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Q:Transfer of Equipment in torpor

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Tze Chin Ong

non lue,
6 févr. 1996, 03:00:0006/02/1996
Couple of questions:

is it possible to transfer equipment from minions in torpor to
minions outside? Our group has been playing that encountering your own
minions in torpor allows you to grab equipment off them even if diablerie
is not committed. Just realized this was not stated in the rules.

Another question:

When is Deflection played? Can Deflection be played even after
the opposing minion has played stealth and bleed modifiers?? Seems kinda
nasty to me.

Another (final) query:

After declaring blocker, if acting minion generates enough
stealth to get by the present blocker, can I as the blocking Meth declare
another blocker who can achieve enough intercept to block the action?

Thanx plenty.


"Excuse me, does anyone
know what's happening?"

PO Box 15147, Stanford, CA 94309. Tel: (415)-497-3920

L. Scott Johnson

non lue,
7 févr. 1996, 03:00:0007/02/1996
Tze Chin Ong <zhi...@elaine38.Stanford.EDU> writes:
> Couple of questions:
> is it possible to transfer equipment from minions in torpor to
>minions outside? Our group has been playing that encountering your own
>minions in torpor allows you to grab equipment off them even if diablerie
>is not committed. Just realized this was not stated in the rules.

Yes. It is described under 'Transfer Equipment', not 'Encounter in Torpor'
Note that you can only do this between two minions who have the same

> When is Deflection played? Can Deflection be played even after
>the opposing minion has played stealth and bleed modifiers?? Seems kinda
>nasty to me.

Yes. This is probably the best time to play it.

> After declaring blocker, if acting minion generates enough
>stealth to get by the present blocker, can I as the blocking Meth declare
>another blocker who can achieve enough intercept to block the action?


L. Scott Johnson ( | Smith & Wesson: the original | "point and click" interface.
Graphics Specialist and V:tES Rulemonger. |

James Puzzo

non lue,
8 févr. 1996, 03:00:0008/02/1996
You probably should wait for the rulemongers, but I'll take a stab at it:

Tze Chin Ong (zhi...@elaine38.Stanford.EDU) wrote:
: is it possible to transfer equipment from minions in torpor to

: minions outside? Our group has been playing that encountering your own
: minions in torpor allows you to grab equipment off them even if diablerie
: is not committed. Just realized this was not stated in the rules.

Hmm... I don't know that I necessarily understand what you all are doing
in these cases... one thing that I thought I was sure about (please correct
me if I'm wrong!) is the following:

transferring equipment and encountering vampires in torpor would be two
completely different actions. Diablerie has to do with blocking someone
from leaving torpor, and has nothing to do with equipment transfer. On
the other hand, if you try to transfer equipment and succeed, you don't
get to bring someone out of torpor -- it's a different action.

The only question then is this: can you transfer equipment to/from a
vampire in torpor?

From the Jyhad rulebook (under section 12.3.1, subheading "Equip Minions"):

If you have a minion with equipment in play, this equipment may be
taken from it by another of your minions, who then controls the
equipment. The minion attempting to take the equipment does so at
+1 stealth. Taking equipment is an action that taps your minion
taking the equipment. More than one piece of equipment can be
taken at one time from the same minion. If the action is blocked,
the equipment is simply not taken.

A minion in torpor is a minion "in play".
L. Scott Johnson's rules reference uses the word "controlled", which also
can refer to a torporized minion.

Remember -- getting equipment and encountering in torpor are TWO DIFFERENT

: When is Deflection played? Can Deflection be played even after

: the opposing minion has played stealth and bleed modifiers?? Seems kinda
: nasty to me.

Yes, it is nasty. But only to the guy it is deflected to... :)
Since it is a reaction card, it can be played at any time during the
action (i.e. before OR after you have decided whether to block). It
certainly can be played after stealth and bleed modifiers.
(Again, the above is how I perceive the rules, and I could be wrong).

: After declaring blocker, if acting minion generates enough

: stealth to get by the present blocker, can I as the blocking Meth declare
: another blocker who can achieve enough intercept to block the action?

Yes. In the Jyhad rulebook, 13.3.2, it states that if the stealth is greater
that the intercept that the current minion can get, you can decide to try and
block with someone else. (From L. Scott Johnson's reference).


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