I do not know how we define absolute value in Sage. Even in math in
general, I'm not sure of what means the absolute value of a complex
number. Depends on the data of a convex cone ?
I suppose that some Sage gurus will explain why abs(pi*I)=pi*I.
However as far as my knowledge in math is concerned, the "good"
generalization of abs to the complex plane is the norm.
sage: (pi*I).norm()
This is the correct answer.
Hope it helps ...
Have a good afternoon
Sage's uses the following:
sage: abs(3 + 4*I)
> I suppose that some Sage gurus will explain why abs(pi*I)=pi*I.
I believe the underlying cause is due to #10064, #10583, #7160, and
#6132 all of which are the same issue.
On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 1:27 PM, Laurent wrote:
> Le 07/02/2011 13:05, Clemens Heuberger a écrit :
>> sage: abs(pi*I)
>> I*pi