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SLASHEM 0.0.2E8 released!

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Warren Cheung

Jan 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/7/98

For those of you who know it, the newest version has been posted!

For those who don't, here's my $0.05 of PR work:

SLASHEM is SuperLotsaAddedStuffHack-ExtendedMagic. Pretty much, it's
SLASH V6 + 3.2.2 (from Enrico Horn's last release) + Wizard Patch 0.7 .
To this I've added my own slew of bugfixes and additions.

To get this new release, goto

As an added bonus, the FAQ for SLASHEM includes all the info I could
gather about it's predecessors NHPlus, SLASH and Wizard Patch.

For an idea of what type of things I changed, here's the "New Features"
list for 0.0.2E7 to 0.0.2E8:

-Flame/Ice Mages have weapon skills severely curtailed.
-Flame Mages now use primarily small-medium blades
-Ice mages use stabbing(piercing) weapons
-neither have any more ability in bows, etc.
-fireballs are now bolts rather than streams (spell.c)
-the FAQ has been updated with the NHPlus changes. It should now cover
nearly all the changes due to SLASH (and its predecessor NHPLus)

and Wizard patch. (slamfaq.txt)
-increased lights/fire vortex to cast light at range 3, fire elementals

at range of 2. Since my computer just zips through SLASHEM,
mail me if you encounter performance problems. (mondata.h)
-The vision tables are now defined. Supposed Performance boost (I can't

tell...This game always flew on this comp) (config.h)
-config file is now SLASHEM.cnf.
-makedefs now constructs filename.h using -f which defines
-actual game name is in patchlev.h
-affects the config file, tile files
(filename.h [new file in \include], file.h (new file in
files.c, makedefs.c, patchlev.h)
-blessed scrolls of genocide now have menusystem. access by typing '?'
-added message for monsters clawing- now "claws you!" rather than just
-bug squash: (mostly from reading old r.g.r.n news)
-'a'pplying wand of fireball now has correct effect
as well, applying a wand of fire or fireball does NOT
identify the wand, but does as if you wish to name it
-genocided monsters wearing amulet of lifesaving but not
visible no longer generate a message.
(mon.c [lifesaved_monster])
-rust monsters now work properly - will only attack nonmetal
or your main body. (mhitu.c [hurtarmor])
-elbereth engraving now repels monsters again. If you don't
want to
use it, just remove the define elbereth/don't use it ;B
(mon.c, monmove.c)
-"pile of coins" message for evil food and "piece of food" for
food mixup fixed. (drawing.c)
-handling of riders and disintegration (especially Death)
-riders were absorbing disintegration blasts
-Death was getting HP reduced to 1
-Death now gains HP as per original code
-F1 now invokes help (pckeys.c)
-setup.bat now copies makefile.doc to the doc directory (setup.bat)
-optimized compiling now. Compiler uses -O2 compiling rather than -O
-Linker uses -s, removing symbol tables
-.exes are smaller, supposedly faster.
-failed stealing, most special abilities now take a turn (cmd.c)
-silver daggers are now piercing weapons ie. can now be thrown w/o
penalty. (objects.c)
-players start with spells in spellbooks memorized. (spell.c, u_init.c)
-players now start with secondary weapons wielded, ammunition in
quiver (u_init.c)
-pressing ^P twice consecutively will bring up message history
tty port only.
-the shell was accidentally commented out (PC ports)
Can now shell out to, etc.
-executable is now slashem.exe, with a corresponding
slashem.txt based off nethack.txt,command line help, etc.
(makefile.doc, slashem.6, makefile, pcmain.c)
-can access guidebook from help menu (pager.c, global.h)
-monsters can now use wand of fireball (zap.c, muse.c)
-makefile now moves the readme to the game dir (makefile)

On Campus:
ICQ: 3336113

Edvard Majakari

Jan 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/8/98

>>>>> "Warren" == Warren Cheung <> writes:

Warren> To get this new release, goto


There seems to be only version 0.21, patches for 0.27 and no ready
binaries for Linux. Where could I grab the source for 0.28? no Qt
interface was found at and I looked
elsewhere in the site too - nothing was found.

This version seems nice, I would like to see it :)

//Ed GSM: 040 5960810 URL:
/* we have tried to make this normal case as abnormal as possible */
--Larry Wall in cmd.c from the perl source code

Jan 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/10/98

In article <>,

Edvard Majakari <> wrote:
> There seems to be only version 0.21, patches for 0.27 and no ready
> binaries for Linux. Where could I grab the source for 0.28? no Qt
> interface was found at and I looked
> elsewhere in the site too - nothing was found.
> This version seems nice, I would like to see it :)

Here's the current state of the sources (hopefully, i'll
be able to make this a bit simpler in future versions)
You need to d/l the SLASH V6 4.1.?.E8 . Then d/l the
SLASHEM 0.28 patch and extract on top. It should replace
a whole bunch of files. I'll hopefully a get a diff
of vanilla nethack or a full source distrib when/if I
get more webspace

About Linux: I don't have access to linux, but Dirk
(, who has supported me through
the creation of tiles and ideas, seems to be have one

Hope this was helpful!


Please note the corrected address. It seems that
is no longer forwarding http requests to

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Pat Rankin

Jan 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/13/98

In article <>,\
Warren Cheung <> writes...

> -increased lights/fire vortex to cast light at range 3, fire elementals
> at range of 2. Since my computer just zips through SLASHEM,
> mail me if you encounter performance problems. (mondata.h)

Have you tested this on the Plane of Fire? That's where
the greater radius caused an intolerable slowdown when light
emitting monsters were first implemented.

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