bypass attachment_fu on update?

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Apr 10, 2008, 3:34:17 PM4/10/08
to Ruby on Rails: Talk
I have an app that uses attachment_fu and everything works fine,
except when I update an attribute of the picture model such as the
title or description, attachment_fu goes and makes the thumbnails all
over again, even though they are already created (happened on create).
So im wondering if there is a way to skip atachment_fu when updating.
thanks in advance for any help


Apr 11, 2008, 12:42:14 PM4/11/08
to Ruby on Rails: Talk
This is an excellent question. Typical plugins that invoke before_ or
after_ style filters can be skipped using the skip_before_filter (for
example) construct. I don't know if attachment_fu supports this. It
would be worth testing, though.

It looks like in the source of attachment_fu, the class is extended
with (among other things):

base.after_validation :process_attachment

So maybe if you tell it to skip the validation on certain actions,
it'll skip the processing. I don't know if you can do:

validates_as_attachment, :only => :create

Most validates_ type calls support this, but looking at the source
code, I don't know if attachment_fu would. Worth fiddling with and
even monkeypatching attachment_fu if need be.

Another idea, and one that I use in my apps:

I have a model _just_ for images... i.e. in my case: Logo.

It only has the fields for images. Then, if I need the logo to be an
avatar for a person object, I simply have something like:

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :avatar, :class_name => "Logo"

Then, when I create or update the person, I can redo the logo only if
it's got data... for example:

@logo = @person.build_logo(params[:logo]) unless params[:logo]
[:uploaded_data] == ""
@logo.valid? unless @logo.nil?

And for an update, I'd do:

@logo = @person.logo
@logo.destroy unless @logo.nil? or params[:logo]
@logo = @person.build_logo(params[:logo]) unless params[:logo]
@logo.valid? unless @logo.nil?

That way, if you update the person model and supply a new logo, it'll
destroy the old (which will delete the files as well as clear out the
DB record), then build a new one, and validate it so you have
validation checks.

At least this works for me. :-)


(btw, I need the "unless @logo.nil?" because nil.valid? causes an

Apr 12, 2008, 2:30:56 PM4/12/08
to Ruby on Rails: Talk
Thanks for your reply, I tried both of your examples and neither
works. Attachment_fu's validates_as_attachment doesn't support :only
=> :create it just returns 'wrong number of args, 1 for 0'.
and skip_before_filter :attachment_fu just let it keep working like
normal. I'd really like to find a way around this, and not have to
make another model for picture_details and update that for my titles
and descriptions, but this would require digging through all my code
and changing all calls for a pictures title or description. I'm gonna
keep messing with finding a way around attachment_fu.


Apr 12, 2008, 4:52:44 PM4/12/08
to Ruby on Rails: Talk
Probably your next step would be to contact Rick Olsen (writer of
attachment_fu) and see what he suggests.

You could certainly modify his code without too much trouble and add
in a hook so that the code is only called on a create, but he may have
other suggestions or may be able to do it himself quickly and easily
(as it's his code).

Let us know what you end up using. If you do end up patching Rick's
code, it would be good to share that with the community for others who
need it. :-)

BTW, I originally started with the attachments within the models and
then later abstracted it out to a separate Logo model. It took a
little time to clean up, but not much, and I think it's much cleaner
this way.

I can say: Person.find(X).logo to get the logo for Person X. I also
can reuse the Logo model for all sorts of things that need an image
attachment. And, I can subclass Logo for more specific logo types,
i.e. I can make an Avatar < Logo and then do avatar-specific things.


Apr 18, 2008, 12:31:15 AM4/18/08
to Ruby on Rails: Talk
Okay, so I decided it would just be better to make picture_details
model and attach the pictures to that, it just took an hour or so to
re-write my code. One problem I did have though, I have ratings on my
pictures, and so for /popular i would just order my query by rating,
so now (the simplest way I can think to do it) is a block for the
pictures, and find the corresponding picture_detail and push the
rating and picture id into an array, then sort the array by the
rating. Anyone who has a better way of doing that I'd love to hear :)
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