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[RAC-Bulletin] Subject: VO1MRC Experiments on 60 metres

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John Iliffe

2007年6月12日 12:29:282007/6/12

The Marconi Radio Club of Newfoundland (MRCN) station VO1MRC will be
conducting a propagation experiment from 0000-2359 UTC on the 15th and
16th of June. During this period, a CW beacon will be in operation on
kHz. The station will be open briefly for 2 way contacts starting 0001
each of these days and will operate simplex on 5260.5 kHz CW. Following
this it will transmit on 5327.5 USB and receive 5346.5 USB for stations
authorised to transmit on 60 metres and 3807.5 kHz LSB for other
Please note that only stations so authorised by their respective
administrations may transmit on 60 metres.

The experiment was proposed by MRCN, endorsed by Radio Amateurs of
Canada and authorised by Industry Canada. Further information may
be found by searching for VO1MRC on the internet.
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