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Moving Dimensions Theory--The New Paradigm that Unifies Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and Statistical Mechanics; while underlying ST & LQG

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Captain Ranger McCoy

Aug 25, 2007, 12:34:57 PM8/25/07
Does string theory even aspire to physics?

What are its postulates, laws, eqautions, predictions, unifications?

MDT has a simple postulate that represents an underlying physical
reality that accounts for and unifies realtivistic length contraction,
entropy, time dilation, time's arrow, action at a distance, wave-
particle duality, the equivalence of energy and mass, the
gravitational redshift, the ageless photon, and more.

Thus it uinfies QM, GR, SR, and statistical mechanics.

MDT also unfreezes time and liberates us from the block universe.

QM is based on derivatives--it sees the fourth dimension as moving.
GR sees a snapshot of the foruth dimension--frozne in time.

The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial

Moving Dimensions Theory accounts for the aetherless aether.

This simple postulate offers a physical model underlying and


1) length contraction
2) time dilation
3) the equivalence of mass and energy
4) the constant velocity of light
5) the independence of the speed of light from the velocity of the

1) action at a distance
2) wave-particle duality
3) interference phenomena
4) EPR paradox

1) Time's arrow
2) Entropy

1) a fourth expanding dimension can be interepreted as many
dimensions, each time it expands

1) wave/particle duality
2) time/space duality
3) energy/mass duality
4) E/B duality
(All these dualities derive from the fact that the fourth dimension is
expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions)

1) Gravitational redshift
2) Gravity waves
3) Gravitational attraction

1) quantum foam
2) the smearing of space and time at small distances
3) Hawking's imaginary time

1) MDT explains away Godel's Block Universe
2) MDT unfreezes time
3) MDT Resolves Zeno's Paradox
4) MDT Resolves the EPR paradox


The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial
dimensions in a spherically symmetric manner, in units of the Planck
length, at the rate of c.

This means that every point on a sphere of planck radius in three
dimnesional space is always expanding into a fourth dimensional sphere
with a radius of the plank length. A photon is matter caught on the
surface of this quantized expansion, and thus energy is quantized. The
expansion of the fourth dimension occurs at the rate of c, and thus
the velocity of all photons is c.

Check out the t-shirt with a simple proof of MDT:

"The only way to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at
the speed of light through the three spatial dimensions. Ergo the
fourth dimension is expanding at the rate of c relative to the three
spatial dimenions."

How sad it is that when truth stares modern physicists in the face,
they must close their eyes so as to get a postdoc or raise more funds
for String Theory.

Moving Dimensions Theory is in complete agreement with all
experimental tests and phenomena associated with special and general
relativity. MDT is in complete agreement with all physical phenomena
as predicted by quantum mechanics and demonstrated in extensive
experiments. The genius and novelty of MDT is that it presents a
common physical model which shows that phenomena from both relativity
and quantum mechanics derive from the same fundamental physical

Nowhere does String Theory nor Loop Quantum Gravity account for
quantum entanglement nor relativistic time dilation. MDT shows these
derive from the same underlying physical reality. Nowhere does ST nor
LQG account for wave-particle duality nor relativistic length
contraction. MDT shows these derive from the same underlying physical
reality. Nowhere does ST nor LQG account for the constant speed of
light, nor the independence of the speed of light on the velocity of
the source, nor entropy, nor time's arrow. MDT shows these derive from
the same underlying physical reality. Nowhere does String Theory nor
Loop Quantum Gravity resolve the paradox of Godel's Block Universe
which troubled Eisntein. MDT resolves this paradox.

Simply put, MDT replaces the contemporary none-theories with a
physical theory, complete with a simple postulate that unifies
formerly disparate phenomena within a simple context.

The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial

If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.
-Albert Einstein

But after thirty years of the absurdity of String Theory, millions of
dollars from the NSF, and billions of complementary dollars from tax
and tuition and endowments spent on killing physics and indie
physicists, perhaps it's time for something that makes sense-for a
physical theory that actually accounts for a deeper reality from
both Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, from which time, entanglement,
gravity, entropy, interference, the constant speed of light,
relativistic time dilation, length contraction, and the equivalence
mass and energy emerge. It's time for Moving Dimensions Theory-MDT.
-The Physicist with No Name

I know what you're thinking. Did he say there were thirty-six
dimensions or only thirty-five? Well to tell you the truth in all
excitement I've kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .45
Revolver-the most powerful hand gun in the world and would blow your
head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question--Do I feel
lucky? Well, do ya punk!? -Clint Eastwood

I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a man is, the more
likely he is to have extreme prejudice. -Clint Eastwood

Go ahead. Make my day. -Clint Eastwood

Without further adieu, allow me to present the beauty and elegance of
MDT by showing both its simplicity and far-reaching ability to
for and answer fundamental questions. All of the below will be
elaborated on throughout the book.

Questions Addressed by MDT:

Why does light have a maximum, constant speed independent of the
source? The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three
spatial dimensions. A photon is momenergy that exists orthogonal to
the three spatial dimensions. It is carried along by the expanding
fourth dimension. So no matter how fast the source is moving when the
photon is emitted, the photon travels at the rate with which the
fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial
dimensions. Thus c is always independent of the movement of the

Why are light and energy quantized? The fourth dimension is expanding
in a quantized manner relative to the three spatial dimensions. Light
and energy are matter rotated completely into the fourth expanding
dimension, and as it expands in a quantized manner, light and energy
are thus quantized.

Why is the velocity of light constant in all frames? Time is an
emergent phenomena that arises because the fourth dimension is
expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions. The flow of time
is inextricably wed to the emission and propagation of photons. In
biological, mechanical, and electronic clocks, the emission and
propagation of photons is what determines time. The velocity of light
is always measured with respect to time, which is inextricably linked
to the velocity of light. This tautology ensures that the velocity of
light, measured relative to the velocity of light, will always be the

How can photons display both wave and particle properties? The
fundamental photon propagates as a spherical wave-front, surfing the
fourth expanding dimension. This is because the fourth expanding
dimension appears as a spherical wavefront as it expands through the
three spatial dimensions. The act of measurement localizes the
photon's momenergy, taking it out of the expanding fourth dimension
and trapping it in the three stationary spatial dimensions, and it
appears as a localized particle, trapped by electrons as it blackens
grain on a photographic plate.

How can matter display both wave and particle properties? The
fundamental electron is abuzz with photons. Photons are continually
being emitted into the fourth expanding dimension and reabsorbed by
the electron. The continual dance with these photons gives the
electron its wave properties. Nothing moves without photons which up
the net probability that the combine momenergy will be in the
expanding fourth dimension. The more photons one adds to an object,
the greater the chance it has of existing in the expanding fourth
dimension, and thus it moves.

Why are there non-local effects in quantum mechanics? The fourth
dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions. That
means that what begins as a point in the fourth dimension is a sphere
with a 186,000 mile radius one second later. So it is that the entire
spherical wavefront of the photon exists in the exact same place in
time. Hence the non-locality observed in double slit experiments, the
EPR effect, and quantum entanglement. Take two interacting spin ½
photons and let them propagate at the speed of c in opposite
directions. They are yet at the exact same place in time! And too,
they are yet in the exact same place of the fourth expanding

Why does time stop at the speed of light?
Time depends on the emission and propagation of photons. If no
are emitted, time does not occur. This holds true whether the clock
an unwinding copper spring, a biological system such as a heart, or
oscillating quartz crystal. No photom emission=no time! As an object
approaches the speed of light, its ability to emit photons without
reabsorbing them diminishes. An object traveling at the speed of
cannot emit a photon.

How come a photon does not age?
A photon represents momenergy rotated entirely into the fourth
expanding dimension. A photon stays the exact same place in the
dimension, no matter how far it travels. A photon stays the exact
place in time, no matter how far it travels. Again, time is not the
fourth dimension, but in inherits properties of the fourth dimension.

Why are inertial mass and gravitational mass the same thing?

Why do moving bodies exhibit length contraction?
Movement is always accompanied by a shortening in length. This is
because the only way for a body to move is for it to undergo a
rotation into the forth dimension, which is expanding relative to the
three spatial dimensions. The more energy an electron has, the more
photons it possesses, and the higher probability it exists in the
expanding fourth dimension. Hence its length appears contracted as
perceived from the three spatial dimensions.

Why are mass and energy equivalent?
The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial
dimensions. That means that a baseball sitting on a lab table
stationary in our three-dimensional inertial reference frame, is yet
moving at a fantastic velocity relative to the fourth dimension.
every seemingly stationary mass has a vast energy, as given by E=mc2.
In a nuclear reaction matter is rotated into the expanding fourth
dimension, appearing as high-enegry photons (gamma rays) propagating
at the same velocity of the fourth expanding dimension-c.

Why does time's arrow point in the direction it points in? The fourth
dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.
every photon naturally expands in a spherically symmetric manner.
Hence every electron, or piece of matter that interacts with photons,
is naturally carried outward from a central point in a spherically
symmetric manner. Hence the particles in a drop of dye in a swimming
pool dissipate in a spherically symmetric manner, and are never
reunited. Hence time's arrow and entropy.

Why do photons appear as spherically-symmetric wavefronts traveling
a velocity c? The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three
spatial dimensions at the velocity c. Hence photons, which are tiny
packets of momenergy rotated entirely into the fourth dimension,
appear as spherically-symmetric wavefronts propagating at the

Why is there a minus sign in the following metric?
The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial
dimensions at the velocity c. Hence the only way to stay still in the
space-time continuum, and to achieve a 0 interval, is to move with
velocity of light.

What deeper reality underlies Einstein's postulates of relativity?
The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial
dimensions at the velocity c. This single postulate assures that the
speed of light is constant for all observers and that the laws of
physics are the same in all inertial frames.

What deeper reality underlies Newton's laws?
Newton's laws are an approximation of relativity and quantum
mechanics, and as MDT underlies QM & relativity, it underlies

Why is an increase in velocity always accompanied by a decrease in
length as measured by an external observer? All increases in velocity
are accompanied by rotations into the fourth dimension. All particles
can be represented by momenergy 4-vectors. The greater the momenrgy
component in the expanding fourth dimension, the greater the velocity
and speed of the particle. Rest mass is the invariant here. It never
changes. It prefers the three spatial dimensions. In order for it to
move, one must gain energy in the form of photons. These photons
prefer the fourth expanding dimension. The more photons one adds, the
greater the component of the momenergy 4-vector that appears in the
fourth expanding dimension, the more energy the particle has, the
shorter it appears, and the faster it moves.

How MDT Is Aiding Fellow Physicists

"The conclusions from Bell's theorem are philosophically startling;
either one must totally abandon the realistic philosophy of most
working scientists or dramatically revise our concept of space-time."
Abner Shimony and John Clauser

Moving Dimensions Theory provides this new concept of space-time. The
vast ambitions of most tenure-track physicists, including string
theorists and LQG hypers, causes them to focus on irrelevant, minute
questions, and thus, though funded by millions for over thirty years,
have not yet been able to string the bow. Deeper, true physicists,
such as Abner Shimony and John Clauser are alert to the fact that
physics need news ideas.
The expanding fourth dimension gives rise to non-local phenomena and
quantum entanglement, as the expanding fourth dimension means that
events separated in the three spatial dimensions can yet appear to be
at the exact same place in the fourth dimension. MDT provides the
new concept of space-time.

"Entanglement is not one but rather the characteristic trait of
quantum mechanics." -Erwin Schrodinger

"For me, then, this is the real problem with quantum theory: the
apparently essential conflict between any sharp formulation and
fundamental relativity. It may be that a real synthesis of quantum
relativity theories requires not just technical developments but
radical conceptual renewal." -John Bell

"Entanglement is not one but rather the characteristic trait of
quantum mechanics." -Erwin Schrodinger

The expanding fourth dimension gives rise to non-local phenomena and
quantum entanglement, as the expanding fourth dimension means that
events separated in the three spatial dimensions can yet occur in the
same place in the fourth dimension.

Why is it that String Theorists continue to get millions upon millions
in funding to support Lubos Motl, Brian Greene, Michio Kaku, and Paul

How can a subject which has not one physical formula, nor physical
prediction, nor physical postulate, nor physical test be considered

In Not Even Wrong, The Failure of String Theory and The Search For
Unity in Physical Law, Peter Woit writes, "Instead of sneering at the
supposedly masturbatory activities of mathematicians, physicists
should perhaps consider whether George Orwell's rather nasty remark
about political thinking among leftists might not equally apply to
much of modern particle theory: `Political thought, especially on the
left, is a sort of masturbation fantasy in which the world of fact
hardly matters.'"

Dan Friedan, the son of feminist Betty Friedan and one of the founders
of String Theory, who received a MacArthur foundation "genius" grant
in 1987 for his work related to String Theory recently wrote, "String
theory has no credibility as a candidate theory of physics.
Recognizing failure is a userful part of the scientific strategy. Only
when failure is recognized can dead ends be abandoned and useable
pieces of failed programs be recycled. Aside from possible utility,
there is a responsibility to recognize failure. Recognizing failure is
an essential part of the scientific ethos. Complete scientific failure
must be recognized eventually."

And even with all of this, discussing any other theory that is not the
none-theory of string theory will get you banned from discussion
groups, and will be met with silence from aging theorists. The
physicist John Baez has created a snarky "crackpot index" which he
uses as a tool to keep out any new theories other than ST & LQG (both
of which score extraordinarily high on his crackpot index), for Baez
lacks the humility and integrity of Einstein who realized that
"imagination is more important than knowledge," "if at first, the idea
is not absurd, then there is no hope for it," and "Great spirits have
always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind
is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to
conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions
courageously and honestly."
So it is that the indie physicist is cast out and kicked by the
burgeoning, snarky physics bureaucracy who performed well on their
math SATs, hung out in Aspen, and then failed to go much further.
In Not Even Wrong, The Failure of String Theory and The Search For
Unity in Physical Law, Peter Woit writes, "Since 1973, the field has
failed to make significant progress, and in many ways has been the
victim of its own success. The resons for this failure will be
examined, and an attempt will also be made to extract lessons from the
history of previous successes that may indicate a more promising way
Smolin writes, "The story I will tell could be read by some as a
tragedy. To put it bluntly-and to give away the punchline-we have
failed. We inherited a science, physics, that had been progressing so
fast for so long that it was often taken as the model for how other
kinds of science should be done. . . But today, despite our best
efforts, what we know for certain about these laws is no more than
what we knew back in the 1970s. -Lee Smolin, The Trouble with Physics:
The Rise of String Theory, The Fall of Science, and What Comes Next, p
viii, Introduction.
Woit also quotes Marx, "The bourgeoise cannot exist without constantly
revolutionizing the instruments of production." -Karl Marx, The
Communist Manifesto
Even though it might have very little to do with science, string
theory does have its benefits: In Not Even Wrong, Peter Woit writes,
"A superstring theorist looking for a pleasant place to spend a week
or so at someone else's expense will in most years have a choice of
thirty or so conferences, many in exotic locations. In 2002, for
example, among the most difficult and prestigious to arrange options
was a summer workshop in Aspen, but during the year, other possible
destinations were Santa Barbara, Chile, Trieste, Genoa, the Black Sae,
Corsica, Paris, Berlin, Vancouver, Seoul, Chuna, and many others,
including Baku in Azerbaijan."

And that is why Moving Dimenions Theory is not considered science. But
because it serves logic and reason, as opposed to government
bureaucracies that fly snarky pomo hipsters to Aspen conferences, MDT
is science.

Moving Dimensions Theory is in complete agreement with all
experimental tests and phenomena associated with special and general
relativity. MDT is in complete agreement with all physical phenomena
as predicted by
quantum mechanics and demonstrated in extensive experiments. The
genius and novelty of MDT is that it presents a common physical model
shows that phenomena from both relativity and quantum mechanics derive
from the same fundamental physical reality.

Nowhere does String Theory nor Loop Quantum Gravity account for
quantum entanglement nor relativistic time dilation. MDT shows these
derive from the same underlying physical reality. Nowhere does ST nor
LQG account for wave-particle duality nor relativistic length
contraction. MDT shows these derive from the same underlying physical
Nowhere does ST nor LQG account for the constant speed of light, nor
the independence of the speed of light on the velocity of the source,
nor entropy, nor time's arrow. MDT shows these derive from the same
underlying physical reality. Nowhere does String Theory nor Loop
Quantum Gravity resolve the paradox of Godel's Block Universe which
troubled Eisntein. MDT resolves this paradox.

Simply put, MDT replaces the contemporary none-theories with a
physical theory, complete with a simple postulate that unifies
disparate phenomena within a simple context.

The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial

MDT is the best-tested theory of all time.

MDT predicts that an object's velocity through spacetime is always c.
This is because the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the
three spatial dimensions.

The above has been shown in experiment, after experiment, after

MDT predicts that the only way to stay stationary in the three spatial
dimensions is to move with a velocity of c relative to the fourth
expanding dimension. This is because the fourth dimension is expanding
relative to the three spatial dimensions.

The above has been shown in experiment, after experiment, after

MDT predicts that the only way to stay stationary in the fourth
expanding dimension is to move with the velocity c relative to the
three spatial dimensions. This is because the fourth dimension is
expanding relative to the three spatial diemnsions.

The above has been shown in experiment, after experiment, after

MDT predicts the equivalence of mass and energy. Matter, when rotated
into the fourth expanding dimension, appears as photons.

The above has been shown in experiment, after experiment, after

MDT predicts the constant speed of light. The fourth dimension is
expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c.
Hence the speed of matter rotated into the the fourth dimension is c.
No matter how fast the source is moving, the second the photon leaves
thes ource, it is carried by the fourth expanding dimension, so its
speed is always c, independent of the source.

The above has been shown in experiment, after experiment, after

MDT predicts wave-particle duality. As matter expands in the fourth
dimension in the form of a photon, it appears as a spherically-
symmetric wavefront. Hence Young's double-slit experiment and
interference. When the wave--the matter being carried along by the
fourth expanding dimension--is perturbed, it is collapsed, and brought
into the the three stationary spatial dimensions. Hence the quantum
nature of all energy.

The above has been shown in experiment, after experiment, after

MDT predicts entropy--the fundamental motion of the universe is the
spherically-symmetric wavefront defiend by the fourth dimenion
expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions--hence entropy. Two
particles at a similar origin have a probability to move apart.

The above has been shown in experiment, after experiment, after

Hence all radiation fundamentally appears as spheircally-symmetric
wavefronts propagating in the three stationary spatial dimensions.

The above has been shown in experiment, after experiment, after

MDT predicts the null vector for photons, as well as the - (minus)
sign in the space-time metric. As the fourth dimension is expanding
relative to the three spatial dimensions, the only way to have zero
interval is to move with the origin--at the speed of light.

The above has been shown in experiment, after experiment, after

MDT unfreezes time. Time, as we consider it, is not the fourth
dimension, but it is an emrgent property of a fourth dimension
expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions. This confusion of
time with the actual fourth dimension has lead to Godel's paradox and
the block-universe, which although they have provided Paul Davies with
a lucrative living for his fantasies and science fiction, are not
real. Barbour gets close to this.

The above has been shown in experiment, after experiment, after

General Relativity freezes the fourth expanding dimension--it is a
tiny loop at each given instant, but one second later, that loop has a
radius of 186,000 miles.

Moving dimensions theory predicts that as objects move, they will
become shorter. This is because the fourth dimension is expanding
relative to the three spatial dimensions, so as an object is rotated
into the fourth dimension, it will appear shorter in the three spatial
dimensions, and too, it will translate or gain velocity in the
direction of its forshortening.

The above has been shown in experiment, after experiment, after
experiment, including the Michelson Morely experiment.

Moving dimensions theory predicts that the measurement of the state of
a photon can instaneously affect the state of a distant photon, when
those two photons were initially interacting. This is because although
they are now distant in space, they are yet at the same place in the
expanding fourth dimension.

The above has been shown in experiment, after experiment, after

MDT does not predict wormholes, nor multiverses, nor stringy strings,
nor M-theroy, which have never been supported by experiment, and thus
it is to be utterly detested by the machine. MDT would underly all
apsects of String Theory, and MDT does explain an interpretation of
higher, numerous dimensions, if needed by Kaluza Klein et al.

In fact, an instanaeous snapshot of the foruth expanding dimension
would look something like this--every point is becoming a three-
dimensional sphere in units of the planck radius:

MDT predicts the gravitational red shift. A photon emitted in a region
of streched spacetime will maintain its wavelength as it travels away
from the mass, thus appearing red-shifted.

MDT unifies the dualities--space and time, energy and mass, waves and
particles--all can be expalined by MDT's simple postulate--the fourth
dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Quantum mechanics, relativity, and entropy--interference, wave-
particle duality, quantized energy, time dialation, Lorentzian
contractions, the equivalence of mass and energy, and times arrow all
derive from the physical model moving dimensions theory presents.

The purpose of physics has ever been to unify and explain via deeper,
fundamental, physical models, and that's what Moving Dimensions Theory


Aug 26, 2007, 9:58:33 AM8/26/07
I hate call people fraud, but your Moving Dimensions Theory started
after I presented my theory and everything you attributed to your
theory actually comes from mine..:) as far as I can tell...

When is that you are going to steal the rest of the theory... or prove
precedence or shut up...:)



Aug 26, 2007, 12:47:54 PM8/26/07
Hello MP,

When did you start your theory? Where is it published? Please do
share. What is your theory called? What does it state? Please post/
link to/share.


Aug 27, 2007, 8:47:32 PM8/27/07
> > MP- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

The theory is called Hypergeometrical Universe and you contacted me
just after I published it.

At that time, the published paper, grand unification, time
quantization, hyperspherical topology was shown in addition to the
hypergeometrical standard model for matter. In my theory, I modeled
all Hyperons and all isotopes as coherences of stationary
deformational states. The theory is relativistic, explains why quantum
mechanics exists, Hubble expansion etc.

The site is

There you can find the links to the papers, including a book in sold
through Amazon.

If I mentioned anything like fraud, I didn't mean to be rude, but that
is what seemed to me since we interacted a long time ago and you had
access to my paper. In fact, you contacted me.

Best wishes,



Aug 28, 2007, 7:58:33 AM8/28/07
On Aug 27, 8:47 pm, ny2292000 <> wrote:
> On Aug 26, 12:47 pm, wrote:
> > Hello MP,
> > When did you start your theory? Where is it published? Please do
> > share. What is your theory called? What does it state? Please post/
> > link to/share.
> > On Aug 26, 6:58 am, ny2292000 <> wrote:
> > > I hate call people fraud, but your Moving Dimensions Theory started
> > > after I presented my theory and everything you attributed to your
> > > theory actually comes from mine..:) as far as I can tell...
> > > When is that you are going to steal the rest of the theory... or prove
> > > precedence or shut up...:)
> > > Cheers,
> > > MP- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> The theory is called Hypergeometrical Universe and you contacted me
> just after I published it.
> At that time, the published paper, grand unification, time
> quantization, hyperspherical topology was shown in addition to the
> hypergeometrical standard model for matter. In my theory, I modeled
> all Hyperons and all isotopes as coherences of stationary
> deformational states. The theory is relativistic, explains why quantum
> mechanics exists, Hubble expansion etc.
> The site is

> There you can find the links to the papers, including a book in sold
> through Amazon.
> If I mentioned anything like fraud, I didn't mean to be rude, but that
> is what seemed to me since we interacted a long time ago and you had
> access to my paper. In fact, you contacted me.
> Best wishes,
> MP- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Maybe I am wrong...:) Although your theory makes the same claims
that my theory does (four dimensions, time quantization, challenge to
EPR experiments, etc) the topology is totally different and doesn't
make sense to me... Loose comments like this one,

"The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial

makes little sense - not unlike saying that space is being created at
the end of the Universe - which official "Science" asctually says...:)

The topology is not right, Planck dimension is nice because it is
soooo small, but it doesn' lead to quantization despite of Planck's
name on it...:)

The "argument" that explains quantization is not an argument.

I loved the shirt concept... Albeit I consider it stretchy that you
would try to propagate an "idea" with so little meat in it..

The surrounding events of our conversation is in this blog..

and I am sure they are also wherever we discussed my theory at the
time. Just follow the blog directions.



Don Stockbauer

Aug 28, 2007, 8:12:28 AM8/28/07

It's called the "Let's all play games in sci.physics.relativity until
we die" theory. See Berne, "Games People Play."

Captain Ranger McCoy

Aug 29, 2007, 3:01:12 PM8/29/07

MDT predicts the gravitational red shift. A photon emitted in a region
of streched spacetime will maintain its wavelength as it travels away
from the mass, thus appearing red-shifted.

MDT unifies the dualities--space and time, energy and mass, waves and
particles--all can be expalined by MDT's simple postulate--the fourth
dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Quantum mechanics, relativity, and entropy--interference, wave-
particle duality, quantized energy, time dialation, Lorentzian
contractions, the equivalence of mass and energy, and times arrow all
derive from the physical model moving dimensions theory presents.

The purpose of physics has ever been to unify and explain via deeper,
fundamental, physical models, and that's what Moving Dimensions Theory

> we die" theory. See Berne, "Games People Play."- Hide quoted text -


Aug 29, 2007, 3:05:31 PM8/29/07

"Captain Ranger McCoy" <> wrote in message
: MDT is the best-tested theory of all time.

: MDT predicts that an object's velocity through spacetime is always c.

How silly. Someone must be a fuckwit.

Captain Ranger McCoy

Aug 29, 2007, 5:28:58 PM8/29/07
When did you publish your Hypergeometrical Universe theory?

When did I contact you?

What does Hypergeometrical Universe have in common with Movig
Dimensions Theory?

Please explain.

On Aug 27, 5:47 pm, ny2292000 <> wrote:
> On Aug 26, 12:47 pm, wrote:
> > Hello MP,

> > When did you start yourtheory? Where is it published? Please do
> > share. What is yourtheorycalled? What does it state? Please post/

> > link to/share.
> > On Aug 26, 6:58 am, ny2292000 <> wrote:
> > > I hate call people fraud, but yourMovingDimensionsTheorystarted

> > > after I presented mytheoryand everything you attributed to your
> > >theoryactually comes from mine..:) as far as I can tell...
> > > When is that you are going to steal the rest of thetheory... or prove

> > > precedence or shut up...:)
> > > Cheers,
> > > MP- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

> Thetheoryis called Hypergeometrical Universe and you contacted me

> just after I published it.
> At that time, the published paper, grand unification, time
> quantization, hyperspherical topology was shown in addition to the

> hypergeometrical standard model for matter. In mytheory, I modeled

> all Hyperons and all isotopes as coherences of stationary

> deformational states. Thetheoryis relativistic, explains why quantum

> mechanics exists, Hubble expansion etc.

> The site is

> There you can find the links to the papers, including a book in sold
> through Amazon.
> If I mentioned anything like fraud, I didn't mean to be rude, but that
> is what seemed to me since we interacted a long time ago and you had
> access to my paper. In fact, you contacted me.
> Best wishes,

Aug 31, 2007, 3:34:09 PM8/31/07

In researcing String Theory and Loop Quantumn Gravity, one of the
shocking things I have found is that there is no math.

Let me repeat--there is no math.

They have no equations.

They make no predictions.

They arrogantly wave their hands.

Look in their greatest books--The Elegant Universes and Warped

There is no math.

Look at their papers on is no math--only postmodern
handwaving in thousands upon thousands of papers.

What is the Witten equation?

Where is the Lubos Postulate?

Where is the Green Constant?

Where is the Randall Law?

Where is the Smolin LQG Theorem?

Where is the Woit Unification?

Moving Dimenisons Theory calls the trillion-dollar bluff and shows the
deeper reality that underliess both quantum mechanics and relativity.

Woit, Smolin, Witten, Lubos, and Randall have little to do with
Einstein and Feynman, who were motivated for moral reasons instead of
titles and tenure.

Moving Dimensions Theory calls on down the thunder, as never before
has their been such financial incentive to kill physics and suppress
new ideas. Indeed--Woit's book talks about the "death threats" implied
by String Theorists that equate String Theory critics with terrorists.

But if we get rid of ST & LQG, and start afresh with the simple beauty
of all that works--With Einstein and Dirac--we get MDT.

MDT is the best-tested theory of all time.

MDT predicts that an object's velocity through spacetime is always c.
This is because the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the

three spatial diemnsions.

MDT predicts that the only way to stay stationary in the three spatial
dimensions is to move with a velocity of c relative to the fourth
expanding dimension. This is because the fourth dimension is expanding

relative to the three spatial diemnsions.

MDT predicts that the only way to stay stationary in the fourth
expanding dimension is to move with the velocity c relative to the
three spatial dimensions. This is because the fourth dimension is
expanding relative to the three spatial diemnsions.

MDT predicts the equivalence of mass and energy. Matter, when rotated

into the fourth expanding dimension, appears as photons.

MDT predicts the constant speed of light. The fourth dimension is

expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c.
Hence the speed of matter rotated into the the fourth dimension is c.

MDT predicts wave particle duality. As matter expands in the fourth

dimension in the form of a photon, it appears as a spherically-

symmetric wavefront. When it is perturbed, it is collapsed, and

brought into the the three stationary spatial dimensions.

MDT predicts entropy--the fundamental motion of the universe is the

spherically-symmetric wavefront defiend by the fourth dimenion
expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions--hence entropy. Two

particles at a similar origin have a probability to move aprt.

MDT predicts the null vector for photons, and the - sign in the space-

time metric. As the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the
three spatial dimensions, the only way to have zero interval is to

move with teh origin--at the speed of light.

MDT unfreezes time. Time, as we consider it, is not the fourth
dimension, but it is an emrgent property of a fourth dimension
expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions. This confusion of

time iwththe actual fourth dimension has lead to Godel's paradox and

the block-universe, which although they have provided Paul Davies with
a lucrative living for his fantasies and science fiction, are not
real. Barbour gets close to this.

Moving dimensions theory predicts that as objects move, they will
appear shorter. This is because the fourth dimension is expanding

relative to the three spatial dimensions, so as an object is rotated
into the fourth dimension, it will appear shorter in the three spatial
dimensions, and too, it will translate or gain velocity in the
direction of its forshortening.

Moving dimensions theory predicts that the measurement of the state of

a photon can instaneously affect the state of a distant photon, when
those two photons were initially interacting. This is because although
they are now distant in space, they are yet at the same place in the
expanding fourth dimension.

MDT does not predict wormholes, nor multiverses, nor stringy strings,
nor M-theroy, and thus it is to be utterly detested by the machine.
MDT would underly all apsects of String Thoery, and MDT does explain
an interpretation of higher, numerous dimensions, if needed by Klein
et al.

MDT predicts the gravitational red shift. A photon emitted in a region
of streched spacetime will maintain its wavelength as it travels away
from the mass, thus appearing red-shifted.

MDT unifies the dualities--space and time, energy and mass, waves and
particles--all can be expalined by MDT's simple postulate--the fourth
dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Quantum mechanics, relativity, and entropy all derive from moving
dimensions theory.

The purpose of physics has ever been to unify and explain via deeper,

fundamental, physical models, and that's what MDT provides.

On Aug 29, 2:28 pm, Captain Ranger McCoy <>

> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -


Aug 31, 2007, 3:40:35 PM8/31/07
ET go home, Elliot.
Where's the math?

<> wrote in message
: In researcing String Theory and Loop Quantumn Gravity, one of the


Sep 2, 2007, 1:17:47 PM9/2/07
Where's the math in String Theory and Loop Quantum Gravity?

Show me one meaningful calculation--just one.

What might the math look like in your opinion for MDT?

How about (dx4/dxi) = c where i=1,2,3.

I am working on several approaches. I wish I had millions of dollars
to hire tens of thousands of postdocs and grad students to compete
with string theory. Wait--no--that would result in the hundreds of
thosuands of meaningless papers in String Theory Journals and at
arxiv--performed for the soul reason of perpeturating the ST myth so
as to get that postdoc or tenure, at the expense of truth, beauty, and

For math is not physics, and meaningless math is even further away.

MDT is physics--it offers a physical model.

And without a lot of meaningless math, Moving Dimensions Theory
explains a lot.

It explains a helluva lot more than in all the other leading physics
books combined, which contain absolutely no math. The books on String
Theory often discount Einstein's greatest contribution--the fact that
space and time are flexible, and can move, stretch, and warp.

For instance, in the following bestselling books, there is no math:

The Elegant Universe
Warped Passages
Not Even Wrong
The Trouble with Physics
A Brief History of Time
The Mind of God
Beyond Einstein
Hidden Dimensions
The Universe in a Nutshell
The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent
Design by Leonard Susskind

Now why is it that they get hundreds of millions--tenure, tax, and
tuition dollars that come from spurios student-loan programs--to write
books without math that make no sense?

And then a lone physicist rides forth with a theory that actually
accounts for diverse physical phenomena with a single postulate and an
a simple model for an UNDERLYING PHYSICAL REALITY, and you get all

Moving Dimensions Theory is in complete agreement with all
experimental tests and phenomena associated with special and general
relativity. MDT is in complete agreement with all physical phenomena
as predicted by quantum mechanics and demonstrated in extensive
experiments. The genius and novelty of MDT is that it presents a
common physical model which shows that phenomena from both relativity
and quantum mechanics derive from the same fundamental physical

Nowhere does String Theory nor Loop Quantum Gravity account for
quantum entanglement nor relativistic time dilation. MDT shows these
derive from the same underlying physical reality. Nowhere does ST nor
LQG account for wave-particle duality nor relativistic length
contraction. MDT shows these derive from the same underlying physical
reality. Nowhere does ST nor LQG account for the constant speed of
light, nor the independence of the speed of light on the velocity of
the source, nor entropy, nor time's arrow. MDT shows these derive from
the same underlying physical reality. Nowhere does String Theory nor
Loop Quantum Gravity resolve the paradox of Godel's Block Universe

which troubled Einstein. MDT resolves this paradox.

Simply put, MDT replaces the contemporary none-theories with a
physical theory, complete with a simple postulate that unifies
formerly disparate phenomena within a simple context.


The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial


If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.
-Albert Einstein

But after thirty years of the absurdity of String Theory, millions of
dollars from the NSF, and billions of complementary dollars from tax
and tuition and endowments spent on killing physics and indie
physicists, perhaps it's time for something that makes sense-for a
physical theory that actually accounts for a deeper reality from which
both Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, from which time, entanglement,
gravity, entropy, interference, the constant speed of light,

relativistic time dilation, length contraction, and the equivalence of

mass and energy emerge. It's time for Moving Dimensions Theory-MDT.
-The Physicist with No Name

I know what you're thinking. Did he say there were thirty-six
dimensions or only thirty-five? Well to tell you the truth in all this
excitement I've kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .45
Revolver-the most powerful hand gun in the world and would blow your
head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question--Do I feel
lucky? Well, do ya punk!? -Clint Eastwood

I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a man is, the more
likely he is to have extreme prejudice. -Clint Eastwood

Go ahead. Make my day. -Clint Eastwood

Without further adieu, allow me to present the beauty and elegance of
MDT by showing both its simplicity and far-reaching ability to account
for and answer fundamental questions. All of the below will be
elaborated on throughout the book.

Questions Addressed by MDT:

Why does light have a maximum, constant speed independent of the
source? The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three
spatial dimensions. A photon is momenergy that exists orthogonal to
the three spatial dimensions. It is carried along by the expanding
fourth dimension. So no matter how fast the source is moving when the

photon is emitted, the photon travels at the rate with which the

fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial

The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial

dimensions. That means that a baseball sitting on a lab table
stationary in our three-dimensional inertial reference frame, is yet
moving at a fantastic velocity relative to the fourth dimension. Hence
every seemingly stationary mass has a vast energy, as given by E=mc2.
In a nuclear reaction matter is rotated into the expanding fourth
dimension, appearing as high-enegry photons (gamma rays) propagating
at the same velocity of the fourth expanding dimension-c.

Why does time's arrow point in the direction it points in? The fourth
dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions. Hence
every photon naturally expands in a spherically symmetric manner.
Hence every electron, or piece of matter that interacts with photons,
is naturally carried outward from a central point in a spherically
symmetric manner. Hence the particles in a drop of dye in a swimming
pool dissipate in a spherically symmetric manner, and are never
reunited. Hence time's arrow and entropy.

Why do photons appear as spherically-symmetric wavefronts traveling at
a velocity c? The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three
spatial dimensions at the velocity c. Hence photons, which are tiny
packets of momenergy rotated entirely into the fourth dimension,
appear as spherically-symmetric wavefronts propagating at the velocity

Why is there a minus sign in the following metric?

The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial

dimensions at the velocity c. Hence the only way to stay still in the

space-time continuum, and to achieve a 0 interval, is to move with the
velocity of light.

What deeper reality underlies Einstein's postulates of relativity?

The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial

at the exact same place in the fourth dimension. MDT thus provides the
new concept of space-time.

"For me, then, this is the real problem with quantum theory: the

apparently essential conflict between any sharp formulation and
fundamental relativity. It may be that a real synthesis of quantum and
relativity theories requires not just technical developments but
radical conceptual renewal." -John Bell

Moving Dimensions Theory provides this radical conceptual renewal. The

expanding fourth dimension gives rise to non-local phenomena and
quantum entanglement, as the expanding fourth dimension means that two
events separated in the three spatial dimensions can yet appear to be

at the exact same place in the fourth dimension. MDT thus provides the
new concept of space-time.

"Entanglement is not one but rather the characteristic trait of
quantum mechanics." -Erwin Schrodinger

The expanding fourth dimension gives rise to non-local phenomena and

quantum entanglement, as the expanding fourth dimension means that two

events separated in the three spatial dimensions can yet be at the
exact same place in the fourth dimension. MDT thus provides the new
concept of space-time.

"For me, then, this is the real problem with quantum theory: the

apparently essential conflict between any sharp formulation and
fundamental relativity. It may be that a real synthesis of quantum and
relativity theories requires not just technical developments but
radical conceptual renewal." -John Bell

Moving Dimensions Theory provides this radical conceptual renewal. The

expanding fourth dimension gives rise to non-local phenomena and
quantum entanglement, as the expanding fourth dimension means that two
events separated in the three spatial dimensions can yet appear to be

at the exact same place in the fourth dimension. MDT thus provides the
new concept of space-time.

"Entanglement is not one but rather the characteristic trait of
quantum mechanics." -Erwin Schrodinger

The expanding fourth dimension gives rise to non-local phenomena and

quantum entanglement, as the expanding fourth dimension means that two

events separated in the three spatial dimensions can yet be at the
exact same place in the fourth dimension. MDT thus provides the new
concept of space-time.

On Aug 31, 12:40 pm, "Androcles" <Engin...@hogwarts.physics> wrote:
> ET go home, Elliot.
> Where's the math?

> <> wrote in message
> :
> : In researcing StringTheoryand Loop Quantumn Gravity, one of the

> : shocking things I have found is that there is no math.
> :
> : Let me repeat--there is no math.
> :
> : They have no equations.
> :
> : They make no predictions.
> :
> : They arrogantly wave their hands.
> :
> : Look in their greatest books--The Elegant Universes and Warped
> : Passages.
> :
> : There is no math.
> :
> : Look at their papers on is no math--only postmodern
> : handwaving in thousands upon thousands of papers.
> :
> : What is the Witten equation?
> :
> : Where is the Lubos Postulate?
> :
> : Where is the Green Constant?
> :
> : Where is the Randall Law?
> :
> : Where is the Smolin LQG Theorem?
> :
> : Where is the Woit Unification?
> :

> :MovingDimenisonsTheorycalls the trillion-dollar bluff and shows the

> : deeper reality that underliess both quantum mechanics and relativity.
> :
> : Woit, Smolin, Witten, Lubos, and Randall have little to do with
> : Einstein and Feynman, who were motivated for moral reasons instead of
> : titles and tenure.
> :

> :MovingDimensionsTheorycalls on down the thunder, as never before

> : has their been such financial incentive to kill physics and suppress
> : new ideas. Indeed--Woit's book talks about the "death threats" implied

> : by String Theorists that equate StringTheorycritics with terrorists.

> :
> : But if we get rid of ST & LQG, and start afresh with the simple beauty
> : of all that works--With Einstein and Dirac--we get MDT.
> :

> : MDT is the best-testedtheoryof all time.

> :
> : MDT predicts that an object's velocity through spacetime is always c.
> : This is because the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the
> : three spatial diemnsions.
> :
> : MDT predicts that the only way to stay stationary in the three spatial

> :dimensionsis to move with a velocity of c relative to the fourth

> : expanding dimension. This is because the fourth dimension is expanding
> : relative to the three spatial diemnsions.
> :
> : MDT predicts that the only way to stay stationary in the fourth
> : expanding dimension is to move with the velocity c relative to the

> : three spatialdimensions. This is because the fourth dimension is

> : expanding relative to the three spatial diemnsions.
> :
> : MDT predicts the equivalence of mass and energy. Matter, when rotated
> : into the fourth expanding dimension, appears as photons.
> :
> : MDT predicts the constant speed of light. The fourth dimension is

> : expanding relative to the three spatialdimensionsat the rate of c.

> : Hence the speed of matter rotated into the the fourth dimension is c.
> :
> : MDT predicts wave particle duality. As matter expands in the fourth
> : dimension in the form of a photon, it appears as a spherically-
> : symmetric wavefront. When it is perturbed, it is collapsed, and
> : brought into the the three stationary spatialdimensions.
> :
> : MDT predicts entropy--the fundamental motion of the universe is the
> : spherically-symmetric wavefront defiend by the fourth dimenion

> : expanding relative to the three spatialdimensions--hence entropy. Two

> : particles at a similar origin have a probability to move aprt.
> :
> : MDT predicts the null vector for photons, and the - sign in the space-
> : time metric. As the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the

> : three spatialdimensions, the only way to have zero interval is to

> : move with teh origin--at the speed of light.
> :
> : MDT unfreezes time. Time, as we consider it, is not the fourth
> : dimension, but it is an emrgent property of a fourth dimension

> : expanding relative to the three spatialdimensions. This confusion of

> : time iwththe actual fourth dimension has lead to Godel's paradox and
> : the block-universe, which although they have provided Paul Davies with
> : a lucrative living for his fantasies and science fiction, are not
> : real. Barbour gets close to this.
> :

> :Movingdimensionstheorypredicts that as objects move, they will

> : appear shorter. This is because the fourth dimension is expanding

> : relative to the three spatialdimensions, so as an object is rotated

> : into the fourth dimension, it will appear shorter in the three spatial
> :dimensions, and too, it will translate or gain velocity in the
> : direction of its forshortening.
> :

> :Movingdimensionstheorypredicts that the measurement of the state of

> : a photon can instaneously affect the state of a distant photon, when
> : those two photons were initially interacting. This is because although
> : they are now distant in space, they are yet at the same place in the
> : expanding fourth dimension.
> :
> : MDT does not predict wormholes, nor multiverses, nor stringy strings,
> : nor M-theroy, and thus it is to be utterly detested by the machine.
> : MDT would underly all apsects of String Thoery, and MDT does explain

> : an interpretation of higher, numerousdimensions, if needed by Klein

Sep 6, 2007, 3:59:36 PM9/6/07
Moving Dimensions Theory accounts for all the arrows of time and

MDT's postulate: The fourth dimension is expanding at the rate of c
relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Time is an emergent phenomena, which results because the fourth

dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Picture two or more particles in close proximity. The fourth
dimension is expanding as a spherical wavefront relative to the three
spatial dimensions. All particles will have a probability of being
caught in the fourth expanding dimension, and thus there is a
probability that the particles will move in a manner that approximates
the expanding surfaces of the fourth dimension. Thus there is a
probability the particles will move about in random directions and
undergo brownian motion, as they interact with other particles and
energy. Energy is merely matter trapped in the fourth expanding
dimension: hence E=mc^2. When a photon propagates, it expands as a
probability wave, appearing a spherically-symmetric wavefront
propagating at c in the three spatial dimensions. When a photon
collapses, it has equal probability of appearing at any point defined
by the spherically symmetric wavefront.

Wikipedia enumerates Time's arrows:

[edit] Arrows

[edit] The thermodynamic arrow of time
Main article: Entropy (arrow of time)
The thermodynamic arrow of time is provided by the Second Law of
Thermodynamics, which says that in an isolated system, entropy will
only increase with time; it will not decrease with time. Entropy can
be thought of as a measure of disorder; thus the Second Law implies
that time is asymmetrical with respect to the amount of order in an
isolated system: as time increases, a system will always become more
disordered. This asymmetry can be used empirically to distinguish
between future and past.

Since the Second Law is statistical, it does not hold with strict
universality: any system can fluctuate to a state of lower entropy
(see the Poincaré recurrence theorem). However, the Second Law seems
accurately to describe the overall trend in real systems toward higher

This arrow of time seems to be related to all other arrows of time and
arguably underlies some of them, with the exception of the weak arrow
of time.

Time is an emergent phenomena, which results because the fourth

dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Picture two or more particles in close proximity. The fourth
dimension is expanding as a spherical wavefront relative to the three
spatial dimensions. All particles will have a probability of being
caught in the fourth expanding dimension, and thus there is a
probability that the particles will move in a manner that approximates
the expanding surfaces of the fourth dimension. Thus there is a
probability the particles will move about in random directions and
undergo brownian motion, as they interact with other particles and
energy. Energy is merely matter trapped in the fourth expanding
dimension: hence E=mc^2. When a photon propagates, it expands as a
probability wave, appearing a spherically-symmetric wavefront
propagating at c in the three spatial dimensions. When a photon
collapses, it has equal probability of appearing at any point defined
by the spherically symmetric wavefront.

[edit] The cosmological arrow of time
See also: Entropy and Entropy (arrow of time)
The cosmological arrow of time points in the direction of the
universe's expansion. It may be linked to the thermodynamic arrow,
with the universe heading towards a heat death (Big Chill) as the
amount of usable energy becomes negligible. Alternatively, it may be
an artifact of our place in the universe's evolution (see the
Anthropic bias), with this arrow reversing as gravity pulls everything
back into a Big Crunch.

If this arrow of time is related to the other arrows of time, then the
future is by definition the direction towards which the universe
becomes bigger. Thus, the universe expands - rather than shrinks - by

The thermodynamic arrow of time and the Second law of thermodynamics
are thought to be a consequence of the initial conditions in the early
universe. Therefore they ultimately result from the cosmological set-

Time is an emergent phenomena, which results because the fourth

dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Picture two or more particles in close proximity. The fourth
dimension is expanding as a spherical wavefront relative to the three
spatial dimensions. All particles will have a probability of being
caught in the fourth expanding dimension, and thus there is a
probability that the particles will move in a manner that approximates
the expanding surfaces of the fourth dimension. Thus there is a
probability the particles will move about in random directions and
undergo brownian motion, as they interact with other particles and
energy. Energy is merely matter trapped in the fourth expanding
dimension: hence E=mc^2. When a photon propagates, it expands as a
probability wave, appearing a spherically-symmetric wavefront
propagating at c in the three spatial dimensions. When a photon
collapses, it has equal probability of appearing at any point defined
by the spherically symmetric wavefront.

[edit] The radiative arrow of time
Waves, from radio waves to sound waves to those on a pond from
throwing a stone, expand outward from their source, even though the
wave equations allow for solutions of convergent waves as well as
radiative ones. This arrow has been reversed in carefully worked
experiments which have created convergent waves, so this arrow
probably follows from the thermodynamic arrow in that meeting the
conditions to produce a convergent wave requires more order than the
conditions for a radiative wave. Put differently, the probability for
initial conditions that produce a convergent wave is much lower than
the probability for initial conditions that produce a radiative wave.
In fact, normally a radiative wave increases entropy, while a
convergent wave decreases it, making the latter contradictory to the
Second Law of Thermodynamics in usual circumstances.

Time is an emergent phenomena, which results because the fourth

dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

MDT explains teh fundamental shape of radiation--a spherically
symmetric wavefront propagating at the rate of c. Picture two or more
particles in close proximity. The fourth dimension is expanding as a
spherical wavefront relative to the three spatial dimensions. Energy
is merely matter trapped in the fourth expanding dimension: hence
E=mc^2. When a photon propagates, it expands as a probability wave,
appearing a spherically-symmetric wavefront propagating at c in the
three spatial dimensions. When a photon collapses, it has equal
probability of appearing at any point defined by the spherically
symmetric wavefront. Hence two photons which depart at a similar
origin will most likely be found in different places, as each point on
the spherically symmetric wavefront has an eqaul chance of where the
photon may be found. Hence entropy and time's arrow.

[edit] The causal arrow of time
Causes are ordinarily thought to precede effects. The future can be
controlled, but not the past.

A problem with using causality as an arrow of time is that, as David
Hume pointed out, the causal relation per se cannot be perceived; one
only perceives sequences of events. Furthermore it is surprisingly
difficult to provide a clear explanation of what the terms "cause" and
"effect" really mean. It does seem evident that dropping the plate is
the cause, the plate shattering is the effect.

Physically speaking, this is another manifestation of the
thermodynamic arrow of time, and is a consequence of the Second law of
thermodynamics. Controlling the future, or causing something to
happen, creates correlations between the doer and the effect, and
these can only be created as we move forwards in time, not backwards.

[edit] The particle physics (weak) arrow of time
Certain subatomic interactions involving the weak nuclear force
violate the conservation of both parity and charge conjugation, but
only very rarely. An example is the kaon decay [1]. According to the
CPT Theorem, this means they should also be time irreversible, and so
establish an arrow of time. Such processes should be responsible for
matter creation in the early universe.

This arrow is not linked to any other arrow by any proposed mechanism,
and if it would have pointed to the opposite time direction, the only
difference would have been that our universe would be made of anti-
matter rather than from matter. More accurately, the definitions of
matter and anti-matter would just be reversed.

That the combination of parity and charge conjugation is broken so
rarely means that this arrow only "barely" points in one direction,
setting it apart from the other arrows whose direction is much more

[edit] The quantum arrow of time
According to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics,
quantum evolution is governed by the Schrödinger equation, which is
time-symmetric, and by wave function collapse, which is time
irreversible. As the mechanism of wave function collapse is
philosophically obscure, it is not completely clear how this arrow
links to the others. While at the microscopic level, collapse seems to
show no favor to increasing or decreasing entropy, some believe there
is a bias which shows up on macroscopic scales as the thermodynamic
arrow. According to the modern physical view of wave function
collapse, the theory of quantum decoherence, the quantum arrow of time
is a consequence of the thermodynamic arrow of time (also see Entropy
(arrow of time)).

The collapse of the wave function, or decoherence, corresponds to when
the matter trapped in the expanding fourth dimension is brought to
rest in the three spatial dimensions. A group of photons emitted at a
single point all have equal probabilities of being found at any point
defined by the spherically symmetric wavefront.

[edit] The psychological/perceptual arrow of time
Psychological time is, in part, the cataloguing of ever increasing
items of memory from continuous changes in perception. In other words,
things we remember make up the past, while the future consists of
those events that cannot be remembered. The ancient method of
comparing unique events to generalized repeating events such as the
apparent movement of the sun, moon, and stars provided a convenient
grid work to accomplish this. The consistent increase in memory volume
creates one mental arrow of time. Another arises because one has the
sense that one's perception is a continuous movement from the unknown
(Future) to the known (Past). Anticipating the unknown forms the
psychological future which always seems to be something one is moving
towards, but, like a projection in a mirror, it makes what is actually
already a part of memory, such as desires, dreams, and hopes, seem
ahead of the observer.

Time is not the fourth dimension, but it is an emergent property of a
fourth dimension that is expanding relative to the three spatial
dimensions. Thus time inherits properties of the fourth dimension,
but there is no block time.

The association of (behind = past) and (ahead = future) is itself
culturally conditioned. For example, the Chinese and the Aymara people
both associate (ahead = past) and (behind = future).[1]. In Chinese,
for instance, the term "the day after tomorrow" literally means
"behind day" while "the day before yesterday" is referred to as "front

The other side of the psychological passage of time is in the realm of
volition and action. We plan and often execute actions intended to
affect the course of events in the future. Hardly anyone tries to
change past events. Indeed, in the Rubaiyat it is written (sic):

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
- Omar Khayyám (Fitzgerald translation)

The psychological arrow of time is thought to be reducible to the
thermodynamic arrow: it has deep connections with Maxwell's demon and
the physics of information; In fact, it is easy to understand its link
to the Second Law of Thermodynamics if we view memory as correlation
between brain cells (or computer bits) and the outer world. Since the
Second Law of Thermodynamics is equivalent to the growth with time of
such correlations, then it states that memory will be created as we
move towards the future (rather than towards the past).

MDT's postulate: The fourth dimension is expanding at the rate of c
relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Time is an emergent phenomena, which results because the fourth

dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Picture two or more particles in close proximity. The fourth
dimension is expanding as a spherical wavefront relative to the three
spatial dimensions. All particles will have a probability of being
caught in the fourth expanding dimension, and thus there is a
probability that the particles will move in a manner that approximates
the expanding surfaces of the fourth dimension. Thus there is a
probability the particles will move about in random directions and
undergo brownian motion, as they interact with other particles and
energy. Energy is merely matter trapped in the fourth expanding
dimension: hence E=mc^2. When a photon propagates, it expands as a
probability wave, appearing a spherically-symmetric wavefront
propagating at c in the three spatial dimensions. When a photon
collapses, it has equal probability of appearing at any point defined
by the spherically symmetric wavefront.

On Sep 2, 10:17 am, wrote:
> Where's the math in StringTheoryand Loop Quantum Gravity?

> Show me one meaningful calculation--just one.
> What might the math look like in your opinion for MDT?
> How about (dx4/dxi) = c where i=1,2,3.
> I am working on several approaches. I wish I had millions of dollars
> to hire tens of thousands of postdocs and grad students to compete

> with stringtheory. Wait--no--that would result in the hundreds of
> thosuands of meaningless papers in StringTheoryJournals and at

> arxiv--performed for the soul reason of perpeturating the ST myth so
> as to get that postdoc or tenure, at the expense of truth, beauty, and
> physics.
> For math is not physics, and meaningless math is even further away.
> MDT is physics--it offers a physical model.
> And without a lot of meaningless math,MovingDimensionsTheory
> explains a lot.
> It explains a helluva lot more than in all the other leading physics

> books combined, which contain absolutely no math. The books on StringTheoryoften discount Einstein's greatest contribution--the fact that

> space and time are flexible, and can move, stretch, and warp.
> For instance, in the following bestselling books, there is no math:
> The Elegant Universe
> Warped Passages
> Not Even Wrong
> The Trouble with Physics
> A Brief History of Time
> The Mind of God
> Hyperspace
> Beyond Einstein
> HiddenDimensions
> The Universe in a Nutshell

> The Cosmic Landscape: StringTheoryand the Illusion of Intelligent

> Design by Leonard Susskind
> Now why is it that they get hundreds of millions--tenure, tax, and
> tuition dollars that come from spurios student-loan programs--to write
> books without math that make no sense?

> And then a lone physicist rides forth with atheorythat actually

> accounts for diverse physical phenomena with a single postulate and an
> a simple model for an UNDERLYING PHYSICAL REALITY, and you get all
> snarky.

> MovingDimensionsTheoryis in complete agreement with all

> experimental tests and phenomena associated with special and general
> relativity. MDT is in complete agreement with all physical phenomena
> as predicted by quantum mechanics and demonstrated in extensive
> experiments. The genius and novelty of MDT is that it presents a
> common physical model which shows that phenomena from both relativity
> and quantum mechanics derive from the same fundamental physical
> reality.

> Nowhere does StringTheorynor Loop Quantum Gravity account for

> quantum entanglement nor relativistic time dilation. MDT shows these
> derive from the same underlying physical reality. Nowhere does ST nor
> LQG account for wave-particle duality nor relativistic length
> contraction. MDT shows these derive from the same underlying physical
> reality. Nowhere does ST nor LQG account for the constant speed of
> light, nor the independence of the speed of light on the velocity of
> the source, nor entropy, nor time's arrow. MDT shows these derive from
> the same underlying physical reality. Nowhere does StringTheorynor
> Loop Quantum Gravity resolve the paradox of Godel's Block Universe
> which troubled Einstein. MDT resolves this paradox.
> Simply put, MDT replaces the contemporary none-theories with a

> physicaltheory, complete with a simple postulate that unifies

> formerly disparate phenomena within a simple context.
> The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatialdimensions.
> If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.
> -Albert Einstein

> But after thirty years of the absurdity of StringTheory, millions of

> dollars from the NSF, and billions of complementary dollars from tax
> and tuition and endowments spent on killing physics and indie
> physicists, perhaps it's time for something that makes sense-for a

> physicaltheorythat actually accounts for a deeper reality from which

> both Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, from which time, entanglement,
> gravity, entropy, interference, the constant speed of light,
> relativistic time dilation, length contraction, and the equivalence of
> mass and energy emerge. It's time forMovingDimensionsTheory-MDT.
> -The Physicist with No Name

> I know what you're thinking. Did he say there were thirty-sixdimensionsor only thirty-five? Well to tell you the truth in all this

> excitement I've kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .45
> Revolver-the most powerful hand gun in the world and would blow your
> head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question--Do I feel
> lucky? Well, do ya punk!? -Clint Eastwood
> I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a man is, the more
> likely he is to have extreme prejudice. -Clint Eastwood
> Go ahead. Make my day. -Clint Eastwood
> Without further adieu, allow me to present the beauty and elegance of
> MDT by showing both its simplicity and far-reaching ability to account
> for and answer fundamental questions. All of the below will be
> elaborated on throughout the book.
> Questions Addressed by MDT:
> Why does light have a maximum, constant speed independent of the
> source? The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three

> spatialdimensions. A photon is momenergy that exists orthogonal to
> the three spatialdimensions. It is carried along by the expanding
> fourth dimension. So no matter how fast the source ismovingwhen the

> photon is emitted, the photon travels at the rate with which the

> fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatialdimensions. Thus c is always independent of the movement of the

> source.
> Why are light and energy quantized? The fourth dimension is expanding

> in a quantized manner relative to the three spatialdimensions. Light

> and energy are matter rotated completely into the fourth expanding
> dimension, and as it expands in a quantized manner, light and energy
> are thus quantized.
> Why is the velocity of light constant in all frames? Time is an
> emergent phenomena that arises because the fourth dimension is

> expanding relative to the three spatialdimensions. The flow of time

> is inextricably wed to the emission and propagation of photons. In all
> biological, mechanical, and electronic clocks, the emission and
> propagation of photons is what determines time. The velocity of light
> is always measured with respect to time, which is inextricably linked
> to the velocity of light. This tautology ensures that the velocity of
> light, measured relative to the velocity of light, will always be the
> same.
> How can photons display both wave and particle properties? The
> fundamental photon propagates as a spherical wave-front, surfing the
> fourth expanding dimension. This is because the fourth expanding
> dimension appears as a spherical wavefront as it expands through the

> three spatialdimensions. The act of measurement localizes the

> photon's momenergy, taking it out of the expanding fourth dimension

> and trapping it in the three stationary spatialdimensions, and it

> appears as a localized particle, trapped by electrons as it blackens a
> grain on a photographic plate.
> How can matter display both wave and particle properties? The
> fundamental electron is abuzz with photons. Photons are continually
> being emitted into the fourth expanding dimension and reabsorbed by
> the electron. The continual dance with these photons gives the
> electron its wave properties. Nothing moves without photons which up
> the net probability that the combine momenergy will be in the
> expanding fourth dimension. The more photons one adds to an object,
> the greater the chance it has of existing in the expanding fourth
> dimension, and thus it moves.
> Why are there non-local effects in quantum mechanics? The fourth

> dimension is expanding relative to the three spatialdimensions. That

> means that what begins as a point in the fourth dimension is a sphere
> with a 186,000 mile radius one second later. So it is that the entire
> spherical wavefront of the photon exists in the exact same place in
> time. Hence the non-locality observed in double slit experiments, the
> EPR effect, and quantum entanglement. Take two interacting spin ½
> photons and let them propagate at the speed of c in opposite
> directions. They are yet at the exact same place in time! And too,
> they are yet in the exact same place of the fourth expanding
> dimension.
> Why does time stop at the speed of light?
> Time depends on the emission and propagation of photons. If no photons
> are emitted, time does not occur. This holds true whether the clock is
> an unwinding copper spring, a biological system such as a heart, or an
> oscillating quartz crystal. No photom emission=no time! As an object
> approaches the speed of light, its ability to emit photons without
> reabsorbing them diminishes. An object traveling at the speed of light
> cannot emit a photon.
> How come a photon does not age?
> A photon represents momenergy rotated entirely into the fourth
> expanding dimension. A photon stays the exact same place in the fourth
> dimension, no matter how far it travels. A photon stays the exact same
> place in time, no matter how far it travels. Again, time is not the
> fourth dimension, but in inherits properties of the fourth dimension.
> Why are inertial mass and gravitational mass the same thing?

> Why domovingbodies exhibit length contraction?

> Movement is always accompanied by a shortening in length. This is
> because the only way for a body to move is for it to undergo a
> rotation into the forth dimension, which is expanding relative to the

> three spatialdimensions. The more energy an electron has, the more

> photons it possesses, and the higher probability it exists in the
> expanding fourth dimension. Hence its length appears contracted as
> perceived from the three spatialdimensions.
> Why are mass and energy equivalent?

> The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatialdimensions. That means that a baseball sitting on a lab table
> stationary in our three-dimensional inertial reference frame, is yetmovingat a fantastic velocity relative to the fourth dimension. Hence

> every seemingly stationary mass has a vast energy, as given by E=mc2.

> In a nuclear reaction matter is rotated into the expanding fourth ...
> read more »


Sep 6, 2007, 4:13:20 PM9/6/07

<> wrote in message

Moving Dimensions Theory accounts for all the arrows of time and

ET's gone home, Elliot.

Message has been deleted

Sep 24, 2007, 12:20:23 PM9/24/07
Moving Dimensions Theory accounts for all the arrows of time and

MDT's postulate: The fourth dimension is expanding at the rate of c

relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Time is an emergent phenomena, which results because the fourth
dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Picture two or more particles in close proximity. The fourth dimension
is expanding as a spherical wavefront relative to the three spatial
dimensions. All particles will have a probability of being caught in
the fourth expanding dimension, and thus there is a probability that
the particles will move in a manner that approximates the expanding
surfaces of the fourth dimension. Thus there is a probability the
particles will move about in random directions and undergo brownian
motion, as they interact with other particles and energy. Energy is
merely matter trapped in the fourth expanding dimension: hence E=mc^2.
When a photon propagates, it expands as a probability wave, appearing
a spherically-symmetric wavefront propagating at c in the three
spatial dimensions. When a photon collapses, it has equal probability
of appearing at any point defined by the spherically symmetric

Wikipedia enumerates Time's arrows:
[edit] Arrows

On Sep 6, 1:13 pm, "Androcles" <Engin...@hogwarts.physics> wrote:
> <> wrote in message

> DimensionsTheory accounts for all the arrows of time and

Uncle Hal

Sep 24, 2007, 12:31:59 PM9/24/07
L@@K! A Google-poster! With a gmail address! Posting complete crap!

<> wrote in message

Uncle Al

Sep 24, 2007, 3:09:16 PM9/24/07
to wrote:
> Moving Dimensions Theory accounts for all the arrows of time and
> entropy.

Idiot. The strong arrow of time is angular momentum - Feynman's
sprinkler by conservation law. Entropy is a weak arrow of time only
enforced by statistics.

> MDT's postulate: The fourth dimension is expanding at the rate of c
> relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Idiot. ict. Doesn't mommy's little boy know how to write the metric?

[snip 270 lines of crap]

Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)

Sep 26, 2007, 3:11:33 PM9/26/07
The Curious Nature of the Photon, Einstein's Annus Mirabilis,
and Moving Dimensions Theory

As the contemplation of the photon lead to both quantum mechanics and
relativity, let us also begin by contemplating the photon. Einstein's
revolutionary 1905 papers included one devoted to the photoelectric
effect-the quantized nature of the photon, and another devoted to the
electrodynamics of moving bodies-electromagnetic radiation,
relativity, and the wave properties of the photon. Another paper
discussed statistical mechanics in the form of Brownian Motion, and
the final paper commented on the equivalence of mass and energy, as
denoted with his famous equation, E=mc2. Moving Dimensions Theory
underlies and unifies all of Einstein's 1905 papers with its simple
postulate-the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three
spatial dimensions.
Picture the emission of a photon in free space. Once second later,
the photon has equal probability of being found anywhere upon a sphere
with a radius of 186,000 miles, as c, the velocity of light, equals
186,000 miles per second. If we covered the surface of the sphere
with detectors, one, and only one, would click. And the photon,
although traveling 186,000 miles through space, will not have aged one
iota, for time stops at the speed of light. The photon will have
traveled 186,000 miles through the three spatial dimensions, and yet
it will not have moved one iota in the fourth dimension. And there
lies our first clue to moving dimensions theory. For how can a photon
propagate 186,000 in the three spatial dimensions, and yet not budge
an inch in the fourth dimension, unless that fourth dimension is
expanding? Ergo, the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the
three spatial dimensions.
Consider two interacting photons that propagate in opposite
directions. One second later, each photon's polarization is measured
at detectors separated by 372,000 miles. According to the laws of
quantum mechanics and numerous supporting experiments, the measurement
at one detector instantaneously affects the measurement at the second
detector. It is as if the photons are yet side-by-side for all
intents and purposes. This "spooky action at a distance," as Einstein
called it, is not so spooky in the context of moving dimensions
theory, for MDT states that although separated by 372,000 miles, the
photons are yet in the exact same place in the fourth dimension, as

the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial

dimensions. So it is that quantum phenomena on the photonic level, as
well as relativistic phenomena on the photonic level, are both
accounted for with simple elegance via MDT: the fourth dimension is

expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Another paper Einstein penned in 1905 was devoted to Brownian Motion
and statistical mechanics. Drop a thimbleful of food coloring in a
pool. The laws of statistical mechanics dictate that it will spread
out throughout the entire pool, and never again reassemble in a
localized region. That everything tends towards random disorder is a
fundamental law of physics, and too, it can be accounted for by moving
dimensions theory. As the fundamental motion of the universe is the
expansion of the fourth dimension relative to the three spatial
dimensions, two photons originating from a common origin will harbor a
vast probability of being found at great distances from one another
one second later-distances far greater than the distance that
separates them at their emission. This is because each one has an
equal probability of being found anywhere upon the surface of a
spherically-symmetric wave front of probability, corresponding to the
wave front of the fourth expanding dimension. Recall our system of
detectors placed everywhere through the surface of a sphere with a
radius of 186,000 miles-each photon has an equal chance of being found
at any detector after one second, and chances are that the detectors
will be farther apart than the distance of 0 that defines the photon's
common origin. Hence entropy. Entropy arises because the fourth
dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions. All
particles undergoing thermal vibrations interact with photons, and all
photons reside in the fourth expanding dimension, dragging all of
entirety into random disorder.
Yet another paper published by Einstein in his "Miraculous
Year" (anna mirabilis), was devoted to the equivalence of mass and
energy. Think about the fascinating physical reality implied by
E=mc2. A kilogram of gold or lead or feathers sitting on a desktop
is the same thing as 9x1016 joules of energy-an exorbitant amount of
energy-enough to power, or to destroy, a major city. How is it that
a stationary mass possesses such a great energy? It is because the
mass, which is stationary in the three spatial dimensions, is yet
propagating through the fourth dimension at the rate of c. This is

because the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three

spatial dimensions, and matter trapped in the fourth expanding
dimension appears at photons. Furthermore, as noted earlier, the
photons will propagate at the rate of c through the three spatial
dimensions, and yet they will never age-they will stay in a fixed
place in the fourth expanding dimension. The primary invariant is c-
all matter and/or photons-be it propagating through space or time, or
some combination thereof, always, always moves at the rate of c. To
be stationary in space means to propagate at the rate of c through
time. To be stationary in time means to propagate at the rate of c
through space. This is because the fourth dimension is expanding at
the rate of c relative to the three spatial dimensions. Most objects
share motion between space and time, but the overall velocity of
propagation through space-time is fixed at c-this primary invariance
can never change.
And so it is that Moving Dimensions Theory underlies and unifies the
papers Einstein Published during his Annus Mirabilis-his "miraculous
year." I highly recommend Harvard University Press's Einstein 1905:
The Standard of Greatness (Hardcover) by John S. Rigden, about wchich
Publisher's Weekly writes,

"The year 2005 will be the centenary of Einstein's annus mirabilis,
when he published the five papers that marked him as one of the
greatest scientists of all time. Washington University professor
Rigden (Hydrogen: The Essential Element) sits readers down in front of
his white board and explains what Einstein said in each of these
papers, what was significant in them and how the scientific community
reacted (not very well, in most cases-for a while). Einstein started
off with a bang: in March he proposed that light was not a continuous
wave, but was made up of particles. In April he finished what became
his dissertation, on how to determine the size of molecules in a
liquid (that may not sound very exciting, but this is one of
Einstein's most cited papers). In May he wrote his paper on Brownian
motion, and then in June came the summit of his achievements that
year: the paper proposing his principles of relativity and the
consistency of the speed of light (commonly known as the Special
Theory of Relativity). Finally, almost as an afterthought, in
September came the three-page paper that unleashed his now-famous
equation, e=mc2, upon an unsuspecting world. Rigden writes with a rare
felicity, free of jargon and with everyday metaphors that Einstein
himself would no doubt have appreciated."

I encourage everyone to read Einstein's and Bohr's and Heisenberg's
and Dirac's original papers, and contrast their majestic elegance,
eloquence, reason, and logic to the snarky death threats and crackpot
indexes manufactured by today's "best and brightest," and the
accompanying silence from their established elders-the founders of
string theory's oppressive regime. This book looks back to the giants
of yesteryear with deep honor and reverence, so that tomorrow's
physics might advance in the spirit of simple Truth and Beauty. Every
effort will be maintained to demonstrate that true physics is marked
by grace and simplicity, as opposed to obfuscation and bullying.
Moving Dimensions Theory is an idea whose time has come, and ideas are

On Sep 24, 9:20 am, wrote:
> MovingDimensionsTheoryaccounts for all the arrows of time and

> entropy.
> MDT's postulate: The fourth dimension is expanding at the rate of c
> relative to the three spatialdimensions.
> Time is an emergent phenomena, which results because the fourth
> dimension is expanding relative to the three spatialdimensions.
> Picture two or more particles in close proximity. The fourth dimension

> is expanding as a spherical wavefront relative to the three spatialdimensions. All particles will have a probability of being caught in

> the fourth expanding dimension, and thus there is a probability that
> the particles will move in a manner that approximates the expanding
> surfaces of the fourth dimension. Thus there is a probability the
> particles will move about in random directions and undergo brownian
> motion, as they interact with other particles and energy. Energy is
> merely matter trapped in the fourth expanding dimension: hence E=mc^2.
> When a photon propagates, it expands as a probability wave, appearing
> a spherically-symmetric wavefront propagating at c in the three

> spatialdimensions. When a photon collapses, it has equal probability

> of appearing at any point defined by the spherically symmetric
> wavefront.
> Wikipedia enumerates Time's arrows:
> [edit] Arrows
> [edit] The thermodynamic arrow of time
> Main article: Entropy (arrow of time)
> The thermodynamic arrow of time is provided by the Second Law of
> Thermodynamics, which says that in an isolated system, entropy will
> only increase with time; it will not decrease with time. Entropy can
> be thought of as a measure of disorder; thus the Second Law implies
> that time is asymmetrical with respect to the amount of order in an
> isolated system: as time increases, a system will always become more
> disordered. This asymmetry can be used empirically to distinguish
> between future and past.
> Since the Second Law is statistical, it does not hold with strict
> universality: any system can fluctuate to a state of lower entropy
> (see the Poincaré recurrence theorem). However, the Second Law seems
> accurately to describe the overall trend in real systems toward higher
> entropy.
> This arrow of time seems to be related to all other arrows of time and
> arguably underlies some of them, with the exception of the weak arrow
> of time.
> Time is an emergent phenomena, which results because the fourth
> dimension is expanding relative to the three spatialdimensions.

> Picture two or more particles in close proximity. The fourth dimension

> is expanding as a spherical wavefront relative to the three spatialdimensions. All particles will have a probability of being caught in

> the fourth expanding dimension, and thus there is a probability that
> the particles will move in a manner that approximates the expanding
> surfaces of the fourth dimension. Thus there is a probability the
> particles will move about in random directions and undergo brownian
> motion, as they interact with other particles and energy. Energy is
> merely matter trapped in the fourth expanding dimension: hence E=mc^2.
> When a photon propagates, it expands as a probability wave, appearing
> a spherically-symmetric wavefront propagating at c in the three

> spatialdimensions. When a photon collapses, it has equal probability

> of appearing at any point defined by the spherically symmetric
> wavefront.
> [edit] The cosmological arrow of time
> See also: Entropy and Entropy (arrow of time)
> The cosmological arrow of time points in the direction of the
> universe's expansion. It may be linked to the thermodynamic arrow,
> with the universe heading towards a heat death (Big Chill) as the
> amount of usable energy becomes negligible. Alternatively, it may be
> an artifact of our place in the universe's evolution (see the
> Anthropic bias), with this arrow reversing as gravity pulls everything
> back into a Big Crunch.
> If this arrow of time is related to the other arrows of time, then the
> future is by definition the direction towards which the universe
> becomes bigger. Thus, the universe expands - rather than shrinks - by
> definition.
> The thermodynamic arrow of time and the Second law of thermodynamics
> are thought to be a consequence of the initial conditions in the early
> universe. Therefore they ultimately result from the cosmological set-
> up.
> Time is an emergent phenomena, which results because the fourth
> dimension is expanding relative to the three spatialdimensions.

> Picture two or more particles in close proximity. The fourth dimension

> is expanding as a spherical wavefront relative to the three spatialdimensions. All particles will have a probability of being caught in

> the fourth expanding dimension, and thus there is a probability that
> the particles will move in a manner that approximates the expanding
> surfaces of the fourth dimension. Thus there is a probability the
> particles will move about in random directions and undergo brownian
> motion, as they interact with other particles and energy. Energy is
> merely matter trapped in the fourth expanding dimension: hence E=mc^2.
> When a photon propagates, it expands as a probability wave, appearing
> a spherically-symmetric wavefront propagating at c in the three

> spatialdimensions. When a photon collapses, it has equal probability

> of appearing at any point defined by the spherically symmetric
> wavefront.

> [edit] The radiative arrow of time

> Waves, from radio waves to sound waves to those on a pond from
> throwing a stone, expand outward from their source, even though the
> wave equations allow for solutions of convergent waves as well as
> radiative ones. This arrow has been reversed in carefully worked
> experiments which have created convergent waves, so this arrow
> probably follows from the thermodynamic arrow in that meeting the
> conditions to produce a convergent wave requires more order than the
> conditions for a radiative wave. Put differently, the probability for
> initial conditions that produce a convergent wave is much lower than
> the probability for initial conditions that produce a radiative wave.
> In fact, normally a radiative wave increases entropy, while a
> convergent wave decreases it, making the latter contradictory to the
> Second Law of Thermodynamics in usual circumstances.
> Time is an emergent phenomena, which results because the fourth
> dimension is expanding relative to the three spatialdimensions.
> MDT explains teh fundamental shape of radiation--a spherically
> symmetric wavefront propagating at the rate of c. Picture two or more
> particles in close proximity. The fourth dimension is expanding as a

> spherical wavefront relative to the three spatialdimensions. Energy

> is merely matter trapped in the fourth expanding dimension: hence
> E=mc^2. When a photon propagates, it expands as a probability wave,
> appearing a spherically-symmetric wavefront propagating at c in the

> three spatialdimensions. When a photon collapses, it has equal

> collapse, thetheoryof quantum decoherence, the quantum arrow of time

> is a consequence of the thermodynamic arrow of time (also see Entropy
> (arrow of time)).
> The collapse of the wave function, or decoherence, corresponds to when

> the matter trapped in the expanding fourth ...
> read more »

Uncle Al

Sep 26, 2007, 7:34:04 PM9/26/07
to wrote:
> The Curious Nature of the Photon, Einstein's Annus Mirabilis,
> and Moving Dimensions Theory
[snip 328 lines of crap]

Use "Moving Dimensions Theory" to calculate Mercury's perhelion
advance or PSR J0737-3039A/B periastron advance. Post your work or
shut your hugely drooling stupid mouth.


Sep 26, 2007, 10:23:25 PM9/26/07
<> wrote in message

> The Curious Nature of the Photon, Einstein's Annus Mirabilis,
> and Moving Dimensions Theory.... [snipped]
The Curious Nature of Einstein's Anus Mirabilis is
that it has still so many Dingleberries [1] hanging
around its sphincter which do drag ever more Moving
Dimensional frames around in Theory, only to prove that it
has no intellectual nor practical usefulness whatsoever....
which Einstein himself ruefully concluded shortly before
his death when he confessed, in 1954, to Besso:
::: "I consider it quite possible that physics cannot be based
::: on the field concept, i. e., on continuous structures. In that
::: case nothing remains of my entire castle in the air, gravitation
::: theory included, [and of] the rest of modern physics." -- A.E.
... Einstein finally admitted and saw the wisdom of is mentor
Max Planck who said more than half a century earlier to A.E.:

::: "Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our
::: disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination."
::: [Max Planck, ~1894]
echoed by current luminaries, a century later, when looking back like

::: Professor Carver A. Mead of Caltech (a student of Feynman),
::: who said
::: "It is my firm belief that the last seven decades of the 20th century
::: will be characterized in history as the dark ages of physics."
::: or F.A Hayek, Nobel laureate, who said: "In the future,
::: Humanity will see in our Epoch an Era of superstition, essentially
::: associated with the names of Marx, Freud and Einstein"
IOW, all that was done since Einstein's con got blown all out of
proportions are technology engineering developments (NOT based
on SR/GR), but no new physics emerged except the loud clankering
by Einstein's Dingleberries, who moved ever closer to his sphincter,
a nuisance which Einstein himself tried to shake loose ever since
1920, when he admonished his ED's with that they "should NOT
search at the same, now well lit places, where he, Einstein, had been
Thanks for the laughs... ahahahaha...ahahanson
PS [1] =

Oct 1, 2007, 2:40:11 AM10/1/07

Various proofs of MDT & Einstein on the nature of physical theory:

Mathematical proof of MDT:

The spacetime interval is given as:



x4 = ct

take the derivative of both sides with respect to time, and we get:

d(x4)/dt = d(ct)/dt = c

Ergo d(x4)/dt = c

Ergo the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial

Here are some conceptual proofs:

The only way to stay stationary in the three spatial dimensions is to
travel at the velocity c through the fourth dimension. Ergo the fourth

dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

The only way to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to travel
at the velocity c through the three spatial dimension. Ergo the fourth

dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

A rotation (or boost) into the fourth dimension is always accompanied
by an increased velocity in the three spatial dimensions. Ergo the

fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial

All moving objects appear shortened in the direction they are
traveling. This is because in order to propagate in the three spatial
dimensions, an object must be partially rotated into the fourth

Picture a meter-stick at the end of a football field, parallel to the
horizontal crossbar of the goalposts. If it rotates, it appears
shorter and shorter to us, standing on the other end of the field.

Now if it were passing by us close to the velocity of light, it would
also appear foreshortened, as it is rotated in the fourth epanidng
dimension. This rotation occurs at a microscopic quantum level--each
atom or quantum is rortated more into the fourth dimension, resulting
in an overall foreshortening of the yardstick in the three spatial

Velocity in the three spatial dimensions is always acompanied by
forshortening in the three spatial dimensions, as more of the object
exists in the fourth expanding dimension.

Rotate an object out of the three spatial dimensions and into the
fourth expanding dimension, and it will gain velocity.

Pure energy, which moves at the highest vecocity possible--c--is
matter trapped in the fourth expanding dimension. And thus E=mc^2
implies MDT.

Statistical mechanics, quantumn entaglement, entropy, time's arrows,
wave-particle/time-space/energy-matter duality--all can easily be
accounted for with MDT. MDT unfreezes time and shows that the main
difference between quantum mechanics and general realtivity is that
quantum mechanics views time as a dyamic variable, wheras GR freezes
it. Both are right and valid and good.

The only thing MDT cannot explain are the well-funded fictions created
by modern tenured pseudo-physicists; including multiverses, the
anthropic principle, warped passages, the landscape, wormholes, and
time travel.

Well, Moving Dimensions Theory provides a physical unification to
quantum mechanics and general relativity. It does so in a simple and
beautiful way. It provides a new physical theory, complete with a
simple postulate, from which the rest of physics descends.
In his autobiography, the towering Einstein wrote:

"Before I enter upon a critique of mechanics as a foundation of
physics, something of a broadly general nature will first have to be
said concerning the points of view according to which it is possible
to criticize physical theories at all. The first point of view is
obvious: The theory must not contradict empirical facts. However
evident this demand may in the first place appear, its application
turns out to be quite delicate. For it is often, perhaps even always,
possible to adhere to a general theoretical foundation by securing the
adaptation of the theory to the facts by means of artificial
additional assumptions. In any case, however, this first point of view
is concerned with the confirmation of the theoretical foundation by
the available empirical facts."

Unlike the multiverse/wormhole/landscape/warped passages propaganda,
Moving Dimensions Theory agrees with all observations. Einstein

"The second point of view is not concerned with the relation to the
material of observation but with the premises of the theory itself,
with what may briefly but vaguely be characterized as the
"naturalness" or "logical simplicity" of the premises (of the basic
concepts and of the relations between these which are taken as a
basis). This point of view, an exact formulation of which meets with
great difficulties, has played an important role in the selection and
evaluation of theories since time immemorial. The problem here is not
simply one of a kind of enumeration of the logically independent
premises (if anything like this were at all unequivocally possible),
but that of a kind of reciprocal weighing of in commeasurable
qualities. Furthermore, among theories of equally "simple" foundation
that one is to be taken as superior which most sharply delimits the
qualities of system in the abstract (i.e., contains that most definite
claims). Of the "realm" of theories I need not speak here, inasmuch as
we are confining ourselves to such theories whose object is the
totality of all physical appearances. The second point of view may
briefly be characterized as concerning itself with the "inner
perfection" of the theory, whereas the first point of view refers to
the "external confirmation." The following I reckon as also belonging
to the "inner perfection" of a theory: we prize a theory more highly
if, from the logical standpoint, it is not the result of an arbitrary
choice among theories which, among themselves, are of equal value and
analogously constructed. -Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist,
Volume One, 1949, Autobiographical Notes, p 21-23, Open Court,
Cambridge University Press.

Moving Dimensions Theory's premise possesses both "naturalness" and
"logical simplicity." Unlike String Theory and Loop Quantum Gravity,
Moving Dimensions Theory offers a postulate reflecting a simple
physical model underlying physical reality.

MDT's postulate: The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the
three spatial dimenions.
The MDT equation: d(x4)/dt = c

On Sep 26, 7:23 pm, "hanson" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message

>> The Curious Nature of the Photon, Einstein's Annus Mirabilis,

> > andMovingDimensionsTheory.... [snipped]

> [hanson]
> The Curious Nature of Einstein's Anus Mirabilis is
> that it has still so many Dingleberries [1] hanging
> around its sphincter which do drag ever moreMoving

> Dimensional frames around inTheory, only to prove that it

> has no intellectual nor practical usefulness whatsoever....
> which Einstein himself ruefully concluded shortly before
> his death when he confessed, in 1954, to Besso:
> ::: "I consider it quite possible that physics cannot be based
> ::: on the field concept, i. e., on continuous structures. In that
> ::: case nothing remains of my entire castle in the air, gravitation

> :::theoryincluded, [and of] the rest of modern physics." -- A.E.


Oct 1, 2007, 2:52:54 AM10/1/07

<> wrote in message
: Various proofs of MDT & Einstein on the nature of physical theory:

: Mathematical proof of MDT:
: The spacetime interval is given as:
: (x1)^2+(x1)^2+(x1)^2-(x4)^2=s^2

That's a statement, not a proof, drelliot, you dridiot.

Autymn D. C.

Oct 1, 2007, 7:24:01 AM10/1/07
MDT postdicts, not predicts. Your explanation of quanta was shit.

A parameter should not be another [fundamental] dimension.

There are no points or fusic constants or mònòtònic entròpy or wave-
mote duality.

The elèctròn never behaves as a wave. The fotòn never behaves as a

The fotòn does so olden; alfa and celerity are còsmòlògic variants.

Autymn D. C.

Oct 1, 2007, 7:45:08 AM10/1/07
On Sep 30, 11:40 pm, wrote:
> Picture a meter-stick at the end of a football field, parallel to the
> horizontal crossbar of the goalposts. If it rotates, it appears
> shorter and shorter to us, standing on the other end of the field.
> Now if it were passing by us close to the velocity of light, it would
> also appear foreshortened, as it is rotated in the fourth epanidng
> dimension. This rotation occurs at a microscopic quantum level--each
> atom or quantum is rortated more into the fourth dimension, resulting
> in an overall foreshortening of the yardstick in the three spatial
> dimenion.

The "dimensions" are parallel. The yardstick's dimensions are not.

Foreshortening is Zeno's realm.

> Pure energy, which moves at the highest vecocity possible--c--is
> matter trapped in the fourth expanding dimension. And thus E=mc^2
> implies MDT.

c is neither great nor wee, nor the greattest or the weeest.

> The only thing MDT cannot explain are the well-funded fictions created
> by modern tenured pseudo-physicists; including multiverses, the
> anthropic principle, warped passages, the landscape, wormholes, and
> time travel.

Time travel, back and forth, is as factional as pendula,
superconductivity, entanglement, and arithmetic. Wormholes are wild.

Oct 4, 2007, 11:46:35 AM10/4/07
The purpose of Moving Dimensions Theory is to serve.

It is to serve the Truth and fellow physicists.

Below please find some reflections on MDT in the context of Lee
Smolin's great book The Trouble With Physics: The Rise of String
Theory, The Fall of Science, and What Comes Next:

Thanks Dr. Smolin!!

Here are some quotes from your rockin' book and my responses:

"Thus all the theories that triumphed had consequences for experiment
that were simple to work out and could be tested within a few years.
This does not mean that the theories could be solved exactly-most
theories never are. But it does mean that physical insight lead
immediately to a prediction of a new physical effect." -Lee Smolin's
The Trouble With Physics, The Rise of String Theory, The Fall of

Science, and What Comes Next

MDT predicts entropy via an underlying physical model. MDT provides a
physical model for time's arrows, while unifying them. MDT's simple
physical model shows that relativistic effects such as length
contraction and the equivalence of mass and energy derive from the
same underlying physical model as does quantum entanglement, wave-
particle duality, action-at-a-distance, and entropy. MDT shows that
quantum mechanical and relativistic phenomena derive from the same
underlying physical reality-a fourth dimension that is expanding

relative to the three spatial dimensions.

MDT's Postulate: The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the
three spatial dimensions.

d(x4)/dt = c

"Whatever else one says about string theory, loop quantum gravity, and
other approaches, they have not delivered on that front. The standard
excuse has been that experiments on this scale are impossible to
perform-but, as we've seen, this is not the case. So there must be
another reason. I believe there is something basic we are all missing,
some wrong assumption we are all making. If this is so, then we need
to isolate the wrong assumption and replace it with a new idea." -Lee
Smolin's The Trouble With Physics, The Rise of String Theory, The Fall

of Science, and What Comes Next

The wrong assumption originates from the confusion of time with the
fourth dimension. Time is not the fourth dimension, but it is an
emergent phenomenon that arises from a fourth dimension that is
expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions. Time inherits
certain properties of the fourth dimension, but the over-extending of
the dimensionality of time has lead to troubling and ridiculous
situations such as Godel's block universe, wherein time is frozen; and
wherein the past, present, and future already exist.

The fourth dimension expands at the rate of c in units of the Planck
length. Thus macroscopic objects rarely ever enter into the fourth
expanding dimension deeper than the Planck length. A photon is matter
that surfs the expanding fourth dimension, jumping from crest to crest
of all the tiny expansions of the fourth dimension which manifest
themselves as spheres in the three spatial dimensions. Thus a photon
appears as a spherically expanding wavefront in the three spatial
dimensions. Furthermore, a photon does not age as it stays in the
exact same place in the fourth expanding dimension, causing it to
translate with a velocity of c in the three spatial dimensions.

The time we measure on our watch is not teh fourth dimension. The itme
we measure on our watch arises because of the emission and propagation
of photons, whether via an unwinding copper spring or osciallations in
a quartz crystal. But no matter the time-keeping-mechanism, it can all
be traced back to time's master arrow--the fourth dimension is

expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

"What could that wrong assumption be? My guess is that it involves two
things: the foundations of quantum mechanics and the nature of time.
We have already discussed the first; I find it hopeful that new ideas
about quantum mechanics have been proposed recently, motivated by
studies of quantum gravity. But I strongly suspect that the key is
time. More and more, I have the feeling that quantum theory and
general relativity are both deeply wrong about the nature of time. It
is not enough to combine them. There is a deeper problem, perhaps
going back to the origin of physics." -Lee Smolin's The Trouble With
Physics, The Rise of String Theory, The Fall of Science, and What
Comes Next

MDT takes us back to the origin of physics, and it presents us with a
fundamental view of reality that conforms to all experimental
evidence, while not only resolving the paradoxes of the non-locality
of the EPR effect and Godel's block universe, but unifying the
resolution within a simple physical postulate. Before Einstein's
relativity, space and time (as well as matter and energy) were
considered to be disparate entities. Einstein's relativity united
them, and suddenly time was mistakenly seen as the fourth dimension,
rather than as an emergent property of a fourth dimension expanding
relative to three spatial dimensions. Then, when Einstein correctly
saw that all moving objects are shortened when energy is added-when
they are rotated out of the three spatial dimensions and into a fourth
dimension-just as a far-away ruler appears shortened as it is rotated,
Einstein had the genius to call upon a the four-dimensional
formulation of space time.

However, this lead to confusion; as Einstein did not see that
macroscopic objects-rest masses-never enter the fourth dimension
deeper than the Planck length. Hence the past and future do not yet
exist, but only the present. Nor did Einstein realize that the fourth
dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions-a
simple postulate with far-reaching consequences. MDT liberates us from
the block universe, unfreezes time, and provides a physical model for
relativity, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics.

"Around the beginning of the seventeenth century, Descartes and
Galileo made a wonderful discovery: You could draw a graph, with one
axis being space and the other being time. A motion through space then
becomes a curve on the graph. In this way, time is represented as if
it were another dimension of space. Motion is frozen, and a whole
history of constant motion and change is presented to us as something
static and unchanging. If I had to guess (and guessing is what I do
for a living), this is the scene of the crime". -Lee Smolin's The
Trouble With Physics, The Rise of String Theory, The Fall of Science,
and What Comes Next

MDT comes to the rescue at Smolin's "scene of the crime." MDT
unfreezes time, liberating us all with free will-the free will to move
beyond ST & LQG, which are not inextricably locked into the fixed
future of the block universe as Brain Green and Paul Davies would have
you suppose. Neither the future nor the past exists, but within our
minds, which have produced our notions of enduring pasts via the order
stored in our brains. Motion is inherent in the underlying four-
dimensional space-time geometry, as the fourth dimension is expanding

relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Einstein noted that all objects are moving through space-time at the
velocity c. This never changes. An object stationary in the three
spatial dimensions is translating through the fourth dimension at the
rate of c. An object stationary in the fourth dimension-a photon-is
translating through the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c.
Hence it is obvious that the fourth dimension is expanding relative to
the three spatial dimensions.

String Theory's greatest contribution to physics has been the utter
rejection of the obvious, the denial of common sense, and the
institutionalization of thousands of mediocrities to ignore or shout-
down any physics that might get in the way of their vast commercial
industries which must trump truth-their salaries, benefits, and
science-fiction books. Indeed, ST gives full license to make one's
ignorance one's arrogance, and thus it is the breeding ground for
those with ambitions overshadowing their talents.

String Theory ignores Einstein's greatest contribution--General
Relaitivity--which states that dimensions can warp, twist, and thus
move. MDT salues General Relativity in stating that not only can
dimensions move, but that the fourth dimension is expanding relative

to the three spatial dimensions.

"We have to find a way to unfreeze time-to represent time without
turning it into space. I have to idea how to do this. I can't conceive
of a mathematics that doesn't represent a world as if it were frozen
it eternity. It's terribly hard to represent time, and that's why
there's a good chance this representation is the missing piece." -Lee
Smolin, The trouble With Physics, The Rise of String Theory, The Fall

of Science, and What Comes Next

There actually is no problem with the representation of time in
physical theories, but only within the interpretations and
extrapolations of modern theorists. Time, as it is defined, works
perfectly in quantum mechanics and relativity, as it does in Newtonian
mechanics and classical electrodynamics. Hence our cars and computers
which work perfectly well each and every day.

However, when the notion of time is warped and extrapolated to suit
the fantasies of prominent physicists who ignore logic, reason, and
experiment, in order to create wormholes, multiverses, and time
machines, it only goes to show that time is not the fourth dimension,
but an emergent property of a universe wherein a fourth dimension is

expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

"One thing is clear: I can't get anywhere thinking about this problem
within the confines of string theory. Since string theory is limited
to the description of strings and branes moving in fixed background
spacetime geometries, it offers nothing for someone who wants to break
new ground thinking about the nature of time or of quantum theory.
Background-independent approaches offer a better starting point,
because they have already transcended the classical pictures of space
and time. And they are simple to define and easy to play with." -Lee
Smolin's The Trouble With Physics, The Rise of String Theory, The Fall

of Science, and What Comes Next

Indeed String Theory has banned asking the questions that MDT
addresses, such as "What is the nature of the physical framework
underlying the observed phenomena of relativity and quantum
mechanics?" String theory has bred an entire generation of physicists
who believe that politics, hype, and name-calling are to be preferred
over logic, reason, and truth to advance physics. String Theory,
though funded with hundreds of millions, yet lacks the simple truth
and beauty of this postulate--"the fourth dimension is expanding

relative to the three spatial dimensions."

"I won't say any more about this, because I want to move on to a
different question. Suppose an intellectually ambitious young person
with an original and impatient mind wants to think deeply about the
five great questions. Given our failure to solve any of them, I can't
imagine why such a person would want to be limited to working in any
of the current research programs. Clearly, if string theory or loop
quantum gravity by themselves were the answer, we would know it by
now. They may be starting points, they may be parts of the answer,
they may contain necessary lessons. But the right theory must contain
new elements, which our ambitious young person is perhaps uniquely
qualified to search for." -Lee Smolin's The Trouble With Physics, The

Rise of String Theory, The Fall of Science, and What Comes Next

Smolin writes, "Suppose an intellectually ambitious young person with
an original and impatient mind wants to think deeply about the five
great questions." And as curiosity cannot be legislated, and as
science has ever advanced not by bureuacracts posing questions, but by
indie physicists following their natural curiosities, suppose that the
intellectually ambitious person wants to move beyond Smolin's five
questions, to ask their own, such as "What physical model underlies
both entanglement and length contraction? What physical reality
underlies both the equivalence of mass and energy and entropy, while
also unfiying time's three arrows and offering a physical model that
expalins non-locality?" That person will be villified and ignored by
the Matrix, when they return to the cave after having seen the light.

In Book VII of the Republic, Socrates says, "And if there were a
contest, and he had to compete in measuring the shadows with the
prisoners who had never moved out of the den, while his sight was
still weak, and before his eyes had become steady (and the time which
would be needed to acquire this new habit of sight might be very
considerable) would he not be ridiculous? Men would say of him that up
he went and down he came without his eyes; and that it was better not
even to think of ascending; and if any one tried to loose another and
lead him up to the light, let them only catch the offender, and they
would put him to death."

Perhaps the excessive funding of theories never backed by experiment
has resulted in institutions that now oppose the advancement of
physics. With mortgages to be paid and families to be supported, who
can afford truth and beauty after investing thirty years into
mythology and group-think? Smolin is to be commended for firing a
warning shot across the bow of all young physicists-letting them know
that they, if they are to be true physicists, are essentially on their
own. For the advancement of science has ever been the domain of the
individual, as has the creation of all lasting art, philosophy,
literature, and culture. Make no mistake-the individual truth seeker
is not alone in the context of the greats-they stand upon the
shoulders of giants-but they are often alone in the context of their
contemporaries. String Theory, by deconstructing great physicists and
science, has tried to invert this, placing politics over philosophy
and money over meaning, and that is why they are destined to fail. For
as Shakespeare said, "foul deeds will rise, thou all the earth
overwhelm them, to men's eyes."

"What has my generation has bequeathed to these young scientists?
Ideas and techniques they may or may not want to use, together with a
cautionary tale of partial success in several directions, resulting in
a general failure to finish the job Einstein started a hundred years
ago. The worst thing we could do would be to hold them back by
insisting that they work on our ideas. So the question for the last
part of the book is a question I ask myself every morning: Are we
doing all we can to support and encourage young scientist-and, by the
virtue of this, ourselves-to transcend what we have done these last
thirty years and find the true theory that solves the five greatest
problems in physics?" -Lee Smolin, The Trouble With Physics, The Rise

of String Theory, The Fall of Science, and What Comes Next

I would encourage young physicists to spend a couple hours reviewing
Moving Dimensions Theory. It moves far beyond Smolin's "five great

On Oct 1, 4:45 am, "Autymn D. C." <> wrote:
> On Sep 30, 11:40 pm, wrote:
> > Picture a meter-stick at the end of a football field, parallel to the
> > horizontal crossbar of the goalposts. If it rotates, it appears
> > shorter and shorter to us, standing on the other end of the field.
> > Now if it were passing by us close to the velocity of light, it would
> > also appear foreshortened, as it is rotated in the fourth epanidng
> > dimension. This rotation occurs at a microscopic quantum level--each
> > atom or quantum is rortated more into the fourth dimension, resulting
> > in an overall foreshortening of the yardstick in the three spatial
> > dimenion.

> The "dimensions" are parallel. The yardstick'sdimensionsare not.


Oct 4, 2007, 12:34:12 PM10/4/07

<> wrote in message

You'll always be an idiot whatever name you shift to.

Autymn D. C.

Oct 6, 2007, 8:28:45 AM10/6/07
On Oct 4, 8:46 am, wrote:
> The purpose of Moving Dimensions Theory is to serve.
> It is to serve the Truth and fellow physicists.
> Below please find some reflections on MDT in the context of Lee
> Smolin's great book The Trouble With Physics: The Rise of String
> Theory, The Fall of Science, and What Comes Next:
[snip bunch of junk]

Time is the 0th (nouhth) dimension. There are not four, or three, or
10, 11, or 26 dimensions; there are 7, or 14:

Liht is not a thing or object or mote:

Dimensions are not composite; they do not parametrize; they are
independent. A fourth dimension does not defer to other dimensions
for its actions. Otherwise, this property is a [boundary] condition: Celerity is a
cinematic factor; it doesn't belongen tom any dimension.

The "forward" drift of hap or time does not meanan thas dimensions
expand; a field cannot evolvire where it is not, nor can it be where
it cannot. Two motes will volley their ferrying between them forever,
which will not be sended where there are no further motes or whits.
Thas the univers grows only means there're potentials already in stead
to put im thither; there are likewise sustems of dissipation and
shrinkship (neutrinos, collapsars) whose influenses become smaller.
If the information in the univers is finite, entròpy and all sustems
oscillat; then they cannot grow or shrink even in princip.


Oct 6, 2007, 1:16:38 PM10/6/07
>From Einstein's [I]Theory of Relativity [/I] Manuscipt page 44.

[INDENT]If we compare this with the considerations leading to the
general Lorentz transformation from 9, then we see that the
transformation equations holding between x,y, z, u = ict and
x',y',z',u' = ict' of two justified space-time reference systems
satisfy teh same conditions and are constructed in the same way as in
the just considered three-dimensional case. The only difference is
that we now have four coordicantes instead of three. We can forumlate
this in the following way: [I][B]All of the "justified" time-space
reference systems to which the four-dimensional manifold of events is
referred are orthogonal coordinate systems with four axes that can be
transformed into each other by mere rotation[/B][/I]. One has to keep
in mind that the fourth coordinate u is always purely imaginary.[/

You heard it from Einstein himself: [I][B]All of the "justified" time-
space reference systems to which the four-dimensional manifold of
events is referred are orthogonal coordinate systems with four axes
that can be transformed into each other by mere rotation[/B][/I].

The rotation into the fourth dimension u is always accompanied by
length contraction in the three spatial dimensions, and a "boost" in
velocity. This is because the fourth dimension is expanding relative

to the three spatial dimensions.

Einstein continues:
The appropriateness of this conception becomes immediately apparent
when we consider the special Lorentz transformation from this point of
view. The simplest rotational transformation is one that involves
only two coordinates. Two cases are possible, depending on whether
two spatial coordinates, or one spatial coordinate and the temporal
coordinate, undergo a transformation. We put the two cases side by
side so as to let their formal equivalence come to the fore. . . The
circumstance that the time coordinate is transformed in
transformations from one justified system to another one, and that the
time coordinate enters the transformation equations in the same way as
the spatial coordinates, led Minkowski to the natural requirement that
the mathematical description of physical processes be carried out in
such a way that the time coordinate is not distinguished. Thus,
instead of the question, "How do physical systems change with time,"
he poses the question, "How is the four-dimensional structure that
consists in the totality of the successive states constituted? " In a
manner of speaking, he thus turns the theory of changes (dynamics) in
the three-dimension into a kind of statics of the four-dimensional.[/

In other words, Minkowski freezes time. He freezes the fourth
expanding dimension, which is why relativity implies block time, and
which is why relativity is incompatible with free will and quantum
mechanics, which views time as a dynamic variable.

The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial

dimensions in a spherically symmetric manner, at the rate of c. The
quantized fourth dimensional expansion manifests itself at a tiny
sphere of planck radius, and all points on the surface of the sphere
are at the same place in the fourth expanding dimension. The
dimension itself is non-local in the three spatial dimensions, but
every point on its surface is in the [I]exact same place[/I] in the
fourth dimension. So it is that the double-slit experiment and action-
at-a-distance might be explained. So it is that wave-particle duality
and entanglement might be accounted for. So it is that two intitially-
interacting photons, once separated by miles, might still affect one-
another [I]instaneously[/I], as they are yet neighbors in the fourth

The physical reality of the fourth dimension itself does away with all
the infinities inherent in attempted unifications of quantum mechanics
and relativity, as the fourth dimension is not defiend by points, but
by perpetually expanding localities, which although they spread out
through the three spatial dimension, yet retain their absolute
locality in the fourth dimension. There is no longer any need for
strings, nor LQG, but there is something far more simple--far more
fundamental: the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three
spatial dimensions.

The realtivity of simultanaeity also descends from this, as the
fundamental simultaneity is defined by the photon's spherically-
symmetric wavefront expanding in the three spatial dimensions. A
photon never ages, and thus the spherically-symmetric wavefront of its
expansion defines a unique place in time. Every region on the surface
of a photons expanding wavefront remains at the exact same place in
teh fourth dimension. Hence the wavefront can appear to collapse
immediately, as in measurement during the photoelectric effect, or
when a photon is localized upon the film place in a double-slit
experiment, after interfering with itself as a non-local wave. And
hence a particle can behave as a wave as it surfs the fourth expanding

Furthermore, photons are naught but matter surfing upon the fourth
expanding dimension. Because the fourth dimension expands at the rate
of c, photons move at the rate of c. Because the velocity of the
fourth expanding dimension is independent of the velocity of the
photon source, the velocity of the photon, which is wed to the
velocity of the fourth expanding dimension taht it surfs, is
independent of the velocity of the source. Because the fourth
expanding dimension distributes its locality as a spherically-
symmetric wavefront, photons can behave in non-local manners, both
when interfering with themselves in the double-slit experiments, and
interacting with other photons in the EPR paradox, Bell's
inequalities, and the experiments of Aspect et al, all demonstrating

The asymmetry of time's arrow, be it radiative, classical, or quantum
mechanical, may be accounted for via MDT. Of course, on a quantum
mechanical level, where the distances in space and time are small, and
the fourth expanding dimension has traveled but a minute distance,
processes seem yet reversible, and time seems more symmetric. But
over time, on macroscopic levels, all the processes based on the
expansion of the fourth dimension--all the photons emitted and atoms
carried apart by thermal vibrations fundamentally wed to a fourth
expanding dimension that naturally separates any two neighboring
particles by the ever-increasing spherically-symmetric wavefornt of
the fourth expanding dimension--all the processes add up to give us
our irreversible reality. Coffee cups fall and break and shall never
reform. The heat from hour homes dissipate in the form of infra-red
radiation, carried outward by the expanding fourth dimension, as well
as by convection and conduction, which is based upon thermally-
vibrating particles, which are endowed with energy in proportion to
the degree they interact with the fourth expadning dimension.

The fourth expanding dimension is the natural source of massive
amounts of energy, demonstrated by our sun every day. What begins as
matter in the sun finds itself rotated or boosted into the fourth
expanding dimension, traveling away from the sun at the rate of c.
Thus E=mc^2, and all mass has a vast potential to appear as energy, as
energy is nothing more than mass that is rotated into the fourth
expanding dimension.

And so we again come back to Einstein, [I][B]All of the "justified"
time-space reference systems to which the four-dimensional manifold of
events is referred are orthogonal coordinate systems with four axes
that can be transformed into each other by mere rotation[/B][/I]. --

On Oct 4, 8:46 am, wrote:

> The purpose ofMovingDimensionsTheoryis to serve.

> It is to serve the Truth and fellow physicists.
> Below please find some reflections on MDT in the context of Lee

> Smolin's great book The Trouble With Physics: The Rise of StringTheory, The Fall of Science, and What Comes Next:

> Thanks Dr. Smolin!!
> Here are some quotes from your rockin' book and my responses:
> "Thus all the theories that triumphed had consequences for experiment
> that were simple to work out and could be tested within a few years.
> This does not mean that the theories could be solved exactly-most
> theories never are. But it does mean that physical insight lead
> immediately to a prediction of a new physical effect." -Lee Smolin's

> The Trouble With Physics, The Rise of StringTheory, The Fall of

> Science, and What Comes Next
> MDT predicts entropy via an underlying physical model. MDT provides a
> physical model for time's arrows, while unifying them. MDT's simple
> physical model shows that relativistic effects such as length
> contraction and the equivalence of mass and energy derive from the
> same underlying physical model as does quantum entanglement, wave-
> particle duality, action-at-a-distance, and entropy. MDT shows that
> quantum mechanical and relativistic phenomena derive from the same
> underlying physical reality-a fourth dimension that is expanding
> relative to the three spatialdimensions.
> MDT's Postulate: The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the
> three spatialdimensions.
> d(x4)/dt = c

> "Whatever else one says about stringtheory, loop quantum gravity, and

> other approaches, they have not delivered on that front. The standard
> excuse has been that experiments on this scale are impossible to
> perform-but, as we've seen, this is not the case. So there must be
> another reason. I believe there is something basic we are all missing,
> some wrong assumption we are all making. If this is so, then we need
> to isolate the wrong assumption and replace it with a new idea." -Lee

> Smolin's The Trouble With Physics, The Rise of StringTheory, The Fall

> of Science, and What Comes Next
> The wrong assumption originates from the confusion of time with the
> fourth dimension. Time is not the fourth dimension, but it is an
> emergent phenomenon that arises from a fourth dimension that is

> expanding relative to the three spatialdimensions. Time inherits

> certain properties of the fourth dimension, but the over-extending of
> the dimensionality of time has lead to troubling and ridiculous
> situations such as Godel's block universe, wherein time is frozen; and
> wherein the past, present, and future already exist.
> The fourth dimension expands at the rate of c in units of the Planck
> length. Thus macroscopic objects rarely ever enter into the fourth
> expanding dimension deeper than the Planck length. A photon is matter
> that surfs the expanding fourth dimension, jumping from crest to crest
> of all the tiny expansions of the fourth dimension which manifest

> themselves as spheres in the three spatialdimensions. Thus a photon
> appears as a spherically expanding wavefront in the three spatialdimensions. Furthermore, a photon does not age as it stays in the

> exact same place in the fourth expanding dimension, causing it to
> translate with a velocity of c in the three spatialdimensions.
> The time we measure on our watch is not teh fourth dimension. The itme
> we measure on our watch arises because of the emission and propagation
> of photons, whether via an unwinding copper spring or osciallations in
> a quartz crystal. But no matter the time-keeping-mechanism, it can all
> be traced back to time's master arrow--the fourth dimension is
> expanding relative to the three spatialdimensions.
> "What could that wrong assumption be? My guess is that it involves two
> things: the foundations of quantum mechanics and the nature of time.
> We have already discussed the first; I find it hopeful that new ideas
> about quantum mechanics have been proposed recently, motivated by
> studies of quantum gravity. But I strongly suspect that the key is
> time. More and more, I have the feeling that quantumtheoryand
> general relativity are both deeply wrong about the nature of time. It
> is not enough to combine them. There is a deeper problem, perhaps
> going back to the origin of physics." -Lee Smolin's The Trouble With

> Physics, The Rise of StringTheory, The Fall of Science, and What

> Comes Next
> MDT takes us back to the origin of physics, and it presents us with a
> fundamental view of reality that conforms to all experimental
> evidence, while not only resolving the paradoxes of the non-locality
> of the EPR effect and Godel's block universe, but unifying the
> resolution within a simple physical postulate. Before Einstein's
> relativity, space and time (as well as matter and energy) were
> considered to be disparate entities. Einstein's relativity united
> them, and suddenly time was mistakenly seen as the fourth dimension,
> rather than as an emergent property of a fourth dimension expanding

> relative to three spatialdimensions. Then, when Einstein correctly
> saw that allmovingobjects are shortened when energy is added-when
> they are rotated out of the three spatialdimensionsand into a fourth

> dimension-just as a far-away ruler appears shortened as it is rotated,
> Einstein had the genius to call upon a the four-dimensional
> formulation of space time.
> However, this lead to confusion; as Einstein did not see that
> macroscopic objects-rest masses-never enter the fourth dimension
> deeper than the Planck length. Hence the past and future do not yet
> exist, but only the present. Nor did Einstein realize that the fourth
> dimension is expanding relative to the three spatialdimensions-a
> simple postulate with far-reaching consequences. MDT liberates us from
> the block universe, unfreezes time, and provides a physical model for
> relativity, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics.
> "Around the beginning of the seventeenth century, Descartes and
> Galileo made a wonderful discovery: You could draw a graph, with one
> axis being space and the other being time. A motion through space then
> becomes a curve on the graph. In this way, time is represented as if
> it were another dimension of space. Motion is frozen, and a whole
> history of constant motion and change is presented to us as something
> static and unchanging. If I had to guess (and guessing is what I do
> for a living), this is the scene of the crime". -Lee Smolin's The

> Trouble With Physics, The Rise of StringTheory, The Fall of Science,

> and What Comes Next
> MDT comes to the rescue at Smolin's "scene of the crime." MDT
> unfreezes time, liberating us all with free will-the free will to move
> beyond ST & LQG, which are not inextricably locked into the fixed
> future of the block universe as Brain Green and Paul Davies would have
> you suppose. Neither the future nor the past exists, but within our
> minds, which have produced our notions of enduring pasts via the order
> stored in our brains. Motion is inherent in the underlying four-
> dimensional space-time geometry, as the fourth dimension is expanding
> relative to the three spatialdimensions.

> Einstein noted that all objects aremovingthrough space-time at the

> velocity c. This never changes. An object stationary in the three

> spatialdimensionsis translating through the fourth dimension at the

> rate of c. An object stationary in the fourth dimension-a photon-is

> translating through the three spatialdimensionsat the rate of c.

> Hence it is obvious that the fourth dimension is expanding relative to
> the three spatialdimensions.

> StringTheory'sgreatest contribution to physics has been the utter

> rejection of the obvious, the denial of common sense, and the
> institutionalization of thousands of mediocrities to ignore or shout-
> down any physics that might get in the way of their vast commercial
> industries which must trump truth-their salaries, benefits, and
> science-fiction books. Indeed, ST gives full license to make one's
> ignorance one's arrogance, and thus it is the breeding ground for
> those with ambitions overshadowing their talents.

> StringTheoryignores Einstein's greatest contribution--General
> Relaitivity--which states thatdimensionscan warp, twist, and thus
> move. MDT salues General Relativity in stating that not only candimensionsmove, but that the fourth dimension is expanding relative

> to the three spatialdimensions.
> "We have to find a way to unfreeze time-to represent time without
> turning it into space. I have to idea how to do this. I can't conceive
> of a mathematics that doesn't represent a world as if it were frozen
> it eternity. It's terribly hard to represent time, and that's why
> there's a good chance this representation is the missing piece." -Lee

> Smolin, The trouble With Physics, The Rise of StringTheory, The Fall

> of Science, and What Comes Next
> There actually is no problem with the representation of time in
> physical theories, but only within the interpretations and
> extrapolations of modern theorists. Time, as it is defined, works
> perfectly in quantum mechanics and relativity, as it does in Newtonian
> mechanics and classical electrodynamics. Hence our cars and computers
> which work perfectly well each and every day.
> However, when the notion of time is warped and extrapolated to suit
> the fantasies of prominent physicists who ignore logic, reason, and
> experiment, in order to create wormholes, multiverses, and time
> machines, it only goes to show that time is not the fourth dimension,
> but an emergent property of a universe wherein a fourth dimension is
> expanding relative to the three spatialdimensions.
> "One thing is clear: I can't get anywhere thinking about this problem

> within the confines of stringtheory. Since stringtheoryis limited
> to the description of strings and branesmovingin fixed background

> spacetime geometries, it offers nothing for someone who wants to break
> new ground thinking about the nature of time or of quantumtheory.
> Background-independent approaches offer a better starting point,

> because they have already transcended the ...
> read more »


Oct 6, 2007, 3:24:13 PM10/6/07

Al in Dallas

Oct 12, 2007, 9:34:15 PM10/12/07
On Sat, 06 Oct 2007 19:24:13 GMT, "Androcles"
<Engi...@hogwarts.physics> wrote:


Now *that's* funny!

Al in St. Lou

Autymn D. C.

Oct 22, 2007, 2:00:51 PM10/22/07
On Oct 6, 10:16 am, wrote:
> You heard it from Einstein himself: [I][B]All of the "justified" time-
> space reference systems to which the four-dimensional manifold of
> events is referred are orthogonal coordinate systems with four axes
> that can be transformed into each other by mere rotation[/B][/I].

rotation between proper axes, such as x and x', on sketch paper and
not in reality

> The rotation into the fourth dimension u is always accompanied by
> length contraction in the three spatial dimensions, and a "boost" in
> velocity. This is because the fourth dimension is expanding relative
> to the three spatial dimensions.

The fourth spatial dimension is w. It does not expand as time or a
lihtfront. u is a parameter.

> In other words, Minkowski freezes time. He freezes the fourth
> expanding dimension, which is why relativity implies block time, and
> which is why relativity is incompatible with free will and quantum
> mechanics, which views time as a dynamic variable.

He forgot potential or charge, which make the other 3-6 dimensions; a
greater, say, diaelèctric background slows down the local speed of

> The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial
> dimensions in a spherically symmetric manner, at the rate of c. The


> quantized fourth dimensional expansion manifests itself at a tiny
> sphere of planck radius, and all points on the surface of the sphere

> are at the same place in the fourth expanding dimension. The
> dimension itself is non-local in the three spatial dimensions, but
> every point on its surface is in the [I]exact same place[/I] in the
> fourth dimension. So it is that the double-slit experiment and action-
> at-a-distance might be explained. So it is that wave-particle duality
> and entanglement might be accounted for. So it is that two intitially-
> interacting photons, once separated by miles, might still affect one-
> another [I]instaneously[/I], as they are yet neighbors in the fourth
> dimension.

Entanglement is not affectment.

> The realtivity of simultanaeity also descends from this, as the
> fundamental simultaneity is defined by the photon's spherically-
> symmetric wavefront expanding in the three spatial dimensions. A
> photon never ages, and thus the spherically-symmetric wavefront of its

I already told you; it does.

> expansion defines a unique place in time. Every region on the surface
> of a photons expanding wavefront remains at the exact same place in
> teh fourth dimension. Hence the wavefront can appear to collapse
> immediately, as in measurement during the photoelectric effect, or
> when a photon is localized upon the film place in a double-slit
> experiment, after interfering with itself as a non-local wave. And
> hence a particle can behave as a wave as it surfs the fourth expanding
> dimension.

A fotòn does not interfere with itself; it interfers with the charges
in the slits. They need parameters for evolution, not another
dimension. And particula never behave as undula.

> The asymmetry of time's arrow, be it radiative, classical, or quantum
> mechanical, may be accounted for via MDT. Of course, on a quantum

It's the Hubble flow, not MDT. The outward Hubble flow is of the
visibil liht univers, whereas there's also the inward Dirac flow of
the invisibil dark univers (neutrinos, axiòns, collapsars, etc.).

> mechanical level, where the distances in space and time are small, and
> the fourth expanding dimension has traveled but a minute distance,
> processes seem yet reversible, and time seems more symmetric. But
> over time, on macroscopic levels, all the processes based on the
> expansion of the fourth dimension--all the photons emitted and atoms
> carried apart by thermal vibrations fundamentally wed to a fourth
> expanding dimension that naturally separates any two neighboring
> particles by the ever-increasing spherically-symmetric wavefornt of
> the fourth expanding dimension--all the processes add up to give us
> our irreversible reality. Coffee cups fall and break and shall never

Wavefronts cannot expand unless their fields were already there.

> reform. The heat from hour homes dissipate in the form of infra-red
> radiation, carried outward by the expanding fourth dimension, as well
> as by convection and conduction, which is based upon thermally-
> vibrating particles, which are endowed with energy in proportion to
> the degree they interact with the fourth expadning dimension.

Perpetual radiators and Coulomb's law--radiation does not leak heat
out a sustem. Lasers for interstellar solar sails are foolish and
delusional. And the hot and cold reservors keep the same size; only
their updates go out, but then they go in a sink.

> The fourth expanding dimension is the natural source of massive
> amounts of energy, demonstrated by our sun every day. What begins as
> matter in the sun finds itself rotated or boosted into the fourth
> expanding dimension, traveling away from the sun at the rate of c.
> Thus E=mc^2, and all mass has a vast potential to appear as energy, as
> energy is nothing more than mass that is rotated into the fourth
> expanding dimension.

The parameter u overall metes action, not energy or mass which come
along for the ride. Sun heats Earth not because its radiand goes out
where there was no field ear, but because there's a permanent heat-
gradiend between them thas keeps Sun hot and Earth cold, and another
evolural gradiend about this mean. However, sometimes hupervòlics
take over, and the sun blows up.


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