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Niggerfaggot boy buggerer faces life

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Peder Rastus

Oct 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/22/00
Man accused of rape at 17 sent to adult court

Friday, October 20, 2000

A Franklin County juvenile-court judge had little choice but to order an
accused child molester to be tried in adult court.

Rayshawn Jones is 22 years old.

Jones, of 344 E. 11th Ave., had to go through juvenile- court proceedings
because he was 17 at the time he allegedly raped a 5-year-old boy.

There are no programs and no institutions in the juvenile- justice system
equipped to rehabilitate or house Jones now, Judge James Mason said.

Last month, Mason took the first step toward sending the case to adult court
when he found that there was enough evidence to think Jones could have
committed rape.

An indictment likely will be sought in adult court. If convicted of rape,
Jones would face up to life in prison.

When he was 17, Jones lived with Thelma White, who ran a day-care center at
her Peters Avenue home.

Jones allegedly abused the boy, who was dropped off at White's house after
school, in the bathroom there.

Police say Jones admitted he'd raped the boy once. The boy says it happened

Police are investigating whether other children at the day care might have
been molested.


Oct 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/22/00

Peder Rastus wrote:

> Man accused of rape at 17 sent to adult court

It is funny that if an adult were to have sex (even consensual)
with this same guy, you would be saying this poor child
was molested and raped. Yet when the 17 year old is the
molester all of a sudden he is a "man". The problem is we
do not teach respectful sexual behavior in schools from a
very early age, many, if not most, parents in their ignorance
say they do not want their child being taught about sex at
all, until they are like 13 yo. Not knowing that in today's society
many youths have already had sex by 13 yo. When you teach
from a very early age about sex the do not need to experiment
because they already know everything there is to know about
sex. The more sex education you teach children the higher the
virginity rate, the lower the teen pregnancy rate.

If you couple this sex education with teaching about homosexuals
as a part of the spectrum of sexuality, you protect your child
and the rest of society from doing something dumb as going
out and killing homosexuals and thinking you did nothing wrong.
Or having a 14 year old boy taken back to Jeffrey Dahmer
because your police just thought it was a homosexuals tiff.
You protect your children and society when you teach tolerance
of others.

When you say to children in the USA that everyone is
equal yet it is perfectly clear they are not you harm your
children. In Brown v Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483
(1954) Dr. Kenneth B. Clark showed that:
Prejudice not only hurts those that are prejudged, but those
that do the prejudging as well. It leads to disturbances in the
individual's sense of reality and the relation of the individual
to the world around them. Results in inner conflicts and guilt
feelings among members of the group enforcing this prejudice.
It leads them to pervasive and elusive harmful effects on the
members of the majority, as increased hostility, deterioration
of moral values, the hardening of social sensitivity, conflict
between ideology and practice of rights, the development of
rationalizations and other techniques for protecting one's self.

You are harming your children even if you do not know it,
and do not know you are lying to them.

Matt Helms

Oct 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/22/00

What a stupid fucking post.

Gee, so I guess straight people don't molest children then, right? This
seems like a gay-only problem. Hmm... Give me a break.

Quit spamming the newsgroup, asshole.

Peder Rastus <> wrote in message

> Man accused of rape at 17 sent to adult court

Orenthal J. Funk

Oct 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/22/00

Matt Helms <> wrote in message

> What a stupid fucking post.
> Gee, so I guess straight people don't molest children then, right


Carl D

Oct 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/22/00

"Matt Helms" <> wrote in message
> What a stupid fucking post.
> Gee, so I guess straight people don't molest children then, right? This
> seems like a gay-only problem. Hmm... Give me a break.

Actually, faggot, queers are disproportionately represented in the ranks of
child molesters.

2% of the population, but 30% of child molesters.


Oct 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/22/00

Orenthal J. Funk wrote:

> Matt Helms <> wrote in message
> news:8svh84$47v4$
> >
> > What a stupid fucking post.
> >
> > Gee, so I guess straight people don't molest children then, right

> Right

I guess you always believe those that have been proven wrong,
do you still believe the sun goes around the earth?

Orenthal J. Funk

Oct 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/22/00
Uranus <> wrote in message


UC Davis, huh? Figures. They wouldn't dare publish the truth because the
federal grant goose might stop laying them golden eggs.


Oct 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/22/00

Carl D wrote:

> "Matt Helms" <> wrote in message
> news:8svh84$47v4$
> >
> > What a stupid fucking post.
> >

> > Gee, so I guess straight people don't molest children then, right? This
> > seems like a gay-only problem. Hmm... Give me a break.
> Actually, faggot, queers are disproportionately represented in the ranks of
> child molesters.
> 2% of the population, but 30% of child molesters.

Only if your teeny tiny little bitty brain thinks the definition
of a pedophile has anything to do with homosexuals or
heterosexual for that matter.

And you probably don't know that if the youth is past
puberty it is called, Ephebophilia

But I think in your case it is you are:

Peter Skaliks

Oct 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/22/00

On 2000-10-22 U1...@bottom.sea said:

>2% of the population, but 30% of child molesters.

Both figures are nonsense, the result of the imagination of Carl D.

In Peel County, population 1 million, just west of Toronto, almost
ALL cases of sexual abuse against children are perpretrated by males
in a relationship with the child's mother or some other adult female
in the household. The fact that the child may be male, does not make
the perpetrator "homosexual". Sexual orientation is determined by
the person's adult liaisons. Of all the 543
sexual-abuse-against-children cases heard at the Peel County Court,
only TWO involved a male in a relationship with another adult male.
It would appear that a gay male couple is your safest bet for
somebody to look after children.

Peter Skaliks
Palgrave, Ontario, Canada

Oct 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/22/00

Peter Skaliks <> wrote in message

> On 2000-10-22 U1...@bottom.sea said:
> >2% of the population, but 30% of child molesters.
> Both figures are nonsense, the result of the imagination of Carl D.
> In Peel County, population 1 million, just west of Toronto, almost
> ALL cases of sexual abuse against children are perpretrated by males
> in a relationship with the child's mother or some other adult female
> in the household.

Must be a Canuck thing.

Carl D

Oct 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/22/00

"Uranus" <> wrote in message

> Carl D wrote:
> > "Matt Helms" <> wrote in message
> > news:8svh84$47v4$
> > >
> > > What a stupid fucking post.
> > >
> > > Gee, so I guess straight people don't molest children then, right?
> > > seems like a gay-only problem. Hmm... Give me a break.
> >
> > Actually, faggot, queers are disproportionately represented in the ranks
> > child molesters.
> >
> > 2% of the population, but 30% of child molesters.
> Only if your teeny tiny little bitty brain thinks the definition
> of a pedophile has anything to do with homosexuals or
> heterosexual for that matter.

Tell it to Jesse Dirkhising, scumbag.


Oct 23, 2000, 12:16:05 AM10/23/00

Carl D wrote:

Well that which scum feeds on, for every article you can
find where there is a male raped 100 articles can be found
for where a female is raped. So I guess heterosexuals
are the real scumbags. You refuse to understand that
the words homosexual, heterosexual and pedophile have
a medical meaning a person that is attracted to children
whether male or female is a pedophile and is neither
homosexual nor heterosexual, they are pedophiles. And
these children must be under puberty or there is another
medical word used for them and that is ephebophilia.
Now you can use these terms as what ever local usage
you want but if you want to use these word correctly
they must be the medical term. There are pedophiles
that prefer girl and those that prefer boys, but you only
refer to them as heterosexual or homosexual if they
date adults, and what ever adults they date is what adult
reference you give them. But raping a 13 year old
is neither a pedophile nor a homosexual it is a

Ezekiel J. Krahlin

Oct 23, 2000, 1:06:33 AM10/23/00
On Sun, 22 Oct 2000 15:46:06 GMT, Uranus <> wrote:

>Prejudice not only hurts those that are prejudged, but those
>that do the prejudging as well.


Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this
writing free of charge (including translation into any
language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom,
and that it remain intact and complete, including title and
credit to the original author.

Ezekiel J. Krahlin


Š 2000 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin
(Jehovah's Queer Witness)

There is a phenomenon I predicted a couple of years ago, in
the Internet newsgroups, that I call the "New Passover". This
vision revealed God (or "Nature") avenging gay people by
slaying the firstborn of every homophobic parent. (The
original Passover saw the Angel of Death slaughter the
firstborn of every Egyptian family, in order to free the
Hebrews.) It has only dawned on me a few days ago, that this
New Passover is already under way: ravaging the troubled
nations of Africa. These are all areas rife with gay hatred.

This form of AIDS only strikes heteros...and only those who
stubbornly hold onto their homophobia unto the last breath.
How (you might ask) could a virus distinguish between gay
haters and gay friends? Of course, if you are spiritual in
nature, like myself, the answer is easy: "God can do
anything". However, there are also those who demand a
scientific explanation, which I now attempt:

There may be a genetic tendency toward stupidity. And it is
stupid folk who are more likely to believe the homophobic
brainwash of their churches, synagogues, mosques and covens.
Thus, a virus evolves that attacks only the stupid, who are
also heterosexual.

While AIDS ravaged gay people, the hetero majority for the
most part thought: "Let 'em die, those faggots deserve it
anyway"...never dreaming for one moment, that perhaps their
karma would come back to haunt them. And that is exactly what
has started to happen. In a few months, or even weeks, Hetero
AIDS will reach the shores of Asia, Europe, and finally,
Amerika...where it will sweep across the entire populace,
decimating at least 35% of the entire hetero population.

Certain gay activists such as Cleve Jones, sound alarmed and
disgusted at the lack of support coming from gay people, for
the crisis of AIDS in South Africa and other non-white areas.
(See POZ magazine, Sept. 2000, "Keeping Up With The Jones",
pg. 64.) But this has nothing to do with skin color, and
everything to do with extreme, homophobic attitudes among many
cultures afflicted with run-away AIDS. Why should we now lift
a finger to help these folks, when they merely sat back and
laughed at us, while AIDS ravaged our finest and most
loved? Why not let Gaia do Her cleansing of humanity,
rather than slow down the process of eliminating our enemies?

Fine with me, if you want to help educate South Africa about
AIDS prevention, Mr. Jones (et al). But please, don't lay an
insincere guilt trip on your gay brothers! Maybe we're too
exhausted fighting our own enormously painful battles against
Amerika's homophobic sanctions (not the least of which was
enacted by our first "gay-friendly" president, Clinton, who
signed DOMA, the infamous "Defense of Marriage Act"). It's all
well and good for Slick Willy to denounce the right wing's
homophobia. But what about his own, I ask? Maybe we already
know this: Any homophobe we assist to recovery and a long
life, will surely continue to flagrantly bash us once he's
back on his feet...thus only makes our chances for
peaceful coexistence with heteros that much more tenuous.

Let 'em die, I say. And the nicest part of all this, is that
Hetero AIDS will likely evolve into an airborn virus, that
God's angels may perform their cleansing tasks that much more
quickly. Let us not forget that most homophobes are also
child abusers, wife beaters, rapists, and war mongers. So
celebrate your "New Passover", and thank your deity (whoever
she or he may be), for finally liberating us long-suffering
and devoted gay men and women. Rejoice, for soon comes "New

There also remains this massive problem among African Amerikan
churches: that so many of them still preach hatred of gay
people. Well, I'm not asking you blacks to help "Whitey"; and
I don't blame you for not doing so. However, please admit that
you have your own brothers and sisters of color who are indeed
homosexual! For Christ's sake, stop harassing and villifying
them: extend, finally, open arms and an open heart. For they
are Family, too. Look at it this way: Does the black community
really want to become cursed for eternity, with the ugly stain
of gay hatred on their otherwise-noble history of struggles
and liberation? I think not. So get the lead out of your
collective black asses, and do the right thing.

You may read my own colorful tale about this New Passover

The Mask of Horus

Written in 1997, it is a sci-fi tale inspired by a vision of
Horus, also described in the story.


Disgusted with our choices for next President?
Write me in: Ezekiel J. Krahlin, gay activist,
homeless and civil rights advocate. To make
an informed decision about me, peruse my website:


Oct 23, 2000, 8:17:11 PM10/23/00

Ezekiel J. Krahlin wrote:

> On Sun, 22 Oct 2000 15:46:06 GMT, Uranus <> wrote:
> >Prejudice not only hurts those that are prejudged, but those
> >that do the prejudging as well.
> Indeed!

Prejudice and your child
Dr Kenneth B. Clark

At most libraries

The heterosexual feel they can treat homosexuals like they are
children that have no informed consent. Where heterosexuals
feel they have a special right to marry who they choose and
deny this right to homosexuals, they feel they must treat
homosexuals as children to be controlled and keep them
from marring who they choose. No wonder they they equate
homosexual with pedophiles, because they equate
homosexuals as not having informed consent.

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