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Being a GOD

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Edward W. Alexander

Jan 31, 1993, 1:12:35 PM1/31/93
I'm just curious, do you "GOD"s out there get a kind of ego-trip
about titling yourself "GOD"s.

MUD is Multi-User Dungeon. Perhaps it should be Multi-User Universe.
This isn't meant as a "god flame", so no fire and brimstone please;
I just wondered how you can possible live with yourselves by titling
yourself as a GOD.
Edward. W. Alexander | umal...@ccu.Umanitoba.CA | Computer Sciences I

[Lauren] "What'd you find out on the Network?"
[Fred] "I found out there are a lot of loonies with computers."

Mr P V Smith

Jan 31, 1993, 8:17:33 PM1/31/93
In article <> (Edward W. Alexander) writes:
>I'm just curious, do you "GOD"s out there get a kind of ego-trip
>about titling yourself "GOD"s.
>MUD is Multi-User Dungeon. Perhaps it should be Multi-User Universe.
>This isn't meant as a "god flame", so no fire and brimstone please;
>I just wondered how you can possible live with yourselves by titling
>yourself as a GOD.

Ok, so MUD is a Multi-user dungeon.. does this mean that there can
be no deities? and what do you define 'God' as? surely God is the creator
of the universe, thus, if as you stated MUD is 'perhaps a multi-user
universe' then the creator of this multi-user universe is surely 'God'?
there's nothing egotistical about it at all, we are, for all intents and
purposes, the supreme entity in this MUD, and therefore 'must' be a God,
i'm not ego-tripping at all, i don't go around causing earthquakes
and famines on players just coz i'm a God, it's just that the whole place
is my own, very personal creation, it's just a descriptive title, we're
no more egotistical than the people titled 'Nightstalker'
'grand master sorcerer' etc.. if a God gets egotistical, they don't often
have too many players...


Darin Johnson

Jan 31, 1993, 9:50:20 PM1/31/93
>I'm just curious, do you "GOD"s out there get a kind of ego-trip
>about titling yourself "GOD"s.

I use the term Arch-Wizards. Other muds use different terms
also that I've seen. The tricky part is thinking up a witty
reply when a guest characters shouts "Is there a god on?"
Darin Johnson
- Grad school - just say no.

Tamber Kelsain

Feb 1, 1993, 12:22:46 AM2/1/93
In article <> (Edward W. Alexander) writes:
>I'm just curious, do you "GOD"s out there get a kind of ego-trip
>about titling yourself "GOD"s.

Ego trip? Nope, matter of fact, it's quite annoying being "God" *wink*

>MUD is Multi-User Dungeon. Perhaps it should be Multi-User Universe.

That's odd... I was thinking along this lines just the other day..

>This isn't meant as a "god flame", so no fire and brimstone please;
>I just wondered how you can possible live with yourselves by titling
>yourself as a GOD.

Meaning that calling ourselves "God" is bad?
No return flame meant.. but you've sparked my 'discussion' interest :)

>Edward. W. Alexander | umal...@ccu.Umanitoba.CA | Computer Sciences I
>[Lauren] "What'd you find out on the Network?"
>[Fred] "I found out there are a lot of loonies with computers."

-I'm back, and I'm ready to code..

Will Stoltenberg |"The Bible is not my book and Christianity is not my
Ames, Iowa (515) 294-1701| religion. I could never give assent to the long
"Tamber Kelsain" | complicated statements of Christian dogma." | - Abraham Lincoln

Parental Advisory

Feb 1, 1993, 3:03:23 AM2/1/93
Edward W. Alexander ( wrote:
: I'm just curious, do you "GOD"s out there get a kind of ego-trip

: about titling yourself "GOD"s.
No, only for the first few minutes after getting the silly thing to
compile. If the God of a MUD were in it just to feel powerful, the
MUD in question would probably soon disappear. Most players (mortal
and wizard alike) don't enjoy having the world turned inside out while
they are trying to enjoy themselves.

Being an admin usually means headaches, as you have to not only keep the
whole thing running, but constantly try to improve/debug(defeature?) it
and try to make a whole lot of people with a wide variety of tastes

: MUD is Multi-User Dungeon. Perhaps it should be Multi-User Universe.

Fine. I agree the "Dungeon" part doesn't really apply anymore, but MUD
is what the world knows them as, and I doubt people will break that
habit anytime soon.

: I just wondered how you can possible live with yourselves by titling
: yourself as a GOD.

Sure, no problem for me. I mean, what is a "god" except the creator of
some space/time continuum? If I create a simulation of some universe,
then I certainly am the God of that simulation. Of course if I ever try
to claim being the god of anything outside it, then you can all come and
help lock me up! ;^)

: --

: Edward. W. Alexander | umal...@ccu.Umanitoba.CA | Computer Sciences I
: [Lauren] "What'd you find out on the Network?"
: [Fred] "I found out there are a lot of loonies with computers."

____ ____ ____ To seek out new structs, and polymorphism...
// \\ // \\ ||// To boldy go where no to has gone before...
\\__// \\__// ||
Chris Meshkin ( > WMU <

Michael M. Huang

Feb 1, 1993, 12:19:39 PM2/1/93
In <> (Edward W. Alexander) writes:

>I'm just curious, do you "GOD"s out there get a kind of ego-trip
>about titling yourself "GOD"s.

No ego trip. We just turn on the TV and watch the latest folly of
Dan Quayle. But, now that he's gone, maybe we need to use our
position as "gods" for a boost of our egos. :)

>MUD is Multi-User Dungeon. Perhaps it should be Multi-User Universe.
>This isn't meant as a "god flame", so no fire and brimstone please;
>I just wondered how you can possible live with yourselves by titling
>yourself as a GOD.

1. Traditions die hard. For as long as anyone can remember, mud admin,
for most part, have been considered to be 'god'.

2. The term is used in many other places, like "He's a UNIX god/guru."
Babes commenting on a hunk walking across the street: Ooooo... Look
at him! What a god! (No, this never happened to me ;)

3. If you think MUD contains only "dungeons", you have not been playing
the muds for long. Go out and look around the mud world for a while
and you'll see that it is a "universe" out there where anything can

I -can- live with my title of a "god" on a mud, because :

1. It is a stupid game. If one gets this serious about a simple
title on a gaming system, maybe it is time to re-evaluate life.

2. It clearly evident to the "players" who's in charge and who to
go to when problems occur (this doesn't mean we'll solve them
all the time -- even real life gods don't answer to all the
prayers ;)

3. Since muds are fantasy role-playing games, having "gods" add
to the atmsphere of the gaming system.

4. I don't use my position to gain real life favors for I firmly
believe in the separation of muds and real life.

I speak for only myself, and not the rest of the admin/gods of Vincent's
Hollow. But, in the spirit of good "mudding spirit" and "sportsmanship",
I hope that all the admins take a break and look at themselves and evaluate
their grip on mud and real life. I hope that all the players take a break
also and look at themselves and evaluate their grip on mud and real life.
Only when you can separate those two will you fully enjoy the experiences
in both.

This is not to say that muds won't get to the stage of almost replacing
reality. But, currently, the technology is not there (at least muds
aren't using them). And conflicts in interpretations can occur.a

Am I rambling?


I'll shuttup now. :)

Vincent's Hollow
[Still -FREE-]

Michael M. Huang | Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they
Carver & Vis Labs | show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find
Iowa State Univ. | out what you already know, and you'll see the way to fly. |- Jonathan Livingston Seagull -- #include <disclaimer> --

Feb 1, 1993, 1:19:09 PM2/1/93

You make an insulting post like that and ask for no flames? I guess
you could be labeled flame retarded. Just because they use the name god does not
mean they are on an ego trip. If you play any type of role playing game you
would realize that the beings with ultimate power are..thats right...gods. They
'control' their universe/domain, with all the pomp and circumstance the title
requires. Well, the 'gods' of MUd's have the same type of control over their
domain so why not use the title? It does not mean they have any delusions of
grandeur or are on a power trip, it is a title. What are you some kind of
fucking fundie that thinks these people actually believe they are gods?
Your probably the type of person that thinks Fantasy RPG's are really tools
of teh occult. When I read the disclaimers in front of such books, saying that
it is all a game, not real, magic etc doesn't exist, I will no longer think
it is a waste of space. I will think of you!

Tim Cossett

Rebecca E Willey

Feb 1, 1993, 3:34:38 PM2/1/93
On Lost Souls we use the term 'King and Queen'... I am the Queen of the
Northern lands, which is my ~2000 room realm north of the main realm.

It isn't really formal though, you can title yourself what you like. But
the 'God' Almior is officially 'King of the Realm'. *shrug*

Guess he doesn't mind a neighboring Queen since I wrote most of the mudlib.



PS telnet = 3000, or

Tamber Kelsain

Feb 1, 1993, 4:44:21 PM2/1/93
In article <> writes:
> You make an insulting post like that and ask for no flames? I guess

Well, if insults constitute flame material, call the firetrucks.

>you could be labeled flame retarded. Just because they use the name god does not

At least Flame puts a limit on his retardedness.

[Unecesary talk about god functions deleted]

>grandeur or are on a power trip, it is a title. What are you some kind of
>fucking fundie that thinks these people actually believe they are gods?

And we're polite too, eh?

>Your probably the type of person that thinks Fantasy RPG's are really tools

Let's jump to conclusions, shall we? It's fun! Stupid, but fun!

>of teh occult. When I read the disclaimers in front of such books, saying that>it is all a game, not real, magic etc doesn't exist, I will no longer think
>it is a waste of space. I will think of you!

And next time I think of someone who doesn't take the time to try to
understand questions, I'll make sure I paste your name in my dictionary under

>Tim Cossett

Jeff Wandling

Feb 1, 1993, 5:34:55 PM2/1/93
to (Rebecca E Willey ) writes:

>On Lost Souls we use the term 'King and Queen'... I am the Queen of the
>Northern lands, which is my ~2000 room realm north of the main realm.

On EOTL, I would prefer the level title of "Janitor"... Seems closest to
what my job is.

jeff wandling

David Bennett

Feb 1, 1993, 6:54:22 PM2/1/93
to (Edward W. Alexander) writes:

>I'm just curious, do you "GOD"s out there get a kind of ego-trip
>about titling yourself "GOD"s.

>MUD is Multi-User Dungeon. Perhaps it should be Multi-User Universe.
>This isn't meant as a "god flame", so no fire and brimstone please;
>I just wondered how you can possible live with yourselves by titling
>yourself as a GOD.

Who says everyone is a god? Discworld is run by a bunch of wombles.

[DDT] Pink fish forever.
David Bennett, | University Computer Club
Where Pink fish swim backwards. | c/o Guild of Undergraduates
These words I am singing now mean nothing more than meow to an animal - TMBG
Disclaimer: Any spelling mistakes in this article are all entirly my fault. Any grammer errors spotted in this article were put there because I could.

Keith Warren Rickert

Feb 1, 1993, 11:00:28 PM2/1/93

> (Edward W. Alexander) writes:

>>I'm just curious, do you "GOD"s out there get a kind of ego-trip
>>about titling yourself "GOD"s.

>>MUD is Multi-User Dungeon. Perhaps it should be Multi-User Universe.
>>This isn't meant as a "god flame", so no fire and brimstone please;
>>I just wondered how you can possible live with yourselves by titling
>>yourself as a GOD.

>Who says everyone is a god? Discworld is run by a bunch of wombles.


Hey! I thought we were all frogs!
Now I am all confused...are we frogs? wombles?
wombley frogs? froggy wombles?

and are we blue or green? but never puce.....
Kringled the krinkly thing

adheesha sanjaya arangala

Feb 2, 1993, 12:09:42 AM2/2/93
In <> (Edward W. Alexander) writes:

>I'm just curious, do you "GOD"s out there get a kind of ego-trip
>about titling yourself "GOD"s.

well, being a former "god" on one mud, i'll put it this way.... well, actually
one our mud, there was onyl really one god.... goddess to be precise....
for we only accored her that title because the machine was hers..... the
rest of us "god-types" has just as much say in the administration
of the mud..... but she was the final word.... i think that is the reasoning
behind the word "god" in reference to the hierarchy of wizhood.....
he/she/they are the perpetuators of the mud..... all creation,
ultimately relies on their judgement.... if a new wizard is creating 1000 wc
swords.... obviously, there has to be some guidelines, how are they set...
etc etc..... in a virutal reality kinda way (god i hate trendy phrases but
it gets the point across) the "god(dess)(s)(es)" in question are responsible
for the creation of a world, universe, whatever..... all "life"...
monsters, players, etc, are generated through the code of the mud, created
by the "god(dess)(s)(es)" ...... so, in closing i would have to say, that no
i don't think it is an ego trip.... and i don't think it is a mis-nomer....
i think it accurately describes the position in question


Kenneth K Lee

Feb 2, 1993, 12:11:15 AM2/2/93
> You make an insulting post like that and ask for no flames? I guess
>you could be labeled flame retarded. Just because they use the name god does not
[junk deleted]
>Tim Cossett

I don't know who you are, but all I can say that with an attitude like
that I probably wouldn't want to play your mud, no matter what you called

Feb 2, 1993, 4:25:47 PM2/2/93
In article <>, (Edward W. Alexander) writes:
> I'm just curious, do you "GOD"s out there get a kind of ego-trip
> about titling yourself "GOD"s.
> MUD is Multi-User Dungeon. Perhaps it should be Multi-User Universe.
> This isn't meant as a "god flame", so no fire and brimstone please;
> I just wondered how you can possible live with yourselves by titling
> yourself as a GOD.
> Edward. W. Alexander | umal...@ccu.Umanitoba.CA | Computer Sciences I

Umm, no I don't get an ego-trip from the title of "god".

I didn't title myself that, either. Using god for someone who runs
the game and makes the decisions for it (more or less) was around
long before I was.

You wonder how I can possibly live with myself for being titled "god"
on a mud? hehehe. you make it sound like i killed somone.
I'm quite aware that I'm not the supreme being of the universe..

Okay okay I confess. I secretly hide in the bathroom between 9 hour
mudding sessions holding a a tape recorder close to my quivering body
and record myself saying over and over, "i'm a GOD. i'm a GOD. i'm
a GOD." then i giggle a bit and catch my breath, and record some more.
i play this tape during my 9 hour mudding sessions, just to remind myself
that i am in fact a god, because it is my entire life. amen.

smileys added for the humour impaired:

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


any email replies to, please :)

Edward W. Alexander

Feb 2, 1993, 8:01:51 PM2/2/93
In <> writes:

> You make an insulting post like that and ask for no flames? I guess
>you could be labeled flame retarded. Just because they use the name god does not
>mean they are on an ego trip. If you play any type of role playing game you
>would realize that the beings with ultimate power are..thats right...gods. They
>'control' their universe/domain, with all the pomp and circumstance the title
>requires. Well, the 'gods' of MUd's have the same type of control over their
>domain so why not use the title? It does not mean they have any delusions of
>grandeur or are on a power trip, it is a title.

<sigh>, I never said they were on an ego trip, I asked if it gave them a sence
of power. It's funny how all the other "god"s that answered that post were
able to do it with civility. You, on the other hand, could not; which proves
your point that the "god"s are just people, some with greater intellect than

>What are you some kind of
>fucking fundie that thinks these people actually believe they are gods?

No, I asked how they felt being labelled as a "god".

>Your probably the type of person that thinks Fantasy RPG's are really tools

>of the occult. When I read the disclaimers in front of such books, saying that

>it is all a game, not real, magic etc doesn't exist, I will no longer think
>it is a waste of space. I will think of you!

I'm sure I probably know more about the occult than you do, and I hope you
never do learn anything about the occult. I, in no way, wish to shut down
games. I am a wizard on a MUD and I am happy coding there.

I've tried to be nice to your flame as best I can, sorry if you didn't under-
stand the original post and took it as an insult.

>Tim Cossett


Edward. W. Alexander | umal...@ccu.Umanitoba.CA | Computer Sciences I

[Lauren] "What'd you find out on the Network?"

David Bennett

Feb 2, 1993, 10:17:47 PM2/2/93
to (Keith Warren Rickert) writes:

>Hey! I thought we were all frogs!
>Now I am all confused...are we frogs? wombles?
>wombley frogs? froggy wombles?

Exactly, you are all frogs, and the mud is run by the wombles. Can you say
favouritism? :)

>and are we blue or green? but never puce.....

Definately blue, absolutely green. Who said puce?

>Kringled the krinkly thing

Michael M. Huang

Feb 2, 1993, 10:58:06 PM2/2/93
In <> (Robert Wiseman) writes:

> Why not just call yourself an admin? After all that is what I
>call myself as well as the rest of the admins on our mud.

And ladies and gentlemen, we have here with us today a dashing warrior from
the Northern Plains, a bodacious elven ranger from the Western Woods, a
naughty Kender from the Town of Tamalara, some of the great wizards from
the ranks of the Wizardry Guild, plus their masters in ranks of Archwizards
and Elder Wizards. And! There to the side, is the ... uh... admin.

Boy... sure ruins the mood of a fatasy game, eh?

Vincent's Hollow

Feb 3, 1993, 9:02:40 AM2/3/93
Personally, I don't think much of God, as such, so it would rather
degrade me if I were to call myself one, if I did, which I do not.


Anders 'Hdw' Jansson

Feb 3, 1993, 11:04:20 AM2/3/93
In article <>, (Michael M. Huang) writes|> In <> (Robert Wiseman) writes:

|> And ladies and gentlemen, we have here with us today a dashing warrior from
|> the Northern Plains, a bodacious elven ranger from the Western Woods, a
|> naughty Kender from the Town of Tamalara, some of the great wizards from
|> the ranks of the Wizardry Guild,
And a busy little group of Arches and their assistant are buzzing around
making sure that the mud works. And! There to the side stands a Larch,
doing as little as possible.
Why be a god when life is much easier as a tree ;)
-- Chalmers University of Technology
Anders B Jansson Computer Center at School of Mechanical Engineering
Phone : (int+46) 31 772 37 10 or (int+46) 31 772 37 05
Fax : (int+46) 31 772 11 92 Mud: hardwark@igor ( 1701)

Feb 3, 1993, 2:15:47 PM2/3/93
In article <>, (Robert Wiseman) writes:
|> Why not just call yourself an admin? After all that is what I
|> call myself as well as the rest of the admins on our mud.

Why should it matter? If the person in question does not like someone titling themselves a God, then said person shouldn't log on to said MUD. <shrug>

Kraig@DragonFire, AbacusMUD

| Mike Patterson | Q: Is it plugged in? |
| email: | A: I can't see! |
| or: | Q: Why not? |
| the former is preferred | A: The power's off here... |

Luke Hankins

Feb 3, 1993, 2:42:56 PM2/3/93
to (Edward W. Alexander) writes:

>I'm just curious, do you "GOD"s out there get a kind of ego-trip
>about titling yourself "GOD"s.

One more reply:
Ego trip? no. A hell of a lot of flack, aggrivation and abuse? Yes.
Trust me... Try it once, then say something bad about someone who does it...


(...once known as Ender@LPSwat...)

Luke Hankins |"Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison
for(MyAge=0;!Dead;EnjoyLife); | ne connait point" -Blaise Pascal
While not (EndOfLife) do Havefun(me); |"...stay sane inside insanity..." -RHPS

Robert Wiseman

Feb 2, 1993, 4:29:02 PM2/2/93

Why not just call yourself an admin? After all that is what I
call myself as well as the rest of the admins on our mud.

Mephisto@LPSwat (DEAD!!!)

Feb 3, 1993, 7:42:30 PM2/3/93
>From: (Tamber Kelsain)
>Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1993 21:44:21 GMT

>> You make an insulting post like that and ask for no flames? I guess

> Well, if insults constitute flame material, call the firetrucks.

Good question....I always thought it was part of what made up a flame. If
it isn't then I should have just called him stupid for the way he worded his

>>you could be labeled flame retarded. Just because they use the name god does not

> At least Flame puts a limit on his retardedness.

Oh that hurts. :) In case you couldn;t figure it out I tried, I guess
in unsucessfully if you didn;t get it, to make a play on words. he asked for
no flames to his stupid question. Flame doesn't hurt it....
flame retarded....what a person must be to make a comment like that and not
expect to get flamed. Get it yet? Didn't think so.

>[Unecesary talk about god functions deleted]

Unecessary? Excuse me but the gyst of his 'question' was why do they take
the title god. (That is if you discount the insult about ego trips.) I
at least made an attempt to explain what a god is/does on a mud. funny, but I
thought that this would be intrinsic to saying why they take the title. You
actually don't think so? You must be stupider than i gave you credit for.

>>grandeur or are on a power trip, it is a title. What are you some kind of

>>fucking fundie that thinks these people actually believe they are gods?

> And we're polite too, eh?

Were does it say that I have to be polite? And exactly how 'polite' was
it to insinuate that the mud admins call themselves god as some kind of ego-

>>Your probably the type of person that thinks Fantasy RPG's are really tools

> Let's jump to conclusions, shall we? It's fun! Stupid, but fun!

Why not jump to conclusions? Based on the way he worded the question...
'is it some kind of ego-trip?' (That 'quote' may not be exact but it is
close enough.) and the rest of his post that thought entered my mind. Also,
considering the bible thumping that some fundie was posting on r.g.m.admin
the possibility that he was a fundie didn't seem as remote to me as it may
have to you. Really, is say 'What are you some kind of fucking fundie?' any
more insulting than say 'Why do you use the title god, is it some kind of ego-
trip?'. Both are insulting, yes, and I meant for mine to be that way. Either
the person meant the post as an insult, or he is to stupid to realize that it
could be taken that way. Not my problem.

>of teh occult. When I read the disclaimers in front of such books, saying that>it is all a game, not real, magic etc doesn't exist, I will no longer think

>>it is a waste of space. I will think of you!

> And next time I think of someone who doesn't take the time to try to

>understand questions, I'll make sure I paste your name in my dictionary under

Not have the potential do good flames. Actually my 'comments'
were not that thoughtless...I meant them to be insulting where they were.
Maybe you should ask just how much thought was put into the initial
question? Or even into your own comments!

>>Tim Cossett
> -Will
> Will Stoltenberg |"The Bible is not my book and Christianity is not my
> Ames, Iowa (515) 294-1701| religion. I could never give assent to the long
> "Tamber Kelsain" | complicated statements of Christian dogma."
> | - Abraham Lincoln

Tim Cossett

Feb 3, 1993, 7:45:30 PM2/3/93
>From: (Kenneth K Lee)
>Date: 2 Feb 1993 05:11:15 GMT

>> You make an insulting post like that and ask for no flames? I guess

>>you could be labeled flame retarded. Just because they use the name god does not

>[junk deleted]
>>Tim Cossett

> I don't know who you are, but all I can say that with an attitude like
>that I probably wouldn't want to play your mud, no matter what you called

Oh! I am so wounded by that! Pity I don't run a mud just so I could
have you not show up. Unfortunately I don;t have the patience to put up
with the trouble makers that log on from time to time, be they wizards or
players, nor the knowledge of computer programming. But don't worry if I
do ever start one up i won't think of you. never said what was wrong with my attitude? Was it because
in the [junk deleted] I tell the person exactly what I think of his implying
that just because a person takes the title god in a game...(keep in mind it
IS a game)....he is on an ego trip. I find that type/line of questioning to
be insulting to anyone that has taken the time and effort to set up a mud.
A straight forward question saying something like 'Why do mud admins take the
title of god?' is one thing. But to then go on saying is it because they are
on an ego trip is, frankly, an insult to mud admins.
In case you couldn't figure it out flame retarded was a play on the idea
of flame retardant. He made an insulting comment and then said no flames...
do you get it yet? Probably not.

Tim Cossett

Michael M. Huang

Feb 4, 1993, 9:48:26 AM2/4/93
A frog! Man! A frog! Not a tree!

David Bennett

Feb 4, 1993, 10:33:47 AM2/4/93
to (Michael M. Huang) writes:

>> Why not just call yourself an admin? After all that is what I
>>call myself as well as the rest of the admins on our mud.

>And ladies and gentlemen, we have here with us today a dashing warrior from
>the Northern Plains, a bodacious elven ranger from the Western Woods, a
>naughty Kender from the Town of Tamalara, some of the great wizards from
>the ranks of the Wizardry Guild, plus their masters in ranks of Archwizards
>and Elder Wizards. And! There to the side, is the ... uh... admin.

>Boy... sure ruins the mood of a fatasy game, eh?

See! Concluive proof you should call yourself wombles.

Lisa Dusseault

Feb 4, 1993, 3:49:58 PM2/4/93
> In <> (Edward W.
Alexander) writes:
> >I'm just curious, do you "GOD"s out there get a kind of ego-trip
> >about titling yourself "GOD"s.
I don't!

But anyway, I kind of agree that maybe god is a silly term. So is wizard
for that matter. Sure, it relates to a person's programming ability and
power, but if we're trying to create a fantasy word, these tags can
interfere with the setting.

I like king and queen, and while we're at it, duke and lord and all the
way down to knight for "apprentice programmers". After all, you have to
be born into the nobility to be in it... or knighted by the king and the
queen... Everybody else is a peasant, a peon! Ha-ha-ha-ha! (*now* I'm
on an ego trip!) (say, who would be the court jester?)

Or if you're not in a fantasy game, perhaps "government" titles would be
cool. At least if coders are called "civil servants" then when they screw
up, nobody would be surprised! Then we could have a minister of this and
a minister of that, for the higher-up titles. What would the head honcho
be called then, prime minister? (okay, president, since most of you are
probably not canadian. :) There could even be elected politicians,
representing the mass populace. That doesn't disrupt the civil servant's
work at all, because true to life, the politicians wouldn't ever actually
accomplish anything.

Failing that, "frog" and "womble" are probably the best. ;)


Jacob Hallen

Feb 4, 1993, 5:22:30 PM2/4/93
In article <> (Luke Hankins) writes:
> (Edward W. Alexander) writes:
>>I'm just curious, do you "GOD"s out there get a kind of ego-trip
>>about titling yourself "GOD"s.
>One more reply:
> Ego trip? no. A hell of a lot of flack, aggrivation and abuse? Yes.
>Trust me... Try it once, then say something bad about someone who does it...

It's an egotrip for people like me, who are normally ignored. :-)


Metallica Rules

Feb 4, 1993, 6:00:24 PM2/4/93
Hmmm, I do believe there is some Ego-trip included. Why else would
anyone want to be one??? It is a pain being an admin, but is very
rewarding as well. Just ask one. Its a can of beans, your a bean.
Gods get to shake the can every once in a while. Just for the fun of
being god.


Michael M. Huang

Feb 4, 1993, 11:06:09 PM2/4/93

>Hmmm, I do believe there is some Ego-trip included. Why else would
>anyone want to be one??? It is a pain being an admin, but is very
>rewarding as well. Just ask one. Its a can of beans, your a bean.
>Gods get to shake the can every once in a while. Just for the fun of
>being god.

Or It's a can of wimbles. You're a wimble. Big Wombles come
along and shake the can every once in a while.

Then, we have trees and frogs -- don't know where they fit into
the overall picture though.

H. James de St. Germain

Feb 4, 1993, 10:57:58 AM2/4/93

> A frog! Man! A frog! Not a tree!

I take acception to that. Tree is where its at.
(no flames, no axes, no chain saws please)


tree @ death_mud (deceased)
tree @ pixie_mud (hibernating)
tree @ bronco (SBing)

H. James de St. Germain Department of Computer Science University of Utah

H. James de St. Germain

Feb 4, 1993, 11:01:19 AM2/4/93
In article <> (H. James de St. Germain) writes:

err.. I take exception to that.


Roy W Schletzbaum

Feb 5, 1993, 6:04:56 PM2/5/93
In article <> (Robert Wiseman) writes:
> Why not just call yourself an admin? After all that is what I
>call myself as well as the rest of the admins on our mud.
Well, on Oblivion we have both, Gods are kinda a step down from admins where
"Gods" do mudlib, motivation, etc; work and admins run the mud :)
Anyone who can think of a title which can replace it though, that'd be kewl
as well :)

>Mephisto@LPSwat (DEAD!!!)
Daroki, God @ Oblivion, who thinks the mud is so much like a family, he
can just change his rank to GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GREAT Grandfather :)

David Bennett

Feb 6, 1993, 2:01:36 AM2/6/93
to (Michael M. Huang) writes:

>Or It's a can of wimbles. You're a wimble. Big Wombles come
>along and shake the can every once in a while.

>Then, we have trees and frogs -- don't know where they fit into
>the overall picture though.

The tree generaly go in the background of pictures, that is of course
unless it is a picture of a tree... Frogs shold be one of the main
focal points of all photos. I bet you didn't know this, but in fact
if you look closely enough at any photo, you can always see the
frogs peeping out of the wood work. Frogs also like trees.

[DDT] Clearing in the forest.

Parental Advisory

Feb 6, 1993, 5:39:13 PM2/6/93
Lisa Dusseault ( wrote:
: Or if you're not in a fantasy game, perhaps "government" titles would be
: cool. At least if coders are called "civil servants" then when they screw
: up, nobody would be surprised! Then we could have a minister of this and

So the most powerful being on such a mud would be the Grand IRS-agent? ;^)

: Lisa
____ ____ ____ To seek out new structs, and polymorphism...
// \\ // \\ ||// To boldy go where no to has gone before...
\\__// \\__// ||
Chris Meshkin ( > WMU <

Adam Beeman

Feb 7, 1993, 3:34:39 AM2/7/93

I kinda like 'head janitor' myself, since that's what my job as a God/Admin
seems to be best described as...

Sure, sometimes it's fun, sometimes it isn't.
Being the God/Admin/Head Janitor *does* put you in a good position of power
for practical jokes, though... I remember on April Fool's day, I took the
mud down and booted up an ancient, unmodified LPmud 1.3.3 mudlib on the
regular TMI port, and then stood around incognito for a while, laughing
my ass off...

P. Ju

Feb 8, 1993, 2:54:06 AM2/8/93
to (David Bennett) writes:

> (Keith Warren Rickert) writes:

>>Hey! I thought we were all frogs!
>>Now I am all confused...are we frogs? wombles?
>>wombley frogs? froggy wombles?

>Exactly, you are all frogs, and the mud is run by the wombles. Can you say
>favouritism? :)

>>and are we blue or green? but never puce.....

But, Pinkfish... you christened me a womble! Does that mean I get a
mud to run now ? (SysAdmin forbid.)

Psyche, Goddess of wombles..
(Up too late as usual.)

Duncan J Stansfield

Feb 8, 1993, 6:13:23 AM2/8/93
i definitely use being a god as an ego trip. after all, what other way
is so easy? and after all, as it is just a game, the power is simply
not quite so dangerous as that that other people play with.
(ever heard of the poll tax?).

anyhow, to allow those poor little people actually playing a mud,
i have introduced a voting system. each town has a ballot box in the
town hall where one can vote for who will be the mayor for the
current period in office. anyone can vote (once) and if you can kill
everyone who is proposed, you get to keep the post. on the other hand,
if someone kills you, you lose the post.
a minimum number of votes, and a min period in office and a voting
period make the system useable.

in case you're wondering why anyone would want to be mayor, then how
does taxes sound? you get to set the tax rate within the town
(0-20%) and you get every penny. set it too high, and no-one will buy
in your town,too low, and, well, why be mayor. of course, if more than
one town mayor gets together to form a monopoly,...
...up the revolution!!

the top ranks within the guilds/religions should also have votable
posts (when you've got a ballot box, you might as well use it).


ps have you never heard of a tree frog?

pps how do you choose who's most powerful within your guilds?
ppps and don't tell me its the one who's highest level.
pppps down with levels, up the revolution!!!

Mike Mc Gaughey

Feb 8, 1993, 4:30:15 PM2/8/93
sp...@wpi.WPI.EDU (Roy W Schletzbaum) writes:
>In article <> (Robert Wiseman) writes:
>> Why not just call yourself an admin? After all that is what I
>>call myself as well as the rest of the admins on our mud.

>Well, on Oblivion we have both, Gods are kinda a step down from admins where
>"Gods" do mudlib, motivation, etc; work and admins run the mud :)

Yeah, on Shattered we have Gods and Admin as well. The Gods run
the mud and do mudlib, etc, and the Admins bitch about "acceptable use
of network resources" and "massive disk space" and other such trivia :)

Mike McGaughey AARNET:

"Head stompin', ass kickin', finger licking nastiness"

Jacob Hallen

Feb 8, 1993, 5:16:14 PM2/8/93
In article <> (Duncan J Stansfield) writes:
>ps have you never heard of a tree frog?

Of course we've heard of tree frogs, they are the type that live in frog


Mike Mc Gaughey

Feb 9, 1993, 9:22:06 AM2/9/93
to (Duncan J Stansfield) writes:
[pretty damn cool idea deleted, except for this bit...]

>i definitely use being a god as an ego trip. [...]

>anyhow, to allow those poor little people actually playing a mud,
>i have introduced a voting system. each town has a ballot box in the
>town hall where one can vote for who will be the mayor for the
>current period in office. anyone can vote (once) and if you can kill
>everyone who is proposed, you get to keep the post. on the other hand,
>if someone kills you, you lose the post.

Hmm. I think I'll introduce yet another voting system on Shattered -
players can vote for their favorite God. Anyone can vote (once), and
if they don't vote for me, I get to kill them.


Feb 9, 1993, 10:05:21 AM2/9/93
In article <> (Mike Mc Gaughey) writes:
>Hmm. I think I'll introduce yet another voting system on Shattered -
>players can vote for their favorite God. Anyone can vote (once), and
>if they don't vote for me, I get to kill them.

Sounds about right *&)
But didn't you forget the bit about using god-ness to get the female players
to sleep with you??


* \^/ |-| | |' |' \/ * *
* / * *

Mike Mc Gaughey

Feb 10, 1993, 5:20:35 AM2/10/93
to (Whiplash) writes:

>Sounds about right *&)
>But didn't you forget the bit about using god-ness to get the female players
>to sleep with you??

Who needs to use Godness to do that? All *I* need is to find a
desperate woman who's easily satisfied and has no taste in men.

So you'd be perfect :)



ps: Pity about the plane fare.


Feb 10, 1993, 7:20:40 AM2/10/93
In article <> (Mike Mc Gaughey) writes:
>Who needs to use Godness to do that? All *I* need is to find a
>desperate woman who's easily satisfied and has no taste in men.
>So you'd be perfect :)
> Mike.
>ps: Pity about the plane fare.

And the fiance *&)


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