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New Nintendo product

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Jan 18, 1993, 2:41:02 AM1/18/93
My girlfriends's best friend's husband lives in Tokyo and works for Nintendo.
He mentioned to her about a new product that they are going to market in hopes
of regaing some of their market share that they lost to sega. He said he's
going to see if he can give one to my girlfriend when she goes back to Japan
for vacation in June to give to me as a present. She said that I can have some
other stuff? Any suggestions?

Rick Savoia

Jan 18, 1993, 9:31:02 AM1/18/93

Yeah! How about telling us what the new product is!! :)

Rick Savoia | "I'm just very selective | about the reality | I accept" - Calvin

Jan 18, 1993, 9:05:04 PM1/18/93
In article <>, (Rick Savoia) writes:
> In article <>, writes:
>> My girlfriends's best friend's husband lives in Tokyo and works for Nintendo.
>> He mentioned to her about a new product that they are going to market in hopes
>> of regaing some of their market share that they lost to sega. He said he's
>> going to see if he can give one to my girlfriend when she goes back to Japan
>> for vacation in June to give to me as a present. She said that I can have some
>> other stuff? Any suggestions?
>> -Brando
> Yeah! How about telling us what the new product is!! :)

I would love to tell you but the truth is I don't know exactly myself. My
guess is that he's talking about the new CD player. Last I heard though it was
still in R&D. Maybe they have it already and are working on the marketing BS.
They don't talk too often because it costs too much but I'll try to squeeze
more stuff out of them.
BTW. Do any of you have problems with girlfriends and video games. My
girlfriend, on more than one ocasion has said that the Nintendo goes or she
does. For now I still have both but I don't know for how long. There are just
so many good games out there, and I have to finish them all. Anyway how do you
cope with it? Just repond by E-mail if you don't want the world to know.

Teh Kao Yang

Jan 18, 1993, 10:18:02 PM1/18/93
In article <> writes:
>BTW. Do any of you have problems with girlfriends and video games. My
>girlfriend, on more than one ocasion has said that the Nintendo goes or she
>does. For now I still have both but I don't know for how long.

Gee I wish I had a problem like that. Personally I would dump all the games
without a second thought (if I had a girlfriend). I thought that video games
are only for people with no life (ie no girlfriend).

-Teh Kao

Jan 18, 1993, 11:39:46 PM1/18/93
I agree with Teh Kao. I would give up video games for a girlfriend too.

Anyway, if you are able to get a SNES CD-ROM, are any games coming with it? If
not, then you have one pretty useless piece of hardware. Probably all you'll be
able to do is play CD's. Also, what if they change the specs just before produ
ction? Will your's be useless? And, what if they do what Sega did and make Japa
nese and American versions? A lot of what if's? Personally, I agree with the yo
u (the original poster), I think it is a CD system they are talking about. I ca
n't think of anything else that Nintendo is working on right now. SuperFX game?
That'll be out in a few months. Maybe it's a NES converter for your SNES! Woul
dn't that be a laugh. Although, truthfully, that would help Nintendo gain marke


John Neuharth

Jan 19, 1993, 12:39:32 AM1/19/93

My dad and his wife both play the Super Nintendo together...They get RPG's
that they play together. Of course, this takes a certain type of person
that is willing to do that!

I am in your situation, also! My girlfriend bought me my SNES for a present,
but I think she regrets it now, because I want her to play games with me, and
she thinks video games are a waste of time...

Oh well...Good luck!



Jan 19, 1993, 2:28:21 AM1/19/93

>BTW. Do any of you have problems with girlfriends and video games. My
>girlfriend, on more than one ocasion has said that the Nintendo goes or she
>does. For now I still have both but I don't know for how long. There are just
>so many good games out there, and I have to finish them all. Anyway how do you
>cope with it? Just repond by E-mail if you don't want the world to know.

Yes, I know exactly what you are talking about. My girlfriend cannot understandhow I can get so much enjoyment out of playing video games. I gave her a GB
for her trip and she played it all during the trip but has not picked it up
since (thank god i got a used one, he he he). Oh well.

Rob Laddish

Jan 19, 1993, 1:30:42 PM1/19/93
Chakawaku (har...@atlantis.CS.ORST.EDU) wrote:

: >-Brando

My girlfirend's solution was to play "Mr. Coffee" on my snes. :-(
Of course it was an accident! (But she missed the NES and Genesis...:-)

/ / Robert Laddish AT&T: 707-577-3767
HEWLETT/hp/PACKARD HP Santa Rosa, Ca. Telnet: 1-577-3767
/__/ mail stop 4USQ

David Vanderbyl

Jan 19, 1993, 1:15:18 PM1/19/93
In article <> writes:
>BTW. Do any of you have problems with girlfriends and video games. My
>girlfriend, on more than one ocasion has said that the Nintendo goes or she
>does. For now I still have both but I don't know for how long.

Do what I did. Get a Wheel of Fortune cartridge and get her hooked.
If this doesn't work tell the bitch to take a hike. (There's plenty

<> (Thomas) writes:
>I agree with Teh Kao. I would give up video games for a girlfriend too.

Ah, the foolishness of youth! There is no need to give up video games
for a girlfriend. (John Neuharth) writes:
>I am in your situation, also! My girlfriend bought me my SNES for a present,
>but I think she regrets it now, because I want her to play games with me, and
>she thinks video games are a waste of time...

Video games ARE a waste of time. So what.


Predecrement David

Jan 19, 1993, 1:41:15 PM1/19/93
> writes:
>BTW. Do any of you have problems with girlfriends and video games. My
>girlfriend, on more than one ocasion has said that the Nintendo goes or she
>does. For now I still have both but I don't know for how long.

Yep. Julie hates my GameGear. She's tried to play, but gets frustrated in
a minute, and throws the game down. She doesn't hate the GameGear like
she hates NetHack, though. (Especially because when we're out on a date
during a full moon, I can't help but yell, "Cockatrice! I fear thee not!")


| David Blume | "Let's just quit the charade. We both know |
| | my puppets are gonna rip you apart." |

john emery ray

Jan 19, 1993, 2:14:13 PM1/19/93

I suppose I've been lucky, in that all but one of my past girlfriends
have liked games as much as me. My present girlfriend (of 3 years) loves
playing two player games, and often stays interested in the games long
after I do... However, I have found that letting her win a couple times
on competitive games and making foolish mistakes on cooperative games
often makes her very happy...

Of course, I would NEVER make those mistakes, or lose if I was by myself.
(HA!) ;)


Jan 19, 1993, 4:14:44 PM1/19/93

My dear Teh,

On the most part you are correct but there is an elite group of Video Game
Players (notice I capitalized that) who do have girlfriends. Would anyone like
to join me in a boycott of these overprivliged people?


Christopher Jon Petit

Jan 19, 1993, 5:10:54 PM1/19/93
to writes:

>On the most part you are correct but there is an elite group of Video Game
>Players (notice I capitalized that) who do have girlfriends. Would anyone like
>to join me in a boycott of these overprivliged people?

And what would we do? What would they lose from the boycott?

"Protect endangered species! Contribute to the Exxon Supporter's Fund!"
"Pay no attention to that little man behind the keyboard."
"If you want to look for fish, best not to look in desert."
"The greatest beauty in the world is beauty that is private."

James Hague

Jan 19, 1993, 12:27:05 PM1/19/93
Teh Kao Yang writes:
>Gee I wish I had a problem like that. Personally I would dump all the games
>without a second thought (if I had a girlfriend). I thought that video games
>are only for people with no life (ie no girlfriend).

Lots of people get too entirely too wrapped up in video games, IMO.
Somewhere between the friendly discussions of various games and
the nit-picky technical comparisons is the line between hobyist
and fanatic. The fanatics really hurt things, I think, because
game companies and magazines concentrate on _them_ instead of
people who just want to play well-designed and fun games.

For a good dose of reality, it is worth taking a non-video game
player to an arcade or trying to introduce such a person to your
game system. A lot of problems will just JUMP out at you and
the industry in-breeding will become hilariously obvious.

James Hague

Jan 19, 1993, 4:32:47 PM1/19/93
I think it was Brando who initially wrote (sorry if I got it wrong, I had to
wade through lots of quotes and stuff):

> Do any of you have problems with girlfriends and video games. My
> girlfriend, on more than one ocasion has said that the Nintendo
> goes or she does. For now I still have both but I don't know for how
> long. There are just so many good games out there, and I have to
> finish them all. Anyway how do you cope with it?

For me and my sig-other, a key has been identifying "our" time and "each's
own" time. We spend quality time together, and allow enough time for each of
us to do the things we want to do. This doesn't work for people who need to
play games every free minute they have (like I used to), but has led to many
an equitable argument solution between my girlfriend and I. She has even
joined me in playing Sonic and Ecco on occasion - bless her understanding


Steve Dakin | Oceania Health Care Systems (NeXT mail) | Palo Alto, CA (415) 322-0127

Mike Arms

Jan 19, 1993, 6:54:01 PM1/19/93
har...@atlantis.CS.ORST.EDU (Chakawaku) writes:
>>BTW. Do any of you have problems with girlfriends and video games. My
>>girlfriend, on more than one ocasion has said that the Nintendo goes or she
>>does. For now I still have both but I don't know for how long. There are just
>>so many good games out there, and I have to finish them all. Anyway how do you
>>cope with it? Just repond by E-mail if you don't want the world to know.
>Yes, I know exactly what you are talking about. My girlfriend cannot understand
>how I can get so much enjoyment out of playing video games.

You guys have described the symptoms of a Gaming Widow. This is similar
to a Football Widow. You've got problems with a "Gaming or Me" ultimatum.
The answer depends on you. Do you consider yourself a True Gamer? If
so, then anyone who issues such an ultimatum will always be a problem.
On the other hand, maybe you are simply spending too much time playing.
If you cut down to a reasonable level and spend some of that time with her
doing things she enjoys, this may be all she wants. (I feel like Dear Abby
here) But if it is a Zero-Tolerance attitude, dump her. Seriously.
Any woman (or man) with a Zero-Tolerance attitude towards something is
a problem relationship. And guaranteed, with a ZT person, even if you gave
up that thing, it would be something else later. For myself, I realised
quite some time ago that gaming will always be a part of my life in a
multitude of forms (board, cards, video, computer, PBM, designing, etc).
Given this, I require that any long term relationship for me be with a
woman that is at least tolerant of my gaming (best would be somebody
who also enjoyed it, but you can't have everything :-). Just don't let
it dominate your time. Short term relationships are different. :-) (Teh Kao Yang) writes:
>Gee I wish I had a problem like that. Personally I would dump all the games
>without a second thought (if I had a girlfriend). I thought that video games
>are only for people with no life (ie no girlfriend).

Don't give in to the Dark Side, Teh! :-) Aim for the best of both worlds:
games and a girlfriend. I can be done.

Mike Arms
Editor of Encounter magazine
uucp: ...{ucbvax | gatech}!unmvax!sandia!marms
InterNet:!sandia!marms or sandia!

Sergey Shimkevich

Jan 19, 1993, 7:31:47 PM1/19/93

>For a good dose of reality, it is worth taking a non-video game
>player to an arcade or trying to introduce such a person to your
>game system. A lot of problems will just JUMP out at you and
>the industry in-breeding will become hilariously obvious.

As far as my friends/acquaintances go, they all couldn't care less about
video games and simply cannot comprehend how I can spend such money on
this hobby of mine.

"You paid $80 for a VIDEO GAME???"

// Ryan: What is it to you, demon? //// Sergei Shimkevich //
// Lune: It is Sir, Demon to you, worm! //// //
// -Phantasy Star III //// //

John Kochmar

Jan 19, 1993, 1:50:57 PM1/19/93

You guys are hanging out with the wrong women.

My fiancee plays video games. As a matter of fact, she's a lot better
than I am in _Tetris_ and _Hatris_. With some PC games (Like LSL 1 and
SpaceQuest) we play together (between the two of us, we can usually
figure out most of the PC puzzle games.) She also likes Sonic, though
I've had more practice with platform games, so I'm a little better
there (though, not much), and sometimes they give her trouble. But
many the evening that I am getting ready for bed that she is playing
"just one more game of Hatris..." on my Gameboy.

I guess I'm a lucky man. Not only is Sally attractive, funny, and makes
a great lasagna, when I recently purchased the Gobliiins/Robin Hood/Hoyle
Games multipack for her 386 PC, she was happy about it. What a gal :^)


John Kochmar | Estimated amount of glucose used by an adult human | brain each day, expressed in M&Ms: 250
SEI Computing Facilities | -Harper's Index, October 1989

John Kochmar

Jan 19, 1993, 1:53:19 PM1/19/93

In article <>, (Teh Kao Yang) writes:

You guys are hanging out with the wrong women.

Francisco C Cortez III

Jan 19, 1993, 10:55:05 PM1/19/93
In article <>, writes:
|> I think it was Brando who initially wrote (sorry if I got it wrong, I had to
|> wade through lots of quotes and stuff):
|> > Do any of you have problems with girlfriends and video games. My
|> > girlfriend, on more than one ocasion has said that the Nintendo
|> > goes or she does. For now I still have both but I don't know for how
|> > long. There are just so many good games out there, and I have to
|> > finish them all. Anyway how do you cope with it?
|> For me and my sig-other, a key has been identifying "our" time and "each's
|> own" time. We spend quality time together, and allow enough time for each of
|> us to do the things we want to do. This doesn't work for people who need to
|> play games every free minute they have (like I used to), but has led to many
|> an equitable argument solution between my girlfriend and I. She has even
|> joined me in playing Sonic and Ecco on occasion - bless her understanding
|> heart.

Hey--Maybe you should find yourself a little lady who likes to play too! My
girlfriend is the best of both worlds, as she not only shares my interests, she
also keeps me on my toes on the high score list. Barring you should be so
lucky, perhaps you should make it clear that you need *your* time, as she may
need hers.

Thank you for shopping at K-mart...

Frank Cortez:
(Quicksilver) _-_-_-__--__--_ /(glitch!) Ultimate Avantar of Chaos
-_-___ | \ /\/ Mass. Institute of Tech.
|__-_-_--| \/ (617) - 225 - 6533 ext.209

T-Dub/SGP '93

Jan 20, 1993, 1:15:33 AM1/20/93
>I think it was Brando who initially wrote (sorry if I got it wrong, I had to
>wade through lots of quotes and stuff):
>> Do any of you have problems with girlfriends and video games. My
>> girlfriend, on more than one ocasion has said that the Nintendo
>> goes or she does. For now I still have both but I don't know for how
>> long. There are just so many good games out there, and I have to
>> finish them all. Anyway how do you cope with it?
>For me and my sig-other, a key has been identifying "our" time and "each's
>own" time. We spend quality time together, and allow enough time for each of
>us to do the things we want to do. This doesn't work for people who need to
>play games every free minute they have (like I used to), but has led to many
>an equitable argument solution between my girlfriend and I. She has even
>joined me in playing Sonic and Ecco on occasion - bless her understanding

My solution is wait for her to go home and stay up all nite playing games or
(since I'm in college STILL!), say I need to study with my friend and end up
staying over their house playing games all nite. The latter has to be used
infrequently and with caution though. Sometimes, I'll just put up with the
evil looks though. I'm used to it from football season anyway, especially the
last three with The Bills being in the Super Bowl (yep! I'm from Buffalo).


Stanley G. Kaminski

Jan 20, 1993, 1:48:40 AM1/20/93

My wife absolutely *HATES* anything to do with home computers or video
games, so naturally I own both, and spend as much time as possible
playing with them. *B^)

The beauty of all this is whenever her nagging gets too strident, all I
have to do is fire up the SNES and crank up the volume, and off she goes
shopping with her mother.


ai...@cleveland.Freenet.Edu /// "Bourbon and beans; /// an explosive combination!"
GEnie: S.KAMINSKI \\\/// --James T. Kirk, STAR TREK V

Jan 20, 1993, 9:47:19 AM1/20/93
You guys who are complaining about the lack of a girlfriend need to not buy
that next $100 Street Fighter II type game and go buy yourselves a little
nookie. (Why anyone would buy a $100 game is beyond me, but to each his own.)

I do like Video Games (my wife, who is in fact a babe and I play them every
so often... They are not my life, but I do play them)...


James Hague

Jan 20, 1993, 10:01:19 AM1/20/93
Sergey Shimkevich writes:
>>For a good dose of reality, it is worth taking a non-video game
>>player to an arcade or trying to introduce such a person to your
>>game system. A lot of problems will just JUMP out at you and
>>the industry in-breeding will become hilariously obvious.
>As far as my friends/acquaintances go, they all couldn't care less about
>video games and simply cannot comprehend how I can spend such money on
>this hobby of mine.
>"You paid $80 for a VIDEO GAME???"

Heck, I'd say that to someone who paid $80 for a video game too...

Anyway, that was the point of my experiment above. Just about everyone
likes games of some sort (cards, sports pools, Trivial Pursuit, etc.),
but video games have a bad reputation because they are targetted at
kids. Most of those awful platform games and shooters and whatnot are
so bad that it's no wonder that lots of people don't want to play them.
But there is almost always some game that can hook a non-gamer. Usually
it is something non-stereotypical like Tetris, Q*Bert, or Klax.

James Hague

tim clinkenpeel

Jan 20, 1993, 9:51:28 AM1/20/93
to writes:
>BTW. Do any of you have problems with girlfriends and video games. My
>girlfriend, on more than one ocasion has said that the Nintendo goes or she
>does. For now I still have both but I don't know for how long. There are just
>so many good games out there, and I have to finish them all. Anyway how do you
>cope with it? Just repond by E-mail if you don't want the world to know.

first, be reasonable on how much time you spend playing games. don't neglect
your ladyfriend or let her feel like she's second priority (regardless of what
the truth may be, heh heh).

then give her the lecture about how you don't criticize her interests and how
it's unfair to demand you modify your behaviors to conform to what she thinks
is proper.

finally, i'd rank on her about the ultimatum BS. it's highly manipulative.
maybe try it yourself ... "if you give me another ultimatum about your and my
nintendo, then i'll sell you into white slavery."

there is no religion when a man has good curry
tim clinkenpeel: aberrant analytical skeptical agnostic idealist.
-- i exclusively represent myself --

Adam Lawrence Salter

Jan 20, 1993, 1:17:51 PM1/20/93
In article <>,
<> writes:

Call me nuts, but I'd rather give-up video games AND NOT have a girlfriend


Laura Kozma

Jan 20, 1993, 5:26:17 PM1/20/93
In article <> (John Neuharth) writes:
>My dad and his wife both play the Super Nintendo together...They get RPG's
>that they play together. Of course, this takes a certain type of person
>that is willing to do that!
>I am in your situation, also! My girlfriend bought me my SNES for a present,
>but I think she regrets it now, because I want her to play games with me, and
>she thinks video games are a waste of time...
>Oh well...Good luck!

Interesting subject.

I don't have a girlfriend, but I do have a husband. I'm actually more
fond of videogames than he is. I have to admit that I'm mostly
interested in cutesy stuff, like "Sonic" and "Ecco".

I don't get any complaints about the games, as my husband likes to
watch sports in the other room when I'm playing.


Laura Kozma
AT&T, 30 Knightsbridge Rd
Piscataway, NJ att!attmail!lkozma

Jan 20, 1993, 5:32:43 PM1/20/93
Francisco C Cortez III writes

>Steve writes:

>> She has even joined me in playing Sonic and Ecco on occasion - bless her
>> understanding heart.

> Hey--Maybe you should find yourself a little lady who likes to play too!

Hey--Maybe you should read what I wrote! ;-) or did you not mean to quote
that part of my post?

This is not meant to be a flame, just a friendly return of volley.


Jason Kratz

Jan 20, 1993, 11:45:07 PM1/20/93
In article <>, ()

>You guys who are complaining about the lack of a girlfriend need to not buy
>that next $100 Street Fighter II type game and go buy yourselves a little
>nookie. (Why anyone would buy a $100 game is beyond me, but to each his own.)
Instead of "buying some nookie" from some hooker why not take a nice girl on a
date that may lead to something more? Of course this is not the place to
discuss that..... ;-)

>I do like Video Games (my wife, who is in fact a babe and I play them every

Like you're going to tell us your wife is ugly... :-)

>so often... They are not my life, but I do play them)...


Neil Williams

Jan 20, 1993, 8:29:27 PM1/20/93
In article <> (Sergey Shimkevich) writes:
>In article <> writes:
>>For a good dose of reality, it is worth taking a non-video game
>>player to an arcade or trying to introduce such a person to your
>>game system. A lot of problems will just JUMP out at you and
>>the industry in-breeding will become hilariously obvious.
>As far as my friends/acquaintances go, they all couldn't care less about
>video games and simply cannot comprehend how I can spend such money on
>this hobby of mine.
>"You paid $80 for a VIDEO GAME???"

Well, just ask them: "You paid $80 for DINNER???" or maybe,
"You paid $300 for those SHOES???", or perhaps "You paid $500
for those TIRES???"

Actually, I do all of the above, so I just hang my head
in shame and say that I won't be doing it much longer since
Clinton is going to take all my money to pay off the deficit.


Neil Williams:

Seen on my last trip on United: "If you are seated in an exit row
and can not (sic) read this card... please notify a crew member."

Grant DeLorean

Jan 20, 1993, 3:03:02 PM1/20/93
to writes:

>My dear Teh,

Gee, I'd like to have a girlfriend and my video games, but my wife
won't let me...

\ Grant DeLorean - IHMSA & NRA Life Member - ( /

Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.

Jan 21, 1993, 1:02:33 PM1/21/93
>>I do like Video Games (my wife, who is in fact a babe and I play them every
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Like you're going to tell us your wife is ugly... :-)

Of course she's a babe, I wouldn't have anything to do with her otherwise.


Psigon you DOUBT us??

Jan 21, 1993, 10:46:36 PM1/21/93
In article <>, (Teh Kao Yang) writes:
>In article <> writes:
>>BTW. Do any of you have problems with girlfriends and video games. My
>>girlfriend, on more than one ocasion has said that the Nintendo goes or she
>>does. For now I still have both but I don't know for how long.
>Gee I wish I had a problem like that. Personally I would dump all the games
>without a second thought (if I had a girlfriend). I thought that video games
>are only for people with no life (ie no girlfriend).

Ah it's all in the girlfriend. Mine plays the genesis more than I do.. :)

Life is such bliss....

>-Teh Kao

Screeeemmmmmin fast 4000/040..YEEEEEEHA!! X-ASOCC (CBM Blew that one)
Jim Martin MATRIX -- If it's made, we sell it. Almost.
-----(612) 656-9693-- MAR...@TIGGER.STCLOUD.MSUS.EDU
We're almost done with the Cray module for the EmPlanT. :) heh

Tim Smith

Jan 22, 1993, 2:54:00 AM1/22/93
to (John Kochmar) writes:
>You guys are hanging out with the wrong women.
>My fiancee plays video games. As a matter of fact, she's a lot better
>than I am in _Tetris_ and _Hatris_. With some PC games (Like LSL 1 and
>SpaceQuest) we play together (between the two of us, we can usually
>figure out most of the PC puzzle games.) She also likes Sonic, though
>I've had more practice with platform games, so I'm a little better
>there (though, not much), and sometimes they give her trouble. But
>many the evening that I am getting ready for bed that she is playing
>"just one more game of Hatris..." on my Gameboy.
>I guess I'm a lucky man. Not only is Sally attractive, funny, and makes
>a great lasagna, when I recently purchased the Gobliiins/Robin Hood/Hoyle
>Games multipack for her 386 PC, she was happy about it. What a gal :^)

Yes, there are reasonable women out there. I know one, for example, who
plays *real* video games (e.g., Defender -- not the "cute" stuff that
many women will play), is a certified computer repair technician (so if
you buy an arcade game for home use, she could fix it for you!), is in
the range of normal human height (e.g., above 6 feet, so you can talk to
her without bending your neck), has an awsome collection of Dr. Demento
tapes, can fix cars, is stunningly good looking, has bright red hair so
you can easily find her in a crowd, has nearly all issues of _Groo_, and,
in general, is almost perfect.

Now if I could just find someone like this who wasn't a lesbian...!

--Tim Smith

David Johnson

Jan 21, 1993, 7:34:57 PM1/21/93
In article <> writes:
>BTW. Do any of you have problems with girlfriends and video games. My
>girlfriend, on more than one ocasion has said that the Nintendo goes or she
>does. For now I still have both but I don't know for how long.

I have somewhat of a problem like that with my wife. She has not
threatened to leave me but harasses me if I play. What I do is get
up earlier than she does and play for awhile.

David Johnson
XLNT Designs, Inc. (XDI)

Antony Espindola

Jan 22, 1993, 9:39:04 AM1/22/93
Steve wrote:
> For me and my sig-other, a key has been identifying "our" time and "each's
> own" time. We spend quality time together, and allow enough time for each of
> us to do the things we want to do. This doesn't work for people who need to
> play games every free minute they have (like I used to), but has led to many
> an equitable argument solution between my girlfriend and I. She has even
> joined me in playing Sonic and Ecco on occasion - bless her understanding
> heart.
Yeah, I'll agree with that.
It's come to the point where all SHE wants to do now is play Sonic !


Barry Trottier

Jan 24, 1993, 1:41:05 PM1/24/93

I have read this entire tread as I find it interesting and humourous(sp?), and
one thing that I have noticed is that no girls have replied saying anything.

My question is how many girls read

(By the way, I have a girl friend, and she owns a Nintendo.)

Barry Trottier

David S Fung

Jan 24, 1993, 11:58:34 PM1/24/93

I think girl do read this group!

At least a couple of them buy used Game cart fr me since i post here!


Jan 25, 1993, 10:31:46 AM1/25/93
Yes, I do. I have been reading since I found it, shortly after Xmas.
I bought my 9 yr old daughter SNES for xmas and have been reading it
since to try to find helpful hints for Super Mario World. I also
spent the week after xmas playing Mario constantly! Love it! I want
to know if anyone can figure out how I am suppose to balance playing
SNES, working, and taking care of a house!!!!

Elizabeth J. Houser

Jan 25, 1993, 11:05:28 AM1/25/93
In article <> writes:
>In article <> writes:
>> I think it was Brando who initially wrote (sorry if I got it wrong, I had to
>> wade through lots of quotes and stuff):
>> > Do any of you have problems with girlfriends and video games. My
>> > girlfriend, on more than one ocasion has said that the Nintendo
>> > goes or she does. For now I still have both but I don't know for how
>> > long. There are just so many good games out there, and I have to
>> > finish them all. Anyway how do you cope with it?
>I have read this entire tread as I find it interesting and humourous(sp?), and
>one thing that I have noticed is that no girls have replied saying anything.
>My question is how many girls read
>(By the way, I have a girl friend, and she owns a Nintendo.)

Well, I've been reading this newsgroup since I bought a Sega Genesis
a few months ago. And, yes, I find this thread extremely irritating.
I spent most of my free time during high school in the local arcades,
and loved the early Atari & Colecovision stuff, though I did not have
much money to buy alot of games.

I would say that probably 1/3 of my female friends enjoy video

You guys with girlfriends who despise video games might want to
think twice about the women you choose to date. If this is something
you really like to do, find yourself someone who can share in the

Not all women are caught up in the stereotypical female role, ya know.
Though maybe you're only interested in the ones that ARE.


Psigon you DOUBT us??

Jan 26, 1993, 3:48:49 AM1/26/93

My girlfriend is the one who showed me this i am assuming sh still
reads it. :)

Jim Martin

Teresa Ball

Jan 26, 1993, 11:58:50 AM1/26/93
Well, I don't know about girls, but the last time I checked I was very
definately female (and not, for those who might think it, lesbian).


Sheila Wassmer

Jan 26, 1993, 5:56:34 PM1/26/93
In, (Elizabeth J. Houser) writes:
> You guys with girlfriends who despise video games might want to
> think twice about the women you choose to date. If this is something
> you really like to do, find yourself someone who can share in the
> fun!
Most definitely agreed.

As for 'girls' on the net--it's apparent there are a lot of
boys, girls and other children who read and post to this
and other notesgroups. Just witness the infantile flamewars
that heat up from time to time ;-)

I'm sure there are a number of other women who read this
group who are amused by the messages along the lines of:
"My girlfriend is being unreasonable! She insists that I
pay some attention to her instead of my Genesis!" :-)

Gentlemen, consider it from the reverse. Are you willing to spend
hours of time engrossed in, for example, soap operas or some such
activity that your girlfriend likes but you do not? If
not, then you need to limit your gaming time, or alternatively,
find someone who shares a common interest.

Sheila Wassmer, Hewlett-Packard Colorado IC Division

Nicole N Pellegrini

Jan 27, 1993, 3:26:08 PM1/27/93
In article <>, (John Neuharth) wris|>
|> >-Brando
|> >BTW. Do any of you have problems with girlfriends and video games. My

|> >girlfriend, on more than one ocasion has said that the Nintendo goes or she
|> >does. For now I still have both but I don't know for how long. There are just
|> >so many good games out there, and I have to finish them all. Anyway how do you
|> >cope with it? Just repond by E-mail if you don't want the world to know.
|> >
|> My dad and his wife both play the Super Nintendo together...They get RPG's
|> that they play together. Of course, this takes a certain type of person
|> that is willing to do that!
|> I am in your situation, also! My girlfriend bought me my SNES for a present,
|> but I think she regrets it now, because I want her to play games with me, and
|> she thinks video games are a waste of time...

Hey! Believe it or not guys, there are girls out there who play video games &
enjoy it (& sometimes play better than their boyfriends)! Of course, I think
we're in a minority, but I play my gameboy (almost) as much as my boyfriend

So if it's really a problem between you and your girlfriend, either try to
get her interested in the games or look for someone who shares your interest.
Start at the nearest arcade...

Judy Leue

Jan 28, 1993, 11:21:37 AM1/28/93
While I am beyond being a "girl" (woman is closer to it) I am an avid video
nut. Started back with pac-man;must have spent several hundreds between
myself and my daughter. Actually it began before video with pin ball. Any
way my husband has no interest in video games what so ever. It's not a
problem; I give him the remote control for the big screen and I play on the
smaller tv. Works for me.


Clarence Din

Jan 28, 1993, 3:38:56 PM1/28/93
In article <1993Jan28....@tc.fluke.COM> le...@tc.fluke.COM (Judy Leue) writes:
>While I am beyond being a "girl" (woman is closer to it) I am an avid video
>nut. Started back with pac-man;must have spent several hundreds between
>myself and my daughter. Actually it began before video with pin ball. Any

On to a slightly related subject: It seems that most women prefer
"cutesy" types of games like Pac Man and Centipede. Any women out
there who prefer shooters?


Andrew B Smith -- Personal Account

Jan 28, 1993, 10:23:32 PM1/28/93
In article <> (Clarence Din) writes:
>On to a slightly related subject: It seems that most women prefer
>"cutesy" types of games like Pac Man and Centipede. Any women out
>there who prefer shooters?

Hi Clarence!
Thiss may be my husband's account, but I am definitely female! Anyway
I usually go for the 'cutesy' games (as you've named them), but last
night we discovered Road Rash II and I am absolutely hooked! I've never
been very good at driving games (and I'm still not), but this game is
fantastic! I love beeing able to beat up on the other riders (even the
cops) and knock them off the road! Hubby and I had a blast! We highly
suggest gthis game!!! Thanx!


Kathy Johnson

Jan 29, 1993, 12:22:26 PM1/29/93
In article <> (Clarence Din) writes:
>>On to a slightly related subject: It seems that most women prefer
>>"cutesy" types of games like Pac Man and Centipede. Any women out
>>there who prefer shooters?

One of my favorite games is Blazing Lazers (TG16). Others are Zarlor
Mercenary (Lynx) and Space Megaforce (SNES). Shooters are great for
forgetting a day's frustrations. But puzzle games and rpg's are what
will keep me playing all night (e.g. "I just want to see what the next
level looks like" :-) For 2 player mayhem my husband like to play
Super Smash TV (at least until our fingers hurt from switching buttons
so fast).

Kathy Johnson email:
The Ohio State University, Laboratory for Knowledge-Based Medical Systems
376 W. 10th Ave. Room 571, Columbus, Ohio, USA 43210


Jan 30, 1993, 7:54:01 PM1/30/93
In <93025.103...@MAINE.MAINE.EDU> <DES...@MAINE.MAINE.EDU> writes:
> I also spent the week after xmas playing Mario constantly! Love it!
> I want to know if anyone can figure out how I am suppose to balance
> playing SNES, working, and taking care of a house!!!!

Simple. Drop the housework and find a job where they don't notice if
you come in late or not at all. Works for me, but then I'm male so
the pizza boxes on the couch don't bother me. :)

Daniel Kaminsky

Jan 30, 1993, 9:30:46 PM1/30/93
<> writes:

> I agree with Teh Kao. I would give up video games for a girlfriend too.
> Anyway, if you are able to get a SNES CD-ROM, are any games coming with it? I

> not, then you have one pretty useless piece of hardware. Probably all you'll

> able to do is play CD's. Also, what if they change the specs just before pro

> ction? Will your's be useless? And, what if they do what Sega did and make Ja

> nese and American versions? A lot of what if's? Personally, I agree with the

> u (the original poster), I think it is a CD system they are talking about. I

> n't think of anything else that Nintendo is working on right now. SuperFX gam

> That'll be out in a few months. Maybe it's a NES converter for your SNES! Wo

> dn't that be a laugh. Although, truthfully, that would help Nintendo gain mar

> tshare.
> Thomas

Looking through my old EGM's, I saw something that made me crack up. The
doc said that "the only thing that could be used for a converter would be
the Power Supply!". He forgot one SMALL thing. The 65816 IS COMPATIBLE
WITH THE 6502! Duh-HUH-HUH! So yes, a converter is rather likely.
P.S. They might even be able to end flicker(for some games). Slowdown is
also a possiblity.

Super Nintendo is | Later, | The IIgs does what
what Genesisn't | Gasman/Kami...@Tatertot.COM | macintrash doesn't
He's not dead, he's electroencephlographically challenged!
He's not republican; he's politically challenged!

Jarno Kokko

Jan 31, 1993, 9:56:40 AM1/31/93
In article <> (Daniel Kaminsky) writes:

><> writes:
>> That'll be out in a few months. Maybe it's a NES converter for your SNES! Wo
>> dn't that be a laugh. Although, truthfully, that would help Nintendo gain mar
>> tshare.
>> Thomas
>Looking through my old EGM's, I saw something that made me crack up. The
>doc said that "the only thing that could be used for a converter would be
>the Power Supply!". He forgot one SMALL thing. The 65816 IS COMPATIBLE
>WITH THE 6502! Duh-HUH-HUH! So yes, a converter is rather likely.
> Gasman
>P.S. They might even be able to end flicker(for some games). Slowdown is
>also a possiblity.

65816 is 6502 compatible, BUT NES doesn't have standard 6502, but a modified
one, AND the graphics/sound/memory management hardware is totally different.
I know because I've been watching from a close viewpoint as one guy is
doing a port of Super Mario I from NES to PC Engine and SNES. PC Engine
version is 95% ready. Only some problems with sound and some bad sprite
flicker have to be resolved. SNES version is another story. On PCE it
was possible to just write a graphics emulator routine, and use NES
graphic routines, but SNES CPU is too slow to handle it with emulator,
so all Super Mario I graphics routines have to be rewritten - NOT a nice
job. I'd say that a converter would be similar to those Atari converters
for old consoles - they usually used only power, joypads and video out

- Jarnis

_| .signature |______________________________________________________
| |
| -------- Jarno Kokko -------- | SNES/Magicom/Amiga/A590/101MB/ |
| --- -- | 3MB RAM/USR HST/Trekker/MUDder/ |
| ---- Vantaa, Finland ---- | MikroBITTI console reviewer... |
|____________________________________________ And much much more... |

Bill Zandrew

Feb 1, 1993, 3:48:39 PM2/1/93
to (Teresa Ball) writes:

Geezzzz..... That implies that females that play video games are lesbians.

I would never thinks this! Lesbians would have other things to do!

John Kochmar

Feb 2, 1993, 10:01:20 AM2/2/93

How did you manage this leap of logic?

If we take only her statement, you could never draw this conclusion.
You claim that her statement implies that females who play video games
are lesbians. She claims that she is female, plays video games, and is
not lesbian. Thus, your conclusion, that a female who plays video
games is lesbian, must be false, since we have a counter example.


John Kochmar | Estimated amount of glucose used by an adult human | brain each day, expressed in M&Ms: 250
SEI Computing Facilities | -Harper's Index, October 1989

John Kochmar | Estimated amount of glucose used by an adult human | brain each day, expressed in M&Ms: 250
SEI Computing Facilities | -Harper's Index, October 1989

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