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Clinton Now Wants Vice Presidency

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Jun 3, 2008, 6:47:27 PM6/3/08

What a totally classless broad. Instead of graciously allowing Sen.
Obama and supporters to enjoy their hard earned victory - a truly
historic event in US history - she forces herself into the spotlight
and rains on his parade with her supremely egotistical and ill-timed

We can add megalomania
to the list of mental illnesses she is obviously afflicted with.

She's delusional as well. Her VP dream simply isn't going to happen -
the taxpayers can't afford the food tasters that would be necessary
with the Clinton Creep show lurking the hallways.

The Clinton dynasty in American politics ended tonight. GOOD


Jun 3, 2008, 7:25:37 PM6/3/08
On Jun 3, 3:47 pm, Tex <> wrote:

> What a totally classless broad.  Instead of graciously allowing Sen.
> Obama and supporters to enjoy their hard earned victory - a truly
> historic event in US history -  she forces herself into the spotlight
> and rains on his parade with her supremely egotistical and ill-timed
> pronouncement.
> We can add megalomania

> to the list of mental illnesses she is obviously afflicted with.
> She's delusional as well. Her VP dream simply isn't going to happen -
> the taxpayers can't afford the food tasters that would be necessary
> with the Clinton Creep show lurking  the hallways.
> The Clinton dynasty in American politics ended tonight. GOOD


In-Fact Barack Husssein Obama Jr. (BHO) needs a Women
on the Democrat Party Ticket to Assure a WIN in 2008
-because- of the Hillary 'Rotten' Clinton "Feminist-Factor"
among Democrat Party Women Voters.

It's Blacks -versus- Women in 2008 for the Democrat
Party; and a Unity-Team is the only practical solution.

The Democrats have a few State Governors who are Women:
Janet Napolitano of Arizona
Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas
Christine Gregoire of Washington
Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana

They would bring-in the Women's and More Importantly
the Feminist Vote which might stay home since Barack
Husssein Obama Jr. (BHO) beat Hillary 'Rotten' Clinton
for the Democrat Party's Presidential Nomination.

READ - The Secret to a Democrat Party Winning Ticket
in 2008 : Overcoming the Black -versus- Feminist Dilemma
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CopyRight © RHF {Radio High Frequency} All Rights Reserved.
Fair Use Notice : This Entire Message in Part or Entirety
may be Copied and Reposted on/in All Media : Provided
the Source the "Rec.Radio.Shortwave" Newsgroup and
the Author RHF {Radio High Frequency} are both identified.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Obama : Just Say No To Clinton As Vice-President
- Pick Any 'Other' Women And Win !


Jun 3, 2008, 7:56:26 PM6/3/08
On Jun 3, 6:25 pm, RHF <> wrote:

> In-Fact Barack Husssein Obama Jr. (BHO) needs a Women
> on the Democrat Party Ticket to Assure a WIN in 2008
> -because- of the Hillary 'Rotten' Clinton "Feminist-Factor"
> among Democrat Party Women Voters.

Not necessarily. The threats by woman to not vote for Obama if he
doesn't choose Clinton as VP lacks credibility. Emotions are running
white hot now but when they cool off and rationally think about the
choice between Obama and Mccain the majority will vote Democratic.

Why? Because the next President could possibly be appointing as many
as four Supreme Court judges. Ms. Feminist and other females aren't
going to risk the anti-choice Mccain undoing Roe vs. Wade.

Clinton will get a cabinet position, probably Health, Education &
Welfare to work on her pet project - health care. And she should be
grateful that Obama even offers that after the dirty campaign she

If it is determined that a woman is needed for VP it will be Kansas
Governor Kathleen Sebelius who would be a much stronger selection than
the polarizing psychopathic. An interesting fact that many aren't
aware of is that Sebelius' father was Governor of Ohio a critical
swing state in November, after that he was a Professor at the Univ. of
Notre Dame (Indiana) - another key swing state.

To put a bow on it - Obama's wife intensely dislikes Hillary Clinton.
So sleep well - it "ain't goin happen."


Jun 3, 2008, 9:46:22 PM6/3/08
On Jun 3, 4:56 pm, Tex <> wrote:
> On Jun 3, 6:25 pm, RHF <> wrote:
> > In-Fact Barack Husssein Obama Jr. (BHO) needs a Women
> > on the Democrat Party Ticket to Assure a WIN in 2008
> > -because- of the Hillary 'Rotten' Clinton "Feminist-Factor"
> > among Democrat Party Women Voters.
> Not necessarily. The threats by woman to not vote for Obama if he
> doesn't choose Clinton as VP lacks credibility. Emotions are running
> white hot now but when they cool off and rationally think about the
> choice between Obama and Mccain the majority will vote Democratic.
> Why? Because the next President could possibly be appointing as many
> as four Supreme Court judges. Ms. Feminist and other females aren't
> going to risk the anti-choice Mccain undoing Roe vs. Wade.
- Clinton will get a cabinet position, probably Health, Education &
- Welfare to work on her pet project - health care. And she should be
- grateful that Obama even offers that after the dirty campaign she
- waged.

I nominate Hillary 'Rotten' Clinton for Secretary of State
so that she can Travel the World as America's Spokes
Women and have Bill Tag-a-Long.

> If it is determined that a woman is needed for VP it will be Kansas
> Governor Kathleen Sebelius who would be a much stronger selection than
> the polarizing psychopathic. An interesting fact that many aren't
> aware of is that Sebelius' father was Governor of Ohio  a critical
> swing state in November, after that he was a Professor at the Univ. of
> Notre Dame (Indiana) - another key swing state.

- To put a bow on it -

- Obama's wife intensely dislikes Hillary Clinton.

- So sleep well - it "ain't goin happen."

TEX -proclaims- It Ain't Going To Happen !

tex we will see in the next two months . . . 4sure ~ RHF


Jun 4, 2008, 9:04:52 AM6/4/08
Tex wrote:

> To put a bow on it - Obama's wife intensely dislikes Hillary Clinton.
> So sleep well - it "ain't goin happen."

No better way to politically neuter somebody than to make them VP.
(Cheney is an aberration.)


Jun 4, 2008, 10:52:44 AM6/4/08

"Tex" <> wrote in message
Pretty much the only way Obama is going to win is by adding Hillary.
Otherwise Hillary voters go McCain. Whether he wants her or not, he really
dosent have much choice as I see it.


Jun 4, 2008, 10:54:16 AM6/4/08

"Dave" <> wrote in message

True, she would have much more power as a Senator. Though Obama needs
Hillary to win.


Jun 4, 2008, 4:42:53 PM6/4/08
On Jun 4, 9:52 am, "MNMikew" <> wrote:
> "Tex" <> wrote in message
> >;_ylt=AiroJwep...

> > What a totally classless broad. Instead of graciously allowing Sen.
> > Obama and supporters to enjoy their hard earned victory - a truly
> > historic event in US history - she forces herself into the spotlight
> > and rains on his parade with her supremely egotistical and ill-timed
> > pronouncement.
> > We can add megalomania

> > to the list of mental illnesses she is obviously afflicted with.
> > She's delusional as well. Her VP dream simply isn't going to happen -
> > the taxpayers can't afford the food tasters that would be necessary
> > with the Clinton Creep show lurking the hallways.
> > The Clinton dynasty in American politics ended tonight. GOOD
> Pretty much the only way Obama is going to win is by adding Hillary.
> Otherwise Hillary voters go McCain. Whether he wants her or not, he really
> dosent have much choice as I see it.

You minah birds who parrot this lie really need to do more independent
thinking and stop letting the talking heads do it for you.

The specious argument that all woman who voted for Clinton will vote
for Mccain has already been discredited by all serious INDEPENDENT
pollsters. Repeating and repeating your wishful thinking isn't going
to make it happen.

Your girl Hillary lost - get used to it and then get over it. Perhaps
you can work an invite to the pity party Lanny Davis, James Carville
and the rest of the creep show will be having when Obama announces his
VP choice.


Jun 4, 2008, 4:48:57 PM6/4/08
On Jun 4, 8:04 am, Dave <> wrote:

> No better way to politically neuter somebody than to make them VP.
> (Cheney is an aberration.)

Obama doesn't want to "politically neuter" Clinton, he will use her to
pass the legislation he wants passed.


Jun 4, 2008, 5:26:38 PM6/4/08

"Tex" <> wrote in message
Pollsters dont prove anything sweetie.

> Your girl Hillary lost - get used to it and then get over it. Perhaps
> you can work an invite to the pity party Lanny Davis, James Carville
> and the rest of the creep show will be having when Obama announces his
> VP choice.

Sorry, my girl is McCain. ;-)


Jun 4, 2008, 5:28:35 PM6/4/08
On Jun 4, 7:54 am, "MNMikew" <> wrote:
> "Dave" <> wrote in message
> > Tex wrote:
> >> To put a bow on it - Obama's wife intensely dislikes Hillary Clinton.
> >> So sleep well - it "ain't goin happen."
> > No better way to politically neuter somebody than to make them VP. (Cheney
> > is an aberration.)

- True, she would have much more power as a Senator.

And Independence Too.

- Though Obama needs Hillary to win.

While Hillary "Rotten" Clinton would bring out the
Feminist Voters : She would also bring out the
Anti [Hate the] Clinton Indy & Republican Voters.

A Women on the Democrat Party Ticket makes
it a Winner : That is Any Women besides Hillary.


Jun 4, 2008, 5:57:42 PM6/4/08
On Jun 4, 7:52 am, "MNMikew" <> wrote:
> "Tex" <> wrote in message
> >;_ylt=AiroJwep...

> > What a totally classless broad.  Instead of graciously allowing Sen.
> > Obama and supporters to enjoy their hard earned victory - a truly
> > historic event in US history -  she forces herself into the spotlight
> > and rains on his parade with her supremely egotistical and ill-timed
> > pronouncement.
> > We can add megalomania

> > to the list of mental illnesses she is obviously afflicted with.
> > She's delusional as well. Her VP dream simply isn't going to happen -
> > the taxpayers can't afford the food tasters that would be necessary
> > with the Clinton Creep show lurking  the hallways.
> > The Clinton dynasty in American politics ended tonight. GOOD

- Pretty much the only way Obama is going to win
- is by adding Hillary.

On the Plus Side Hillary Unites the Democrat Party's
presently splite : African-Americans and Feminists.

On the Minus Side Hillary "Rotten" Clinton Unites
the Republican Party.

The Pluses and The Minuses may just balance-out.

Hillary Does Not Make Barack Hussein Obama Jr.
(BHO) a Winner -may be- But Not a Sure Winner.

With a Women Democrat Governor Makes Barack
Hussein Obama Jr. (BHO) a For Sure Winner !

- Otherwise Hillary voters go McCain.

The Only Sure Democrat Party Voters who are for
Hillary "Rotten" Clinton (HRC) are the Feminist who
'think' that Barack Hussein Obama Jr. (BHO) stole
the Nomenation from HRC. They 'might' Stay-Home
and Not Vote for President.

=IF= Barack Hussein Obama Jr. (BHO) does not
'choose' a Women VP and John "Smiley" McCain
does : Then 'may be' the republicans have a 'chance'.

- Whether he wants her or not, he really dosent have
- much choice as I see it.

Barack Hussein Obama Jr. (BHO) has three good
choices in these Women Democrat State Governors :
1 - Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas
2 - Janet Napolitano of Arizona
3 - Christine Gregoire of Washington
? Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana ? Katrina ?

They would bring-in the Women's and

More Importantly the Feminist Vote.

Any Body -but- Hillary 'Rotten' Clinton ~ RHF
Obama : Just Say No To Clinton As Vice-President :

Pick Any 'Other' Women And Win !

Message has been deleted

Sal Video

Jun 4, 2008, 6:15:30 PM6/4/08
Idiot post of the Day

"Interesting" <> wrote in message
> Tex <> wrote in

> Remember Ron Brown? The Klintoon Klan know how to handle blacks that are
> problems. Slick Willie & her also know how to commit crimes and get away
> with it. Hillary's going to the convention because Obama might not end up
> being able to make it.
> Who was the candidate that brought up Bob Kennedy? If Hillary can find a
> way, Obama's going down. They'll blame it on a severe thunderstorm or
> something.


Jun 4, 2008, 6:24:47 PM6/4/08
On Jun 4, 4:26 pm, "MNMikew" <> wrote:
> Pollsters dont prove anything sweetie.

Thank you, you just destroyed your original assertion. The Clinton
creep show has been using the "polling" data to promulgate the lie
that woman won't vote for Obama. A total fabrication they are using to
leverage their position when Mrs. Bill meets with Obama. It's a nice
try but it isn't going to work.


Jun 4, 2008, 6:27:07 PM6/4/08

"Tex" <> wrote in message
There are plenty of women that will vote for Obama you dipshit. Just not the
ones that backed Hillary.

m II

Jun 4, 2008, 6:42:29 PM6/4/08
MNMikew wrote:

> There are plenty of women that will vote for Obama you dipshit.

There is no need for the ignorant name calling.


Due to the insane amount of spam and garbage, this filter
blocks all postings from Gmail, Google Mail and Google Groups.


Jun 4, 2008, 6:49:49 PM6/4/08

Oh brilliant comeback. Its hilarious how people like you can't just
admit that you don't know what you are talking about and move on. And
Instead insist trying to defend your mistake (try reading the thread
to see ample evidence to refute your first stupid posting) and in
doing so reveal what complete brain stems you are.

Keep posting - we are enjoying seeing you shove your head up your ass
further and further with each one.


Jun 4, 2008, 7:03:02 PM6/4/08

Tex wrote:

ABC News now reporting that HR(H) Clinton will be dropping out of the
Presidential race on Friday:


Jun 4, 2008, 8:52:14 PM6/4/08
dxAce wrote:
> ABC News now reporting that HR(H) Clinton will be dropping out of the
> Presidential race on Friday:

The MSM have been reporting Clinton out for weeks now, hoping it would create
depression and defeatism among her troops so that she would take the hint and
let the pure Marxist have the nomination.

Britney Spears' Guide to Semiconductor Physics


Jun 4, 2008, 9:18:02 PM6/4/08
On Jun 4, 7:52 pm, clifto <> wrote:

> The MSM have been reporting Clinton out for weeks now, hoping it would create
> depression and defeatism among her troops so that she would take the hint and
> let the pure Marxist have the nomination.

And a "negro" Marxist at that!!! And he also has a plan already in
place to launch space satellites that are able to read everybody's
mind! So be sure to get your tin foil hat out of storage! Those dirty
commies are FINALLY going to succeed in overthrowing the government -

John Barnard

Jun 4, 2008, 11:34:34 PM6/4/08
Might be interesting for Obama to have Kathleen Sebelius as the VP. By
all means, give HRC some power but keep her out of the limelight.


m II

Jun 4, 2008, 11:46:44 PM6/4/08
Tex wrote:

> Those dirty
> commies are FINALLY going to succeed in overthrowing the government -
> WOW!!

They don't exist. The dirty commies all became NeoCons almost overnight.
They gravitate to wherever they feel the power will lie and there has
certainly been no shortage of 'lies' in Washington


Jun 5, 2008, 12:56:04 AM6/5/08
On Jun 4, 10:46 pm, m II <c...@in.the.hat> wrote:

> They don't exist. The dirty commies all became NeoCons almost overnight.
> They gravitate to wherever they feel the power will lie and there has
> certainly been no shortage of 'lies' in Washington

The Fascists became NeoCons but why quibble, one man's fascist is
another man's commie.


Jun 5, 2008, 2:16:31 AM6/5/08

John Barnard wrote:

I always find it interesting when you Canucks chime in on the topic of American politics.

While most Americans haven't a clue as to what goes on in CanaDuh (and in reality, why would any
of us really care, as CanaDuh is merely a pimple on the Earth) you folks are really attached to
the teat of the free world aren't you?


Jun 5, 2008, 8:56:20 AM6/5/08
That is absurd. Half of her voters have already said they'll support
BO. The other half are distraught old ladies, who'll eventually come to
their senses.


Jun 5, 2008, 10:34:32 AM6/5/08

"m II" <c...@in.the.hat> wrote in message news:pTE1k.1104$Gn.215@edtnps92...

> MNMikew wrote:
>> There are plenty of women that will vote for Obama you dipshit.
> There is no need for the ignorant name calling.
> mike
That's pretty rich coming from you.


Jun 5, 2008, 10:35:46 AM6/5/08

"dave" <> wrote in message

Yeah, no obsurdity in your post.


Jun 5, 2008, 12:25:43 PM6/5/08
On Jun 4, 3:42 pm, m II <c...@in.the.hat> wrote:
> MNMikew wrote:
> > There are plenty of women that will vote for Obama you dipshit.

- There is no need for the ignorant name calling.


"ignorant" name calling -is- Name Calling
-while- 'name calling; -is- simply a statement of fact.



Jun 5, 2008, 12:33:33 PM6/5/08
On Jun 4, 4:03 pm, dxAce <> wrote:
> Tex wrote:
> > On Jun 4, 4:26 pm, "MNMikew" <> wrote:
> > > Pollsters dont prove anything sweetie.
> > Thank you, you just destroyed your original assertion. The Clinton
> > creep show has been using the "polling" data to promulgate the lie
> > that woman won't vote for Obama. A total fabrication they are using to
> > leverage their position when Mrs. Bill meets with Obama. It's a nice
> > try but it isn't going to work.

- ABC News now reporting that HR(H) Clinton will be
- dropping out of the Presidential race on Friday:

HRC is sending her Campaign Workers Home
-but- Technically Not Conceding the Race.

As long as she does not Concede the Race : She can Hold-On
to Her Elected Delegates and those Delegates Give Her Power
at the Democrat Party National Convention to Bargain with . . .

follow-the-money ~ RHF


Jun 5, 2008, 12:51:41 PM6/5/08

One Analysis that I read Concerning Hillary "Rotten" Clinton's
loss to Barack Hussein Obama Jr. (BHO) is the Primary
'cause' was the Liberal Big Media has been saying Time
and Time Again since JAN 08 that :
Hillary Is Losing & Clinton Was Losing {Obama is Winning)
Hillary Has Lost & Clinton Had Lost {Obama is the Winner}
Hillary Could Not Win & Clinton Will Not Win (Obama Won}

Yes I Know that Hillary "Rotten" Clinton's is a Liberal
-but- Barack Hussein Obama Jr. (BHO) is a BIGGER
Liberal and He is Half-Black -so- Liberal Big Media
wanted to show that they were Not Racist by Supporting
BHO over 'That White Women".

racism is racism and sexism is sexism ~ RHF
{ liberal will be liberals etc etc etc }


Jun 5, 2008, 12:59:05 PM6/5/08
On Jun 4, 6:18 pm, Tex <> wrote:
> On Jun 4, 7:52 pm, clifto <> wrote:
> > The MSM have been reporting Clinton out for weeks now, hoping it would create
> > depression and defeatism among her troops so that she would take the hint and
> > let the pure Marxist have the nomination.
> And a "negro" Marxist at that!!!

- And he also has a plan already in place to

We do know that Barack Hussein Obama Jr, has a plan
in place as US President, to ask his US Attorney General
to "Immediately Review" Potential War Crimes by the Bush
-by- Will Bunch - 14 April 2008
-source- Philadelphia Daily News
Members of the Bush Administration including Bush,
Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Ashcroft, etc could be
Arrested by the FBI and transported to The Hague [NL]
to appear before the UN's International Criminal Court
if they have any presidential debates :
a reporter should ask the question ~ RHF


Jun 5, 2008, 1:19:17 PM6/5/08
On Jun 4, 3:10 pm, Interesting <> wrote:

> Tex <> wrote
> > On Jun 4, 9:52 am, "MNMikew" <> wrote:
> >> "Tex" <> wrote in message
- Remember Ron Brown?   The Klintoon Klan know how to
- handle blacks that are problems. Slick Willie & her also
- know how to commit crimes and get away with it.
- Hillary's going to the convention because Obama might
- not end up being able to make it.  
- Who was the candidate that brought up Bob Kennedy?
- If Hillary can find a way, Obama's going down.  
- They'll blame it on a severe thunderstorm or something.

That would followed the George Wallace Assassination Scenario.

Hillary Clinton Now Thinking Outloud About Obama Assassination


Jun 5, 2008, 1:25:13 PM6/5/08
On Jun 4, 8:34 pm, John Barnard <> wrote:
> MNMikew wrote:
> > "Tex" <> wrote in message
> >
> >>;_ylt=AiroJwep...

> >> What a totally classless broad.  Instead of graciously allowing Sen.
> >> Obama and supporters to enjoy their hard earned victory - a truly
> >> historic event in US history -  she forces herself into the spotlight
> >> and rains on his parade with her supremely egotistical and ill-timed
> >> pronouncement.
> >> We can add megalomania

> >> to the list of mental illnesses she is obviously afflicted with.
> >> She's delusional as well. Her VP dream simply isn't going to happen -
> >> the taxpayers can't afford the food tasters that would be necessary
> >> with the Clinton Creep show lurking  the hallways.
> >> The Clinton dynasty in American politics ended tonight. GOOD
> >> RIDDANCE!!!
> > Pretty much the only way Obama is going to win is by adding Hillary.
> > Otherwise Hillary voters go McCain. Whether he wants her or not, he really
> > dosent have much choice as I see it.

- Might be interesting for Obama to have Kathleen Sebelius
- as the VP. By all means, give HRC some power but keep
- her out of the limelight.
- JB

Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas is the one most often mentioned
by the Media -but- the Word is that 'other' than Hillary Barack
Hussein Obama Jr. (BHO) presently has no 'other' Women on
His List of 'possible' Vice Presidents.


Jun 5, 2008, 1:31:12 PM6/5/08
On Jun 5, 5:56 am, dave <> wrote:
> MNMikew wrote:
> > "Tex" <> wrote in message
> >
> >>;_ylt=AiroJwep...

> >> What a totally classless broad.  Instead of graciously allowing Sen.
> >> Obama and supporters to enjoy their hard earned victory - a truly
> >> historic event in US history -  she forces herself into the spotlight
> >> and rains on his parade with her supremely egotistical and ill-timed
> >> pronouncement.
> >> We can add megalomania

> >> to the list of mental illnesses she is obviously afflicted with.
> >> She's delusional as well. Her VP dream simply isn't going to happen -
> >> the taxpayers can't afford the food tasters that would be necessary
> >> with the Clinton Creep show lurking  the hallways.
> >> The Clinton dynasty in American politics ended tonight. GOOD
> >> RIDDANCE!!!
- - Pretty much the only way Obama is going to win
- - is by adding Hillary.
- - Otherwise Hillary voters go McCain.
- - Whether he wants her or not, he really
- - dosent have much choice as I see it.

- That is absurd.
- Half of her voters have already said they'll support BO.
- The other half are distraught old ladies,
- who'll eventually come to their senses.

DaviD -proclaims- "they'll support BO" {Hold Your Nose}
-ps- Dave it is "BHO"

DaviD -proclaims- The other half are distraught old ladies,

DaviD -proclaims- who'll eventually come to their senses.

m II

Jun 5, 2008, 3:15:47 PM6/5/08
dx(don't ask, don't tell)Ace wrote:

> While most Americans haven't a clue as to what goes on in CanaDuh (and in reality, why would any
> of us really care, as CanaDuh is merely a pimple on the Earth) you folks are really attached to
> the teat of the free world aren't you?

You really should teach us a lesson. Close the border to all Canadian
imports NOW. The US has been raping our resources so long that they now
think it's a marriage.

You don't seem to realize your dependency on this 'pimple'. Now, having
looked at your previous posts, I see you don't actually realize much of
anything and except for being a loud mouthed blow hard, you don't have
any distinguishing features whatever. Other than surviving on insurance
settlements and Government handouts.

It's back to the bottle for you, Bush Breath.


Jun 5, 2008, 3:18:50 PM6/5/08

m II wrote:

> dx(don't ask, don't tell)Ace wrote:
> > While most Americans haven't a clue as to what goes on in CanaDuh (and in reality, why would any
> > of us really care, as CanaDuh is merely a pimple on the Earth) you folks are really attached to
> > the teat of the free world aren't you?
> You really should teach us a lesson. Close the border to all Canadian
> imports NOW. The US has been raping our resources so long that they now
> think it's a marriage.
> You don't seem to realize your dependency on this 'pimple'. Now, having
> looked at your previous posts, I see you don't actually realize much of
> anything and except for being a loud mouthed blow hard, you don't have
> any distinguishing features whatever.

You do. You're a dumbass Canuck!

m II

Jun 5, 2008, 3:34:20 PM6/5/08
dx(don't ask, don't tell)Ace wrote:

> You're a dumbass Canuck!

You DO recognize your superiors. Very good. Now repeat it one hundred
times. It MAY sink in.

Jun 5, 2008, 3:43:01 PM6/5/08
One of the MSNBC news articles on my WebTV (WetTV) home page says,
Clinton to end race. Clinton to end race


Jun 5, 2008, 4:35:41 PM6/5/08

RHF wrote:

One thing is certain, and that is until all those delegates, super and otherwise, actually vote at the
convention in August, it's not over.

So stay tuned.


Jun 5, 2008, 8:55:41 PM6/5/08
Reproduction Top Irons for my 1914 Ford Model T Runabout Roadster Car.I
bought the Top Irons from a guy by the name of Ron Brown in
Auburn,California, that was back in the 1970s.Probally not THE Ron Brown
though that Klintoon ''arranged'' to get shot in the top of his head. 1914 Ford Model T Runabout Roadster Car.


Jun 5, 2008, 10:47:43 PM6/5/08

In reality Saudi Arabia is NOT the USA's # 1 Friend :
It's Is Canada followed by Mexico.

Remember the Fourteen 9/11 Terrorist . . .
Were Not Canadians
Were Not Mexicans
They Were Mostly Saudi Arabians

US Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports
List of the Top 15 Countries per Month
-ps- Canada is # 1 and Mexico is # 3

Canada is the most Important Source of US Oil Imports,
and over 99 Percent of Canada’s Crude Oil and Gas
Export$ go to the United States.

Canada's Index of Economic Freedom
Canada has the World's 7th Freest Economy.

Note - Canuckistan [CANADA] remained America's
BIGGE$T Friend by being the Largest Exporter of
Total Petroleum in March, Exporting 2.542 Million
Barrel$ per day to the United $tates.

Canada a transformation : Becoming Soviet Canuckistan
-aka- The People's Democratic Republic of Canuckistan

ABOUT - Anti-Canadianism
Why Americans Hate Canada -cause- They Hated Us First.
=PS= Anti-Canadian Canadians

Jun 6, 2008, 9:37:08 AM6/6/08
How about Coal? How much Coal does America ship to UK each year?

There is some Coal Mining here in Mississippi.One of those Coal Mines
will be turning Coal into Liquid Fuel for cars and trucks etc.


Jun 6, 2008, 1:05:15 PM6/6/08
On Jun 6, 6:37 am, wrote:
- How about Coal? How much Coal does America ship to UK each year?

In the Year 2007 the USA sent 3.4 Short Tons of Coal sent to the UK.

These Days, People Really are Taking Coals to Newcastle.

Plus Ireland likes American Coal Too

Top Coal Countries Importere and Exporters
China Produces Almost Half of World’s Coal
Japan is the biggest Importer of Coal

- There is some Coal Mining here in Mississippi.
- One of those Coal Mines will be turning Coal
- into Liquid Fuel for cars and trucks etc.
- cuhulin

American Energy Independence Starts With :
All American Clean Burning Coal ~ RHF

Jun 6, 2008, 1:39:17 PM6/6/08
Mississippi Lignite Coal isn't Anthracite Coal, not as clean burning as
Anthracite. Mississippi Coal Mining

A couple of nights ago, I watched a tv program about a guy who worked in
a Coal Mine for thirty days, in West By God Virginia.Those Coal Miners
are amazing.They keep Americas lights turned on.

John Barnard

Jun 9, 2008, 12:51:37 AM6/9/08
dxAce wrote:
> John Barnard wrote:
>> MNMikew wrote:
>>> "Tex" <> wrote in message
>>>> What a totally classless broad. Instead of graciously allowing Sen.
>>>> Obama and supporters to enjoy their hard earned victory - a truly
>>>> historic event in US history - she forces herself into the spotlight
>>>> and rains on his parade with her supremely egotistical and ill-timed
>>>> pronouncement.
>>>> We can add megalomania
>>>> to the list of mental illnesses she is obviously afflicted with.
>>>> She's delusional as well. Her VP dream simply isn't going to happen -
>>>> the taxpayers can't afford the food tasters that would be necessary
>>>> with the Clinton Creep show lurking the hallways.
>>>> The Clinton dynasty in American politics ended tonight. GOOD
>>>> RIDDANCE!!!
>>> Pretty much the only way Obama is going to win is by adding Hillary.
>>> Otherwise Hillary voters go McCain. Whether he wants her or not, he really
>>> dosent have much choice as I see it.
>> Might be interesting for Obama to have Kathleen Sebelius as the VP. By
>> all means, give HRC some power but keep her out of the limelight.
> I always find it interesting when you Canucks chime in on the topic of American politics.

Get used to it - that's what those of us who live in a democracy are
allowed to do.

> While most Americans haven't a clue as to what goes on in CanaDuh (and in reality, why would any
> of us really care, as CanaDuh is merely a pimple on the Earth) you folks are really attached to
> the teat of the free world aren't you?

I find it interesting that you can't see your country as anything other
than teats. Are they nice, firm, perky teats? Nah, more likely they are
old saggy whore teats!

Maybe the Bible is correct - maybe there is a great whore of Babylon.


m II

Jun 9, 2008, 1:15:40 AM6/9/08
John Barnard wrote:

> I find it interesting that you can't see your country as anything other
> than teats. Are they nice, firm, perky teats? Nah, more likely they are
> old saggy whore teats!

A) mmmmmmm....Old saggy whore teats, why, when I was young we used to
wish for saggy old whore teats

b) In filthy, cracked bra cups.

c) The best WE could manage was to suck on a piece of damp cloth

d) Ohhhh we used to DREAM of sucking on a piece of damp cloth....

mikey python II


Jun 9, 2008, 3:38:17 PM6/9/08
On Jun 3, 6:47 pm, Tex <> wrote:

I disagree completely. Where did you see that???? She would be nuts
to go after the vice presidency - it's a dead-end job that all but
locks her out of the presidency in 2012. And I doubt very seriously
that Obama or she would want the distraction of Bill Clinton in the
wings, no matter how low key he stayed.


Jun 15, 2008, 8:50:17 AM6/15/08
On Jun 3, 4:25 pm, RHF <> wrote:
> On Jun 3, 3:47 pm, Tex <> wrote:
> >;_ylt=AiroJwep...

> > What a totally classless broad.  Instead of graciously allowing Sen.
> > Obama and supporters to enjoy their hard earned victory - a truly
> > historic event in US history -  she forces herself into the spotlight
> > and rains on his parade with her supremely egotistical and ill-timed
> > pronouncement.
> > We can add megalomania

> > to the list of mental illnesses she is obviously afflicted with.
> > She's delusional as well. Her VP dream simply isn't going to happen -
> > the taxpayers can't afford the food tasters that would be necessary
> > with the Clinton Creep show lurking  the hallways.
> > The Clinton dynasty in American politics ended tonight. GOOD
> TEX,
> In-Fact Barack Husssein Obama Jr. (BHO) needs a Women
> on the Democrat Party Ticket to Assure a WIN in 2008
> -because- of theHillary'Rotten' Clinton "Feminist-Factor"
> among Democrat Party Women Voters.
> It's Blacks -versus- Women in 2008 for the Democrat
> Party; and a Unity-Team is the only practical solution.
> The Democrats have a few State Governors who are Women:
> Janet Napolitano of Arizona
> Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas
> Christine Gregoire of Washington
> Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana
> They would bring-in the Women's and More Importantly
> the Feminist Vote which might stay home since Barack
> Husssein Obama Jr. (BHO) beatHillary'Rotten' Clinton
> for the Democrat Party's Presidential Nomination.
> READ - The Secret to a Democrat Party Winning Ticket
> in 2008 : Overcoming the Black -versus- Feminist Dilemma
> .
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> CopyRight ©RHF{Radio High Frequency} All Rights Reserved.
>  .
> Fair Use Notice : This Entire Message in Part or Entirety
> may be Copied and Reposted on/in All Media : Provided
> the Source the "Rec.Radio.Shortwave" Newsgroup and
> the AuthorRHF{Radio High Frequency} are both identified.
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>  .
> Obama : Just Say No To Clinton As Vice-President
> - Pick Any 'Other' Women And Win !
>  .- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Barack Husssein Obama Jr. (BHO) Backers {Voters}
are Cool to Hillary'Rotten' Clinton as a VP Running Mate
But "Dream Ticket" Draws Support From Key Democratic Blocs

Jun 15, 2008, 9:35:20 AM6/15/08
I have said several times before in this here newsgroup,,,
Hillary Clinton will Never be prez of U.S.A.!

It just isn't Ever, Never going to Happen! Almost everybody hates her
guts! and so do I.I don't think Obama will pick her for VP.
I doubt if John TRAITOR! McCain will ever be prez of U.S.A.either.


Jul 15, 2008, 12:53:25 AM7/15/08
On Jun 4, 2:57 pm, RHF <> wrote:

> On Jun 4, 7:52 am, "MNMikew" <> wrote:
> > "Tex" <> wrote in message
> >
> > >;_ylt=AiroJwep...
> > > What a totally classless broad.  Instead of graciously allowing Sen.
> > >Obamaand supporters to enjoy their hard earned victory - a truly

> > > historic event in US history -  she forces herself into the spotlight
> > > and rains on his parade with her supremely egotistical and ill-timed
> > > pronouncement.
> > > We can add megalomania
> > > to the list of mental illnesses she is obviously afflicted with.
> > > She's delusional as well. Her VP dream simply isn't going to happen -
> > > the taxpayers can't afford the food tasters that would be necessary
> > > with the Clinton Creep show lurking  the hallways.
> > > The Clinton dynasty in American politics ended tonight. GOOD
> > > RIDDANCE!!!
> - Pretty much the only wayObamais going to win
> - is by adding Hillary.
> On the Plus Side Hillary Unites the Democrat Party's
> presently splite : African-Americans and Feminists.
> On the Minus Side Hillary "Rotten" Clinton Unites
> the Republican Party.
> The Pluses and The Minuses may just balance-out.
> Hillary Does Not Make Barack HusseinObamaJr.
> (BHO) a Winner -may be- But Not a Sure Winner.
> With a Women Democrat Governor Makes Barack
> HusseinObamaJr. (BHO) a For Sure Winner !
> - Otherwise Hillary voters go McCain.
> The Only Sure Democrat Party Voters who are for
> Hillary "Rotten" Clinton (HRC) are the Feminist who
> 'think' that Barack HusseinObamaJr. (BHO) stole
> the Nomenation from HRC. They 'might' Stay-Home
> and Not Vote for President.

- =IF= Barack HusseinObamaJr. (BHO) does not
- 'choose' a Women VP and John "Smiley" McCain
- does : Then 'may be' the republicans have a 'chance'.

Rae Dawn Chong : Race and Sex Calculus in McCain VP Choice

> - Whether he wants her or not, he really dosent have
> - much choice as I see it.
> Barack HusseinObamaJr. (BHO) has three good
> choices in these Women Democrat State Governors :
> 1 - Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas
> 2 - Janet Napolitano of Arizona
> 3 - Christine Gregoire of Washington
> ? Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana ? Katrina ?

> They would bring-in the Women's and

> More Importantly the Feminist Vote.
> Any Body -but- Hillary 'Rotten' Clinton ~ RHF
>  .Obama: Just Say No To Clinton AsVice-President :
> Pick Any 'Other' Women And Win !
>  .

> The Secret to a Democrat Party Winning Ticket in 2008 :
> Overcoming the Black -versus- Feminist Dilemma
>  .
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> CopyRight © RHF {Radio High Frequency} All Rights Reserved.
>  .
> Fair Use Notice : This Entire Message in Part or Entirety
> may be Copied and Reposted on/in All Media : Provided
> the Source the "Rec.Radio.Shortwave" Newsgroup and

> the Author RHF {Radio High Frequency} are both identified.

> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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