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[FAQ] A Guide to Intelligent Posting and Netiquette on RSPW

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Jeff Wahlman

Apr 17, 2001, 8:27:40 PM4/17/01
A Guide to Intelligent Posting and Netiquette on RSPW
Edited by Jeff "Fro" Wahlman
Last updated: 17 April 2001

Previous versions written & edited by Scott Keith & Jeremy Soria
Additional previous editing by Chad Bryant

Table of Contents

Section 1: What To Post

1) This is a wrestling newsgroup.
2) Don't post binaries.
3) Don't ask for results.
4) No ads, please.
5) Use RSPW.fantasy for e-feds.

Section 2: How To Post

1) Use headers in your subject.
2) Be precise in your subject line.
3) Edit out unneeded lines in a follow-up...
4) ...but don't edit out the entire post, either.
6) Don't respond to your own posts.
7) Be nice.
8) Use correct spelling and grammar.
9) Don't snigger at other people's language.
10) Hit return at the end of the line.
11) Watch the spoilers.
12) Don't start a million new threads.

Section 3: Miscellaneous Stuff

1) Ignore the trolls.
2) Use real names sparingly.
3) Use e-mail if possible.
4) Give your sources when posting information.
5) Don't harass informational posters
6) Enough with the @#$% old jokes already!
7) Free speech doesn't apply here.

Section 1: What to Post.

1. This is a wrestling newsgroup.

First and foremost, we are here to talk about wrestling. So please,
please, please try to talk only about wrestling. The whole format of
USEnet is set up so that just about every topic you can think of has
it's own separate newsgroup, with thousands of people just
waiting to discuss it with you. For the most part, the people who
inhabit RSPW would like to discuss wrestling. You'd think something like
this would be self-evident, but apparently not. Life here on the
newsgroup would be a lot more bearable if this were followed more often
than it is.

And before you ask a question to the group, be sure to read the RSPW FAQ
& Resource Guide, currently archived at

A more updated version is currently being compiled and it is available at

2. Don't post binaries.

Binaries are program files or picture files or sound files, or a
combination of all the above, like .avi files. It's a very bad thing to
post to RSPW. (Don't put them in your sig file either, as some WebTV'ers
are inclined to do.) Don't ask for them either, since that just
encourages people. Here's a quick rundown of why they're so nasty:

- News servers only have a limited amount of space per group, and
binaries tend to be pretty damn big. That one fake picture of Sunny
naked means I don't get 30 or 40 posts which I might like to read for
whatever reason. (Fake nudes of women in wrestling aren't such a big
problem anymore, but it serves as a good example.)

- Quite a lot of newsreaders can't properly decipher a binary file, and
it results in crashing some poor guy's computer. (Yes, some people still
use UNIX.)

- Quite a lot more newsreaders download every message from RSPW in their
entirety before any are read. The usual size of a picture file, coded
for downloading, is about 1 megabyte, which takes a normal 14.4 modem a
little over 10 minutes to download. If you're lucky. That's a lot of
money for those who have to pay by the minute for access to the 'net
(and some people still do).

In short, just don't post binaries. The proper way to go about it is:

- Post it to
- Post a message to RSPW saying that you've posted it there.


- Get a damned web site and put it up there (very easy to do in this
age of free web space).
- Post a message to RSPW saying that it's there.

Either way is infinitely preferable to posting the file directly to RSPW
and will save you being yelled at later.

3. Don't ask for results.

Don't ask for results, or just about anything else for that matter.
There's no nice way to say this, but many people on RSPW have no life
(especially people who post FAQ's) and will post ANY happening related
to wrestling seconds after it happens. You can be assured that the
results of the latest WWF, WCW, or ECW PPV will be there ten seconds
after the final bell. If you don't get them right away then you have a
slow newsreader and no amount of whiny posts begging for results right
now will help you. Just be patient.

4. No ads, please.

Don't advertise on RSPW. This includes newsletters, wrestling tapes,
wrestling figures, etc. Everyone is just sick of it, really. Newsletters
especially. Selling wrestling tapes is illegal, as Joe Pedicino was nice
enough to point out on many occasions. And wrestling figures should be
sold on one of the numerous *.marketplace groups on the 'net.

As a side note, putting an advertisement for your newsletter in your
.signature file is perfectly acceptable, but a whole message detailing
your wonderful new sheet is pushing your luck.

5. Use RSPW.fantasy for e-feds.

There is a separate group for e-wrestling called, which is exclusively for e-feds. It was
created specifically to get it off RSPW, which for the most part is has
succeeded in doing. Those who are new might not know it exists, so
consider yourself warned now.

Section 2: How To Post.

1. Use headers in your subject line.

We have a system of headers universally agreed on here on RSPW, and
everyone's life would be easier if you'd use them. Here's a quick

[INFO] Posts containing some kind of wrestling info
[RESULTS] Posts containing PPV or TV results
[SPOILER] "Spoiler" posts (explained below)
[META] Questions or comments concerning RSPW itself
[POLL] Off-topic question for the newsgroup
[OT] Off-topic post (please try to keep these as the minority of your

2. Be precise with your subject line.

Try to be a little precise in your subject. For instance, "READ THIS!!!"
which is seen every day, tells us nothing. There are at least 500
headers to wade through every day, if I want to find something worthwhile
in this group, and no one is going to read every post that yells "READ
THIS". If it's about Chris Benoit, then say "Chris Benoit should
be World Champion" which not only uses the header but says what your
post is about. If it's a good post with a subject people are interested
in, then we'll read it. If you just want people to read your posts for
the thrill of having someone read your posts, then you need a life and
you are part of the problem.

3. Edit out unneeded lines in a followup...

When you're quoting someone's message, use the editing feature of your
newsreader. Try to trim out everything from the quoted message that
doesn't relate to your point. It looks much better and is easier to
ONE-LINE RESPONSE. That is counted as being perhaps the most obnoxious
thing a poster can do and is immensely frustrating for the reader. If
you don't know how to edit with your newsreader, then get a better one
or read the f***ng manual.

4. ...but don't edit out the entire post, either.

While one may not need to see the entire quoted text of the message you
are referring to, some kind of context would be useful. Don't just snip
out the entirety of the last post and hope everyone will remember what
the previous poster was talking about, because we won't. Leave some kind
of connection to the post you are answering so we can at least follow
the conversation properly.


Don't post in all caps. This is akin to screaming at your reader and
it's hideous to read. This should be common sense by now but it still
persists, unfortunately. It is a common law over all of USEnet, and if
you do it in any group you are an idiot and will be told so.

6. Don't respond to your own posts.

Unless it's a rare exception (and "rare" is really stressed here), it
looks very stupid to respond to you own posts. Don't even do it under
another ID (as some AOL trolls have been known to do), because it
becomes painfully obvious to everyone who you are.

7. Be nice.

Above all, try to be nice to each other. The idiot you're flaming
blindly today might become a respected poster on the group someday who
you might need to stick up for you later. If you feel the need to
disagree, by all means do so, but be civilized about it. Part of the
damage done to the group is the total anarchy involved in the pointless
flamewars that erupt all the time. An argument can be well stated and
rational and still passionate.

8. Use correct spelling and grammar.

Please try to correct your spelling and grammar before you send your
post out to the entire world. Really, you wouldn't believe how little
respect your opinions will garner if your post looks like it was written
by your dog.

For instance, when posting something 30 lines or more, please put
paragraph breaks in there somewhere. It's just too overwhelming to sift
through a non-stop barrage of words without some white space to stop and
take a mental breath.

9. Don't snigger at other people's language.

This is a wrestling newsgroup, not an English lecture. If you have a
problem with someone's spelling of a certain word or use of a certain
word in the wrong context, then by all means point it out, AS PART OF A
MESSAGE RELATED TO WRESTLING. This is pretty important. While it's fine
to correct someone's spelling in passing, don't followup a post just to
mention that the previous poster used "it's" instead of "its." That's
called being snooty and pretentious, and it tends to make you pretty
unpopular. Especially if your followup contains as many egregious errors
as the post you're critiquing.

10. Hit return at the end of a line.

When you post, make sure your newsreader is set to 75 columns or less.
If you're one of those unfortunate souls who use DejaNews or an equally
useless reader, then have the decency hit return at the end of each line
as though you were typing on a manual typewriter. Small point, but your
posts will look like garbage if you don't pay attention to little things
like that.

If you don't know how to change that sort of stuff on your newsreader,
then get a better newsreader or learn to do it. It'll serve you well
later in life.

Lesson being, to keep your stuff looking professional, stop at the 75th

11. Watch the spoilers.

A lot of us on RSPW don't like having everything revealed days in
advance, as in the case of WWF Smackdown tapings, so for the sake of
everyone's sanity, put [SPOILER] in the subject. And don't put the big
surprise result in the header. This completely defeats the purpose of
putting [SPOILER] in the subject.

12. Don't start a million new threads.

A thread is a post followed by <x> number of replies. Many newsreaders
are threaded, which means they sort the messages presented according to
follow-ups. It is INFINITELY easier to read and keep track of things if
there is one thread saying "Joe Wrestler going from WCW to WWF" which
covers everyone's thoughts on the subject. Please, find someone else's
post on the subject you want and follow it up BEFORE you decide you want
to post a new message.

This is not to say that starting new threads is bad. Just check and see
if someone else has already started a thread on the same subject, or
even said the same things you were going to say.

Section 3: Miscellaneous Stuff.

1. Ignore the trolls.

People who post 16 messages to a group about wrestling saying how much
wrestling sucks are called trolls, and they are truly the scum of
USEnet. These people are more than likely sitting at their computer at 3
AM masturbating to the hateful follow-ups and replies their garbage
posts get, and they are not even worth the trouble of hitting the
"reply" button. So don't followup their message with a death threat or
e-mail a nasty reply, just ignore them. Or send a copy of their message
"" (i.e., etc.)
and they will do something about it if they are willing and/or able.

This point can not be emphasized enough. RSPW has survived Steve DiSalvo
jokes, the Doink cult, Phil Stromer, the Infamous Hugo Brothers, Evan
Schlesinger (in his worse days) Zoogz Rift, Sabu424/Krynoid, Alex "Ace"
Cain, to name a few, and all of them either went away or went on to
become productive members of the group. Just wait them out and
eventually they'll get bored and find someone else to bug.

Posting a rant that condemns the evil poster (in 300 lines or more)
solves nothing and only encourages them further.

2. Use e-mail if possible.

The best way to keep the noise off the group is to e-mail your opinion
to the author instead of sending it to the group. We know you think
we're all just waiting in breathless suspense for your take on that last
post, but really we're not. If the response is addressed only to the
author, then e-mail it to him. If everyone did this, there would be 50%
less posts on RSPW. That's a *good* thing, by the way.

3. Don't use real names so much.

Learn the proper time and way to use wrestlers' real names. Ever since
RSPW became as big as it did, this big group of people has come to the
forefront, tossing real names around as if it made them cool. Reality
check: It doesn't. Most RSPW veterans could prattle off the birth name
of every wrestler in the WWF if so inclined, but it's tiresome and
disrespectful to the wrestlers.

For the record, you should only use real names if you're talking about
the real person, rather than the character they play. The Undertaker
(not Mark Calloway) wrestles Kane (not Glen Jacobs). Kane is a
guy who plays a part and goes home to family. The distinction
can be blurred sometimes (especially given today's style of booking),
but if in doubt use the character name.

4. Give your sources.

Please post your sources when adding a rumor or piece of information to
the group. P who say they get information from a "reliable source" sound
stupid. As an added bonus, there really are "reliable sources" and
actual wrestlers who are on RSPW, so they can quite easily take you to
task for your post. If you swiped it from a newsletter, have the guts to
say so.

FYI, it is common knowledge that employees from the WWF and
countless smaller federations read (and sometimes even post) to RSPW. A
bogus rumor can be shot down in just a few keystrokes, so don't even

5. Don't harrass informational posters.

With the explosion of web sites in the past few years, and the
proliferation of, informational posting on
RSPW has decreased greatly. Nevertheless, don't knock those who continue
to post info to RSPW. FAQ's, hotline reports, house show results, etc.
are often fun to read, and should be treated as such.

6. Enough with the @#$% old jokes already!

Jokes like the Who/Neidhart thing and "... he was my FAVORITE WRESTLER"
are totally played out and rarely funny anymore. You would be advised to
"not" post a reference to Jim Neidhart after every "Who was....?" post or
any post that uses the word "Who" in it.

7. Free speech doesn't apply here.

The United States Constitution (or the free speech laws of any other
country) mean nothing on Usenet, and if you act like an asshole
excessively, be assured that there are many people ready to jump on you
and get your account yanked. Internet service providers (at least those
that are worth a hill of beans) tend to frown on abusive behavior as
well. And if you post to RSPW from school or work, be advised that
complaints about your online conduct can cost you your status as a
student or employee.

The RSPW community may respect the idea behind free speech, but the law
does not apply here.

Alex Cain

Apr 17, 2001, 8:36:30 PM4/17/01
Jeff Wahlman wrote:
> A Guide to Intelligent Posting and Netiquette on RSPW
> Edited by Jeff "Fro" Wahlman
> Last updated: 17 April 2001
> Previous versions written & edited by Scott Keith & Jeremy Soria
> Additional previous editing by Chad Bryant

Jeff, as long as you keep that line there, it does nothing but take down
on whatever text this contains.


Apr 18, 2001, 9:03:38 AM4/18/01
Jeff Wahlman wrote:


> Previous versions written & edited by Scott Keith & Jeremy Soria
> Additional previous editing by Chad Bryant

Oh, great - that should bring respect to this FAQ...

[snipping a whole lot of bullshit]

> 6. Enough with the @#$% old jokes already!

Don't like it? Use a killfile.

> 7. Free speech doesn't apply here.

You gotta love this line.

What a fucking crock of shit this FAQ is. I've been in RSPW since 1995
and I've never had problems finding good wrestling-related threads. Hell,
just look at RSPW every Monday nights and Tuesdays - you'll find plenty of
"on-topic" stuff in here (and I'm not even gonna mention PPV Sundays...).

I certainly don't need any self-appointed, righteous, mightier-than-thou
jerks telling me what I can and cannot do or say around here. If you
don't like it, go to RSPWM to suck the Mods' cocks and to discuss how
Kenta Kobashi's spinning toe hold isn't what it used to be.

Burnside ( )

Message has been deleted

Jeff Wahlman

Apr 18, 2001, 1:45:05 PM4/18/01
In article <9bkjek$nn8$>, says...

> Jeff Wahlman wrote:
> > 3. Edit out unneeded lines in a followup...

> > 4. ...but don't edit out the entire post, either.
> Something should be added about "top-posting", i.e. being too lazy to
> respond to individual points in a post and just throwing your whole
> commentary at the top, leaving the original post intact at the bottom.
Good suggestion

> > For the record, you should only use real names if you're talking about
> > the real person, rather than the character they play. The Undertaker
> > (not Mark Calloway) wrestles Kane (not Glen Jacobs). Kane is a
> > guy who plays a part and goes home to family.
> Shouldn't it be Glen Jacobs that plays a part and goes home to family? Kane
> doesn't seem like much of a family guy...
Well, the old reference was to Mick Foley but he's been called that name
so much since then on WWF TV that it makes no sense not to call him Mick
Foley. That section might be up on the chopping block actually.

> > 6. Enough with the @#$% old jokes already!
> >
> > Jokes like the Who/Neidhart thing and "... he was my FAVORITE WRESTLER"
> > are totally played out and rarely funny anymore. You would be advised to
> > "not" post a reference to Jim Neidhart after every "Who was....?" post or
> > any post that uses the word "Who" in it.
> Amen! :)
The "demolition" thing will be added here too.


Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Chad Bryant

Apr 18, 2001, 1:38:45 PM4/18/01
Jeff Wahlman wrote:

> 3. Edit out unneeded lines in a followup...
> When you're quoting someone's message, use the editing feature of your
> newsreader. Try to trim out everything from the quoted message that
> doesn't relate to your point. It looks much better and is easier to
> ONE-LINE RESPONSE. That is counted as being perhaps the most obnoxious
> thing a poster can do and is immensely frustrating for the reader. If
> you don't know how to edit with your newsreader, then get a better one
> or read the f***ng manual.
> 4. ...but don't edit out the entire post, either.
> While one may not need to see the entire quoted text of the message you
> are referring to, some kind of context would be useful. Don't just snip
> out the entirety of the last post and hope everyone will remember what
> the previous poster was talking about, because we won't. Leave some kind
> of connection to the post you are answering so we can at least follow
> the conversation properly.

Something should be added about "top-posting", i.e. being too lazy to

respond to individual points in a post and just throwing your whole
commentary at the top, leaving the original post intact at the bottom.


> Don't post in all caps. This is akin to screaming at your reader and
> it's hideous to read. This should be common sense by now but it still
> persists, unfortunately. It is a common law over all of USEnet, and if
> you do it in any group you are an idiot and will be told so.


> 6. Don't respond to your own posts.
> Unless it's a rare exception (and "rare" is really stressed here), it
> looks very stupid to respond to you own posts. Don't even do it under
> another ID (as some AOL trolls have been known to do), because it
> becomes painfully obvious to everyone who you are.

I think the "responding to your own posts" problem has evolved far beyond
some kid and his 5 AOL screen names.

> 11. Watch the spoilers.
> A lot of us on RSPW don't like having everything revealed days in
> advance, as in the case of WWF Smackdown tapings, so for the sake of
> everyone's sanity, put [SPOILER] in the subject. And don't put the big
> surprise result in the header. This completely defeats the purpose of
> putting [SPOILER] in the subject.

This can't be stressed enough, especially given recent events.

> 2. Use e-mail if possible.
> The best way to keep the noise off the group is to e-mail your opinion
> to the author instead of sending it to the group.

Hard to do in this age of intentionally faked e-mail ID's, but still a good

> For the record, you should only use real names if you're talking about
> the real person, rather than the character they play. The Undertaker
> (not Mark Calloway) wrestles Kane (not Glen Jacobs). Kane is a
> guy who plays a part and goes home to family.

Shouldn't it be Glen Jacobs that plays a part and goes home to family? Kane

doesn't seem like much of a family guy...

> Please post your sources when adding a rumor or piece of information to

> the group. P who say they get information from a "reliable source" sound
> stupid. As an added bonus, there really are "reliable sources" and
> actual wrestlers who are on RSPW, so they can quite easily take you to
> task for your post.

Well, there *used* to be, but enough people have access to the legitimate
sources of wrestling news to know the BS stories when they see them.

> 6. Enough with the @#$% old jokes already!
> Jokes like the Who/Neidhart thing and "... he was my FAVORITE WRESTLER"
> are totally played out and rarely funny anymore. You would be advised to
> "not" post a reference to Jim Neidhart after every "Who was....?" post or
> any post that uses the word "Who" in it.

Amen! :)

Hard to believe how much the group has changed in the last two years, isn't

Chad Bryant

"I read RSPW about as much as AutoDaFe reads the Bible."
-Mr. 420

The stupidity of my opposition vindicates me in the end.

========= WAS CANCELLED BY =======:
From: Reese <>
Subject: cmsg cancel <9bkjek$nn8$>
Control: cancel <9bkjek$nn8$>
Date: 18 Apr 2001 23:01:12 GMT
Lines: 62
Message-ID: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
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X-Trace: 987634875 8321 (18 Apr 2001 23:01:15 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: 18 Apr 2001 23:01:15 GMT
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 1.8/32.548

You are the weakest link, Good Bye
<remainder snipped>

Burnside [reposted because of rogue cancel]

Apr 18, 2001, 9:03:38 AM4/18/01
Jeff Wahlman wrote:


> Previous versions written & edited by Scott Keith & Jeremy Soria
> Additional previous editing by Chad Bryant

Oh, great - that should bring respect to this FAQ...

[snipping a whole lot of bullshit]

> 6. Enough with the @#$% old jokes already!

Don't like it? Use a killfile.

> 7. Free speech doesn't apply here.

You gotta love this line.

What a fucking crock of shit this FAQ is. I've been in RSPW since 1995
and I've never had problems finding good wrestling-related threads. Hell,
just look at RSPW every Monday nights and Tuesdays - you'll find plenty of
"on-topic" stuff in here (and I'm not even gonna mention PPV Sundays...).

I certainly don't need any self-appointed, righteous, mightier-than-thou
jerks telling me what I can and cannot do or say around here. If you
don't like it, go to RSPWM to suck the Mods' cocks and to discuss how
Kenta Kobashi's spinning toe hold isn't what it used to be.

========= WAS CANCELLED BY =======:

From: Reese <>

Subject: cmsg cancel <CLjD6.8$>
Control: cancel <CLjD6.8$>
Date: 18 Apr 2001 23:02:10 GMT
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Mime-Version: 1.0
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X-Trace: 987634934 8321 (18 Apr 2001 23:02:14 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: 18 Apr 2001 23:02:14 GMT

Jeff Wahlman [reposted because of rogue cancel]

Apr 18, 2001, 1:45:05 PM4/18/01
In article <9bkjek$nn8$>, says...
> Jeff Wahlman wrote:
> > 3. Edit out unneeded lines in a followup...

> > 4. ...but don't edit out the entire post, either.

> Something should be added about "top-posting", i.e. being too lazy to
> respond to individual points in a post and just throwing your whole
> commentary at the top, leaving the original post intact at the bottom.
Good suggestion

> > For the record, you should only use real names if you're talking about
> > the real person, rather than the character they play. The Undertaker
> > (not Mark Calloway) wrestles Kane (not Glen Jacobs). Kane is a
> > guy who plays a part and goes home to family.
> Shouldn't it be Glen Jacobs that plays a part and goes home to family? Kane
> doesn't seem like much of a family guy...
Well, the old reference was to Mick Foley but he's been called that name
so much since then on WWF TV that it makes no sense not to call him Mick
Foley. That section might be up on the chopping block actually.
> > 6. Enough with the @#$% old jokes already!
> >
> > Jokes like the Who/Neidhart thing and "... he was my FAVORITE WRESTLER"
> > are totally played out and rarely funny anymore. You would be advised to
> > "not" post a reference to Jim Neidhart after every "Who was....?" post or
> > any post that uses the word "Who" in it.
> Amen! :)
The "demolition" thing will be added here too.


========= WAS CANCELLED BY =======:

From: Reese <>

Subject: cmsg cancel <>
Control: cancel <>
Date: 18 Apr 2001 23:00:58 GMT
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Message-ID: <>

Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

X-Trace: 987634861 8321 (18 Apr 2001 23:01:01 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: 18 Apr 2001 23:01:01 GMT

Alex Cain [reposted because of rogue cancel]

Apr 17, 2001, 8:36:30 PM4/17/01
Jeff Wahlman wrote:
> A Guide to Intelligent Posting and Netiquette on RSPW
> Edited by Jeff "Fro" Wahlman
> Last updated: 17 April 2001
> Previous versions written & edited by Scott Keith & Jeremy Soria
> Additional previous editing by Chad Bryant

Jeff, as long as you keep that line there, it does nothing but take down

on whatever text this contains.

========= WAS CANCELLED BY =======:

From: Reese <>

Subject: cmsg cancel <>
Control: cancel <>
Date: 18 Apr 2001 23:44:42 GMT
Lines: 58
Message-ID: <>

Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

X-Trace: 987637486 8321 (18 Apr 2001 23:44:46 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: 18 Apr 2001 23:44:46 GMT

Chad Bryant

Apr 18, 2001, 2:33:30 PM4/18/01
Jeff Wahlman wrote:

> > > For the record, you should only use real names if you're talking about
> > > the real person, rather than the character they play. The Undertaker
> > > (not Mark Calloway) wrestles Kane (not Glen Jacobs). Kane is a
> > > guy who plays a part and goes home to family.
> >
> > Shouldn't it be Glen Jacobs that plays a part and goes home to family?
> > doesn't seem like much of a family guy...
> Well, the old reference was to Mick Foley but he's been called that name
> so much since then on WWF TV that it makes no sense not to call him Mick
> Foley. That section might be up on the chopping block actually.

Yeah, it was my revision that added the Foley/Mankind comparison.

> > > Jokes like the Who/Neidhart thing and "... he was my FAVORITE
> > > are totally played out and rarely funny anymore. You would be advised
> > > "not" post a reference to Jim Neidhart after every "Who was....?" post
> > > any post that uses the word "Who" in it.
> >
> > Amen! :)
> The "demolition" thing will be added here too.

There's a ton of jokes that could be added there, but it's best to stick
with the most notable examples.

"I read RSPW about as much as AutoDaFe reads the Bible."
-Mr. 420

The stupidity of my opposition vindicates me in the end.

========= WAS CANCELLED BY =======:

From: Reese <>

Subject: cmsg cancel <9bkml9$9d$>
Control: cancel <9bkml9$9d$>
Date: 18 Apr 2001 23:00:05 GMT
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NNTP-Posting-Date: 18 Apr 2001 23:00:08 GMT

Chad Bryant

Apr 18, 2001, 2:37:08 PM4/18/01
"Burnside" wrote:

> > Previous versions written & edited by Scott Keith & Jeremy Soria
> > Additional previous editing by Chad Bryant
> Oh, great - that should bring respect to this FAQ...

Don't attack the message based on your opinions about the messenger.

"I read RSPW about as much as AutoDaFe reads the Bible."
-Mr. 420

The stupidity of my opposition vindicates me in the end.

========= WAS CANCELLED BY =======:


From: Reese <>

Subject: cmsg cancel <9bkms4$on$>
Control: cancel <9bkms4$on$>
Date: 18 Apr 2001 22:59:45 GMT
Lines: 29
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Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

X-Trace: 987634788 8321 (18 Apr 2001 22:59:48 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: 18 Apr 2001 22:59:48 GMT

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