fog 1.0.0 changelog

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Sep 29, 2011, 5:27:05 PM9/29/11
to ruby-fog
1.0.0 09/29/2011 a81be08ef2473af91f16f4926e5b3dfa962a34ae

Stats! { 'collaborators' => 16, 'downloads' => 245745, 'forks' => 260,
'open_issues' => 13, 'watchers' => 1521 }

MVP! Patrick Debois

if transport is empty, ssh can't be enabled. thanks Patrick Debois
Enable to pass an libvirt_ip_command for looking up the mac ->
ip_address . Using eval to allow for passing of mac address in
ip_command. thanks Patrick Debois
corrected typo for appending string output to IO.popen. thanks
Patrick Debois
initialize the ip_address as an empty string. thanks Patrick Debois
more specific error if the ip_command results in string that has no
ip-address format. thanks Patrick Debois
Remove the newlines after running the local ip_command. thanks
Patrick Debois
rename xml_desc to xml as an attribute and hide all non_dynamic
attributes from fog console. thanks Patrick Debois
added blocked state and corrected crashed to shutoff state. thanks
Patrick Debois
renamed 'raw' connection to raw in the Fog Connection. thanks
Patrick Debois

renamed all disk_ params for server creation to volume_ to make it
consistent with the object type volume. thanks Patrick Debois

remove base64 require (duplicates require in fog/core). thanks

Adding SQS mocking support. thanks Istvan Hoka

Create ACS security_group model and collection. thanks Aaron Suggs
Improve security group tests. thanks Aaron Suggs
Adds ACS#delete_cache_security_group. thanks Benton Roberts
Added security group methods. thanks Benton Roberts
Update CacheSecurityGroup API to public beta 2011-07-15. thanks
Benton Roberts

Fix whitespace. thanks Jens Braeuer

add snapshot method to volume model. thanks Andrei Serdeliuc
Correct path. thanks Dylan Egan
raise an ArgumentError if image_id is nil, otherwise an ugly
InternalError is returned from AWS. thanks Dylan Egan
wait for ready before testing tags. thanks geemus
fixes for mocks tests. thanks geemus
fix formatting for mock security groups. thanks geemus

fix parser path. thanks geemus

refactor acs->elasticache. thanks Benton Roberts
refactor for whitespace / readability. thanks Benton Roberts
fix typo in Elasticache Security Group tests. thanks Benton Roberts
rename test file for shindo. thanks Benton Roberts
create and describe cache clusters. thanks Benton Roberts
delete cache clusters. thanks Benton Roberts
add Cache Cluster model and collection. thanks Benton Roberts
Fix bug in AWS::Elasticache::Cluster.get. thanks Benton Roberts
randomize cache cluster IDs in testing. thanks Benton Roberts
return nil on CacheClusterNotFound. thanks Benton Roberts
use Formatador for testing output. thanks Benton Roberts
move ClusterNotFound rescue code into Elasticache service
definition. thanks Benton Roberts
change method profile for create_cache_cluster,
delete_cache_cluster, and describe_cache_clusters. thanks Benton
change parameters for describe_cache_security_groups to ruby-
friendly values. thanks Benton Roberts
remove port attribute from cluster model. thanks Benton Roberts
fix Elasticahce::Cluster.security_groups attribute. thanks Benton
implement modify_cache_cluster request. thanks Benton Roberts
cluster port number cannot be modified. thanks Benton Roberts
add cache node info to describe_cache_clusters. thanks Benton
add InvalidInstace error class. thanks Benton Roberts
remove optional parameters from Elasticache::Cluster. thanks Benton
show cluster node details by default in model. thanks Benton Roberts
add test for removing a cache node. thanks Benton Roberts
add pending_values to modified nodes. thanks Benton Roberts
implement RebootCacheCluster. thanks Benton Roberts
implement DescribeEvents. thanks Benton Roberts
implement basic parameter group requests. thanks Benton Roberts
implement describe_engine_default_parameters request. thanks Benton
implement Elasticache::ParameterGroup model and collection. thanks
Benton Roberts
implement modify_cache_parameter_group request. thanks Benton
implement reset_cache_parameter_group request. thanks Benton Roberts
implement describe_cache_groups request. thanks Benton Roberts
test fix: change DESCRIBE_SECURITY_GROUPS helper format. thanks
Benton Roberts
delete outdated test file. thanks Benton Roberts

Raise a custom exception for Throttling. thanks Dylan Egan
wait_for server to be ready? before register. thanks geemus

implement correct path behaviour in mocking. thanks Dylan Egan

fix tests to use proper accessor. thanks geemus

fix acl mocking. thanks geemus

Fixed instance state. thanks Lee Huffman
Create and destroy images. thanks Lee Huffman
Fix for setting hostname on server save. thanks Lee Huffman
Expect correct status code for template create. thanks Lee Huffman

move aws cdn to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be
corrected). thanks geemus

move rackspace cdn to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

fix service calls I missed in recent rearrange. thanks geemus

- Change modify_instance_attribute name to match EC2 API method, and
actually make it do something. thanks Caleb Tennis
Include ids of things we're modifying in requests. thanks Dan
Fix create_volume mock when creating from a snapshot. thanks Dan
Make get_bucket_location mock return LocationConstraint as API doc
describes. thanks Dan Peterson
Fix associate_address mock to detach/revert previous addresses
properly. thanks Dan Peterson
Don't warn in mock describe_snapshots if RestorableBy is 'self'.
thanks Dan Peterson
When mocking, instances don't show up right away. thanks Dan
Suffix with _tests.rb. thanks Dylan Egan
IpPermissionsEgress is returned from AWS. thanks Dylan Egan
Simple test to verify revoke_group_and_owner behaviour. thanks Dylan
Apparently passing a nil value works against live AWS. Only use
SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId in mocks if supplied. thanks Dylan Egan
Since this is really proving the use of nil, let's just not pretend
there's a value for owner_id. thanks Dylan Egan
sometimes the platform string is returned. thanks Dylan Egan
enable tests for mocked tags. thanks Dylan Egan
Fix NameError. thanks Jens Braeuer
Fix bug in tag mocking preventing servers from being updated with
new tags. thanks Matt Griffin
Add mocking for describe_tags. thanks Matt Griffin
move aws compute to its own shared area (namespacing should probably
be corrected). thanks geemus

move bluebox compute to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

Allow persistent option to be passed to Brightbox::Compute. thanks
Caius Durling
Updated test for new behaviour. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Picking up more attributes from Account. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
No need to hardcode a server type. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updated and reordered model attributes. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Updates to tests. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Added resave warning to a few Brightbox models. thanks Paul
Requests for server group management. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Merge in test updates and server groups. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Corrected require missed in update. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Reset times to the correct type so not string attributes. thanks
Paul Thornthwaite
Updated Format test to remove gone fields. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fixed typo in connection options. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Added missing requests. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Added requests for firewall management. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Added ServerGroup model and collections. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Passing options to server group update. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
Fixed server_groups.get. thanks Paul Thornthwaite
move brightbox compute to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

move ecloud compute to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

added glesys as provider. thanks Anton Lindstrom
added tests. thanks Anton Lindström
fixed logical error for default values. thanks Anton Lindström
fixed an invalid character. thanks Anton Lindström
consistency/cleanup. thanks geemus
fix format for start vs stop. thanks geemus
rearrange to match current naming conventions. thanks geemus

move go_grid compute to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

merge jedi4ever/libvirt. thanks geemus
move libvirt compute to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

move linode compute to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

move new_servers compute to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

move ninefold compute to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

move rackspace compute to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

move slicehost compute to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

move storm_on_demand compute to its own shared area (namespacing
should probably be corrected). thanks geemus

move vcloud compute to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

move virtual_box compute to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

move voxel compute to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

Allow FOG_CREDENTIAL env variable for config. thanks Aaron Suggs
add collection#destroy(identity). thanks geemus
move openssl to more central location. thanks geemus
first steps toward seperately requirable bits. thanks geemus
move providers to lib/fog/. thanks geemus
work toward separate requires. thanks geemus
prototype logger. thanks geemus
add get/set methods for logger channels. thanks geemus
use logger throughout for warnings. thanks geemus
coerce service credentials. thanks geemus
delete nil valued keys from config. thanks geemus
pass connection_options through service init. thanks geemus
don't rely on bin stuff for service init in tests. thanks geemus
dedup services listings. thanks geemus
more convenient accessors. thanks geemus
fixing more paths after rearrange. thanks geemus
add credentials setter. thanks geemus
make sure credentials tests properly reset after completion. thanks
bump excon dep. thanks geemus
properly fix credentials tests. thanks geemus
skip vmfusion in rake nuke. thanks geemus
bump excon. thanks geemus
kill dns stuff in nuke as well. thanks geemus

update dns constructor to match recent file moves. thanks geemus

move aws dns to its own shared area (namespacing should probably be
corrected). thanks geemus

move bluebox dns to its own shared area (namespacing should probably
be corrected). thanks geemus

move dnsimple dns to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

move dnsmadeeasy dns to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

move dynect dns to its own shared area (namespacing should probably
be corrected). thanks geemus

move linode dns to its own shared area (namespacing should probably
be corrected). thanks geemus

initial commit. thanks Brian Hartsock
list_domains request. thanks Brian Hartsock
added attributes to list_domains; refactored rackspace errors to be
shared with load balancers. thanks Brian Hartsock
move rackspace dns to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

move slicehost dns to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

move zerigo dns to its own shared area (namespacing should probably
be corrected). thanks geemus

Added blogpost about libvirt into fog to the press page. thanks
Patrick Debois
corrected the link to the actual blogpost instead of the github
markdown page :). thanks Patrick Debois

add note about ec2 default username. thanks geemus

use a string for now. #362 is open for accepting symbols in mocks.
thanks Dylan Egan
return the zone name. thanks Dylan Egan
accidentally hardcoded the record type in the mocked data. thanks
Dylan Egan
support ANY record results. thanks Dylan Egan
Don't use address as different records have different arguments,
just send rdata. Remove value. Add CNAME test. thanks Dylan Egan
find, not first. thanks Dylan Egan
always ensure it's an integer. thanks Dylan Egan
retry if auth_token was previously set and error message includes
possible login expiration. thanks Dylan Egan
support reauth for inactivity logout too. thanks Dylan Egan

fixes to play nice with mock tests. thanks geemus
skip flavor tests. thanks geemus

fixes for mocked test setup. thanks geemus

Added option libvirt_ip_command to the credentials error page.
thanks Patrick Debois
Corrected template variable from interface_nat_network to
network_nat_network. thanks Patrick Debois

update format for plans. thanks geemus

[load balancer|rackspace]
fixed some minor bugs i noticed in the tests. thanks Brian Hartsock

Fixed a couple of errors in the examples. thanks Bobby Wilson
Implement fog support for the Openstack Compute API v1.1.
Includes support for legacy v1.0 style auth and v2.0 keystone
auth. thanks Dan Prince
Add create_image to server model. thanks Dan Prince
Add support for non-strict validations, and nullable arrays/hashes.
thanks Dan Prince
Additions and updates to the OpenStack API tests. thanks Dan Prince
Beginning of Dynect::DNS mocking support. thanks Dylan Egan
get_record, single. thanks Dylan Egan
Tidy up a bit. thanks Dylan Egan
Support freeze and thaw. thanks Dylan Egan
sleep for 3 seconds when running against Dynect because otherwise
there is an operation still in progress. thanks Dylan Egan
raise a NotFound if not found. thanks Dylan Egan
Fog::DNS::Dynect, not Fog::Dynect::DNS. thanks Dylan Egan
InstanceId should have index according to AWS Docs. thanks E.J.
fix indenting to get markdown to recognise the code block properly.
thanks Glenn Tweedie
Better URL escaping for Rackspace Cloud Files. thanks H. Wade Minter
Tweak to escape the Cloud Files filename before passing to
public_url. thanks H. Wade Minter
Put escaping logic into the collection get_url call. thanks H. Wade
(#9241) Add skeleton VMware vSphere platform support. thanks Jeff
(#9241) Add SSL verification. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9241) Add current_time request. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9241) Add model for Fog::Compute[:vsphere].servers. thanks Jeff
(#9241) Add test skeleton framework. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9241) Add ability to find VMs by UUID. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9421) Add start, stop, reboot server model methods. thanks Jeff
(#9241) Add destroy API request and model action. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9241) Add find_template_by_instance_uuid request. thanks Jeff
(#9241) Add vm_clone API request. thanks Jeff McCune
(#9241) Don't fail when trying to model a cloning VM. thanks Jeff
(#9241) Make the reload action of the server models work. thanks
Jeff McCune
(#9124) Add ability to reload the model of a cloning VM. thanks Jeff
Refactor requests to return simple hashes and add unit tests. thanks
Jeff McCune
Add vsphere_server connection attribute. thanks Jeff McCune
Fix vm clone problem when a Guid instance is passed as the
instance_uuid. thanks Jeff McCune
Fix documentation. The resulting hash has no entry
"PutScalingPolicyResponse", but a "...Result". thanks Jens Braeuer
Pass hostname to create_block request if provided. thanks Lee
Added Fog::CurrentMachine#ip_address. thanks Pan Thomakos
First cut at libvirt integration. Lots of features missing, but it
proves the point. thanks Patrick Debois
- Added URI helper to parse libvirt URL's - exposed Libvirt
original connection in Compute object - exposed URI in Compute
object - added libvirt-ruby gem to the developer Gemspec. thanks
Patrick Debois
- Get all pools now by name or by uuid - Create pool by
providing xml - Destroy pool. thanks Patrick Debois
Added ability to create/destroy volumes You can search for
volumes by path,key,name And list all volumes from a pool. thanks
Patrick Debois
Allow creation of persistent or non persistent volumes. thanks
Patrick Debois
Again major breakthrough. thanks Patrick Debois
Coming along nicely. thanks Patrick Debois
- ERB has a problem with a variable called type, it expands it on
ruby 1.8 to .class - If the key or the volume is not found, maybe
because the pool has not yet been started, the volumes should return
nil. thanks Patrick Debois
Changed the monitoring command for IP addresses arpwatch.dat is
not the correct place, it should be via syslog, or seperate file.
thanks Patrick Debois
fixing whitespace. thanks Patrick Debois
removed trailing spaces. thanks Patrick Debois
indenting the files. thanks Patrick Debois
check ip-address that returned from the search in the logfile.
thanks Patrick Debois
Added a way to locally retrieve the ipaddress through the
ip_command More checks on correctness of ipaddress And checks
on ssh failures. thanks Patrick Debois
renamed ipaddress to ip_address made the .id available and an
alias to uuid for server. thanks Patrick Debois
Added description on the libvirt environment can be initialized and
the requirements for ssh and ipaddress to work. thanks Patrick
Added a global libvirt provider option ip_command to specify the
ip_command Also more robust handling of connection error when the
libvirt connection fails. thanks Patrick Debois
Remove the idea of template_options, now you specify the param
directly in the create command. Unit and Size are now
calculated. thanks Patrick Debois
Removed the template_options param. thanks Patrick Debois
Fixed disk_format_type vs disk_type_format difference and
changed disk_format_type in the template as well. thanks Patrick
added openauth support thanks to @rubiojr. thanks Patrick Debois
changed return code of state to string instead of symbols to be
consistent with aws provider. thanks Patrick Debois
- Added concept of nodes (host of domains = node) - Renamed the
shuttingdown to shutting-down mode - fixed the Gem warning on
using Gem.find_by_name instead of Gem::Specification. thanks
Patrick Debois
Added a way to filter the active and the defined servers(domains)
using - servers.all(:active => false, :defined=> true). thanks
Patrick Debois
Fixed empty filter issue, nil filter. thanks Patrick Debois
* Fixed an error with memory_size 256 that should be 256*1024
as the default is K nor M * Changed the ip_command to check the
ipaddress to include changes not * only new IPaddresses. thanks
Patrick Debois
Added libvirt options to credentials error. thanks Patrick Debois
Made libvirt username param consistent with other providers
libvirt_user -> libvirt_username. thanks Patrick Debois
[Libvirt] Provided better solution for ip_command : use shell
variable instead of ruby string for mac-address. thanks Patrick Debois
vmfusion provider , requires the fission gem (pull request pending).
thanks Patrick Debois
fixed missing disk-> volume conversion. thanks Patrick Debois
another log entry style resused old ethernet. thanks Patrick Debois
Fix warning about whitespace before parentheses in dns.rb. thanks
Rick Bradley
Added support fo canned ACLs in put_object_acl. thanks dblock
Updated put_bucket_acl to support canned ACLs. thanks dblock
Marking as pending. thanks dblock
Refactored specs, mocks, etc. thanks dblock
Revert "[core] make sure credentials tests properly reset after
completion". thanks geemus
Update gemspec description to mention popular services that are
supported. thanks watsonian

fixes for list formats. thanks geemus
fix for network formats. thanks geemus
add default (ubuntu) image for servers. thanks geemus

all important domains requests. thanks Brian Hartsock
zone models. thanks Brian Hartsock
records requests. thanks Brian Hartsock
record models. thanks Brian Hartsock
minor docs update. thanks Brian Hartsock
add mock initializer. thanks geemus
consistency fixes and tests and mark pending in mocked. thanks
fix mock init to play nice with tests. thanks geemus
fixes for updates to beta. thanks geemus

fix path for tests. thanks geemus
fixes for tests. thanks geemus

fix broken model paths. thanks geemus

update MVP skip list. thanks geemus
add collaborator count to changelog stats. thanks geemus

Fixed what appeared to be broken test (I only verified with
Rackspace provider). thanks Brian Hartsock

Add options to File#copy method. thanks Aaron Suggs
move aws storage back with other aws stuff (namespacing should
probably be recorrected as well). thanks geemus

move google storage to shared google stuff (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

move local storage to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

move ninefold storage to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus
use Fog::HMAC. thanks geemus

Fixed NotFound namespace. thanks Grégory Karékinian
move rackspace storage to its own shared area (namespacing should
probably be corrected). thanks geemus

rearrange to match new lib structure. thanks geemus
mark not implemented mocks as pending. thanks geemus
more helpful formats helper errors. thanks geemus

fixed destroy function. thanks Patrick Debois
reworked structure as will be released in 0.4.0a. thanks Patrick

mark test requiring guid pending, as require can not be found.
thanks geemus
remove unnecessary mocha require. thanks geemus
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