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Jewelry and Metalsmithing - One on One Classes and Workshops.

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Dec 3, 2005, 12:27:05 AM12/3/05
Bill Roberts, Owner and Operator of Custom Design Metal Arts, with over
20 years, full time, experience in decorative metalwork offers: One on
One Classes and Workshops. The Shop offers one day, three day and
weekly classes, intensive workshops and demonstrations as well as
private tutoring. All levels welcome. Open year round. Bill is
available to teach workshops and classes at others Schools in the
United States and abroad.

Beginning: No Experience necessary. Just the desire to learn. This
class will teach the basics of blacksmithing. Including... drawing out,
upsetting, twisting, bending, fullering, punching, and cutting. It will
also cover forging dynamics, safety and three H's. At the end of this
class you will have an understanding and ability to use these basics.
And will have accomplished this by completing three projects. You will
make a key fob with leaf, a letter opener and a J hook. Completing
these three projects are the goal.... it's possible to complete more
projects depending on the individual.

Intermediate: requires knowledge of the basics, and some forging
experience. This class takes the basic knowledge and experience to the
next level. The goal is to make either a fireplace set, a candelabra or
a similar project. Using all the basic forging techniques in the
beginning class.

Advanced: Requires the completion of an intermediate class and at least
a year forging experience. And an approved design for the class project
that can be completed in a week. This class is structured towards the
individuals needs and goals.

Other Classes: in forged, fabricated and cast jewelry, lost wax
casting, wax design and carving, mold making, among others. "The only
thing that I enjoy as much as using these teaching them
to others"

For Scheduling and Info...please contact:

Bill Roberts - Ornamental Metalsmith
3740 NE 40th PL Suite D
Ocala, FL. 34479

Specializing in hand forged and cast works of Metal Art.
Crafted with the utmost attention to detail.
For discriminating tastes and opulent surroundings

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