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Note to Alaska voters

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Joe from Kokomo

no leída,
9 jul 2009, 19:43:599/7/09
The next time you knuckle heads want to vote in a dizzy MILF for
governor, you might have better luck if you think with your big head
instead of your little head.

You wanted her, you got her -- for half a term.



no leída,
9 jul 2009, 19:53:559/7/09

Alaskans are lucky she left half way through. Something tells me we
won't be so lucky if she ever makes it to the office of the


no leída,
9 jul 2009, 19:59:029/7/09
Liberal-Fascist Suffering from "Palin Derangement Syndrome" [PDS]
One more Joe-from-Kokomo quack, Quack. QUACK !
Suffering from "Palin Derangement Syndrome" [PDS].

deranged is as deranged does and
you do de-range-range-ranged so well
now go 'pds' on ~ RHF

no leída,
9 jul 2009, 20:07:389/7/09
Better Alaska than Slant Eyed Chinkland Communist Hawaii, (Hawaii,
UNAmerican State! I SAY SO!) That IS FOR DAMN

m II

no leída,
9 jul 2009, 20:39:149/7/09
a wrote:

I thought you quit drinking.



no leída,
9 jul 2009, 20:35:509/7/09
Everybody knows only Mississippi is the obese State, second year in a
row, or is it third or forth or fifth?

Big old Fatsos in Mississippi.All of the other States, everybody is


no leída,
9 jul 2009, 20:53:339/7/09
On Jul 9, 7:59 pm, "~ RHF" <> wrote:
> Liberal-Fascist Suffering from "Palin Derangement Syndrome" [PDS]
>  .
> One more Joe-from-Kokomo quack, Quack. QUACK !
> Suffering from "Palin Derangement Syndrome" [PDS].

> deranged is as deranged does and
> you do de-range-range-ranged so well
> now go 'pds' on ~ RHF
>  .
> On Jul 9, 4:43 pm, Joe from Kokomo <> wrote:
> > The next time you knuckle heads want to vote in a dizzy MILF for
> > governor, you might have better luck if you think with your big head
> > instead of your little head.
> > You wanted her, you got her -- for half a term.
> > Bwahahahahaha!- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

What cracks me up more than anything RHF, is that I have never
seen ANYONE, absolutely scare the crap out of the democratic
party like this woman has in the history of politics.

Her being a woman, and an attractive
one at that, makes it even more hilarious....lolol.

You know "you have the power" and have people scared
to death when all the democratic pundits ie; networks and late night
on tv start piling on. You haven't seen the last of her, and I
can't wait. :-D

no leída,
9 jul 2009, 21:39:229/7/09
tHat reminds me, next time I head out to a store, I needs to also stop
off at the GNC store and ask that woman in there if they sell
Testosterone blocker.Being as how I am taking two Estrogen tablets
daily, one in the morning and one in the evening.$15.00 a bottle, sixty
tablets in the plastic bottle.
What effect will Estrogen have on my male body?

no leída,
9 jul 2009, 22:03:109/7/09
Tonight, on the outlaw comedy, Trailer Park Boys.
Lahey is back on the force and back on the bottle.
Lahey and Bubbles decide on a truce.Sam Losco kidnaps Randy.Cory and
Trevor have been sent to a mental hospital.

Only on DirecTV.

Brenda Ann

no leída,
9 jul 2009, 22:28:219/7/09

"Bushcraftgregg" <> wrote in message

What cracks me up more than anything RHF, is that I have never
seen ANYONE, absolutely scare the crap out of the democratic
party like this woman has in the history of politics.

Her being a woman, and an attractive
one at that, makes it even more hilarious....lolol.

You know "you have the power" and have people scared
to death when all the democratic pundits ie; networks and late night
on tv start piling on. You haven't seen the last of her, and I
can't wait. :-D

Careful, Gregg, you might get what you wish for. She has done more to
single-handedly destroy the Republican party than even Cheney. Conservatives
(REAL ones) need to make a comeback, or the party will become as extinct as
the dodo. Palin is a nice looking gal, but she's a total ditz, with very
little connection to reality (same can be said of BOTH VP candidates this
time around...) Her own party is now deserting her in the face of her
stepping down from the Alaska governership. Nobody wants a quitter. And you
have to admit her "reason" for doing so was pretty lame. Can't blame some
for believing she's doing so ahead of a major scandal. We'll see... stay


no leída,
9 jul 2009, 23:43:039/7/09
Are you a real woman Brenda?

no leída,
9 jul 2009, 23:45:589/7/09

And these posts are done without the help
of man made drugs. ;-)

no leída,
9 jul 2009, 23:48:039/7/09

Remember in case you forgot or missed
it, the replay of the tribute to Billy Mays
comes on in about 15 minutes on the
Discovery channel. I missed 45 minutes
of the first showing, I definitely want to see
it this time.


no leída,
9 jul 2009, 23:53:369/7/09

No doubt BA, I'll definitely be keeping my eye
on it. FWIW, I just don't buy the scandal thing.
We'll see though.


no leída,
10 jul 2009, 6:04:3610/7/09

Luckier than we are currently with Boy Barry, the President with Training
Wheels at the helm.


And, as always, don't let your children attend the Sullivan College of
Technology & Design.

They've hired at least one dufus who once claimed to have a PhD, and who
knows, there may be more dufi there.


no leída,
10 jul 2009, 9:15:4810/7/09

Physically, she reminds me of Little Annie Fannie. She is truly a
moron, who doesn't even know how to construct a sentence. That makes
her functionally illiterate. One wonders what form thought takes inside
that purty little head.


no leída,
10 jul 2009, 10:31:5710/7/09
> can't wait. :-D- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I, for one, hope you are right that we haven't seen the last of Palin
in politics. The relentless flood of negative comments even after she
announced she is leaving office reveals a deepseated fear of this
lady. And I suspect all that energy being expended to demean and
ridicule her is not all spontaneous and free---I wouldn't be surprised
if some powerful people are funding and fanning the flames.

Most people are unaware of Palin's manhandling of the big oil company
executives and some of her fellow Alaskan politicians. Before Palin
took office, Alaskan politicians had been trying to put together a gas
pipeline from the North Slope to the mainland for years. The oil
company negotiators were walking all over the amateurs in public
office. The legislature refused to approve any contract that
represented a virtual giveaway to the oil companies, and the oil
companies, feeling they had the upper hand, demanded more and more.

In steps the feisty Sara Palin. She goaded the Alaskan legislature
into drawing up a plan that would be acceptable to the overwhelming
majority of lawmakers, then put the proposed contract out for bids.
The oil company executives melted like butter in a hot oven. Today,
thanks almost exclusively to Palin, the major job-producing, income-
producing, and energy producing pipeline project is on the way with
Exxon signed on.

When gas prices went through the roof, Palin again goaded the
legislators into hitting the gasoline producers with a comparably high
tax assessment and dispensed the increased revenues to Alaskans.
Again, thanks almost exclusively to Palin, every Alaskan taxpayer
received about $1,200.00 annually to cover the increased cost of

Is it any wonder that Palin's approval ratings topped 80 percent? And
shouldn't it be expected that the big-money movers and their political
robots would cringe at the prospect of someone like Sara Palin getting
into a position even more powerful than the governor of Alaska? The
lady is fearless, incorruptible---and very, very smart.


no leída,
10 jul 2009, 10:42:0910/7/09

"Mike" <> wrote in message

She couldnt be any worse than the dumbfuck there now.


no leída,
10 jul 2009, 10:47:3910/7/09

"Bushcraftgregg" <> wrote in message

Dont underestimate the liberal press to fabricate something soon.


no leída,
10 jul 2009, 10:50:1610/7/09

"dave" <da...@dave.dave> wrote in message

Wouldn't that be "One wonders what form OF thought...."? Who's the
functionally illiterate one who doesn't know how to construct a sentence?


no leída,
10 jul 2009, 10:52:1110/7/09

"snakehawk" <> wrote in message

I, for one, hope you are right that we haven't seen the last of Palin
in politics. The relentless flood of negative comments even after she
announced she is leaving office reveals a deepseated fear of this

They (dopey liberals) need something to distract from what bumbling Barry is
doing in the White House.


no leída,
10 jul 2009, 11:50:0710/7/09
> lady is fearless, incorruptible---and very, very smart.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Indeed, you are speaking to the choir here. The pitbull with lipstick
analogy, many thought it was just "cute" - but she can say it with
that pretty smile and "they never see her coming." Then it is too

I don't understand some posters that think she is a ditz, it's just
she can be very disarming in her speak and tonality. She is one
EXTREMELY smart woman and the ones that matter so too speak
are scared shitless IMO.

Hillary don't want any of her, it would be like bringing a knife to a
gunfight. It should be really interesting, just follow the talking
and watch how much more vicious it's going to get against her. Once
she lets the public know what she is going to do, oh boy, she'll be
slicing these grown men and women who are life long politicians to
tiny bloody bits and look even hotter doing it IMO. :-D


no leída,
10 jul 2009, 11:57:3010/7/09
> Dont underestimate the liberal press to fabricate something soon.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

And that is exactly what they would have to do.
I feel she can't be touched. I think she is so clean
that she squeaks when she walks and it's just killing
the corrupt lifelong politicians because if she gets in my.

Every change in admin. "talks" change, they haven't
seen change till she gets in there.


no leída,
10 jul 2009, 12:08:0010/7/09

"Bushcraftgregg" <> wrote in message


I dont think I would go that far. She is/was in politics. At least she isn't
from Illinois.


no leída,
10 jul 2009, 12:15:4310/7/09
On Jul 10, 10:50 am, "MNMikeW" <> wrote:
> "dave" <d...@dave.dave> wrote in message
> functionally illiterate one who doesn't know how to construct a sentence?- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I didn't understand the illiterate statement either, makes no sense
arguing about it with him. They're skeeeered of her. :-D


no leída,
10 jul 2009, 13:44:1410/7/09
In article <cdba9086-7deb-4294-908c-ed6af3b351f4>, says...
Do you really believe that? Seriously?

Leader of the nonexistent paid shills.
Non Jew Jew Club founding member.
Former number one Kook Magnet, title passed to Iarnrod.


no leída,
10 jul 2009, 14:11:2410/7/09

"BDK" <> wrote in message



no leída,
10 jul 2009, 15:32:4110/7/09
MNMikeW wrote:

>> Physically, she reminds me of Little Annie Fannie. She is truly a moron,
>> who doesn't even know how to construct a sentence. That makes her
>> functionally illiterate. One wonders what form thought takes inside that
>> purty little head.
> Wouldn't that be "One wonders what form OF thought...."? Who's the
> functionally illiterate one who doesn't know how to construct a sentence?

Thought takes what form of? I think not.

It looks like you are the illiterate.


no leída,
10 jul 2009, 15:35:3910/7/09
Bushcraftgregg wrote:

> I don't understand some posters that think she is a ditz, it's just
> that
> she can be very disarming in her speak and tonality. She is one
> EXTREMELY smart woman and the ones that matter so too speak
> are scared shitless IMO.

She is not extremely smart. She is generally of average intelligence
and somewhat retarded verbally.

no leída,
10 jul 2009, 15:42:3210/7/09
Liberty Post Dot Org-gasm is PRICELESS!

Back to work now, on me shed I am building on my old trailer for my 1914
T Model Ford.
You ever heard of building a shed over your ''tool''?


no leída,
10 jul 2009, 18:03:0010/7/09

dave wrote:

Yeah, she's not a total BS'ing jaw flapper like Boy Barry, that's for certain!

no leída,
10 jul 2009, 18:55:5810/7/09
Sarah Palin was in College in Idaho.
Where was B HO?

no leída,
10 jul 2009, 19:22:0610/7/09
What cranky, post number 5 said.

Anybody talking to me, if they don't speak legible English Language, I
have NOTHING to say to them, PERIOD!


no leída,
10 jul 2009, 22:12:4710/7/09

BHO did his undergrad work at Claremont in the LA Area and went to law
school at Harvard. Where were you, Cuhuey?

no leída,
10 jul 2009, 22:21:0110/7/09
Wintertime of 1972/1973, I went to night time welding classes in
Raymond,Mississippi, on the G.I.Bill.
What have YOU ever done???

no leída,
10 jul 2009, 22:42:3410/7/09
Your Born in Kenya! buddy is watching you!

Screenin phone calls and all that
Last time I plugged in and used my phone was last Friday, a week ago.I
phoned my old buddy (he went to night time plumbing classes too, in
Raymond,Mississippi, winter time of 1972/1973 on the G.I.Bill) about
roof rafters.I almost never use my phone.

no leída,
10 jul 2009, 23:36:2110/7/09
On Jul 9, 6:53 pm, Mike <> wrote:

> On Jul 9, 7:43 pm, Joe from Kokomo <> wrote:
> > The next time you knuckle heads want to vote in a dizzy MILF for
> > governor, you might have better luck if you think with your big head
> > instead of your little head.
> > You wanted her, you got her -- for half a term.
> > Bwahahahahaha!
> Alaskans are lucky she left half way through. Something tells me we
> won't be so lucky if she ever makes it to the office of the
> Presidency.

I think it will be hard to win an election when your track record
indicates you up and quit your last job before your term of duty was
fulfilled. I wouldn't worry about her being president.

Jim Alder

no leída,
11 jul 2009, 0:32:0811/7/09
"" <> wrote in news:b66a5336-fe27-

Boy, I love when you guys say crap like that.

"After his election to a fifth term in 1990, Clinton was more successful in
getting his legislative program enacted. Based on his overall success at the
legislative session in 1991, Clinton announced that, despite a campaign
promise in 1990 to complete a four-year term, he intended to run for president
because he had accomplished his goals for the state more quickly than he had

So, how's that whole "hopey - changey"
thing working out for you so far?


no leída,
11 jul 2009, 1:46:2411/7/09
In article <>,

> Booo!

Boo hoo, I'm Sarah Palin, and I don't know why hardly anyone took the
Letterman crap seriously, hardly anyone takes me seriously as a
candidate for POTUS, and even my daughter's baby daddy is dissing me in
the press. Oh, the humanity!

Well, I'm gonna quit and cash in, sell a lot of suckers some books and
maybe do a talk show, you betcha I am!!

Palin only had one chance to scare anyone, and that chance was over for
most of the country on election day. It's over on 7/26 for the folks in


no leída,
11 jul 2009, 1:47:3411/7/09
In article <a49ab7b7-0677-439c-b907->, says...

> On Jul 10, 6:55ï¿=3Fpm, wrote:
> > Sarah Palin was in College in Idaho.
> > Where was B ï¿=3F ï¿=3FHO?

> > cuhulin
> BHO did his undergrad work at Claremont in the LA Area and went to law
> school at Harvard. Where were you, Cuhuey?

He was drinking in the alley behind the carry out.


no leída,
11 jul 2009, 9:01:2011/7/09

He didn't go to Claremont Colleges. He went to Occidental in Eagle Rock.


no leída,
11 jul 2009, 9:42:4111/7/09

Mike wrote:

MWB did some of his best lying whilst at Weber State, and didn't obtain a PhD
from Wayne State.


And, as always, don't let your children attend the Sullivan College of
Technology & Design.

They've hired at least one dufus who once claimed to have a PhD, and who
knows, there may be more dufi there.

m II

no leída,
11 jul 2009, 10:27:0211/7/09
MNMikeW wrote:

>> Physically, she reminds me of Little Annie Fannie. She is truly a moron,
>> who doesn't even know how to construct a sentence. That makes her
>> functionally illiterate. One wonders what form thought takes inside that
>> purty little head.
> Wouldn't that be "One wonders what form OF thought...."? Who's the
> functionally illiterate one who doesn't know how to construct a sentence?

dave's sentence form is correct. It's like:

..what form cars take in the future..


..what form OF cars take in the future..


__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
/ /\ / /\ / /\ / /\ / /\ / /\ / /\ / /
/ /\ \/ /\'Think tanks cleaned cheap' /\ \/ /
/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/

Densa International�
For the OTHER two percent.

Due to the insane amount of spam and garbage,
I block all postings with a Gmail, Google Mail,
Google Groups or HOTMAIL address.
I also filter everything from a .cn server.

For solutions which may work for you, please check:

no leída,
11 jul 2009, 10:52:4411/7/09
I am fixin to try out my new Hitachi (about $44.00) keyless chuck
electric drill that I bought at the Lowe's store about four or five days
ago.I wants to see just how good that keyless chuck holds on to thangs.


no leída,
11 jul 2009, 13:28:3911/7/09

Man, I wished you would just go away. Can we do it this way
from now on? If I am talking to you specifically or asking for
your response, I will let you know, Mmmkay?

Seriously. I try and sort through your garbage posts so I just quickly
(very quickly) see them in passing and hopefully at the speed of a

Everyone in here gets it. You and your buddy are smarter than everyone
else, OK? I get it. You are smarter than me. Quite frankly, you have
all the
answers so there is no way I can contribute whatsoever in a discussion
with you, K? Seriously. <sigh-shaking my head>


no leída,
11 jul 2009, 13:37:1511/7/09

Hey Cuhulin, I've always wanted to ask you this,
so here it goes. Why do you 99.9% of the time post something that
has absolutely nothing to do with what is being
said in the thread?

I mean, I'm really trying to understand to understand.
Can you help me out on this? I think I know the answer, but I want to
see what you have to say first. There can be a thread
on radios or something serious and you talk about
what you had for dinner three years ago. Can you help me to understand
the mystery? Seriously. Gee- I think that was the second post I ended
today with that word.


no leída,
11 jul 2009, 13:41:3111/7/09
On Jul 11, 12:32 am, Jim Alder <> wrote:
> "" <> wrote in news:b66a5336-fe27-
>  thing working out for you so far?- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Yeah, lets not let facts get in the way.


no leída,
11 jul 2009, 14:00:3811/7/09
In article <63af7232-6165-46f3-a9bb->, says...

Why don't you just killfile me, so I won't upset you so much? If you're
so delicate, you need to do that, just to minimize the stress on you.

> Seriously. I try and sort through your garbage posts so I just quickly
> (very quickly) see them in passing and hopefully at the speed of a
> blur.

Yet you're replying to me...

> Everyone in here gets it. You and your buddy are smarter than everyone
> else, OK? I get it. You are smarter than me. Quite frankly, you have
> all the
> answers so there is no way I can contribute whatsoever in a discussion
> with you, K? Seriously. <sigh-shaking my head>

ROTFL. Amazing what two simple questions gets out of you.

I have to shake my head at your over the top response.

no leída,
11 jul 2009, 14:32:3411/7/09
I might get two more roof rafters made today,,,,, if I git back up off
of doggy's couch and git on back there again and git with it!
Lets me git back to work now.
WORK!!! ~ Maynard G. Krebs.


no leída,
11 jul 2009, 14:45:2111/7/09

BDK, you need not worry about this one, he's a close friend
of Alex Jones. NOW, can we please get this newsgroup back
on topic? BTW, i just got a second 515, this one is full
stock and unmodded. my other, first one has the delta mod,
and the extra filter. this one is so quiet, i had to check
the time pips to be sure it was working.



no leída,
11 jul 2009, 15:57:3411/7/09

Your first keyless chuck? Wow!

no leída,
11 jul 2009, 17:48:5011/7/09
Last Sunday, I was using my old Makita right angle drill.I had forgot to
unplug it before using the chuck key when I was trying to put a philips
screwdriver bit into the chuck.I accidently tripped the lever that turns
it on.The chuck key swung around and mashed and tore the crap out of the
index finger on my left hand.
It hurt like Hell!
Metinks I likes keyless chucks now.

m II

no leída,
11 jul 2009, 19:35:2411/7/09
a wrote:

The biggest problem I've found with them is that they tend to loosen the
grip when you put the drill in reverse.

Another thing to make sure of is that you REALLY tighten the thing. If
you start wearing grooves in the jaws because your bit or screwdriver
tip is loose and turning, it becomes harder to use later.



no leída,
11 jul 2009, 19:42:2911/7/09
In article <>, says...

Oh boy.

> NOW, can we please get this newsgroup back
> on topic? BTW, i just got a second 515, this one is full
> stock and unmodded. my other, first one has the delta mod,
> and the extra filter. this one is so quiet, i had to check
> the time pips to be sure it was working.
> Drifter...

I wish I could buy a friend's that's probably going to be up for sale
soon, it's a Gilfer like mine, and is in about the same condition, with
the delta tune mod too. I'm not sure about the filters. Mine is quieter
than his is for some reason.

no leída,
11 jul 2009, 19:51:3411/7/09
I have some old electric drills.I need to fix the cord on two of
them.Some of them are Milwaukee, one of them is a Milwaukee Hole Hog, it
is unstoppable.Some other old electric drills of mine date back to the
1950s and 1940s.One of them (a Black & Decker) has an octagon shaped
case, I think it dates back to the 1930s or before.One of my hand crank
non electric drills is a big antique post drill.It is a Beauty!

no leída,
11 jul 2009, 23:05:3611/7/09

If you think she's attractive, you obviously haven't seen a woman in a
LOOOONG time. Like 60 days at sea.

Hudley Pearse

no leída,
11 jul 2009, 23:06:5711/7/09
On Jul 10, 7:43 am, Joe from Kokomo <> wrote:
> The next time you knuckle heads want to vote in a dizzy MILF for
> governor, you might have better luck if you think with your big head
> instead of your little head.
> You wanted her, you got her -- for half a term.
> Bwahahahahaha!

Everyone knows that Alaska is where the squirrels go to bury their

Hudley Pearse

no leída,
11 jul 2009, 23:07:3911/7/09
On Jul 11, 12:15 am, Bushcraftgregg <> wrote:
> On Jul 10, 10:50 am, "MNMikeW" <> wrote:
> > "dave" <d...@dave.dave> wrote in message
> >
> > > Bushcraftgregg wrote:
> > >> On Jul 9, 7:59 pm, "~ RHF" <> wrote:
> > >>> Liberal-Fascist Suffering from "Palin Derangement Syndrome"
> > >>> [PDS]
> > >>>  .
> > >>> One more Joe-from-Kokomo quack, Quack. QUACK !
> > >>> Suffering from "Palin Derangement Syndrome" [PDS].
> > >>>
> > >>> deranged is as deranged does and
> > >>> you do de-range-range-ranged so well
> > >>> now go 'pds' on ~ RHF
> > >>>  .
> > >>> On Jul 9, 4:43 pm, Joe from Kokomo <> wrote:
> > >>>> The next time you knuckle heads want to vote in a dizzy MILF for
> > >>>> governor, you might have better luck if you think with your big head
> > >>>> instead of your little head.
> > >>>> You wanted her, you got her -- for half a term.
> > >>>> Bwahahahahaha!- Hide quoted text -
> > >>> - Show quoted text -
> > >> What cracks me up more than anything RHF, is that I have never
> > >> seen ANYONE, absolutely scare the crap out of the democratic
> > >> party like this woman has in the history of politics.
> > >> Her being a woman, and an attractive
> > >> one at that, makes it even more hilarious....lolol.
> > >> You know "you have the power" and have people scared
> > >> to death when all the democratic pundits ie; networks and late night
> > >> hosts
> > >> on tv start piling on. You haven't seen the last of her, and I
> > >> can't wait. :-D
> > > Physically, she reminds me of Little Annie Fannie.  She is truly a moron,
> > > who doesn't even know how to construct a sentence.  That makes her
> > > functionally illiterate.  One wonders what form thought takes inside that
> > > purty little head.
> > Wouldn't that be "One wonders what form OF thought...."? Who's the
> > functionally illiterate one who doesn't know how to construct a sentence?- Hide quoted text -

> > - Show quoted text -
> I didn't understand the illiterate statement either, makes no sense
> in
> arguing about it with him. They're skeeeered of her. :-D

She's fun to laugh at. :-)

Hudley Pearse

no leída,
11 jul 2009, 23:13:5311/7/09
Alaska has Polar Bears.I saw one of those stuffed Polar Bears in the
reastaurant area at the Anchorage Airport in January 1964.

I hear tell the Airport has added one or two more stuffed Polar Bears.

I haven't ''seen a woman'' since the 1970s.


no leída,
12 jul 2009, 10:23:5812/7/09
BDK wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
>> BDK wrote:


>>> I have to shake my head at your over the top response.
>> BDK, you need not worry about this one, he's a close friend
>> of Alex Jones.
> Oh boy.
>> NOW, can we please get this newsgroup back
>> on topic? BTW, i just got a second 515, this one is full
>> stock and unmodded. my other, first one has the delta mod,
>> and the extra filter. this one is so quiet, i had to check
>> the time pips to be sure it was working.
>> Drifter...
> I wish I could buy a friend's that's probably going to be up for sale
> soon, it's a Gilfer like mine, and is in about the same condition, with
> the delta tune mod too. I'm not sure about the filters. Mine is quieter
> than his is for some reason.

I got the NRD-92 here also. (with the lite green enclosure). it's really
just a rack, marine version of the 515. it's as good, or maybe better,
than my Drake MSR-2/ Radio marine R-7. both are super on LW. which was
the reason i added them both to my collection. when it's NDB's, they
hear about the same. the drake is a bit better on SW. but, that 92 has
got to be the quieter of the 2. i hit a few web pages on the JRC, and
the comments are always how quiet the 515 is. another quirk in the 515
is that dead spot in MW. from .6 to about .9, you got to tune the
BFO a bit to get and separate signals/stations. could be that i'm only
35 miles east of Pittsburgh. too many stations here, but, it's not like
a front end overload. and none of my other receivers do this. so, it's
maybe just a quirk of the JRC. this newsgroup needs more radio post.


Joe from Kokomo

no leída,
12 jul 2009, 11:45:5212/7/09

Make damn sure you run those oldies through a GFI. Otherwise, you will
be telling us about the horrible shock you received (assuming you
survive it).


no leída,
12 jul 2009, 14:00:4812/7/09
In article <>,

I don't really listen to BC stuff, so I never really noticed anything
odd. I have had a lot of other receivers, and they come and go, but the
515 stays. I sure wish I could have grabbed up my friend's one, it's
untouched from the day it came out of Gilfer in 1982.


no leída,
12 jul 2009, 14:06:1912/7/09
In article <Qyn6m.7764$>,

I have an old Wen drill with a 2 speed gearbox, and it suddenly zapped
me good one day. One of the wires had worn through over time, and
touched the case. Lucky for me, it was variable speed, so the shock
wasn't on all at once. It still wasn't fun at all.

You have to be real careful with old metal cased power tools.


no leída,
13 jul 2009, 14:31:5413/7/09
On Jul 11, 11:05 pm, ""
> Hudley Pearse- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Your post and the short scan of your history says enough
about you.....Bwahahahhaha. You like the hand heh?<chuckle>


no leída,
13 jul 2009, 14:42:1013/7/09
On Jul 11, 11:06 pm, ""

I bet you cashed those 50 cent checks along
with one other person in here, they do add up.:-D

Enjoy the spending.<rolling my eyes>


no leída,
13 jul 2009, 14:43:2613/7/09
On Jul 11, 11:07 pm, ""
> Hudley Pearse- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Chi ching. So easy to figure it out.:-D


no leída,
13 jul 2009, 15:13:3313/7/09
On Jul 11, 11:06 pm, ""
<> wrote:

That's right Mike. :-)


no leída,
15 jul 2009, 8:20:5415/7/09

(OT) : Palin Derangement Syndrome

Liberal-Fascist Suffering from "Palin Derangement Syndrome" [PDS]


no leída,
20 jul 2009, 22:21:1020/7/09
On Jul 9, 9:28 pm, "Brenda Ann" <> wrote:
> "Bushcraftgregg" <> wrote in message
> news:93c00f87-394c-4907-9da9-

> What cracks me up more than anything RHF, is that I have never
> seen ANYONE, absolutely scare the crap out of the democratic
> party like this woman has in the history of politics.
> Her being a woman, and an attractive
> one at that, makes it even more hilarious....lolol.
> You know "you have the power" and have people scared
> to death when all the democratic pundits ie; networks and late night
> hosts
> on tv start piling on. You haven't seen the last of her, and I
> can't wait. :-D
> Careful, Gregg, you might get what you wish for. She has done more to
> single-handedly destroy the Republican party than even Cheney. Conservatives
> (REAL ones) need to make a comeback, or the party will become as extinct as
> the dodo. Palin is a nice looking gal, but she's a total ditz, with very
> little connection to reality (same can be said of BOTH VP candidates this
> time around...) Her own party is now deserting her in the face of her
> stepping down from the Alaska governership. Nobody wants a quitter. And you
> have to admit her "reason" for doing so was pretty lame. Can't blame some
> for believing she's doing so ahead of a major scandal. We'll see... stay
> tuned.

Gotta agree with Brenda here. Don't know if I like Palin or not -
don't know if I would have voted for her on a presidential ballot next
time or not. BUT I'M not impressed by some THAT WALKS OUT ON THEIR
ELECTED DUTY BEFORE THE TERM IS UP. I kinda think the republican
party isn't going to be impressed by that either.

no leída,
20 jul 2009, 22:27:3220/7/09
Will you be impressed when the DUMBASS DERANGED Born in Kenya! USURPER
is Hauled off to PRISON?


no leída,
20 jul 2009, 23:24:5220/7/09
In article <>, says...

> Will you be impressed when the DUMBASS DERANGED Born in Kenya! USURPER
> is Hauled off to PRISON?
> cuhulin

He was born in Hawaii, and every sane person knows it, so it's not going
to happen.

no leída,
20 jul 2009, 23:44:1620/7/09

Those Clowns on Ask This Old House, DIY channel, are a real HOOT!
Especially that Clown who is always running his sticky hands and fingers
all over everything.


no leída,
21 jul 2009, 6:02:2521/7/09
On Jul 20, 7:21 pm, "" <>

Obama [D] 44% -v- Romney [R] 44% in 2012

Obama [D] 40% -v- Romney 34% & Palin 16% [I] in 2012

Palin will run as an Independent and be "The Spoiler"
to Assure Obama's Re-Election in 2012.

In 2012 it will be the whole Perot -v- Clinton -v- Bush
thingee all over again : Except Palin will be playing
Perot's divide-and-conquer part for the Democrats ~ RHF

no leída,
21 jul 2009, 16:02:5821/7/09
A couple of, It will be a cold day in hell, articles at

Thunder Road movie comes on the TCM channel today at 5:00 PM.


no leída,
21 jul 2009, 17:32:4521/7/09
>  .- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Finally. RHF has finally figured out why I love Palin.


no leída,
21 jul 2009, 17:35:0921/7/09
On Jul 21, 6:02 am, "~ RHF" <> wrote:
>  .- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Ah. The coming Obama-Romney race shapes up to be a real favorite for
the evangelical righties....

I guess they'll be supporting Palin....


no leída,
21 jul 2009, 19:01:1421/7/09
On Jul 10, 10:50 am, "MNMikeW" <> wrote:
> "dave" <d...@dave.dave> wrote in message
> > Bushcraftgregg wrote:
> >> On Jul 9, 7:59 pm, "~ RHF" <> wrote:
> >>> Liberal-Fascist Suffering from "Palin Derangement Syndrome"
> >>> [PDS]
> >>>  .
> >>> One more Joe-from-Kokomo quack, Quack. QUACK !
> >>> Suffering from "Palin Derangement Syndrome" [PDS].
> >>>
> >>> deranged is as deranged does and
> >>> you do de-range-range-ranged so well
> >>> now go 'pds' on ~ RHF
> >>>  .
> >>> On Jul 9, 4:43 pm, Joe from Kokomo <> wrote:
> >>>> The next time you knuckle heads want to vote in a dizzy MILF for
> >>>> governor, you might have better luck if you think with your big head
> >>>> instead of your little head.
> >>>> You wanted her, you got her -- for half a term.
> >>>> Bwahahahahaha!- Hide quoted text -

> >>> - Show quoted text -
> >> What cracks me up more than anything RHF, is that I have never
> >> seen ANYONE, absolutely scare the crap out of the democratic
> >> party like this woman has in the history of politics.
> >> Her being a woman, and an attractive
> >> one at that, makes it even more hilarious....lolol.
> >> You know "you have the power" and have people scared
> >> to death when all the democratic pundits ie; networks and late night
> >> hosts
> >> on tv start piling on. You haven't seen the last of her, and I
> >> can't wait. :-D
> > Physically, she reminds me of Little Annie Fannie.  She is truly a moron,
> > who doesn't even know how to construct a sentence.  That makes her
> > functionally illiterate.  One wonders what form thought takes inside that
> > purty little head.
> Wouldn't that be "One wonders what form OF thought...."? Who's the
> functionally illiterate one who doesn't know how to construct a sentence?- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Actually, your grammatical insertion of the word OF makes absolutely
no grammatical sense whatsoever. Dave's original sentence is at least
grammatically feasible.


no leída,
22 jul 2009, 1:23:5822/7/09

- makes absolutely no grammatical sense whatsoever.
- Dave's original sentence is at least grammatically feasible.

"One wonders what form [of] thought

takes inside that purty little head."

one wonders . . . yes one does
grammatically speaking~ RHF


no leída,
22 jul 2009, 7:52:5522/7/09
On Jul 22, 1:23�am, "~ RHF" <> wrote:

> one wonders . . . yes one does
> grammatically speaking~ RHF

Yes, RHF, when one examines the long-term grammar and spelling in your
posts, one certainly does wonder about your native tongue. Arabic?


no leída,
22 jul 2009, 7:57:5222/7/09

Your's is certainly a dialect of Fabrication.


Drake R7, R8, R8A and R8B
70' and 200' wires

239 countries heard and 224 QSL'd (veried, for those in Glendale) using the
NASWA Country List.

And, as always, don't let your children attend the Sullivan College of
Technology & Design.

They've hired at least one dufus who once claimed to have a PhD, and who
knows, there may be more dufi there.


no leída,
22 jul 2009, 8:30:2922/7/09
On Jul 22, 4:52 am, Mike <> wrote:
> On Jul 22, 1:23 am, "~ RHF" <> wrote:

- - one wonders . . . yes one does
- - grammatically speaking~ RHF

- Yes, RHF, when one examines the long-term
- grammar and spelling in your posts, one certainly
- does wonder about your native tongue.  Arabic?

? Arabic ? now ain't that interesting.

Ah... Alas MWB my native tongue is My Native Tongue.

The Meek Shall Inherit The Universe [OCB]

blessed are we - for we are we - being we ~ RHF


no leída,
22 jul 2009, 9:10:2222/7/09
~ RHF wrote:
> ? Arabic ? now ain't that interesting.
> Ah... Alas MWB my native tongue is My Native Tongue.
> The Meek Shall Inherit The Universe [OCB]

Some take the bible
For what it's worth
When it says that the meek
Shall inherit the Earth
Well, I heard that some sheik
Has bought New Jersey last week
'N you suckers ain't gettin' nothin'
Is Hare Rama really wrong
If you wander around
With a napkin on
With a bell on a stick
An' your hair is all gone...
(The geek shall inherit nothin')

You say yer life's a bum deal
'N yer up against the wall...
Well, people, you ain't even got no
Deal at all
'Cause what they do
In Washington
They just takes care
You ain't even NUMBER TWO

Those Jesus Freaks
Well, they're friendly but
The shit they believe
Has got their minds all shut
An' they don't even care
When the church takes a cut
Ain't it bleak when you got so much
(So whaddya do)
Eat that pork
Eat that ham
Laugh till ya choke
On Billy Graham
Moses, Aaron 'n Abraham...
They're all a waste of time
'N it's yer ass that's on the line

Do what you wanna
Do what you will
Just don't mess up
Your neighbor's thrill
'N when you pay the bill
Kindly leave a little tip
And help the next poor sucker
On his one way trip...
(Aw gimme half a dozen for the hotel room!)


Frank Zappa (lead guitar, vocals)
Ike Willis (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Ray White (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Bob Harris (boy soprano, trumpet)
Steve Vai (guitar)
Tommy Mars (keyboards)
Arthur Barrow (bass)
Ed Mann (percussion)
David Ocker (clarinet, bass clarinet)
Motorhead Sherwood (tenor saxophone, vocals)
Denny Walley (slide guitar, vocals)
David Logeman (drums)
Craig Steward (harmonica)
Jimmy Carl Black (vocals)
Ahmet Zappa (vocals)
Moon Zappa (vocals)

Table Graphic Rule, Large

no leída,
22 jul 2009, 10:38:0222/7/09
Top sekert service agent fired.

Reckon the DUMBASS didn't like what the sekert service agent guy said?


no leída,
22 jul 2009, 13:54:3722/7/09
Mike wrote:

>> In 2012 it will be the whole Perot -v- Clinton -v- Bush
>> thingee all over again : Except Palin will be playing
>> Perot's divide-and-conquer part for the Democrats ~ RHF
>> .- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> Ah. The coming Obama-Romney race shapes up to be a real favorite for
> the evangelical righties....
> I guess they'll be supporting Palin....

Yo Mike. maybe she can get the christen righties to pay her over
half million lawyer bill. just like leaving the gov'ner ship and
taking her troubles with her. the lady is a hoot.

Now, can we get back to radio?



no leída,
22 jul 2009, 14:03:3622/7/09
In article <b1fd0017-e43a-4856-bbfd-7484169c7483>, says...

I wish he would just learn how to post normally. The other stuff can
come later..maybe.


no leída,
22 jul 2009, 15:05:0822/7/09
On Jul 10, 11:50�am, Bushcraftgregg <> wrote:

> I don't understand some posters that think she is a ditz, it's just
> that
> she can be very disarming in her speak and tonality. She is one
> EXTREMELY smart woman and the ones that matter so too speak
> are scared shitless IMO.

Then why, Bushy, could she not name a single Supreme court case other
than Roe v. Wade? I think an EXTREMELY smart person of either gender
ought to be able to do at least that if they aspire to be a leader of
the nation.

I hope she does run. For obvious reasons.

Louisville, KY

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