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Atheist Regime's Prison Chief Found Guilty of Torture, Murder, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity

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Jul 26, 2010, 10:22:25 AM7/26/10

Kaing Guek Eav, known as Comrade Duch, was Pol Pot's
Chief Torturer in the atheist regime's Cambodian Genocide.

"A war crimes tribunal sentenced the former Khmer Rouge
chief jailer and executioner to 35 years in prison
Monday for overseeing the deaths of thousands of people
during a genocidal rule that devastated a generation
of Cambodians.

It was the first verdict for the country's UN-backed
tribunal, three decades after the Khmer Rouge killed
and estimated 1.7 million Cambodians from starvation,
medical neglect, slave-like working conditions and
execution. The group's top leader, Pol Pot, died in
1998 and four other senior Khmer Rouge leaders are
awaiting trial.

Unlike the other defendants, Comrade Duch (pronounced DOIK) the only major figure of the regime to have expressed
remorse, even offering at one point to face a public
stoning and to allow victims to visit him in jail. But his
surprise request on the final day of the trial to be
acquitted and freed, left many wondering if his
contrition was sincere.

Monday's decision angered many who were hoping for a
more severe sentence.

“I can't accept this,” said Saodi Ouch, 46. She was
weeping so hard she could hardly talk. “My family died
... my older sister, my older brother. I'm the only one left.”

Comrade Duch, who kept meticulous records, was often
present during interrogations at Toul Sleng and signed
off on all the executions. In one memo, a guard asked
him what to do with six boys and three girls accused
of being traitors. “Kill every last one,” he wrote
across the top."


Jul 26, 2010, 10:57:28 AM7/26/10
On 26/07/2010 8:22 PM, Armageddonoutahere wrote:
> Kaing Guek Eav, known as Comrade Duch, was Pol Pot's
> Chief Torturer in the atheist regime's Cambodian Genocide.

# "State atheism is the official promotion of atheism
# by a government, typically by active suppression of
# religious freedom and practice."
# - "Protest for Religious Rights in the USSR:
# Characteristics and Consequences,
# David Kowalewski,
# Russian Review, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Oct., 1980), pp. 426-441,
# "An atheist, Pol Pot suppressed Cambodia’s Buddhist religion:
# monks were defrocked; temples and artifacts, including statues of
# Buddha, were destroyed; and people praying or expressing
# other religious sentiments were often killed.
# ...the government emptied the cities through mass evacuations
# and sent people to the countryside. Cambodians were overworked
# and underfed on collective farms, often succumbing to disease or
# starvation as a result. Spouses were separated and family meals
# prohibited in order to steer loyalties toward the state
# instead of the family.
# About 1.7 million Cambodians, or about 20 percent of the population,
# were worked, starved, or beaten to death under Pol Pot’s regime."
# -
# The Cambodian Genocide:

# "The country's 40,000 to 60,000 Buddhist monks,
# regarded by the regime as social parasites,
# were defrocked and forced into labor brigades.
# Many monks were executed; temples and pagodas were
# destroyed or turned into storehouses or jails.
# Images of the Buddha were defaced and dumped into
# rivers and lakes. People who were discovered praying
# or expressing religious sentiments in other ways
# were often killed.
# The Christian and Muslim communities were among the most
# persecuted, as well. The Roman Catholic cathedral of
# Phnom Penh was completely razed.
# The Khmer Rouge forced Muslims to eat pork, which they
# regard as an abomination. Many of those who refused were killed.
# Christian clergy and Muslim imams were executed."
# -
# "Forty-eight percent of Cambodia's Christians were killed
# because of their religion."
# "the state established atheism as the only scientific truth."
# - Daniel Peris,
# "Storming the Heavens: The Soviet League of the Militant Godless"
# Cornell University Press 1998 ISBN 9780801434853
# "State atheism has been mostly implemented in communist
# countries, such as the former Soviet Union,[1] China,
# Communist Albania, Communist Afghanistan, North Korea,
# Communist Mongolia and Poland under communist rule also
# promoted state atheism and suppressed religion.
# - Forced out: the fate of Polish Jewry in Communist Poland.
# Wolak, Arthur J. p 104
# In these nations, the governments viewed atheism as an
# intrinsic part of communist ideology.

> "A war crimes tribunal sentenced the former Khmer Rouge
> chief jailer and executioner to 35 years in prison
> Monday for overseeing the deaths of thousands of people
> during a genocidal rule that devastated a generation
> of Cambodians.
> It was the first verdict for the country's UN-backed
> tribunal, three decades after the Khmer Rouge killed
> and estimated 1.7 million Cambodians from starvation,
> medical neglect, slave-like working conditions and
> execution. The group's top leader, Pol Pot, died in
> 1998 and four other senior Khmer Rouge leaders are
> awaiting trial.
> Unlike the other defendants, Comrade Duch (pronounced DOIK)
> the only major figure of the regime to have expressed
> remorse, even offering at one point to face a public
> stoning and to allow victims to visit him in jail. But his
> surprise request on the final day of the trial to be
> acquitted and freed, left many wondering if his
> contrition was sincere.


While on the run, the atheist regimes mad dog killer also
tried to claim he rejected his past of mayhem and murder
and was a new convert to Christianity.. Born Again as if
he thought forgiveness would follow! B^p

"After the Khmer Rouge were forced from power in 1979
after a bloody, four-year reign, Comrade Duch disappeared
for almost two decades, living under various aliases
in northwestern Cambodia, where he had converted to
Christianity. His chance discovery by a British journalist
led to his arrest in May 1999."

" Save me Jesus!" - frightened atheist hypocrite or
genuinely repentent.. the question
of forgiveness is a matter for his
VICTIMS, and their families, the role
of the state is Justice... and clearly
the victims think he has escaped it;

> Monday's decision angered many who were hoping for a
> more severe sentence.
> “I can't accept this,” said Saodi Ouch, 46. She was
> weeping so hard she could hardly talk. “My family died
> ... my older sister, my older brother. I'm the only one left.”
> Comrade Duch, who kept meticulous records, was often
> present during interrogations at Toul Sleng and signed
> off on all the executions. In one memo, a guard asked
> him what to do with six boys and three girls accused
> of being traitors. “Kill every last one,” he wrote
> across the top."


alt.atheism FAQ:

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin


Jul 26, 2010, 11:22:26 AM7/26/10
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