Traditionally, the killing must be a mass, systematic and (I add) extra
judicial killings. The killings must occur during war time, (today, war-time
element is still controversial and may not be necessary, but it was then).

The Khmer Serei (KS) was a creature of foreign powers, the CIA. But from
1960 -1970, CIA basically withdrew its support (there are a few secret
directives from the US President for US embassies to presure the Thais and
Viets to do so to avoid upsetting the Prince, but Thai and Veit continued to
support KS anyway).

The KS leader was well known: the Sino-Vietnamese Cambodian Son Ngoc Thanh
(by then his brother, Son Thai Nguyen was South-Viet Senator). The KS
consisted mainly of Khmer Krom. The goal of the Thai and Vietnamese
governments in supporting, training and feeding them, KS, was to destabilise
the Cambodia's peace and made itvulnerable. The KS job was killing and
destroying, robbing, stealing the Khmer peasants. They did just that for
their foreign bosses..

They were sent into Cambodia via Thailand. S N Thanh also had their network
in Cambodia as well from his times. By the way, it was Son Ngoc Thanh who
likked Mr. Sam Sary, father of H.E Sam Rainsy, when the former atempted to
come back to His Majesty.

Sihanouk's government through Lon Nol (and his brother Lon Non who was a
military intelligence officer then) managed to arrest them, and had them
court-martialled and put them to face the firing squad or jailed them.

It is not "crimes against humanity". What would you or Khmer, Mr. Diep,
have done with these "national" betrayers.? I hope you are not regretting
the Thai/Viet did not succeed in conquering Cambodia with KS being their

On the Khmer Rouge. Well, I'll let you know one thing. Tou Samouth, KR
leader who, among four Khmer Krom (Achar Mean, Siv Heng, Chan Samay) was
sent by the Vietnamese Indochina Communist Party in 1946 to Cambodia ot
create the yuon communist network, was arrested by a personal order of Gel.
Lon Nol. Tou was then taken to Lon Nol's house, tortured, killed and his
body was dumped somewhere in Stung Meanchey. It was confirmed by Nuon Chea
to me and by Pol Pot in his interview with Nate Thayer in 1997. This was an
extra-judicial killing, but still in my view Lon Nol and the police did not
commit crime against humanity.

.Legality of the Overthrow of Prince Sihanouk in March 1970.

A. Facts

Your assertion that what happened to His Majesty in March 1970 was not a
coup and that He was ousted legally is nonsense.

According the CIA secret report, dated 14/8/70 (now declassified, the CIA
interviewed the coup mastermind: Tep Kunnah and Lon Nol etc for this
Report), the coup committee was called the "Revolutionary Committee". it was
created in late 1968 by four people: Lon Non, Tep Khunnah and Col. Les Kosem
and Col. Hou Hangs In. Tep Kunnah (a CIA informant and US Caltex sole
distributor in Cambodia) funded the operation. Gen. Lon Nol consented to the
creation of the coup committee and its activities of his brother. But
according the CIA, Lon Nol did not want to participate in any activities. He
agreed though to become the preisident when and if the coup succeeded.

Contrary to the general belief, Prince Sisowath Sirik Matak was not a member
or a party to this coup. But supported it after the coup happened. Evidence
this was in 1971, Matak was kicked out by the coup group, especially by Lon
Nol's brother, Lon Non who basically ran the show after the coup and his
brother's stroke. Prince. Matak was only brought back into the scene in
about April 1973 after CIA engineered a Lon Non's removal from scene. (see
also CIA's Special National Intelligence Estimate Report 24/5/73).Every
inthe iner circle knew that Non and Nol were attempting at creating the Lon

Not knowing the coup plan, Prince Matak went along with the engineers of the
coup after the fact. I think he thought that because American CIA approached
him in 1966 when he was the Ambassador to Japan and to the Philippines so
on, he might have an important role. In the end, Prince Matak realised that
the US/Americans were not supporting him or anyone who were not in their
interests to do so. And when Phnom Penh fell and Matak was invited to leave
the country by Ambassador John Dean, the prince refused the Dean's offer.
This was his last words of regret and mark them:
" Excellency and friend, ..I cannot, alas, leave in such a cowardly
fashion... Mark it well, that if I shall die here on the spot and in the
country I love, it is too bad because we were born and must die one day. I
have only committed the sin of believing in Americans".

Back to the coup engineerings. By late 1969, most of Army's generals and
senior civil leaders were contacted by this group. Their original plan was
to stage the coup in 1971, but Lon Nol and his group took the opportunity of
the anti-North Viet demonstration in 1970 and proceeded with the coup plan.
Their main Anti-Sihanouk propaganda was Sihanouk betrayed Cambodia and Khmer
and was pro NV and allowed VN sanctuaries in Cambodia or Her Majesty had
Vietnmese blood (the fact was Her Majesty's mother Mme Pomme Pang, had some
Chinese ancestry. His Father was French), or something along the line.

Thus, the National Assembly's vote to remove from His Majesty. from being
the Head of State was just a farcical theatre.

B. Legality of Coup.

Under article 35 of the 1947 Constitution, the King was the Head of State
and Head of Sate was the King.

After the Death of King Suramarit in 1960, and by constitutional amendment
of 1960, Part 12, the Objuvreach, the former King Sihanouk was made the Head
of State. Practically, H.M Sihanouk was the King and the Head of State, as
pointed out by Mr. Hun Sen in his 13 Decades of Kampuchea's Journey (1991,
in Khmer).

And by the constitutional implications, and like the current Constitution
1993, He was the Head of State for life. National Assembly had/has not power
to remove Him from His position.

Now tell me, Mr. Diep, where in the Constitution 1947 which allowed the
National Assembly to vote to remove the Head of State or the King. No where,
I can assure you.

Legally speaking, thus, the vote of the 1970 by National Assembly was in
fact a constitutional coup. Not to mention the changing of Cambodia from a
Kingdom to a Republic.

Sihanouk's Khmer Rouge troops:

GRUNK was His Majesty's goverment in exile, not KR's. As to why he created
the government, well, you would need to ask Lon Nol and his brother and Tep

Again, contrary to your assertion, KR was not Norodom Sihanouk's troops.
During the war against US/Lon Nol 1970-1975, there were three different
groups: The KR troops belonged to the Communist Party Of Kampuchea,
Sihanoukist troops known as Khmer Rumdoh, and those who were recruited by
the VNC/Vietcong.

By 1973, Vietcongs left Cambodia for two reasons: (1) a deal was struck by
NVN and US and; (2) KR troop's purge of NVN troops and "Khmer Viet Minh, and
Khmer Rumdoh. By late 1973, the Sihanoukists, the Khmer Rumdoh, were almost
entirely wiped out KR. By the way, Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin were KR
troops. They were neither Viet Minh or Khmer Rumdoh.

A few months after Prince Sihanouk came back to Cambodia. He was the head of
State, the position he continued to hold from GRUNK and FUNK. In 1976,
Prince Sihanouk resigned a few months after He came back to Cambodia,
probably because of what He saw KR doing to His people and Himself.

And by the way, Khieu Samphorn's position was not "pratheaneathipakthey" as
you claimed. The official term was comrade "prothean-rath". .

Monarchy and H.M Sihanouk.

Read my comment carefully, my emphasis was more on the monarchy as an
institution (as the symbol of Khmer dignity, tradition, culture and
civilisation) rather than an individual King. Being familiar with Khmer
history, I believe that King Sihanouk was/is a best Khmer king, but widely
misunderstood by some people either because of their ignorance and being
consumed by constant anti-Sihanouk propaganda/prejudices, or of their
wish/campaign to destroy the Khmer tradition, culture or civilisation, the
few remnants left to the Khmer today.

You were a Lon Nol soldier?. I thought good Lon Nol soldiers were the dead
soldiers:) Just joking.

I await your response (of substance).

Touch Bora.
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----- Original Message -----
From: Bora Touch <>
To: <>; Anthony Ly <>

Mr. Ly Diep
Angkorborei Newspaper (U.S):

Thank you for your reply (below).

Now I can assume you agree that things are not the way they seem, sometimes.
An element of good journalism is to check sources before making an
assertion, especially when you are attacking a person or his/her reputation.
Before making a decision of national importance, all implications (legal,
political, regional, global) must be taken into consideration. That what
happened to His Majesty, especially during his first rule before 18 March
1970. If you take a wrong step, Cambodia is eaten alive, as happened after
18 March: Cambodia was bombed into its Stone Age, 600,000 Khmer killed by
American bombings (according the 1994 UN Report), US$1.7 billion debts to US
alone by Lon Nol's regime, many archaeological sites were destroyed, and all
South and North Vietnams and United States openly invaded Cambodia.

The border issue is a serious national issue (life and death). We must all
need to be serious and consistent about it. For those who, Hun Sen/CPP
included, threaten Cambodia's borders to take us seriously, we must be
informed of all aspects of the debate. Ill-informed or ill-substantiated
criticisms can only help the enemies and destroy your credibility. This is
what has been happening now, to a large degree.

While you agree that His Majesty has done his duty well, you continue to
critique Him, saying that " He can exert pressure on the government
parliament in this [border] issue. The King has decided that He will not do
so because He is afraid of losing His Throne which He has to protect for
future Royal Family".

Well, He has done that (putting the pressure), if you care to read His
continuous statements/declarations (the BMD). For example, He has been
passing on all the letters seeking His intervention on the border issues to
Samdeach Hun Sen for his consideration or action and He has criticised the
government's statement that Cambodia's borders are unclear or need further
negotiations. Hun Sen either ignores or evades His Majesty. Thus, this is
evidence of the pressure He had been exerting. His very actions enable the
true lovers of Cambodia to legally protect Cambodia's territorial integrity
when the time/situation/circumstances permit us. It was through His
Majesty's mastery of skillful diplomacy that he had North Vietnam commited
its legal "suicide", i.e by having North Vietnam unilaterally declared to
reognize and respect Cambodia's boundaries.

>From an international law point of view, I believe that every statement He
makes about Vietnam-Cambodia border issue is designed to keep that VN
"suicide" "alive".

As to the concern of about the disappearance of the Throne or the Monarchy,
I can assure you that not only is His Majesty concerned about it, but many
Khmer are too. It is undeniable that the Khmer Monarchy is the symbol of the
Khmer tradition, culture and Khmer civilisation. In fact, it was the Khmer
Monarchy that created this most splendid civilisation in the world, in my
view, until today.

The disappearance of the Monarchy has always been the wish of the Khmer's
traditional enemies. Because once this national traditional icon is gone, it
will be easily for those non-Khmer elements to destroy Khmer culture and
tradition. When that happens, Mr. Diep, the Khmer will be in a traditional
blur/darkness and our hearts will bleed with sorrow.

I hope you do not think that "republicanism" is a new or a modern concept.
If you check the world history carefully, you would notice that
"republicanism" (in the Roman case) is older than the 2000-year-old Khmer
monarchy (I am talking about when Khmers began to centrally structurize our
state in 1st century AD, although the Khmers have been on the South Asia
peninsula since 700,000 years or longer; and it was the Khmers or
Khmer-speaking people) who taught the Chinese how to make their first modern
offensive weapon, the crossbow etc: C. Hingham, The Bronze Age of South East
Asia, 1996). Republicanism is not a Khmer traditional polity, idea. It's a
Eouropean one, Greek to be specific (i.e Plato 427 B.C-347 BC, his book, The
Republic). That being said and make no mistake, Plato believed in absolute
power and tyranny of the "Guardians", the presiding elite.

When democracy or public knowledge/education were/are immature, the
monarchical king was replaced by a "republican" emperor (Non Nol)/communist
emperor (Pol Pot). What happened to human dignity and democracy? You knew
the answer.

When we have the (constitutional) monarchy, we have both: our
tradition/civilization and democracy. And the Khmer (which include me), will
endeavor to preserve this Khmer tradition, the Sacred Monarchy. As a Khmer I
am and will be proud of it.

Bora Touch.
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----- Original Message -----
From: Anthony Ly <>
To: <>; <cabinet@norodomsihanouk

Dear Mr. Ly Diep
Angkoborie Newspaper (US)

Let me comment on your assertion that His Majesty should do more than He
has done. You suggested that the King or Samdeach Hun Sen should bring
Vietnam to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and if they do not do
so, you further suggested that Cambodians should raise money and bring the
case to the ICJ.

In the international law arena, things are not that simple.

It is true that once a state becomes a member of the UN, it automatically
becomes a member of the ICJ. However, a state needs to notify the ICJ if it
wishes to become a Compulsory Member of the ICJ. Cambodia has been a
compulsory member of the ICJ since 1950s.

An advantage of being a compulsory member of the ICJ is the ability to bring
an international legal action against another compulsory member state
without having to first obtain an agreement/cooperation from the other
party/ respondent party.

Vietnam is not a compulsory member of the ICJ. Thus, Cambodia cannot take
Vietnam to ICJ without Vietnam agreeing. Vietnam will not go to the Court
because it does not have any interest in doing so. It has more money and
guns than Cambodia.

Cambodia was able to take Thailand to the ICJ in 1950s/1960s because
Thailand was a compulsory member of the Court (despite that it attempted to
argue that it had withdrawn its compulsory membership). And since it lost
its case to Cambodia (to Norodom Sihanouk), it withdrew its membership. It
has not recognised the Court's decision. It has instead been manoeuvring to
have some sort of joint ownership of the Preah Vihear temple, for an
example, it wanted some share of the Temple entry fees etc. Thailand has not
recognised the 100.000 scale map compiled by the French-Siamese Mixed
Commission 1908. Up to the present, according to a leading Royal Government
official I talked to, Thailand still demands that Cambodia accept the
boundary along the watershed along the Dangrek mountains range and ignore
the line stipulated in the 1908 map. If Cambodia accepts this, it means
Cambodian accepts that Preah Vihear belongs to Thailand.

My information is that in 1996 Thailand expressly stated that it would not
go to the Court on the maritime disputes in the Gulf of Thailand.

Laos behaves in a similar fashion.

Accordingly, in relation to your suggestion that should His Majesty or Hun
Sen not do so, Cambodians should hire a lawyer to bring the case to ICJ,
there appears to be no way to compel Vietnam to submit to the jurisdiction
of the ICJ.

Only state parties can commence proceedings at the ICJ, not private citizens
(or organisations) of state parties. To take Vietnam to the ICJ would
require a member state to have the standing/right to take another member
state to the ICJ. An individual or an organization (generally, international
or domestic one) does not have the necessary standing to do that. The
Cambodian Border Committee does not have standing.

What can we/you do?. We can continue to debate the issues and to exert the
pressure on relevant authorities, in Cambodia but, in my view, it is
appropriate for pressure to be applied on Vietnam. I suppose the bottom line
is, however, does Vietnam or Thailand care about the opinion of one
Cambodian or Cambodian organisation?

His Majesty has done His part, very well. In regard to those illegal
treaties, the CPP has a majority of members in the National Assembly and
they have failed to nullify the treaties that were ratified prior to the
Paris Peace Accords. Hun Sen has not done his job.

Additionally, under the Constitution, the Monarch needs parliamentary
approval to sign, ratify and nullify an international agreement/treaty. He
cannot act unilaterally. This is what you call "constitutional monarchy"
(and, in my view, is a good thing as it prevents autocratic behaviour by the

I will provide further comment on your criticisms of His Majesty in due
course after you rest your case.

Kind regards.

Bora Touch Esq.

This is an unmoderated forum. Please refrain from using
foul language. Thank you for your understanding.
Peace among us and in Cambodia.

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no leída,
1 sept 2003, 11:59:361/9/03
You know why Lok Pou Bora, in French we call the advocates of your
kind, "Les Avocats des Diables" (Diable advocates)

Defending undefendable/criminals


"Bora Touch" <> wrote in message news:<>...

The Revelation

no leída,
1 sept 2003, 22:40:321/9/03
Hahaha! I have a good laugh at your statement. You can be very funny

"Rajadevi" <> wrote in message


no leída,
2 sept 2003, 12:14:572/9/03
"The Revelation" <> wrote in message news:<bj0vvf$e696r$>...

> Hahaha! I have a good laugh at your statement. You can be very funny
> Rajadevi.

Ohoo, Lok Revealation pit chea trov kar Krou peth chom-ngeur phlov
chet mok chuoy chea bontean heuy. Kmean avey kour oy jong seurch
phorng kor seurch dae :-P ;-)Anichar Tor Tmor ;-)



no leída,
2 sept 2003, 13:05:212/9/03
> Kampuchea Krom in 1949.
> While you are conviently ignoring His Majesty's greatest achievements (in
> obtaining the return of Preah Vihear prasad etc), you instead blame Him for
> the loss of Kampuchea Krom. In your words, the King "should have demanded
> its return" as well.

> On the Khmer Rouge. Well, I'll let you know one thing. Tou Samouth, KR

> leader who, among four Khmer Krom (Achar Mean, Siv Heng, Chan Samay) was
> sent by the Vietnamese Indochina Communist Party in 1946 to Cambodia ot
> create the yuon communist network, was arrested by a personal order of Gel.
> Lon Nol. Tou was then taken to Lon Nol's house, tortured, killed and his
> body was dumped somewhere in Stung Meanchey. It was confirmed by Nuon Chea
> to me and by Pol Pot in his interview with Nate Thayer in 1997. This was an
> extra-judicial killing, but still in my view Lon Nol and the police did not
> commit crime against humanity.

Je suis revenue pour clarifier quelques points. May I….

Lok Pou, with all I respect I owe you, I found your comment so bias
and irrelevant for Khmer. There are lots of thing that I don't agree
with you but I only picks two important points here. You are an
educated person and one of the responsible for your country and
people, for what happened actually in Cambodia. You should work at
first for the interest of Khmer people, for the sake of justice and
truth instead of defending the criminals or work for your own

Talking about that so-called "Independent Crusade" Lots of people who
knew what really happened behind that masquerade/theatre never believe
that was Mr the king' oeuvre. First, the Indochina has already changde
the master, I mean from French to Viet. The French has already passed
their hand to Yuon before the king claimed his so-called
"Independence" And what's independence, for what price!!! We just
change from French's slave to be those of YUONS and what master,
crime, genocide to end up beggars State and become Yuon's slave/Yuon
minority .
Isn't that a great work of Mr the king. If Khmer has to choose they
would choose French than Yuons.

Second, about Tout Samuth or Achar Sok. I've read many books writing
by many different people/medias. No one dares to claim how Tout Samuth
was killed. They just said, he was died in a most mysterious
condition. Indeed, Davdi.P Chandler has mentioned about his arrest by
Lon Nol soldier but he was later released. Some people suspected Yuon
and China who prepared his death to replace by Pol Pot cause they
perceived that, Pol Pot has much more big potential in that period
than any body else, even more than the king, as said Pham Van Ba and
his gang. This is the reason they designed the name of Sarlot Sar as
Pol Pot (Political Potential)

Khmer flags, Indochina Flag:

This is what Yuon think about their great hero, their king sihanouk
kwangyang bin

par Norodom Sihanouk
Phnom Penh, le 1er Août 2003

A few years ago, a rather old Lady, very faithful and enthusiastic
Sihanoukiste since her youth, came in Khmémarin to tell me this " true
story " which I find interesting:

" As Your Majesty undoubtedly knows it, the troops Vietnameses (RSV),
" officially ", left on our premises in 1989.

" But they left " behind them ", in Kampuchea, some Colonels, without
counting a certain number of Majors, Capitaines, Lieutenants disguised
into civil " Vietnamese immigrants ", holding shops and machine shops
(repair of cars, motor bikes, same bicycles).

" I had lived at home, in Phnom Penh, during the ten years of
Vietnamese Protectorate on our Kampuchea (1979-1989). Close to my
house, was and is still today a repair shop of cars and motor cycles
whose owner was and is a Colonel of the Army of the RSV disguised in a
" civil " mechanic.

" This man is sympathetic nerve and one to support sincere of Samdech

" He said to me: " Madam, you do not worry about the fate and the
future of your respected and beloved King. The RSV and its People will
never forget what Samdech Chef of the State of the ßt Kingdom of
Kampuchea (SRN) had done for us (FNL of the South Vietnam and RDVN) in
our fight crowned for the total release of the South-Vietnam and the
reunification of our Fatherland Vietnamese (Northern, Centre and
South). We will never forget, either, the historical fact that Samdech
NORODOM SIHANOUK, in 1969, was the only Head of foreign State to
assist, with Hanoï, with funerals of our larger Hero and Father of our
Independence: venerated and beloved President HO CHI MINH. Therefore
we have says to the PPC and to its Leaders: " Please, never touch with
King NORODOM SIHANOUK. Always spare this good King Who there remains
always healthy and saft, respected and always King-Chief of the State
of Kampuchea."...".

Interesting, No?!!!

French Version, origin text

par Norodom Sihanouk
Phnom Penh, le 1er Août 2003

Il y a quelques années, une Dame assez âgée, très fidèle et fervente
Sihanoukiste depuis sa jeunesse, est venue au Khémarin pour me
raconter cette "histoire vraie" que je trouve intéressante :

"Comme Votre Majesté le sait sans doute, les troupes vietnamiennes
(RSV), "officiellement", sont parties de chez nous en 1989.

"Mais elles ont laissé "derrière elles", au Cambodge, quelques
Colonels, sans compter un certain nombre de Majors, Capitaines,
Lieutenants déguisés en civils "immigrés" vietnamiens, tenant
boutiques et ateliers mécaniques (réparation d'autos, de motos, de
vélos mêmes).

"J'avais vécu chez moi, à Phnom Penh, pendant les dix années du
Protectorat vietnamien sur notre Cambodge (1979-1989). Près de ma
maison, se trouvait et se trouve encore aujourd'hui un atelier de
réparation d'autos et motocyclettes dont le propriétaire était et est
un Colonel de l'Armée de la RSV déguisé en un mécanicien "civil".

"Cet homme est sympathique et un supporter sincère de Samdech NORODOM

"Il m'a dit: "Madame, ne vous inquiétez pas du sort et de l'avenir de
votre respecté et bien-aimé Roi. La RSV et son Peuple n'oublieront
jamais ce que Samdech Chef de l'Etat du 1er Royaume du Cambodge (SRN)
avait fait pour nous (FNL du Sud Vietnam et RDVN) dans notre lutte
sacrée pour la totale libération du Sud-Vietnam et la réunification de
notre Patrie vietnamienne (Nord, Centre et Sud). Nous n'oublierons
jamais, non plus, le fait historique que Samdech NORODOM SIHANOUK, en
1969, fut le seul Chef d'Etat étranger à assister, à Hanoï, aux
obsèques de notre plus grand Héros et Père de notre Indépendance: le
vénéré et bien-aimé Président HO CHI MINH. Aussi avons-nous dit au PPC
et à ses Leaders: "S'il vous plaît, ne touchez jamais au Roi NORODOM
SIHANOUK. Ménagez toujours ce bon Roi. Qu'il reste toujours sain et
sauf, respecté et toujours Roi-Chef de l'Etat du Cambodge."…".

Intéressant, Non?!!!

"Bora Touch" <> wrote in message news:<>...

The Revealation

no leída,
2 sept 2003, 15:59:282/9/03
There is nothing wrong with laughing, my dear. As a matter fact, my
doctor will tell me to laugh more because it helps with my health and
wellbeing in general. I suggest you and others do the same. :-)

How are you? Long time no chat.

The Revealation

no leída,
2 sept 2003, 16:02:202/9/03

I don't believe Bora visit SCC that often. I could be wrong. All his
posts were distributed by me to here from Camdisc.

I was hoping to turn the switch on for my camunity website so you can
cross post SCC message back to Camdisc. I'm too busy right now with many
other things.

Please subscribe to camdisc and repost your message there. Otherwise, I
am more than happy to assist you.

With respect,



no leída,
3 sept 2003, 5:30:033/9/03
a (The Revealation) wrote in message news:<bj2sr0$edud0$>...

> There is nothing wrong with laughing, my dear. As a matter fact, my
> doctor will tell me to laugh more because it helps with my health and
> wellbeing in general. I suggest you and others do the same. :-)

hehehehe, your problem is more serious than I thought you are lOl ;-)
Really .. :D

As for me, I don't need any artificial stimulation for laugh ..etc..
hehehe :D I found natural laugh is quite healthy and stimulant for
brain than artificial laugh. If you don't believe me, go to see
psy-hosptial, you'll see lots of people laugh/smile but I don't think
they feel it ;-)

> How are you? Long time no chat.

I'm alright, thank, hope the same for you.


Khmer flags, Indochina flag:

Viet Indochina killing machine:


no leída,
3 sept 2003, 6:11:473/9/03
a (The Revealation) wrote in message news:<bj2t0b$euk4h$>...

> Rajadevi,
> I don't believe Bora visit SCC that often. I could be wrong. All his
> posts were distributed by me to here from Camdisc.

That's bad, he should see my post......

> I was hoping to turn the switch on for my camunity website so you can
> cross post SCC message back to Camdisc. I'm too busy right now with many
> other things.

Should be great, so I will save my time hehehehe, Try it if you can

> Please subscribe to camdisc and repost your message there. Otherwise, I
> am more than happy to assist you.

Hemm, I don't want to subscribe to camdics yet. Some discussion group
have inscribed my mail and I got already tones of messages each day.
If I have more message from camdics, I'll completely lost in this
information war, may be for later hehehehe I don't want to require
help from a specialist for laugh like you yet lOl

Yep, if you can post my reponse to Lok Pou Bora in camdics for me,
I'll sure appreciate your help. I just have a look on my previous post
and I had arrange/added somre more information, here if you want to
post it in camdics

" Talking about that so-called "Independent Crusade" Lots of people
who knew what really happened behind that masquerade/theatre never

believe that was Mr the king' oeuvre. Since its conception, the
Indochina has crossed lots of turbulent and changing. She has had many
faces, many dramas, many masters; French, Japan then French, England
has also tried. Then it comes another Era of Indochina, another human
crime/tragedy, the Yuon.

The changing is something inevitable,

First, because of French pressure, crime and arrogant injustice,
French left no choice for other to live. Otherwise, Yuon knew that,
French will sooner vanish and they are ready to replace French and
realise their long, long dream; make Cambodia and Laos Yuon. And they
are ready, military and mentally.

Second, at that period, French has already lost war face to Viet and
the Indochina has already changed the master, I mean from French to

Viet. The French has already passed their hand to Yuon before the king
claimed his so-called "Independence" And what's independence, for what
price!!! We just change from French's slave to be those of YUONS and
what master, crime, genocide to end up beggars State and become Yuon's

minority .
Isn't that a great work of Mr the king. If Khmer has to choose they
would choose French than Yuons.

Concerning Tout Samuth or Achar Sok. I've read many books writing by

many different people/medias. No one dares to claim how Tout Samuth
was killed. They just said, he was died in a most mysterious
condition. Indeed, Davdi.P Chandler has mentioned about his arrest by
Lon Nol soldier but he was later released. Some people suspected Yuon
and China who prepared his death to replace by Pol Pot cause they
perceived that, Pol Pot has much more big potential in that period
than any body else, even more than the king, as said Pham Van Ba and
his gang. This is the reason they designed the name of Sarlot Sar as
Pol Pot (Political Potential) "


> With respect,
> Revealation

The Revealation

no leída,
3 sept 2003, 8:17:283/9/03
> hehehehe, your problem is more serious than I thought you are lOl ;-)
> Really .. :D

yeah, really! it's not a problem, devi.

> As for me, I don't need any artificial stimulation for laugh ..etc..
> hehehe :D I found natural laugh is quite healthy and stimulant for
> brain than artificial laugh. If you don't believe me, go to see
> psy-hosptial, you'll see lots of people laugh/smile but I don't think
> they feel it ;-)

it's good that you have natural laugh. that's more preferred than
anything else. i see that you've been in the psychriatic hospital before
that's why you know alot about this. lol :-) :-) :-) plzz keep up with
your appointment as it helps you laugh better. lol j/k

> I'm alright, thank, hope the same for you.

i'm glad that everything is okay with you. did you get in touch with lok
chai hok peng? i might passby france in the near future to have a get
together. may be you want to drop by to say hi 2 lil donkey. you get
along well with others in france, right?


no leída,
3 sept 2003, 14:38:493/9/03
a (The Revealation) wrote in message news:<bj4m4n$evnbc$>...

> > hehehehe, your problem is more serious than I thought you are lOl ;-)
> > Really .. :D
> yeah, really! it's not a problem, devi.

O, lala ;-) :D how you know it yourself lOl :D hahaha

> > As for me, I don't need any artificial stimulation for laugh ..etc..
> > hehehe :D I found natural laugh is quite healthy and stimulant for
> > brain than artificial laugh. If you don't believe me, go to see
> > psy-hosptial, you'll see lots of people laugh/smile but I don't think
> > they feel it ;-)

> it's good that you have natural laugh. that's more preferred than
> anything else. i see that you've been in the psychriatic hospital before
> that's why you know alot about this. lol :-) :-) :-)

hahaha yep, I've been there for visit and bring some patients who
manifest the same symptom as you to get help lol hehehehe. Thus, I've
visited lots of hospital before. I'm not the specialist on the field
but I know while someone shows some serious sign of mental disorder
hehehehe (j/k) ;-)

> plzz keep up with
> your appointment as it helps you laugh better. lol j/k

hehehe, you still don't catch, I never need any stimulation for
anything. Chez moi, tout est natural hehehehe

> > I'm alright, thank, hope the same for you.
> i'm glad that everything is okay with you. did you get in touch with lok
> chai hok peng? i might passby france in the near future to have a get
> together. may be you want to drop by to say hi 2 lil donkey. you get
> along well with others in france, right?

Yep, if you would come to French just ring me. Who know, I may accept
to see that lil donkey at least and may give him some good lesson too

Talking about Lok Pou Chhay Hok Pheng. I never have occasion to
contact him/his organisations since….. But I used to talk with him
even before I've talked to you but in different nick and mail. I just
state lately. He is the one who has asked me about the abbreviation of
Pol Pot but at that time, I was thinking that he was a foreigner
(student or searchers) who tries to get some disconcerted information
hehehe (some people used to do it) So I was rather rude/impolite with
his friends. I just lately asked him for apology…

Actually he wrote some communicates which I've published in my
website. May be one day, I could meet him and talk seriously about
some issues. I know some people who work for the same goal as him but
each of them work individually… I don't know…. It's vital to unite our
force together if we want some concrete result. Yes, I've met some
interesting people this summer. It was great.

The Revealation

no leída,
4 sept 2003, 14:00:254/9/03
Kool, I'm glad that you are normal. Just be careful when you look around.
Don't simply think that others are atypical compared to you. If too many
people are opposite from you, it usually means that you are the abnormal
one. hahaha. Majority rule, right?

I totally agree with your last paragraph. Okay, I've to get going now.



no leída,
5 sept 2003, 3:44:565/9/03
a (The Revealation) wrote in message news:<bj7ujo$gbvnn$>...

> Kool, I'm glad that you are normal.

Did I said, I'm normal or else and and it's not the people of your
kind who can say who am I either. I know exactly who am I and nothing
can changhe that. Then, for you/your gang, those who are different
from you are stupid heh? Whatever, I'm happy to be different from
you/your gang.

>Just be careful when you look around.
> Don't simply think that others are atypical compared to you. If too many
> people are opposite from you, it usually means that you are the abnormal
> one. hahaha.

There are only ONE big diamond on the England queen's crown, the rest
are insignificant. I'm glad that I'm different from those crap

>Majority rule, right?

Majority rule may be, like Yuon and CPP gang in Cambodia. But majority
is not mean "Right"

> I totally agree with your last paragraph. Okay, I've to get going now.
> Revealation

Crap, Mr revealation only mean to attakc people on personal level. You
can't forget heh Reveal? If I don't like/love something, I don't,


The Revealation

no leída,
5 sept 2003, 17:13:425/9/03

> Did I said, I'm normal or else and and it's not the people of your
> kind who can say who am I either. I know exactly who am I and nothing
> can changhe that. Then, for you/your gang, those who are different
> from you are stupid heh? Whatever, I'm happy to be different from
> you/your gang.

Oooho, just joking around with you as a typical acquaintance. Please
don't be so tense. Niyeay leang phong min ban teh rir?!

> There are only ONE big diamond on the England queen's crown, the rest
> are insignificant. I'm glad that I'm different from those crap
> things/individuals.

Insignificant is the right word, but it is not in reference to the
diamond. One's mind and heart create the impossible. One gives an
obective its value. I recalled my Grandma had a can of diamond from
Pailin during the KR regime. Its value was insignificant. Noone would
want to trade it with food. Salt and MSG cost more than anything else
back then.

> Majority rule may be, like Yuon and CPP gang in Cambodia. But majority
> is not mean "Right"

Then, it's our job to prove it otherwise. Talk less and do more.

> Crap, Mr revealation only mean to attakc people on personal level. You
> can't forget heh Reveal? If I don't like/love something, I don't,
> hear.

Which eye did you see me attack you? Tich kmov pneak eiylov. :) :) :)
Okie doggie, I did not attack you. It's just a normal chat. I don't gain
anything from attacking you or anybody on this forum. Yabe mane bong srey
nis vey. prakan jruen mless?

Mech jung oy khyom how Devi eng tah: oun, darling rir kor sweetie. ban
chhup yol chralump ning khyom. Khyom min jess niyeay banhjoe keh teh.

I'm going to take some French lessons. I'll write to you in French
instead when I know a couple of words. May be you won't misunderstand me
then. hahaha

Ok, talk 2 U later.

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