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Why are MOST Caucasians AFRAID of a Black President? What is it that you think he will do to Caucasians? Splain Please

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Mar 25, 2008, 9:11:32 PM3/25/08

No one asked George bush if he would be a president for all the

So why are they asking that of Barack?

No one asked any of the Republicans to leave their preachers, or
friends they admired who made some incredibly hostile, racist, and
violent statements.

So why are they asking Barack to separate from Rev Wright?

How many bombs has Rev Wright ordered to be dropped on Middle Eastern
babies, children, pregnant women, adults and senior citizens?

Which of you hundreds of thousands on these forums can show proof that
Rev Wright is incorrect with ANY of the statements he has made?

If you can't , then you need to accept what he has said about your
ethnic groups as fact, and change your behavior accordingly, if you
don't want the world in general and African Americans, Native
Americans, Hispanics, and Asians to view you in the manner that they

Actions speak louder than words.

Be ye not just hearers of the word, but rather DOERS!

As a human being are they.

White folks analyze Black people all day every day. We deal with it

Why do Whites turn into psychopaths when intelligent Black people
point out the historical and current atrocities for which the
Caucasian ethnic groups is responsible?

Could it be that you all are afraid that if we gain control of this
country, we will do the same things to you that your ethnic groups has
done to African Americans the past 200 years?

Why are you all afraid of a Black President?

Here's The big Picture!

Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop

The GREAT Dr. Francis Cress Welsing--

The amazing Dr. Neely Fuller--

The stupefying Rev Jesse Louis Jackson Sr.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan--

Dr. C.T. Vivian--

Dr. Cornel West--

Dr Michael Dyson-

Dr. Lani Guinier-

The incomparable Rev Al Sharpton-

Dr Tim "White Man" Wise -

Dr Jane "White Woman" Elliott--

Mrs Ida Hakim --

Rachel Maddow--

The services offered by this incredible corporation can lessen the effects of racism!


Mar 26, 2008, 3:47:09 AM3/26/08
Knowledge wrote:
> Imhotep,
> No one asked George bush if he would be a president for all the
> people.
> So why are they asking that of Barack?

Because it's an unknown - he may turn out to be a cunt like you?


Mar 26, 2008, 4:10:28 AM3/26/08
On Mar 25, 6:11 pm, Knowledge <> wrote:
Subject-Line was : Why are MOST Caucasians AFRAID
of a Black President? What is it that you think he will do
to Caucasians? Splain Please

Why is Barack "_" Obama Afraid of Being Viewed as Half-White
and the First Bi-Racial Candidate for US President ?

Knowledge / Imhotep,

Truth is that Barack "_" Obama is a Half-Assed White Man
that the Vast Majority of what you call "Whitey" {Caucasians}
would Love to Vote for : Except for his Uber Liberal Politics.

Barack "_" Obama is Down Right Friendly and Likeable :
But His Uber Liberal Politics Suck.

Barack "_" Obama is More Liberal than Hillary "Rotten"
Clinton : But She is Down Right Un-Friendly and Not Likeable.

To Be Honest - To Call Barack "_" Obama an African-American
or a Black Man : Buys Into the Oldest Racial Stereo-Typing in
the USA. The Concept of One Drop of African {Black} Blood
-Means- THAT YOU ARE ALL BLACK : Which Is Bull Shit.
Point-of-Fact Barack "_" Obama is Multi-Racial American
and Can Stand as a Figure of Unity Between the Races.
* Barack "_" Obama needs to Embrace the White-Man
Within Him as an Equal to the Black-Man Within Him.
* Barack "_" Obama needs to Change the Racial Dynamic
in America By Being Who He Really Is : A Half-White-Man
a Euro-America who also happens to be Half-Black and an

READ - (OT) : Winning the US Presidency in 2008 :
Can Barack Obama Rightfully Be Called
{Labeled as} An African-American ?

READ - (OT) : Winning the US Presidency in 2008 :
Barack [_] Obama - Oops What's Missing ?
{Do Really You Know Him ?}

READ - (OT) : 2008 Election Politics
- Sounds Crazy But It Is True - "Insane" Is OK !
? WHY ? - Would Any One Want To Vote For Anyone
Who Would Rather Be Called "Insane" -versus-
Their True and Correct Middle Name of "Hussein" ?

OK - Vote For {Choose} : [ Hint Pick One ]

[ ] Barack 'Hussein' Obama {My Personal Choice}

[ ] Barack "Insane" Obama

BUT - The Real Choice on the Ballot will be
Barack "_" Obama {What's Missing}

READ - (OT) : Winning the US Presidency in 2008 :
The Democrat Party -versus- The "Clintonistas"

For The Democrats To Win The US Presidency in 2008 :
A Winning Democrat Presidential Ticket in 2008 does NOT
include Hillary "Rotten" Clinton at the Top of the Ticket.

For The Republicans To Win The US Presidency in 2008 :
A Winning Republican Presidential Ticket in 2008 INCLUDES
Hillary "Rotten" Clinton as the Democrat Candidate for President.

Saving The Democrat Party in 2008 : Barack "_"Obama
can save the Democrat Party and potentially become the
next US President with the Right Running Mate :
Any Body but Hillary.
Remember "ABbH" : Any Body but Hillary* in 2008 !
[ Hillary R. Clinton = HRH = Her Royal Clintoness ]
* Stay Out The Clintoons ! ~ RHF
Don't Forget That They Swift Boated John 'ff'Kerry in 2004 :
Imagine What They Could Do With Hillary "Rotten" Clinton
In 2008. {They have had 4 Years to Get Ready and Prepare.}
-ps- Nothing will happen until after the Democrat National
Convention in Denver, CO ending 28 AUG 2008 will be Nine
(9) Weeks of Weekly Theme Attacks on Hillary "Rotten"
Clinton up to the US Presidential Election on 4 NOV 2008.

it's a 'vision' thing ~ RHF

Günter Parche

Mar 26, 2008, 5:37:22 AM3/26/08
> {Labeled as} An African-American ?

> READ - (OT) : Winning the US Presidency in 2008 :
> Barack [_] Obama - Oops What's Missing ?
> {Do Really You Know Him ?}
> READ - (OT) : 2008 Election Politics
> - Sounds Crazy But It Is True - "Insane" Is OK !

> ? WHY ? - Would Any One Want To Vote For Anyone
> Who Would Rather Be Called "Insane" -versus-
> Their True and Correct Middle Name of "Hussein" ?
> OK - Vote For {Choose} : [ Hint Pick One ]
> [ ] Barack 'Hussein' Obama {My Personal Choice}
> [ ] Barack "Insane" Obama
> BUT - The Real Choice on the Ballot will be
> Barack "_" Obama {What's Missing}
> READ - (OT) : Winning the US Presidency in 2008 :
> The Democrat Party -versus- The "Clintonistas"
> For The Democrats To Win The US Presidency in 2008 :
> A Winning Democrat Presidential Ticket in 2008 does NOT
> include Hillary "Rotten" Clinton at the Top of the Ticket.
> For The Republicans To Win The US Presidency in 2008 :
> A Winning Republican Presidential Ticket in 2008 INCLUDES
> Hillary "Rotten" Clinton as the Democrat Candidate for President.
> Saving The Democrat Party in 2008 : Barack "_"Obama
> can save the Democrat Party and potentially become the
> next US President with the Right Running Mate :
> Any Body but Hillary.
> .
> Remember "ABbH" : Any Body but Hillary* in 2008 !
> [ Hillary R. Clinton = HRH = Her Royal Clintoness ]
> .
> * Stay Out The Clintoons ! ~ RHF

> .
> Don't Forget That They Swift Boated John 'ff'Kerry in 2004 :
> Imagine What They Could Do With Hillary "Rotten" Clinton
> In 2008. {They have had 4 Years to Get Ready and Prepare.}
> -ps- Nothing will happen until after the Democrat National
> Convention in Denver, CO ending 28 AUG 2008 will be Nine
> (9) Weeks of Weekly Theme Attacks on Hillary "Rotten"
> Clinton up to the US Presidential Election on 4 NOV 2008.
> it's a 'vision' thing ~ RHF
> .

So his parents had interracial sex? Like in "Black dicks get white


Mar 26, 2008, 7:20:38 AM3/26/08
On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 01:10:28 -0700 (PDT), RHF
<> wrote:

>On Mar 25, 6:11 pm, Knowledge <> wrote:
>Subject-Line was : Why are MOST Caucasians AFRAID
>of a Black President? What is it that you think he will do
>to Caucasians? Splain Please

"splain" says it all


Mar 26, 2008, 8:53:23 AM3/26/08
On Mar 26, 2:11 am, Knowledge <> wrote:
> Imhotep,

<ignorant racist garbage snipped>

There are no words to describe how stupid you are. Obama's only chance
of being elected is to convince enough Whites that he will be
President for all Americans. That idiot Wright may have done more to
sink Obama's nomination than those racist Whites you are so busy
spouting off about.

What is the difference between a Whte racist and a Black racist such
as you?

You are total racist moron and the only way you can help Obama is to
keep your mouth shut until after the election and hopefully after the

m II

Mar 26, 2008, 9:56:10 AM3/26/08
Knowledge wrote:

> Why are you all afraid of a Black President?

How long have you been working for Hillary?

Mar 26, 2008, 10:11:05 AM3/26/08

from whatever has become known about him in the primary season, it's
clear that he's no less hypocritical than any other politician.
Change... Hope.. is all hogwash. His actions do not follow his
speeches. Resko, Wright, negative attacks on Clintons when promising a
positive campaign, making racist statements when convenient... is now
making people squeamish about him and they naturally are suspicious
about him. With Clinton and McCain they know what they are getting.


Mar 26, 2008, 10:41:11 AM3/26/08

Obama is the best of the three. Vast right wing conspiracy Hillary is
nothing but lies and Songbird McCain is no better.

Obama denounced Resko and Wright but we will never see Hillary
denounce the "I had no sex with that woman" husband of hers. We will
find out a lot more about McCain's "heroics" when the campaign gets
going. He is no hero but a piss poor pilot who made 32 VC videos
condemning America.

How about Hillary dodging bullets in Bosnia? She calls that a
misstatement, others call it a bald-faced lie.

I take the Black guy over these phonies, any time.

Mar 26, 2008, 12:02:28 PM3/26/08

> I take the Black guy over these phonies, any time.- Hide quoted text -

Obama in no uncertain terms told everybody that he is a 'phony' when
he wrote a memo to the Canadian NAFTA officials. His talks on being
tough on NAFTA was all phony and there's a written evidence to that.

His talk about healthcare reforms is all phony when his wife sits on
the board of directors of the University of Chicago hospitals and gets
quarter of a million dollars a years so that those hospitals can bill
the uninsured patients 35% over normal insured rates and send
collection agencies to the poor patients. The UC hospitals not
surprizingly earned a profit of $300 million last year.

It's only been a few months since the media started looking into
Obama's past actions and all sorts of phony things are coming out
about him. The rate is alarming.
People don't completely know what's hidden in the Obama's closets yet.

> - Show quoted text -


Mar 26, 2008, 12:40:56 PM3/26/08
Look at Nigeria, South Africa, Zimbwabe, that's why..... Dumb

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008 20:11:32 -0500, Knowledge <>


Mar 26, 2008, 1:45:57 PM3/26/08
Fan wrote:
> On Mar 26, 3:11 pm, wrote:
>> On Mar 26, 2:47 am, Whisper <> wrote:
>>> Knowledge wrote:
>>>> Imhotep,
>>>> No one asked George bush if he would be a president for all the
>>>> people.
>>>> So why are they asking that of Barack?
>>> Because it's an unknown - he may turn out to be a cunt like you?
>> from whatever has become known about him in the primary season, it's
>> clear that he's no less hypocritical than any other politician.
>> Change... Hope.. is all hogwash. His actions do not follow his
>> speeches. Resko, Wright, negative attacks on Clintons when promising
>> a positive campaign, making racist statements when convenient...
> Obama is the best of the three.

That is your opinion. He talks the talk but has yet to prove he walks the
wlk. I remember the last time we elected (or appointed) an unknown
quantity-it led to a war agaisnt the wrong folk and ignored the bin Laden
guy. Or have you forgotten?

>Vast right wing conspiracy Hillary is
> nothing but lies

The extremists in the right wing spent eight years undermining and attacking
Bill Clinton-not because he was Bill Clinton-or for his affair-or his
cover-up of hiis affair-but they were targeting the Office of the President
in order to weaken it. Then when they came to power their goal was to
undue all that they did in insure that the Office they now controlled became
bloated with so much power that they can break the law with impunity, secret
away emails, oversight, and appoint agenda-like minded people to positions
in the courts, thumb their nosses at the Congress-THE OTHER BRANCH OF
GOVERNMENT-a branch you right wingers find standing in your way.
Unfortunately for America the Congress turned out to be a rubber stamp-with
their balls cut off-for this extreme wing of the GOP. You are a liar of the
highest order-much like the NEAeocons you adore. Fuck off and die, Nazi.

> and Songbird McCain is no better.

You are just pissed at him for standing in yur way of legalizing torture.

> Obama denounced Resko and Wright

As far as the Reverend goes, I would have given him a big AMen,
Brother...and I am white. He was right on. Google aids and polio and
experiments and lots of vaccine ( lots as in a warehousing term.)

>but we will never see Hillary
> denounce the "I had no sex with that woman" husband of hers.

You are talking out of both sides of your mouth on this one. You slam Bill
for breaking his vow of loyalty and fealty to his wife. You find fault with
that. Such a finding on your part implicitly boasts of the virtue of
loyalty. But yet, you slam Hillary for her loyalty to her husband and imply
her loyalty is somehow a fault and Hillary should be spurned for it. Why
should anyone, therefore listen to your harps?

>We will
> find out a lot more about McCain's "heroics" when the campaign gets
> going. He is no hero but a piss poor pilot who made 32 VC videos
> condemning America.

McCain is a hero and no amount of torture he went through will change that.
So, go ahead, Swiftboat all you want, your efforts will fall upon deaf
ears-ears of tose that understand.

> How about Hillary dodging bullets in Bosnia? She calls that a
> misstatement, others call it a bald-faced lie.

People make mistakes. Be that as it may, being in a War zone is scarey
enough-I know-I am a Vietnam Vet-and I served in the bush as a Rifleman. If
she says she mis-spoke, why do you not believe her?

> I take the Black guy over these phonies, any time.

You mean the guy who claimed to have passed laws that he had no hand in
shaping? Maybe you ought to ask Senator Dodd?

Barack is making claims he cannot back up on two major, go on,
Swiftboat all you want.

He that cometh to seek after knowledge, with a mind to scorn, shall be
sure to find matter for his humour, but no matter for his instruction.
__Francis Bacon..Advancement of Learning, Book I(1605)



Mar 26, 2008, 12:55:00 PM3/26/08

This is a fabrication but you are free to post evidence to support
your accusation. Until you do, it shall remain an unsubstantiated

> His talk about healthcare reforms is all phony when his wife sits on
> the board of directors of the University of Chicago hospitals and gets
> quarter of a million dollars a years so that those hospitals can bill
> the uninsured patients 35% over normal insured rates and send
> collection agencies to the poor patients. The UC hospitals not
> surprizingly earned a profit of $300 million last year.

Obama already released his tax return and every part of their income
appears to be legitimate.
Hillary so far refused to release her return.

> It's only been a few months since the media started looking into
> Obama's past actions and all sorts of phony things are coming out
> about him. The rate is alarming.

A totally false fabrication without anything to support it.

> People don't completely know what's hidden in the Obama's closets yet.

Other than the antics of Resko and Wright that the Clinton dirt
machine tries to smear Obama with, I do not expect to see anything
that the Clintons can smear Obama. I expect the Clinton dirt machine
to regurgitate Resko and Wright many times in hopes of smearing Obama.
It might work with the uneducated rednecks but Obama's educated
supporters can easily through it.

Hillary will not be able to claim "experience" and "immunity" from all
the dirt she and Bill crawled through these past years. If Hillary
tells me how she turned $1,000 into over $100,000 on short notice, I
might even vote for her. Unfortunately, I do not have the insider
trading option that Hillary had.

The stuff I find on McCain is getting better and better:

Vietnam POW Activists Called McCain 'Songbird' and 'Manchurian

Mar 26, 2008, 1:56:09 PM3/26/08
to Mississippi and Sudan Refugees

I saw something about that a few minutes ago on WLBT Mid Day Mississippi
tv news.

Mar 26, 2008, 2:52:53 PM3/26/08
I forget. What is the proper context to shout "God Damn America."

Throwing Reverend Wright under the bus is not good enough. He should
be thrown under a train. In any event, Obama didn't throw Wright under
the bus. Thus he approves of the hate speech of Reverend Wright and
thus has lost any chance of my vote. The "typical white person" speech
was a low point.

Obama is just another sleezy politician. He couldn't throw Wright
under the train because he needs the black vote. So he will do
anything to win.

Obama gave Reverend Whack Job $30k last year. Need I say more?

I never voted for a Republican for president, but I'll take McCain
over Obama.


Mar 26, 2008, 4:30:29 PM3/26/08

The black guy who hasn't done shit. Good idea.
You dumbfuck.


Mar 26, 2008, 4:33:10 PM3/26/08

And he has no record of 'change' or hope'. All he is is hype. Only and
idiot would vote for him.

>> His talk about healthcare reforms is all phony when his wife sits on
>> the board of directors of the University of Chicago hospitals and gets
>> quarter of a million dollars a years so that those hospitals can bill
>> the uninsured patients 35% over normal insured rates and send
>> collection agencies to the poor patients. The UC hospitals not
>> surprizingly earned a profit of $300 million last year.
>Obama already released his tax return and every part of their income
>appears to be legitimate.
>Hillary so far refused to release her return.

Which means absolutely nothing.

>> It's only been a few months since the media started looking into
>> Obama's past actions and all sorts of phony things are coming out
>> about him. The rate is alarming.
>A totally false fabrication without anything to support it.
>> People don't completely know what's hidden in the Obama's closets yet.
>Other than the antics of Resko and Wright that the Clinton dirt
>machine tries to smear Obama with, I do not expect to see anything
>that the Clintons can smear Obama. I expect the Clinton dirt machine
>to regurgitate Resko and Wright many times in hopes of smearing Obama.
>It might work with the uneducated rednecks but Obama's educated
>supporters can easily through it.
>Hillary will not be able to claim "experience" and "immunity" from all
>the dirt she and Bill crawled through these past years. If Hillary
>tells me how she turned $1,000 into over $100,000 on short notice, I
>might even vote for her. Unfortunately, I do not have the insider
>trading option that Hillary had.
>The stuff I find on McCain is getting better and better:
>Vietnam POW Activists Called McCain 'Songbird' and 'Manchurian

He's an empty windbag who did nothing as a US senator.

Mar 26, 2008, 5:09:36 PM3/26/08

the memo was all over in the media. Obama campaign could not claim/
prove that it was fabricated.

> > His talk about healthcare reforms is all phony when his wife sits on
> > the board of directors of the University of Chicago hospitals and gets
> > quarter of a million dollars a years so that those hospitals can bill
> > the uninsured patients 35% over normal insured rates and send
> > collection agencies to the poor patients. The UC hospitals not
> > surprizingly earned a profit of $300 million last year.
> Obama already released his tax return and every part of their income
> appears to be legitimate.
> Hillary so far refused to release her return.

that's not the point. The Obamas were/are in a good position to make a
start at healthcare reforms he touts about right there in Chicago. Why
did they not have the hospitals adopt more humane policies toward the
uninsured patients instead of allowing them to 1. fleece the uninsured
and 2. send collection agencies at the doorsteps of those poor
patients. Why did the UC hospitals increase his wife's salary by about
$200K after he became a US senator? It's clear Obama doesn't care
about healthcare for the poor and the uninsured. He will say anything
to anybody for profit or money.

> > It's only been a few months since the media started looking into
> > Obama's past actions and all sorts of phony things are coming out
> > about him. The rate is alarming.
> A totally false fabrication without anything to support it.
> > People don't completely know what's hidden in the Obama's closets yet.
> Other than the antics of Resko and Wright that the Clinton dirt
> machine tries to smear Obama with, I do not expect to see anything
> that the Clintons can smear Obama. I expect the Clinton dirt machine
> to regurgitate Resko and Wright many times in hopes of smearing Obama.
> It might work with the uneducated rednecks but Obama's educated
> supporters can easily through it.

Resko and Write show that he's not a man who can bring 'hope' and
'change' that he's promising.

> Hillary will not be able to claim "experience" and "immunity" from all
> the dirt she and Bill crawled through these past years. If Hillary
> tells me how she turned $1,000 into over $100,000 on short notice, I
> might even vote for her. Unfortunately, I do not have the insider
> trading option that Hillary had.
> The stuff I find on McCain is getting better and better:
> Vietnam POW Activists Called McCain 'Songbird' and 'Manchurian
> Candidate'

> Hide quoted text -


Mar 26, 2008, 5:26:22 PM3/26/08
On Mar 26, 11:52 am, wrote:
> I forget. What is the proper context to shout "God Damn America."
> Throwing Reverend Wright under the bus is not good enough. He should
> be thrown under a train. In any event, Obama didn't throw Wright under
> the bus. Thus he approves of the hate speech of Reverend Wright and
> thus has lost any chance of my vote. The "typical white person" speech
> was a low point.
> Obama is just another sleezy politician. He couldn't throw Wright
> under the train because he needs the black vote.  So he will do
> anything to win.
> Obama gave Reverend Whack Job $30k last year. Need I say more?

- I never voted for a Republican for president,
- but I'll take McCain over Obama.

M...Sushi - What Happens After . . .

"The Clinton's" Knock-Out Barack "Insane" Obama with the
[Un] Democrat Party Super Delegates and "The Clinton's"
are on their way to the White House again . . .

NOTE : The Democrat Party Super Delegates are "The Party's"
Elite Members : Who ahve the Power to Over-Rule the Votes
of the Democrat Party's Rank-and-File Voters; and that is just
plain Un-Democratic.

Question : Democrat and Independant Voters : Would you then
Vote for John "Smiley" McCain -over- Hillary "Rotten" Clinton ?

Who Is the Greater Evil :

[ ] The Republican John "Smiley" McCain ?

[ ] The Un-Democrat Hillary "Rotten" Clinton ?

election reality sucks and our choices suck too ~ RHF

Mar 26, 2008, 5:41:13 PM3/26/08
McCain, Clinton And Obama Have Odd Relatives.

How can you be?

Mar 26, 2008, 8:06:57 PM3/26/08

He's done more than you, you piece of shit. You are a shittacular piece
of shit, go back and drive your damn garbage truck you transportation
grease monkey.

How can you be?

Mar 26, 2008, 8:17:55 PM3/26/08

You should crawl back to your hole transportation grease monkey and
garbage man.

>>> His talk about healthcare reforms is all phony when his wife sits on
>>> the board of directors of the University of Chicago hospitals and gets
>>> quarter of a million dollars a years so that those hospitals can bill
>>> the uninsured patients 35% over normal insured rates and send
>>> collection agencies to the poor patients. The UC hospitals not
>>> surprizingly earned a profit of $300 million last year.
>> Obama already released his tax return and every part of their income
>> appears to be legitimate.
>> Hillary so far refused to release her return.
> Which means absolutely nothing.

You mean nothing too.

>>> It's only been a few months since the media started looking into
>>> Obama's past actions and all sorts of phony things are coming out
>>> about him. The rate is alarming.
>> A totally false fabrication without anything to support it.
>>> People don't completely know what's hidden in the Obama's closets yet.
>> Other than the antics of Resko and Wright that the Clinton dirt
>> machine tries to smear Obama with, I do not expect to see anything
>> that the Clintons can smear Obama. I expect the Clinton dirt machine
>> to regurgitate Resko and Wright many times in hopes of smearing Obama.
>> It might work with the uneducated rednecks but Obama's educated
>> supporters can easily through it.
>> Hillary will not be able to claim "experience" and "immunity" from all
>> the dirt she and Bill crawled through these past years. If Hillary
>> tells me how she turned $1,000 into over $100,000 on short notice, I
>> might even vote for her. Unfortunately, I do not have the insider
>> trading option that Hillary had.
>> The stuff I find on McCain is getting better and better:
>> Vietnam POW Activists Called McCain 'Songbird' and 'Manchurian
>> Candidate'
> He's an empty windbag who did nothing as a US senator.

You are a empty windbag and an ass-hole of asstacular proportions, go
drink your prune juice, Geritol and Bromo cocktail and lay your crazy
retarded ass down somewhere.


Mar 27, 2008, 1:27:50 AM3/27/08

There are a couple of replies below that are just perfect for you.


Mar 27, 2008, 1:38:56 AM3/27/08

It should be able to provide a link if there was such a memo from
The smear story is a fabrication.

> > > His talk about healthcare reforms is all phony when his wife sits on
> > > the board of directors of the University of Chicago hospitals and gets
> > > quarter of a million dollars a years so that those hospitals can bill
> > > the uninsured patients 35% over normal insured rates and send
> > > collection agencies to the poor patients. The UC hospitals not
> > > surprizingly earned a profit of $300 million last year.
> > Obama already released his tax return and every part of their income
> > appears to be legitimate.
> > Hillary so far refused to release her return.
> that's not the point. The Obamas were/are in a good position to make a
> start at healthcare reforms he touts about right there in Chicago. Why
> did they not have the hospitals adopt more humane policies toward the
> uninsured patients instead of allowing them to 1. fleece the uninsured
> and 2. send collection agencies at the doorsteps of those poor
> patients. Why did the UC hospitals increase his wife's salary by about
> $200K after he became a US senator? It's clear Obama doesn't care
> about healthcare for the poor and the uninsured. He will say anything
> to anybody for profit or money.

The point is that you are just trying to smear Obama and have no proof
for what you claim. The Obama and Clinton healthcare proposals are
nearly identical. Obama healthcare reforms will not be planned in
secret as Hillary tried to do.

In any case, it is meaningless to talk about Obama's tax return while
Hillary is hiding hers from the American public.

> > > It's only been a few months since the media started looking into
> > > Obama's past actions and all sorts of phony things are coming out
> > > about him. The rate is alarming.
> > A totally false fabrication without anything to support it.
> > > People don't completely know what's hidden in the Obama's closets yet.
> > Other than the antics of Resko and Wright that the Clinton dirt
> > machine tries to smear Obama with, I do not expect to see anything
> > that the Clintons can smear Obama. I expect the Clinton dirt machine
> > to regurgitate Resko and Wright many times in hopes of smearing Obama.
> > It might work with the uneducated rednecks but Obama's educated
> > supporters can easily through it.
> Resko and Write show that he's not a man who can bring 'hope' and
> 'change' that he's promising.

Are you for real? There are so many slime balls in the Clinton closet
that these two do not appear that significant.


Mar 27, 2008, 2:05:53 AM3/27/08
On Mar 26, 6:45 pm, "ellis_jay" <o'reileus-malefica...@billsucks.diq>

> Fan wrote:
> > On Mar 26, 3:11 pm, wrote:
> >> On Mar 26, 2:47 am, Whisper <> wrote:
> >>> Knowledge wrote:
> >>>> Imhotep,
> >>>> No one asked George bush if he would be a president for all the
> >>>> people.
> >>>> So why are they asking that of Barack?
> >>> Because it's an unknown - he may turn out to be a cunt like you?
> >> from whatever has become known about him in the primary season, it's
> >> clear that he's no less hypocritical than any other politician.
> >> Change... Hope.. is all hogwash. His actions do not follow his
> >> speeches. Resko, Wright, negative attacks on Clintons when promising
> >> a positive campaign, making racist statements when convenient...
> > Obama is the best of the three.
> That is your opinion.  He talks the talk but has yet to prove he walks the
> wlk.  I remember the last time we elected (or appointed) an unknown
> quantity-it led to a war agaisnt the wrong folk and ignored the bin Laden
> guy.  Or have you forgotten?

Obama was against the war before it started. Obama is still against
the war. The American people do not want war. Only the zionazis want
to murder millions of people for Israel and they do not care if it
ruins America.

> >Vast right wing conspiracy Hillary is
> > nothing but lies
> The extremists in the right wing spent eight years undermining and attacking
> Bill Clinton-not because he was Bill Clinton-or for his affair-or his
> cover-up of hiis affair-but they were targeting the Office of the President
> in order to weaken it.   Then when they came to power their goal was to
> undue all that they did in insure that the Office they now controlled became
> bloated with so much power that they can break the law with impunity, secret
> away emails, oversight, and appoint agenda-like minded people to positions
> in the courts, thumb their nosses at the Congress-THE OTHER BRANCH OF
> GOVERNMENT-a branch you right wingers find standing in your way.
> Unfortunately for America the Congress turned out to be a rubber stamp-with
> their balls cut off-for this extreme wing of the GOP.  You are a liar of the
> highest order-much like the NEAeocons you adore.  Fuck off and die, Nazi.

Spoken like a true zionazi.

> > and Songbird McCain is no better.
> You are just pissed at him for standing in yur way of legalizing torture.

Ask your zionazi bubby Alan Dershowitz. He is the one advocating all
kinds of torture.

> > Obama denounced Resko and Wright
> As far as the Reverend goes, I would have given him a big AMen,
> Brother...and I am white.  He was right on.  Google aids and polio and
> experiments and lots of vaccine ( lots as in a warehousing term.)
> >but we will never see Hillary
> > denounce the "I had no sex with that woman" husband of hers.
> You are talking out of both sides of your mouth on this one.  You slam Bill
> for breaking his vow of loyalty and fealty to his wife.  You find fault with
> that.  Such a finding on your part implicitly boasts of the virtue of
> loyalty.  But yet, you slam Hillary for her loyalty to her husband and imply
> her loyalty is somehow a fault and Hillary should be spurned for it.  Why
> should anyone, therefore listen to your harps?

The problem with Hillary is that she is so desperate that she does not
even know when she is lying and she is totally owned by the zionazis.

> >We will
> > find out a lot more about McCain's "heroics" when the campaign gets
> > going. He is no hero but a piss poor pilot who made 32 VC videos
> > condemning America.
> McCain is a hero and no amount of torture he went through will change that.

Other POWs tell us that he was not tortured. Instead, he received
special treatment because he collaborated with the VC.

> So, go ahead, Swiftboat all you want, your efforts will fall upon deaf
> ears-ears of tose that understand.

We will see :)

> > How about Hillary dodging bullets in Bosnia? She calls that a
> > misstatement, others call it a bald-faced lie.
> People make mistakes.  Be that as it may, being in a War zone is scarey
> enough-I know-I am a Vietnam Vet-and I served in the bush as a Rifleman.  If
> she says she mis-spoke, why do you not believe her?

I do not believe you ever saw combat. No one who was shot at would
ever forget it. Hillary lied.

> > I take the Black guy over these phonies, any time.
> You mean the guy who claimed to have passed laws that he had no hand in
> shaping?  Maybe you ought to ask Senator Dodd?
> Barack is making claims he cannot back up on two major, go on,
> Swiftboat all you want.

I watch CNN also :) Obama's claims are not fully supported but they
are not lies. Hillary just lies.

I do not have to talk about McCain's record. There will be plenty of
vets who know him and they will. The sad part about McCain's hero lies
is that no one can stand torture for long and he would not be
condemned for making those VC propaganda videos. The problem is that
he lied about his conduct because he wanted to look special. That
makes his record fair game.

Mar 27, 2008, 2:05:56 AM3/27/08

I want a known entity. I know what I'm going to get with McCain and
Clinton. Obama says one thing (oh I don't recall Reverend Wright
saying those things), then admits to knowing about the rants, then we
see he save the fool $30k.

And what's up with the Carribean vacation. The US not good enough for
Obama? And who takes a vacation in the middle of a campaign?


Mar 27, 2008, 2:11:17 AM3/27/08

A sane person?

Brenda Ann

Mar 27, 2008, 2:47:05 AM3/27/08

<> wrote in message

> And what's up with the Carribean vacation. The US not good enough for
> Obama? And who takes a vacation in the middle of a campaign?

IIRC, he's in the US Virgin Islands. Last I heard, they are part of the US.


Mar 27, 2008, 7:26:32 AM3/27/08

Hey, It's March break and all the kids take a vacation! How can anyone
campaign non stop without a couple of days off? Rev. Wright seems to
be the only one who can do that :-) Your McCain-Clinton ticket sounds
interesting. Anything to break the deadlock.



Mar 27, 2008, 9:13:51 AM3/27/08
Wright is right. Make him Secretary of something.

"I'm not black, but there's a whole bunch of times I wish I could say
I'm not white, either."
-Frank Zappa (August 1965 while watching the Watts Riot)


Mar 27, 2008, 9:16:45 AM3/27/08

I'm way more afraid of a corporate android


Mar 27, 2008, 9:20:09 AM3/27/08
to wrote:

> Obama in no uncertain terms told everybody that he is a 'phony' when
> he wrote a memo to the Canadian NAFTA officials. His talks on being
> tough on NAFTA was all phony and there's a written evidence to that.

>Since this is in writing please produce a photostat or stop repeating
Hillary/Fox News innuendo.


Mar 27, 2008, 9:23:26 AM3/27/08
Fan wrote:

> Other than the antics of Resko and Wright that the Clinton dirt
> machine tries to smear Obama with, I do not expect to see anything
> that the Clintons can smear Obama. I expect the Clinton dirt machine
> to regurgitate Resko and Wright many times in hopes of smearing Obama.
> It might work with the uneducated rednecks but Obama's educated
> supporters can easily through it.

McCain and Ms. Clinton both have friends that make Rezko look like an
Eagle Scout. C'mon!


Mar 27, 2008, 9:25:27 AM3/27/08
Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered?


Mar 27, 2008, 9:27:28 AM3/27/08
On Mar 27, 2:13 pm, dave <> wrote:
> Fan wrote:
> > On Mar 26, 2:11 am, Knowledge <> wrote:
> >> Imhotep,
> > <ignorant racist garbage snipped>
> > There are no words to describe how stupid you are. Obama's only chance
> > of being elected is to convince enough Whites that he will be
> > President for all Americans. That idiot Wright may have done more to
> > sink Obama's nomination than those racist Whites you are so busy
> > spouting off about.
> > What is the difference between a Whte racist and a Black racist such
> > as you?
> > You are total racist moron and the only way you can help Obama is to
> > keep your mouth shut until after the election and hopefully after the
> > election.
> Wright is right.  Make him Secretary of something.

He may be right but he is scary. He looks scary and talks scary.

What bothers me is that racists such as Wright probably hate me even
if I had nothing to do with slavery and have never done any harm to
"his people". Obama would do well to keep his distance.


Mar 27, 2008, 9:28:38 AM3/27/08
to wrote:
> I forget. What is the proper context to shout "God Damn America."
In a church is the perfect place. Religion is bullshit.

The USA is not perfect and will just keep getting less perfect until
we collectively see ourselves for what we are. It ain't pretty.


Mar 27, 2008, 9:29:08 AM3/27/08
On Mar 27, 2:20 pm, dave <> wrote:

The Clinton dirt machine may sink Obama's nomination but it will cost
the democrats the election.


Mar 27, 2008, 9:31:22 AM3/27/08
Lookout wrote:

> The black guy who hasn't done shit. Good idea.
> You dumbfuck.

Our best presidents have had the least baggage.


Mar 27, 2008, 9:44:39 AM3/27/08
The Virgin Islands is part of the USA.

Dave Hazelwood

Mar 27, 2008, 10:39:42 AM3/27/08

er .... "part" of the Virgin Islands is but not all of it.


Mar 27, 2008, 11:42:07 AM3/27/08
On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 20:06:57 -0400, How can you be? <>

Yet you offer no proof he's done anything.

He has done more than me. And you.
But I served on active duty for 9 years which I think counts for
And the point is as a state and US Senator he hasn't done shit. All
you have is hope..that he will do something.


Mar 27, 2008, 11:42:42 AM3/27/08

Stupid statement and void of facts.


Mar 27, 2008, 11:44:11 AM3/27/08
On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 20:17:55 -0400, How can you be? <>

>Lookout wrote:

Nope. Still wrong. Of offer prove of what you say.
But like Obama all you can do is HOPE you are right. And like Obama
nothing to back it up.

And time to filter you.


Mar 27, 2008, 11:45:29 AM3/27/08

She filed every year as a US Senator. Get over it.


Mar 27, 2008, 11:47:25 AM3/27/08

He was right on that. That doesn't make him presidential material. If
that's all it takes then I want your vote.

Ho hum..another googlegroup asshole. And we thought it was bad when
the AOLers found Usenet!
Off to the filter

Katrina Waverly

Mar 27, 2008, 12:48:10 PM3/27/08
Wright is just one more in a long line of race-baiting poverty pimps.


Mar 27, 2008, 2:09:10 PM3/27/08
On Mar 26, 11:47 pm, "Brenda Ann" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
- - And what's up with the Carribean vacation.
- - The US not good enough for Obama?
- - And who takes a vacation in the middle of a campaign?

That would be "The Front Runner" and most likely WINNER.

- IIRC, he's in the US Virgin Islands.
- Last I heard, they are part of the US.

United States (U.S.) Virgin Islands

America's Caribbean Paradise :
U.S. Virgin Islands Guide -

Obama Spends "Down Time" in the US Virgin Islands
-source- Associated Press - 24 MAR 2008

-Political-Note- Barack "_" Obama - Won the February 2008
Caucuses in the U.S. Virgin Islands, and All Three "3" of the
Popular Vote Delegates to the Democrat Party Convention
in August in Denver, CO. -However- the U.S. Virgin Islands
has Six "6" Super-Delegates in the very Un-Democratic
Scheme-of-Things; and presently : Four "4" of these Super
-Delegates are backed Hillary "Rotten" Clinton against the
Will of the Democrat Party Rank-and-File Voters; while only
Two "2" are supporting the Will of the People of the U.S.
Virgin Islands and supporting Barack "_" Obama.
TBL : U.S. Virgin Islands Delegate Count :
Barack "_" Obama Delegates : 4PV + 2SD = 6 [Winner]
Hillary "Rotten" Clinton Delegates : 0PV + 4SD = 4 [Loser]

un-democratic super-delegates -versus-
the will of the democrat rank-and-file voters
the evil of party control over democracy ~ RHF

Bob Miller

Mar 27, 2008, 2:20:19 PM3/27/08
If your daddy is from Kenya and your mommy is from Kansas, how is one
not African American?



On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 01:10:28 -0700 (PDT), RHF
<> wrote:

>On Mar 25, 6:11 pm, Knowledge <> wrote:
>Subject-Line was : Why are MOST Caucasians AFRAID
>of a Black President? What is it that you think he will do
>to Caucasians? Splain Please
>Why is Barack "_" Obama Afraid of Being Viewed as Half-White
>and the First Bi-Racial Candidate for US President ?
>Knowledge / Imhotep,
>Truth is that Barack "_" Obama is a Half-Assed White Man
>that the Vast Majority of what you call "Whitey" {Caucasians}
>would Love to Vote for : Except for his Uber Liberal Politics.
>Barack "_" Obama is Down Right Friendly and Likeable :
>But His Uber Liberal Politics Suck.
>Barack "_" Obama is More Liberal than Hillary "Rotten"
>Clinton : But She is Down Right Un-Friendly and Not Likeable.
>To Be Honest - To Call Barack "_" Obama an African-American
>or a Black Man : Buys Into the Oldest Racial Stereo-Typing in
>the USA. The Concept of One Drop of African {Black} Blood
>-Means- THAT YOU ARE ALL BLACK : Which Is Bull Shit.
>Point-of-Fact Barack "_" Obama is Multi-Racial American
>and Can Stand as a Figure of Unity Between the Races.
>* Barack "_" Obama needs to Embrace the White-Man
>Within Him as an Equal to the Black-Man Within Him.
>* Barack "_" Obama needs to Change the Racial Dynamic
>in America By Being Who He Really Is : A Half-White-Man
>a Euro-America who also happens to be Half-Black and an
>READ - (OT) : Winning the US Presidency in 2008 :
>Can Barack Obama Rightfully Be Called
>{Labeled as} An African-American ?
>READ - (OT) : Winning the US Presidency in 2008 :
>Barack [_] Obama - Oops What's Missing ?
>{Do Really You Know Him ?}
>READ - (OT) : 2008 Election Politics
>- Sounds Crazy But It Is True - "Insane" Is OK !
>? WHY ? - Would Any One Want To Vote For Anyone
>Who Would Rather Be Called "Insane" -versus-
>Their True and Correct Middle Name of "Hussein" ?
>OK - Vote For {Choose} : [ Hint Pick One ]
>[ ] Barack 'Hussein' Obama {My Personal Choice}
>[ ] Barack "Insane" Obama
>BUT - The Real Choice on the Ballot will be
>Barack "_" Obama {What's Missing}
>READ - (OT) : Winning the US Presidency in 2008 :
>The Democrat Party -versus- The "Clintonistas"
>For The Democrats To Win The US Presidency in 2008 :
>A Winning Democrat Presidential Ticket in 2008 does NOT
>include Hillary "Rotten" Clinton at the Top of the Ticket.
>For The Republicans To Win The US Presidency in 2008 :
>A Winning Republican Presidential Ticket in 2008 INCLUDES
>Hillary "Rotten" Clinton as the Democrat Candidate for President.
>Saving The Democrat Party in 2008 : Barack "_"Obama
>can save the Democrat Party and potentially become the
>next US President with the Right Running Mate :
>Any Body but Hillary.
> .
>Remember "ABbH" : Any Body but Hillary* in 2008 !
>[ Hillary R. Clinton = HRH = Her Royal Clintoness ]
> .
>* Stay Out The Clintoons ! ~ RHF
> .
>Don't Forget That They Swift Boated John 'ff'Kerry in 2004 :
>Imagine What They Could Do With Hillary "Rotten" Clinton
>In 2008. {They have had 4 Years to Get Ready and Prepare.}
>-ps- Nothing will happen until after the Democrat National
>Convention in Denver, CO ending 28 AUG 2008 will be Nine
>(9) Weeks of Weekly Theme Attacks on Hillary "Rotten"
>Clinton up to the US Presidential Election on 4 NOV 2008.
>it's a 'vision' thing ~ RHF
> .

m II

Mar 27, 2008, 2:26:37 PM3/27/08
dave wrote:

>> How long have you been working for Hillary?
> I'm way more afraid of a corporate android

That would be all of them, no?


Mar 27, 2008, 2:46:38 PM3/27/08
You never heard of U.S.Virgin Islands before? I have, many many many
years ago.


Mar 27, 2008, 2:56:48 PM3/27/08
to wrote:

> You never heard of U.S.Virgin Islands before? I have, many many many
> years ago.

Heck, I've actually been to a couple of them. St. Thomas and St. Croix, courtesy
of the US Navy.



Mar 27, 2008, 4:09:45 PM3/27/08

Care to give some details and name names and some cites? I will be glad to
read it all.

He that cometh to seek after knowledge, with a mind to scorn, shall be
sure to find matter for his humour, but no matter for his instruction.
__Francis Bacon..Advancement of Learning, Book I(1605)


Yosemite Sam

Mar 27, 2008, 3:23:43 PM3/27/08

Do you think that it is normal for Hillary to think she was fired on
in Bosnia when she was not?

You had better stop your lies about serving in Vietnam. There are
veterans' groups that check out people like you and make them eat
their lies.

Mar 27, 2008, 3:43:53 PM3/27/08
On Mar 26, 11:47 pm, "Brenda Ann" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > And what's up with the Carribean vacation. The US not good enough for
> > Obama? And who takes a vacation in the middle of a campaign?
> IIRC, he's in the US Virgin Islands. Last I heard, they are part of the US.

It was kept a secret, much like his policy.


Mar 27, 2008, 4:44:04 PM3/27/08
to wrote:
> I forget. What is the proper context to shout "God Damn America."

It can be heard all the time in revival tents across America.

> Throwing Reverend Wright under the bus is not good enough. He should
> be thrown under a train.

Gee, I wonder if we should include Pat Robertson, the TV evangelist, in that
toss because of his remark that New Orleans deserved hurricane destruction
because of its sinful nature? Ya think?

>In any event, Obama didn't throw Wright under
> the bus. Thus he approves of the hate speech of Reverend Wright and
> thus has lost any chance of my vote.

What Obama actutally did was to turn his back and deny Jesus. For that, I
lost respect for him. The Church of God, Assemblies of God, the Holiness
Churches, some Baptist churches, snake-handler churches, the various revival
meetings throughout the country who preach the Rapture and Armageddon-all
adhere and preach that America is damned and they wail against America's
sinful, worldly nature. All preach that America will be punished unless it
repents. If you slam Wright on this point, then you have to slam all of the
Fundamentalists of every sort. This would include Jimmy Swaggart, John
Hagee, and oh so many others you can see on television.

This may be surprising to you but it is no surprise to me-John Ashcroft who
is a member of The Assembly of God out of Springfield, Missouri,- is an
organization with similar beliefs But, Ashcroft, like Obama, probably would
deny he felt in line with his Churches precepts-a denial of their particular
beliefs of Jesus-for expedient political purposes. A true believer in the
Fundamental beliefs holds the views of Rev. Wright about America's sinful
nature and its damnation.

Obama, like Ashcroft could not be a true believer.

This view has been preached at least from the days of Billy Sunday-a guy who
based his preachings on the morality of his day. In the present age the
view is based upon sodomy, perversion and abortion, as well as materiality
and worldliness of the sexual nature. Thus the Damning of America is
compared to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

If you did not live in a bubble you would know all that, and you would know
it is preached on the revival and tent meeting services all across this

> The "typical white person" speech
> was a low point.

Not so. Again, your bubble-life is showing. Have you ever walked down
Stoney Island and 187th Street on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois at 2
am in the morning on a weekend? I thought not...

> Obama is just another sleezy politician. He couldn't throw Wright
> under the train because he needs the black vote. So he will do
> anything to win.

I don't know. To many in the Fundamentalist churches and Pentecostal
churches he has seemed to deny the Churchs' preaching about the sinful
nature of America. That denial may not set well. We shall see. His denial
plays well on Fox Noise, and the mainstream media, but may be devastating to
some in the Holiness movement.

> Obama gave Reverend Whack Job $30k last year. Need I say more?

Tithing requirements are 10 percent.

> I never voted for a Republican for president, but I'll take McCain
> over Obama.

That is why the GOP governor and the GOP Statehouse in Florida passed
legislation moving up the primary in Florida...think about it.

As for me, I may not vote at all. I am pissed because the Democrats do not
have Bush and Cheney and company in jail yet for war crimes and High
Misdemeanors. The Demmies have failed in their promises they made before
they were elected in the last election.

If I were to speak of this I would say Hold fast to Hillary-Obama as
VP-Obama as President in 8 years.


Mar 27, 2008, 4:41:49 PM3/27/08

That has nothing to do with Obama not being qualified. Keep it on

>You had better stop your lies about serving in Vietnam. There are
>veterans' groups that check out people like you and make them eat
>their lies.

I never said I served in Viet Nam. Why do you lie so much?


Mar 27, 2008, 4:49:26 PM3/27/08
On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 14:44:04 -0600, "ellis_jay"
<o'reileus-m...@billsucks.diq> wrote:

> wrote:
>> I forget. What is the proper context to shout "God Damn America."
>It can be heard all the time in revival tents across America.

Bullshit. I live in Alabama and you NEVER hear a pastor say that.

>> Throwing Reverend Wright under the bus is not good enough. He should
>> be thrown under a train.
>Gee, I wonder if we should include Pat Robertson, the TV evangelist, in that
>toss because of his remark that New Orleans deserved hurricane destruction
>because of its sinful nature? Ya think?

They both believe in fairy tales and are nuts.

>>In any event, Obama didn't throw Wright under
>> the bus. Thus he approves of the hate speech of Reverend Wright and
>> thus has lost any chance of my vote.
>What Obama actutally did was to turn his back and deny Jesus.


>For that, I
>lost respect for him. The Church of God, Assemblies of God, the Holiness
>Churches, some Baptist churches, snake-handler churches, the various revival
>meetings throughout the country who preach the Rapture and Armageddon-all
>adhere and preach that America is damned and they wail against America's
>sinful, worldly nature.

Religion makes you what else is new?

>All preach that America will be punished unless it

And it's bullshit.

>If you slam Wright on this point, then you have to slam all of the
>Fundamentalists of every sort. This would include Jimmy Swaggart, John
>Hagee, and oh so many others you can see on television.

Yup. They're all nuts.

>This may be surprising to you but it is no surprise to me-John Ashcroft who
>is a member of The Assembly of God out of Springfield, Missouri,- is an
>organization with similar beliefs But, Ashcroft, like Obama, probably would
>deny he felt in line with his Churches precepts-a denial of their particular
>beliefs of Jesus-for expedient political purposes. A true believer in the
>Fundamental beliefs holds the views of Rev. Wright about America's sinful
>nature and its damnation.

Wrong. Each fundamental church believes differently. That's why they
each have their own church.

>Obama, like Ashcroft could not be a true believer.
>This view has been preached at least from the days of Billy Sunday-a guy who
>based his preachings on the morality of his day. In the present age the
>view is based upon sodomy, perversion and abortion, as well as materiality
>and worldliness of the sexual nature. Thus the Damning of America is
>compared to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

And it's all bullshit. They've been wrong from the very beginning and
they'll be wrong for ever.

Impeachment won't happen. But I believe it should. Maybe after the
Dems are in control they will find enough evidence the assholes
haven't destroyed against court order...but I doubt it.

>If I were to speak of this I would say Hold fast to Hillary-Obama as
>VP-Obama as President in 8 years.

Hillary now and Chelsea in 8.


Mar 27, 2008, 6:37:55 PM3/27/08

WTH are you doing? You have done nothing in your worthless ass life. The
only thing you have done old man is somehow get a hold of a computer and
started acting asstacular, you ass-hole.

> He has done more than me. And you.
> But I served on active duty for 9 years which I think counts for
> something.

I don't a rat's ass as to what you have done. I served too, and it don't
mean shit unless you need those GI benefits, and then that's questionable.

> And the point is as a state and US Senator he hasn't done shit. All
> you have is hope..that he will do something.

You don't have your finger on the pulse of anybody. You'll do best to
put your finger on your own worthless pulse in your worthless ass life.
And you're no expert on anything, other than you standing on your
worthless ass bullshit soapbox, you ass-hole


Mar 27, 2008, 6:47:54 PM3/27/08
I filter you so you use my nick. That's the sign of a desperate troll.
On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 18:37:55 -0400, Lookout <>

You can't answer, can you? You're just as devoid of an original
thought as Obama is

>> He has done more than me. And you.
>> But I served on active duty for 9 years which I think counts for
>> something.
>I don't a rat's ass as to what you have done. I served too, and it don't
>mean shit unless you need those GI benefits, and then that's questionable.

I've done more than he has. He didn't serve.

>> And the point is as a state and US Senator he hasn't done shit. All
>> you have is hope..that he will do something.
>You don't have your finger on the pulse of anybody. You'll do best to
>put your finger on your own worthless pulse in your worthless ass life.
>And you're no expert on anything, other than you standing on your
>worthless ass bullshit soapbox, you ass-hole

Yet you had to change nicks to get noticed. No doubt people ignore you
in real life too.
Like obama you have no answers. Only and idiot would follow him. You


Mar 27, 2008, 6:45:36 PM3/27/08

Yeah right, everyone is wrong but you, right? What you post means
nothing old man, and you are worthless trash blowing around on Unset.

You can run you old windbag, but you can't hind, because you smell and
you smell bad, that old man smell when time has past you by.


Mar 27, 2008, 6:56:38 PM3/27/08
Lookout wrote:
> I filter you so you use my nick. That's the sign of a desperate troll.

No old fool, that means that you can run but can't hide. That means you
can bury your head in the sand, but I am going to pull your ass out of
the sand and kick you in your ass. You can't filter yourself, but hey,
maybe that would be a good thing for to filter yourself.


Mar 27, 2008, 7:00:18 PM3/27/08
Lookout wrote:
> Lookout wrote:

You can run but you can't hide you old piece of shit.

Let me get the picture old big mouth bass, <CLICK!> You can run but you
can't hide.


Mar 27, 2008, 7:14:50 PM3/27/08
On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 18:56:38 -0400, Lookout <>

From: Lookout <>
Subject: Re: Why are MOST Caucasians AFRAID of a Black President? What
it that you think he will do to Caucasians? Splain Please

Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 18:56:38 -0400
Organization: Posted via Supernews,
Message-ID: <>
User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)
MIME-Version: 1.0's the oldest trick in the book used by trolls who can't prove
shit. You've been asked to back up your ideas over and over again and
your as stupid as he is.

By the way Supernews will be telling you soon that you can't do it
anymore. Then what will you do?

How can you be so insecure as to let someone in an open forum get you
this frustrated? You're really weak you know.


Mar 27, 2008, 7:15:31 PM3/27/08
On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 19:00:18 -0400, Lookout <>

>Lookout wrote:
>> Lookout wrote:

From: Lookout <>
Subject: Re: Why are MOST Caucasians AFRAID of a Black President? What
it that you think he will do to Caucasians? Splain Please
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 18:56:38 -0400
Organization: Posted via Supernews,
Message-ID: <>
User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)
MIME-Version: 1.0

>You can run but you can't hide you old piece of shit.
>Let me get the picture old big mouth bass, <CLICK!> You can run but you
>can't hide.



Mar 27, 2008, 7:20:15 PM3/27/08

You are weak. You say one thing, but you do something else. You can't
even trust yourself. You can't even make a commitment to yourself. You
can take your little BS vote and stick up your ass. No body wants your
vote, not even an independent. By a man old fool and keep the commitment
to yourself.


Mar 27, 2008, 7:30:37 PM3/27/08
On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 19:20:15 -0400, Lookout <>

How can you let someone get you so mad in an open forum that you have
to take their nick just to get noticed? You've obviously done this
before and you should be asking yourself why.

But you won't. You're whiney little fucktard and everyone knows it.

By the you'll change my nick around trying to make it an
insult, right?

By the way...isn't calling me old kind of stupid. I'm am my age.
There's nothing I can do about so I don't worry about it. Using that
kind of insult shows, again how insecure you are.


Mar 27, 2008, 7:28:23 PM3/27/08
Lookout wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 18:56:38 -0400, Lookout <>
> wrote:
>> Lookout wrote:
>>> I filter you so you use my nick. That's the sign of a desperate troll.
>> No old fool, that means that you can run but can't hide. That means you
>> can bury your head in the sand, but I am going to pull your ass out of
>> the sand and kick you in your ass. You can't filter yourself, but hey,
>> maybe that would be a good thing for to filter yourself.
> From: Lookout <>
> Newsgroups:
> 24hoursupport.helpdesk,,,
> Subject: Re: Why are MOST Caucasians AFRAID of a Black President? What
> is
> it that you think he will do to Caucasians? Splain Please
> Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 18:56:38 -0400
> Organization: Posted via Supernews,
> Message-ID: <>
> User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)
> MIME-Version: 1.0
>'s the oldest trick in the book used by trolls who can't prove
> shit. You've been asked to back up your ideas over and over again and
> your as stupid as he is.

You're beyond stupid and on your way to super moron.

> By the way Supernews will be telling you soon that you can't do it
> anymore. Then what will you do?

Did it stop me before? I am still here. And it's an old weak man's move,
that's not going to work.

> How can you be so insecure as to let someone in an open forum get you
> this frustrated? You're really weak you know.

LOL, I all I have been doing is playing with your old tired ass and
having some fun, but you're too old and too stupid to realize it. You
are an asstacular!

Message has been deleted


Mar 27, 2008, 7:37:58 PM3/27/08

You don't have a strong bone in your body do you. Anything that has to
do with the black and white race or white and black race, you're on it
like a cheap suite. Everyone sees you for what you are, and there is no
doubt about it. KKK is stamped all over your forehead in big bold letter.


Mar 27, 2008, 7:46:44 PM3/27/08
On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 19:37:58 -0400, Lookout <>

You haven't even tried to prove one of your points. You're stupid.

Oh...and you're easy to filter with NFIlter. I just chose to fuck with
you. I like pissing off ignorant trolls.

But what I'll do...just to piss you filter this thread. And
you will...and I know you will because I'm smarter than you...start
following me around to other threads. How do I know you will? Because
you're stupid.


Mar 27, 2008, 7:55:35 PM3/27/08

Who do you think you are? I don't answer to you. You had best put the
bus into first gear and make your first stop, transportation grease monkey.

> Oh...and you're easy to filter with NFIlter. I just chose to fuck with
> you. I like pissing off ignorant trolls.

The you must like yourself too. I am not wrong either about you. You
had better look at yourself hard in the mirror I'll tell you why you
can't filter. You're like a insect flying into some insect paper. I pull
you off the paper, but you fly into it time and time again. Maybe, I
should step on you, huh?

> But what I'll do...just to piss you filter this thread. And
> you will...and I know you will because I'm smarter than you...start
> following me around to other threads. How do I know you will? Because
> you're stupid.

LOL, you make me laugh old man. That's why I mess with you so I can get
a laugh, because I know you'll bite. It the nature of the beast.


Mar 27, 2008, 9:24:16 PM3/27/08
In article <>,
Lookout <> wrote:

< SNIP >

> That has nothing to do with Obama not being qualified. Keep it on
> topic.

< SNIP >

Have you checked out the news group header lately?

Do ya think maybe a few of the news groups should be snipped?

Ventura, California

Mar 27, 2008, 10:59:25 PM3/27/08
On Mar 27, 1:44 pm, "ellis_jay" <o'reileus-malefica...@billsucks.diq>

> wrote:
> > I forget. What is the proper context to shout "God Damn America."
> It can be heard all the time in revival tents across America.
> > Throwing Reverend Wright under the bus is not good enough. He should
> > be thrown under a train.
> Gee, I wonder if we should include Pat Robertson, the TV evangelist, in that
> toss because of his remark that New Orleans deserved hurricane destruction
> because of its sinful nature? Ya think?

And exactly who has a 20 year relationship with Pat Robertson?

You have no fucking clue. I've walked in Oakland both day and night. I

> > Obama is just another sleezy politician. He couldn't throw Wright
> > under the train because he needs the black vote. So he will do
> > anything to win.
> I don't know. To many in the Fundamentalist churches and Pentecostal
> churches he has seemed to deny the Churchs' preaching about the sinful
> nature of America. That denial may not set well. We shall see. His denial
> plays well on Fox Noise, and the mainstream media, but may be devastating to
> some in the Holiness movement.
> > Obama gave Reverend Whack Job $30k last year. Need I say more?
> Tithing requirements are 10 percent.

My point is he sanctioned this crap by donating money.


Mar 27, 2008, 11:01:30 PM3/27/08
On Mar 27, 4:55 pm, Lookout <> wrote:
> Lookout wrote:
> > On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 19:37:58 -0400, Lookout <>
> > wrote:
> >> Lookout wrote:
> >>> On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 19:20:15 -0400, Lookout <>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>> Lookout wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 19:00:18 -0400, Lookout <>

> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>> Lookout wrote:
> >>>>>>> Lookout wrote:
> >>>>> From: Lookout <>
> >>>>> Newsgroups:
> >>>>> 24hoursupport.helpdesk,,,­rtwave

> >>>>> Subject: Re: Why are MOST Caucasians AFRAID of a Black President? What
> >>>>> is
> >>>>>  it  that you think he will do to Caucasians? Splain Please
> >>>>> Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 18:56:38 -0400
> >>>>> Organization: Posted via Supernews,
> >>>>> Message-ID: <>
> a laugh, because I know you'll bite. It the nature of the beast.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Lookout - Dang 9- Post to Self in a Row . . .
Look-Out Here He Comes Again ! ~ RHF


Mar 27, 2008, 11:07:03 PM3/27/08
<> wrote in message

I'd say most Caucasians may be afraid of a black president due to the fact
that once a black is let in, there are sure to be more to follow. Look at
your large cities as proof of what they fear! I, for one, would have voted
for Colin Powell. Of course, he knew someone would try to assasinate him if
he did become president and probably figured it wasn't worth it.


---- Posted via - Premium Corporate Usenet News Provider ---- offers corporate packages that have access to 100,000+ newsgroups


Mar 27, 2008, 11:24:40 PM3/27/08
On Mar 27, 7:59 pm, wrote:
> On Mar 27, 1:44 pm, "ellis_jay" <o'reileus-malefica...@billsucks.diq>
> wrote:
> > wrote:
> > > I forget. What is the proper context to shout "God Damn America."
> > It can be heard all the time in revival tents across America.
> > > Throwing Reverend Wright under the bus is not good enough. He should
> > > be thrown under a train.
> > Gee, I wonder if we should include Pat Robertson, the TV evangelist, in that
> > toss because of his remark that New Orleans deserved hurricane destruction
> > because of its sinful nature?  Ya think?

- And exactly who has a 20 year relationship with Pat Robertson?

Lets See Did Pat Robertson Target and Call-Out the
African-America Citzens of New Orleans - NO !

Lets See Did Pat Robertson Target and Call-Out the
Euro-America Citzens of New Orleans - NO !

Lets See Did Pat Robertson Target and Call-Out All
the Sinning and Immoral the Citizens of of All Races
of New Orleans - YES !

Lets See Did Pat Robertson Target and Call-Out the
Corrupt Leadership and Criminally Negligent New Orleans
City Government and Louisiana State Government - YES

Somehow I don't see how the Reverend Wright's Blatantly
Racist "HATE WHITEY" Remarks for the Pulpit are the
same as Pat Robertson's remarks Condemning Sin and
Bad Government.

Ain't Much Difference between the Aryan Nation's Hate
All Blacks {Nazi Hate Speech} and the Reverend Wright's
Hate All Whites {Hate Speech} = Racism -is- Racism ~ RHF

> > Ellis_Jay- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -


Mar 28, 2008, 3:20:51 AM3/28/08

This clown is way over his head. His delusions about my posts are
beyond funny.

What is this garbage about serving? He never served. The military is
hard pressed but they do not take psychos.


Mar 28, 2008, 3:28:59 AM3/28/08
On Mar 28, 4:24 am, RHF <> wrote:

> Somehow I don't see how the Reverend Wright's Blatantly
> Racist "HATE WHITEY" Remarks for the Pulpit are the
> same as Pat Robertson's remarks Condemning Sin and
> Bad Government.
> Ain't Much Difference between the Aryan Nation's Hate
> All Blacks {Nazi Hate Speech} and the Reverend Wright's
> Hate All Whites {Hate Speech} = Racism -is- Racism ~ RHF

Get real! Wright is no worse than Robertson and the rest of those
"fundamentalist christian" hate mongers the Bush/Cheney/Zionazi gang
is in bed with. At least Wright does not advocate wars and the murder
of millions of people as these "fundamentalist christian" hate mongers
do. All they want to do is more wars and murder.

Obama wants to put an end to the cycle of violence.


Mar 28, 2008, 5:57:05 AM3/28/08
On Mar 28, 12:28 am, Fan <> wrote:
- On Mar 28, 4:24 am, RHF <> wrote:
- <snip>

* * * Un-Snip * * *
(OT) : Ain't Much Difference between the Aryan Nation's Hate

All Blacks {Nazi Hate Speech} and the Reverend Wright's Hate
All Whites {Hate Speech} = Racism -is- Racism

- - Somehow I don't see how the Reverend Wright's Blatantly
- - Racist "HATE WHITEY" Remarks for the Pulpit are the
- - same as Pat Robertson's remarks Condemning Sin and
- - Bad Government.
- -
- - Ain't Much Difference between the Aryan Nation's Hate
- - All Blacks {Nazi Hate Speech} and the Reverend Wright's
- - Hate All Whites {Hate Speech} = Racism -is- Racism ~ RHF
- -

- Get real! Wright is no worse than Robertson and the
- rest of those "fundamentalist christian" hate mongers
- the Bush/Cheney/Zionazi gang is in bed with.

Fan - This is typical Anti-Christian Hate Speech :
Preached by the un-informed. Plus the use of the
Word "Zionnazi" pretty much tells everyone where
you are coming from and headed.

- At least Wright does not advocate wars and the murder
- of millions of people as these "fundamentalist christian"
- hate mongers do.

Fan - More typical Anti-Christian Hate Speech :
Preached by the un-informed.

- All they want to do is more wars and murder.

Fan - Yet Again More Anti-Christian Hate Speech :
Preached by the un-informed.

- Obama wants to put an end to the cycle of violence.

Fan - FYI - Barack "_" Obama's Shit Stinks
just like every other Politician.

Fan - Hello RHFA and take an honest look around. ~ RHF


Mar 28, 2008, 6:54:30 AM3/28/08
On Mar 28, 10:57 am, RHF <> wrote:
> On Mar 28, 12:28 am, Fan <> wrote:
> - On Mar 28, 4:24 am, RHF <> wrote:
> - <snip>
> * * * Un-Snip * * *
> (OT) : Ain't Much Difference between the Aryan Nation's Hate
> All Blacks {Nazi Hate Speech} and the Reverend Wright's Hate
> All Whites {Hate Speech} = Racism -is- Racism

> - - Somehow I don't see how the Reverend Wright's Blatantly
> - - Racist "HATE WHITEY" Remarks for the Pulpit are the
> - - same as Pat Robertson's remarks Condemning Sin and
> - - Bad Government.
> - -
> - - Ain't Much Difference between the Aryan Nation's Hate
> - - All Blacks {Nazi Hate Speech} and the Reverend Wright's
> - - Hate All Whites {Hate Speech} = Racism -is- Racism ~ RHF
> - -
> - Get real! Wright is no worse than Robertson and the
> - rest of those "fundamentalist christian" hate mongers
> - the Bush/Cheney/Zionazi gang is in bed with.
> Fan - This is typical Anti-Christian Hate Speech :
> Preached by the un-informed. Plus the use of the
> Word "Zionnazi" pretty much tells everyone where
> you are coming from and headed.

Thank you for the link to a very good definition of Zionazi.

> - At least Wright does not advocate wars and the murder
> - of millions of people as these "fundamentalist christian"
> - hate mongers do.
> Fan - More typical Anti-Christian Hate Speech :
> Preached by the un-informed.

These fundamentalist hate and warmongers are not Christians. They
preach the hate, perversion and genocide of the Old (Jew) Testament
and totally reject the message of Love and forgiveness of the New

> - All they want to do is more wars and murder.
> Fan - Yet Again More Anti-Christian Hate Speech :
> Preached by the un-informed.

These fundamentalist hate and warmongers are not Christians. They
preach the hate, perversion and genocide of the Old (Jew) Testament
and totally reject the message of Love and forgiveness of the New

> - Obama wants to put an end to the cycle of violence.
> Fan - FYI - Barack "_" Obama's Shit Stinks
> just like every other Politician.

Obama is young. Maybe in time, he will become just as deceitful and
corrupt as Hillary and McCain but he is still, idealist, and someone
who could bring all Americans together.

> Fan - Hello RHFA and take an honest look around. ~ RHF

I do not like what I see. I war that we did not need and maybe another
war, with Iran, that we need even less. Americans losing their jobs
and homes and the dollar is getting so low that it is scary. Have you
traveled lately? All because of the Bush/Cheney/Zionazi war.


Mar 28, 2008, 8:09:55 AM3/28/08
Katrina Waverly wrote:
> Wright is just one more in a long line of race-baiting poverty pimps.
Wright isn't running. Neither is John Hagee.


Mar 28, 2008, 8:11:12 AM3/28/08
m II wrote:
> dave wrote:
>>> How long have you been working for Hillary?
>> I'm way more afraid of a corporate android
> That would be all of them, no?
> mike


Mar 28, 2008, 8:14:20 AM3/28/08
ellis_jay wrote:
> dave wrote:

>> Lookout wrote:
>>> The black guy who hasn't done shit. Good idea.
>>> You dumbfuck.
>> Our best presidents have had the least baggage.
> Care to give some details and name names and some cites? I will be glad to
> read it all.
Washington, Lincoln, T. Roosevelt, F. Roosevelt all had very limited if
any national political experience. Do you want a technocrat,
machine-politics operative; or do you want a LEADER?


Mar 28, 2008, 8:16:05 AM3/28/08
ellis_jay wrote:

> wrote:
>> I forget. What is the proper context to shout "God Damn America."
> It can be heard all the time in revival tents across America.
>> Throwing Reverend Wright under the bus is not good enough. He should
>> be thrown under a train.
> Gee, I wonder if we should include Pat Robertson, the TV evangelist, in that
> toss because of his remark that New Orleans deserved hurricane destruction
> because of its sinful nature? Ya think?
Sounds like somebody's blaming America...


Mar 28, 2008, 8:34:28 AM3/28/08
They really need to be bred out of the gene pool.


Mar 28, 2008, 10:01:17 AM3/28/08
On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 05:34:28 -0700, dave <> wrote:

>They really need to be bred out of the gene pool.

Here are the headers from this post
From: dave <>
Subject: Most Caucasians Are Afraid of Everything
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 05:34:28 -0700

Organization: Posted via Supernews,

Message-ID: <>
User-Agent: Thunderbird

Here are the headers from the lonely troll who was using my nick, and
who said he was going to keep using my nick and there was nothing I
could do about it.

From: Lookout <>

Subject: Re: Why are MOST Caucasians AFRAID of a Black President? What
it that you think he will do to Caucasians? Splain Please
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 18:56:38 -0400

Organization: Posted via Supernews,
Message-ID: <>
User-Agent: Thunderbird

Both Supernews, both the same verions of Thunderbird and the same
prejudice in both. you think it's the same loser? I wonder
why he's not using my nick again?


Mar 28, 2008, 10:49:14 AM3/28/08
- - Fan - FYI - Barack "_" Obama's Shit Stinks
- - just like every other Politician.

- Obama is young.
- Maybe in time, he will become just as deceitful and
- corrupt as Hillary and McCain but he is still, idealist,
- and someone who could bring all Americans together.

Barack "_" Obama 'become just as deceitful' ROTFL !

His is more opening Deceitful then both Hillary "Rotten"
Clinton and John "Smiley" McCain.

The 'junior' (Jr.) Barack "_" Obama won't even use his
Legal Middle Birth Name "Hussein" since he is in-fact
Legally : Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. {Nickname Barry}

READ - Why is Barack "_" Obama Afraid of Being
Viewed as Half-White and the First Bi-Racial Candidate
for US President ?

READ - (OT) : Winning the US Presidency in 2008 :
Barack [_] Obama - Oops What's Missing ?
{Do Really You Know Him ?}

READ - (OT) : 2008 Election Politics
- Sounds Crazy But It Is True - "Insane" Is OK !
? WHY ? - Would Any One Want To Vote For Anyone
Who Would Rather Be Called "Insane" -versus-
Their True and Correct Middle Name of "Hussein" ?

OK - Vote For {Choose} : [ Hint Pick One ]

[ ] Barack 'Hussein' Obama {My Personal Choice}

[ ] Barack "Insane" Obama

BUT - The Real Choice on the Ballot will be
Barack "_" Obama {What's Missing - The Truth.}

READ - (OT) : Winning the US Presidency in 2008 :
The Democrat Party -versus- The "Clintonistas"

For The Democrats To Win The US Presidency in 2008 :
A Winning Democrat Presidential Ticket in 2008 does NOT
include Hillary "Rotten" Clinton at the Top of the Ticket.

For The Republicans To Win The US Presidency in 2008 :
A Winning Republican Presidential Ticket in 2008 INCLUDES
Hillary "Rotten" Clinton as the Democrat Candidate for President.

Saving The Democrat Party in 2008 : Barack "_"Obama
can save the Democrat Party and potentially become the
next US President with the Right Running Mate :
Any Body but Hillary.
Remember "ABbH" : Any Body but Hillary* in 2008 !
[ Hillary R. Clinton = HRH = Her Royal Clintoness ]
* Stay Out The Clintoons ! ~ RHF
Don't Forget That They Swift Boated John 'ff'Kerry in 2004 :
Imagine What They Could Do With Hillary "Rotten" Clinton
In 2008. {They have had 4 Years to Get Ready and Prepare.}
-ps- Nothing will happen until after the Democrat National
Convention in Denver, CO ending 28 AUG 2008 will be Nine
(9) Weeks of Weekly Theme Attacks on Hillary "Rotten"
Clinton up to the US Presidential Election on 4 NOV 2008.

it's a 'vision' thing ~ RHF

> Fan - Hello RHFA and take an honest look around. ~ RHF
> I do not like what I see. I war that we did not need and maybe another
> war, with Iran, that we need even less. Americans losing their jobs
> and homes and the dollar is getting so low that it is scary. Have you

> traveled lately? All because of the Bush/Cheney/Zionazi war.- Hide quoted text -


Mar 28, 2008, 11:32:45 AM3/28/08
Why do you hate Obama so much?

> for US President ?

> READ - (OT) : Winning the US Presidency in 2008 :
> Barack [_] Obama - Oops What's Missing ?
> {Do Really You Know Him ?}
> READ - (OT) : 2008 Election Politics

> - Sounds Crazy But It Is True - "Insane" Is OK !

> ? WHY ? - Would Any One Want To Vote For Anyone
> Who Would Rather Be Called "Insane" -versus-
> Their True and Correct Middle Name of "Hussein" ?
> OK - Vote For {Choose}  : [ Hint Pick One ]
> [ ]  Barack 'Hussein' Obama {My Personal Choice}
> [ ]  Barack "Insane" Obama
> BUT - The Real Choice on the Ballot will be
> Barack "_" Obama {What's Missing - The Truth.}
> READ - (OT) : Winning the US Presidency in 2008 :
> The Democrat Party -versus- The "Clintonistas"
> For The Democrats To Win The US Presidency in 2008 :
> A Winning Democrat Presidential Ticket in 2008 does NOT
> include Hillary "Rotten" Clinton at the Top of the Ticket.
> For The Republicans To Win The US Presidency in 2008 :
> A Winning Republican Presidential Ticket in 2008 INCLUDES
> Hillary "Rotten" Clinton as the Democrat Candidate for President.
> Saving The Democrat Party in 2008 : Barack "_"Obama
> can save the Democrat Party and potentially become the
> next US President with the Right Running Mate :
> Any Body but Hillary.
>  .
> Remember "ABbH" : Any Body but Hillary* in 2008 !

> [ Hillary R. Clinton = HRH = Her Royal Clintoness ]
>  .
> * Stay Out The Clintoons ! ~ RHF


Mar 28, 2008, 3:44:46 PM3/28/08
On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 09:01:17 -0500, Lookout wrote:

> Both Supernews, both the same verions of Thunderbird and the same
> prejudice in both. you think it's the same loser? I wonder why
> he's not using my nick again?

Yup. It's gotta be Duh-ane Arnold.

Liverpool. European City Of Culture 2008


Mar 28, 2008, 4:24:51 PM3/28/08
dave wrote:
> They really need to be bred out of the gene pool.

hey watch it there....
my ancestors likely CLIMBED the Caucusus after which the Caucasians were
I am after all, of Prussian ancestry.
not that you'll see me shouting "white power" at any time, but i dont
take kindly to those who have something against me just for coming from
Eastern Europe!

Lookout whines

Mar 28, 2008, 6:22:54 PM3/28/08
Lookout wrote:


It doesn't mean anything Lookout, old boy. Your mama should have
strangled you with your own placenta at birth. They should have gotten
you old boy at the hospital. How did you get accepted into the Army? The
Army doesn't take whiners. You want to dish it out, but you can't take
it, old boy.

Lookout whines

Mar 28, 2008, 7:38:10 PM3/28/08

Lookout wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Mar 2008 22:22:21 -0400, "Lookout is Toxic Hell."
> <> wrote:
>> Lookout wrote:
>>> Probably true. She had a couple of charges dropped
>>> On Tue, 11 Mar 2008 21:29:58 -0500, Tony <To...@TheDeli.Sandwich>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Lucky she isn't black or she'd get about 20 years down in Texas.
>> If you were on the bench and she was black, she would be dead, but
that would be after you raped her doing the devil's work, to cover-up
your crime.
> So why so many black girls have sexually transmitted disease?

They got it from you a white man that has raped them for many years, you
institunalized rapist that's raped black people, period, not all white
people are in your low-life category. I know the kind of white man you
worship and you are about, trash.

Look at the video, look at yourself and look at your damn history
sweating black people for the all mighty dollar to keep you on top. Your
kind (not all white people), but your kind (like you) have sweated all
people of color that were in this country or came here by other means.

I know you don't like rap, but look at the damn thing, and then you lie
and say it didn't happen that way.


Mar 28, 2008, 8:03:38 PM3/28/08
catchme wrote:

> hey watch it there....
> my ancestors likely CLIMBED the Caucusus after which the Caucasians were
> named.
> I am after all, of Prussian ancestry.
> not that you'll see me shouting "white power" at any time, but i dont
> take kindly to those who have something against me just for coming from
> Eastern Europe!

Prussia is nowhere near the Caucasus Mountains!


Mar 28, 2008, 8:26:21 PM3/28/08

Be careful Fan. You're sounding here like that Superman Knowledge!
Have you been enjoying reading his posts with your flashlight after
your mom turns the lights out on you? :-)

Here's The big Picture!

Dr. Claud Anderson -

Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop --

The GREAT Dr. Francis Cress Welsing--

The amazing Dr. Neely Fuller--

The stupefying Rev Jesse Louis Jackson Sr.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan--

Dr. C.T. Vivian--

Dr. Cornel West--

Dr Michael Dyson-

Dr. Lani Guinier-

The incomparable Rev Al Sharpton-

Dr Tim "White Man" Wise -

Dr Jane "White Woman" Elliott--

Mrs Ida Hakim --

Rachel Maddow--

The services offered by this incredible corporation can lessen the effects of racism!


Mar 28, 2008, 8:34:31 PM3/28/08
On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 18:22:54 -0400, Lookout whines
<> wrote:

>Lookout wrote:

Organization: Posted via Supernews,

Message-ID: <>
User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)

See? I told you were so stupid I could predict EXACTLY what you would
do. I told you that I would force you to stop using my nick and I did.
I said you're take some silly off shoot of my nick with a childish
insult and you did exactly that.

Not only did I take it I shoved it right down your throat. HAHAHAHAHAH

By the way..I was Trainee of the Cycle in basic training..that's #1
out of 1.250 soldiers. That's something you could never handle with
your childish behavior.


Mar 28, 2008, 8:40:44 PM3/28/08

I've really pissed you off!!! How can you be so weak as to let someone
in an open forum get you this upset?
AHHAHAHAHAHAHA Fucking loser!! What're going to claim you
know where I live and you're going to come get me?

Lookout whines

Mar 28, 2008, 8:43:32 PM3/28/08
Lookout wrote:

I got him! All I had to do was put the right bait on the hook, himself
in all his glory!


You didn't leave the Army. The Army kicked you out for being stupid. You
don't stay in the Army for 9 years and get out in 1984, if there was NOT
something wrong with you. The Army didn't want you anymore, because
something went wrong, old boy! You were an asstacular ass-hole and a
shittacular shit-hole in the Army too, as they say in the Army old boy,
you shit for brains!


Lookout whines

Mar 28, 2008, 8:57:55 PM3/28/08
Lookout wrote:


You are a shit for brains!



Mar 29, 2008, 12:17:33 AM3/29/08
Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaiijan, Southwest Russia are where the Caucasus
Mountains Range is/are.I am Scotch Irish by Ancestry.I dont know if any
of my Ancestors ever climbed the Caucasus Mountains or not.Maybe I am
not a Caucasian.CAU! CAU! CAU!

Mar 29, 2008, 12:34:14 AM3/29/08
I have walked in Oakland (Oakland,California.There is also an
Oakland,Mississippi) day and night too.Howsomever, I used to catch a bus
at Oakland Army Terminal and go across Treaure Island to San
Francisco.You ever heard of Nick's Snow White Restaurant that used to be
in Oakland,California? (the reastaurant closed down many years ago, city
remodeling/improvement) A few of us Army dudes went there one time.The
guy who ran the restaurant wouldn't let us pay for our meals.

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