Toolbox and WINE

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Mark W. Post

Mar 13, 2012, 9:02:16 AM3/13/12
Dear All,

Following the recent discussion regarding Toolbox use on Mac (by the
way, there was an extensive and helpful discussion on this topic on the
RNLD list a couple of years ago which is archived here:, it occurs to me that this would be a good
time to ask a question which has been on my mind again recently,
especically since one of the respondents to recent questions (I can't
remember who) mentioned Linux:

1) Is anybody out there using WINE full-time to run Toolbox on Linux,
and if so, does it run just fine or are there any characteristic and/or
insurmountable problems?

2) Is anybody out there using a different Windows emulator to run
Toolbox on Linux, and if so, why?

3) In either case, are there ever any problems sharing files with real
Windows users (offline, I mean, not on a server), other than the usual
need to re-orient the folder structure?

Thanks very much in advance,


Dr. Mark W. Post
Universit�t Bern
Institut f�r Sprachwissenschaft
L�nggassstrasse 49
3000 Bern 9

Tel +41 (0) 31 631 80 05

John R. Rennison

Mar 16, 2012, 9:09:51 PM3/16/12
Dear Mark,

1) Is anybody out there using WINE full-time to run Toolbox on Linux, and if so, does it run just fine or are there any characteristic and/or insurmountable problems?

After a few years hovering between Windows and Linux I took the plunge about 6 months ago and now work solely in Linux (Xubuntu), though with quite a bit of help from Wine. Toolbox now runs just fine. Previously I had trouble playing a selection from a long .WAV file, but that was solved 2 or more years ago. My only remaining problem is adjusting IBus to use the IPA Unicode 5.1 keyboard correctly in Toolbox.

You might be interested in what else is now possible in Wine. I have set the PATH to include my old batch file directory, and can now run any batch file directly from my file manager (Total Commander), provided that I remember to type the extension ".bat" (it doesn't work otherwise).

The PERL script that I use to merge and convert files between Toolbox and my transcription/acoustics program "STx" did not run under Linux. But it does run under Wine using my old Windows installation of PERL. Someday I will have to make this little jewel (written by Friedrich Neubarth) more widely available. It allows you to correct your transcriptions from within Toolbox (usual caveatsǃ), even if the tokens are spread across multiple files. (I regularly work with 76 .WAV files.)

So thank you to everyone who made all this possible.

All the best,

On 13/03/12 10:02, Mark W. Post wrote:
Dear All,

Following the recent discussion regarding Toolbox use on Mac (by the way, there was an extensive and helpful discussion on this topic on the RNLD list a couple of years ago which is archived here:, it occurs to me that this would be a good time to ask a question which has been on my mind again recently, especically since one of the respondents to recent questions (I can't remember who) mentioned Linux:

1) Is anybody out there using WINE full-time to run Toolbox on Linux, and if so, does it run just fine or are there any characteristic and/or insurmountable problems?

2) Is anybody out there using a different Windows emulator to run Toolbox on Linux, and if so, why?

3) In either case, are there ever any problems sharing files with real Windows users (offline, I mean, not on a server), other than the usual need to re-orient the folder structure?

Thanks very much in advance,


(Ao.Prof. Dr.) John R. Rennison
Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Wien
Sensengasse 3A, 1090 Wien, Austria

Tel.: +43 1 4277-41714
Secr.: +43 1 4277-41721
Fax: +43 1 4277-9417
preferred email:

John Mansfield

Apr 11, 2012, 11:51:13 AM4/11/12
to Shoebox/Toolbox Field Linguist's Toolbox
For my Mac (OS 10.5) I've just set up Toolbox running on Winebottler /
Wine on Mac. It was easy-peasy to set up, and so far working without
any problems.

On Mar 17, 6:09 am, "John R. Rennison" <>
> Dear Mark,
> 1) Is anybody out there using WINE full-time to run Toolbox on Linux,
> and if so, does it run just fine or are there any characteristic and/or
> insurmountable problems?
> After a few years hovering between Windows and Linux I took the plunge
> about 6 months ago and now work solely in Linux (Xubuntu), though with
> quite a bit of help from Wine. Toolbox now runs just fine. Previously I
> had trouble playing a selection from a long .WAV file, but that was
> solved 2 or more years ago. My only remaining problem is adjusting IBus
> to use the IPA Unicode 5.1 keyboard correctly in Toolbox.
> You might be interested in what else is now possible in Wine. I have set
> the PATH to include my old batch file directory, and can now run any
> batch file directly from my file manager (Total Commander), provided
> that I remember to type the extension ".bat" (it doesn't work otherwise).
> The PERL script that I use to merge and convert files between Toolbox
> and my transcription/acoustics program "STx" did not run under Linux.
> But it does run under Wine using my old Windows installation of PERL.
> Someday I will have to make this little jewel (written by Friedrich
> Neubarth) more widely available. It allows you to correct your
> transcriptions from within Toolbox (usual caveats?), even if the tokens
> Institut f�r Sprachwissenschaft der Universit�t Wien
> Sensengasse 3A, 1090 Wien, Austria
> Tel.: +43 1 4277-41714
> Secr.: +43 1 4277-41721
> Fax: +43 1 4277-9417
> preferred email:


Apr 25, 2012, 12:17:19 AM4/25/12
Thanks to all who have reported problems running Toolbox under
CrossOverMac 11. The Mac page of the Toolbox website has been
updated to no longer recommend CrossOverMac. Instead it suggests
people try WineBottler. If that works well, it is an improvement
over CrossOverMac because it is free.

Toolbox support


Aug 21, 2012, 1:23:24 AM8/21/12
Hi everybody,
I have installed Toolbox on WineBottler and it installed well and seems fully functional, except that it also has the problem reported in:!topic/shoeboxtoolbox-field-linguists-toolbox/oiVXtIuPyWo[1-25]
It seems to be a problem specific to Mac OS 10.8 Mountain Lion.
X11 has been dropped from Mountain Lion and the alternative, XQuartz is rendering some of the text in the toolbox windows unreadable.
I have no clue as to what the problem is, as it's the same on both WineBottler (Wine 1.4) with XQuartz and CrossOver for Mac as well.
If anyone in these groups comes across a solution (or at least identifying the problem) that would be great.
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