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oldest profession

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George J. Baxter

6 maj 1993 11:19:021993-05-06
There was a doctor, a civil engineer, and a computer scientist sitting
around late one evening, and they got to discussing which was the oldest
profession. The doctor pointed out that according to Biblical
tradition, God created Eve from Adam's rib. This obviously required
surgery, so therefore her was the oldest profession in the world. The
engineer countered with an earlier passage in the Bible that stated that
God created order from the chaos, and that was most certainly the
biggest and best civil engineering example ever, and also proved that
HIS profession was the oldest profession. The computer scientist leaned
back in her chair, and with a sly smile responded, "Yes, but who do you
think created the chaos?"

David Geiser

6 maj 1993 13:32:341993-05-06
> There was a doctor, a civil engineer, and a computer scientist sitting
> around late one evening, and they got to discussing which was the oldest
> profession. The doctor pointed out that according to Biblical
> tradition, God created Eve from Adam's rib.

At this remark, the CS said that God was obviously a CE. When
the Dr & the CE asked the CS why he inferred that, he replied,

"Who else would put the recreation area so close to the waste
disposal plant?"

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