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Primes of the form 2^(k-1)+k

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24.02.1994, 14:11:3724.02.94
Kevin BROWN of Delphi Internet Services Organisation asks:

> The solution of a problem I am working on requires primes of the form
> 2^(k-1) + k = prime
> So far the only values I can find with k < 1000 are k = 1, 3, 7, and 237.
> Can anyone confirm this? Also, can anyone find any more values of k that
> produce primes?

Maple does confirm and is still working for more values.
It found already k=1885.

Helmut Zeisel

Robert D. Silverman

24.02.1994, 14:47:3124.02.94
In article <> writes:
:Kevin BROWN of Delphi Internet Services Organisation asks:
Heuristically, I would expect #{k < N such that 2^(k-1)+k is prime}
to be about log log N.
Bob Silverman
These are my opinions and not MITRE's.
Mitre Corporation, Bedford, MA 01730
"You can lead a horse's ass to knowledge, but you can't make him think"
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