/************************************************************************* FillNum Fill a COLUMN block with a sequence of numbers Author: SemWare Date: Dec 8, 1992 - Initial version Oct 29, 1993 - Bug fixes, speed opts May 24, 2001 - Jose Adriano Baltieri: bar - fill character numeric base Overview: This macro fills a column block with a series of numbers that can be incremented or decremented. You specify the beginning and (optionally) ending number in the series, as well as the positive or negative amount by which to increment or decrement the series. Keys: (none) Usage notes: This macro does not have any key assignments. To use, simply select it from the Potpourri menu. Copyright 1992-1995 SemWare Corporation. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Use, modification, and distribution of this SAL macro is encouraged by SemWare provided that this statement, including the above copyright notice, is not removed; and provided that no fee or other remuneration is received for distribution. You may add your own copyright notice to cover new matter you add to the macro, but SemWare Corporation will neither support nor assume legal responsibility for any material added or any changes made to the macro. *************************************************************************/ integer start = 1, stop = 0, step = 1, repn = 1, gapn = 0 string fchr[1] = "0" integer base = 10 proc GetString(var string s) Read(s) end proc GetNumber(var integer n) string s[5] = Str(n,base) if Read(s) n = val(s,base) endif end proc GetBase(var integer n) string s[5] = Str(n) if Read(s) n = val(s) endif end proc NumericFill() integer width, col, i, cnt, save_marking, ingap string s[10] save_marking = Set(Marking, off) if IsBlockInCurrFile() <> _COLUMN_ Warn("Column block must be marked") else width = Query(BlockEndCol) - Query(BlockBegCol) + 1 PushPosition() PushBlock() GotoBlockBegin() col = CurrCol() if repn<0 repn=-repn endif if gapn<0 gapn=-gapn endif i = start ingap=0 cnt=0 while isCursorInBlock() if ingap InsertText(format(" ":width), _OVERWRITE_) else if width=gapn ingap=0 cnt=0 endif else if cnt>=repn i = i + step cnt=0 if gapn>0 ingap=1 endif endif endif if stop // see if we're at the end if step > 0 // positive steps if i > stop i = start //break endif else // negative steps if i < stop i = start //break endif endif endif if not Down() break // we're at the end of the file endif endwhile PopBlock() PopPosition() endif Set(Marking, save_marking) end Menu NumericFillMenu() title = "Numeric FillBlock" history = 10 "&From" [Str(start,base) : 5] , GetNumber(start) , DontClose "&To" [Str(stop ,base) : 5] , GetNumber(stop) , DontClose "&Step" [Str(step ,base) : 5] , GetNumber(step) , DontClose "&Repeat" [Str(repn ,base) : 5] , GetNumber(repn) , DontClose "&Gap" [Str(gapn ,base) : 5] , GetNumber(gapn) , DontClose "" , , Divide "B&ase" [base : 5] , GetBase(base) , DontClose "Fi&ll char"[fchr : 1] , GetString(fchr) , DontClose "" , , Divide "Fill &Block" , NumericFill() end proc main() NumericFillMenu() end