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Mortal Conquest

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Aron Kirkpatrick

Jul 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/14/95
Well, I will check out EMC++ but I am pretty much sick of MC1...
I have a feeling there will be another pwipe when the players found out what
wass wrong. I have not been able to get on the mud after they were "testing"
using all stayed up for quite a bit, but of course before it did
too, as long as nobody quit.

When Plato finally had got on to fix the bugs (because HE didn't like getting
all that mail) the mud crashed even more...

Mike Morrison

Jul 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/15/95
Aron Kirkpatrick (gizmo@I_should_put_my_domain_in_etc_NNTP_INEWS_DOMAIN) wrote:
: Well, I will check out EMC++ but I am pretty much sick of MC1...

There will be no pwipe, is having some problems
with their computer, that is why you ahvent seen it up in the past
few days.


Warren Wang

Jul 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/16/95
Router card is busted. I was close on my guess, but I didn't think it
was gonna be a totally scrapped router. It's supposed to be back up soon
according to Plato...

See you on my trophy,
+* An evil Elf *+


Jul 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/16/95
Warren Wang ( wrote:
: Router card is busted. I was close on my guess, but I didn't think it
: was gonna be a totally scrapped router. It's supposed to be back up soon
: according to Plato...

Hmm, well thats good (sorta). But, of course, soon is a relative word. For me,
soon would consist if it being up with in the next 5 minutes. For Plato, soon
could be till next sept (and why go back to MC if EMC++ will be back :) ).

: See you on my trophy,

: +* An evil Elf *+

Not likely.
Warblade +* A good Dragonkin *+

Warren Wang

Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95
Warl0ck ( wrote:
: Warren Wang ( wrote:

: : See you on my trophy,

: : +* An evil Elf *+

: Not likely.

: Warblade +* A good Dragonkin *+

Too late, you're already on it.

See you on my trophy list,
+* An evil Elf*+

Eileen Kortright

Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95
In article <Pine.SUN.3.90.950719162402.26217A-100000@anubis>,
KaVir DarkBlade <> wrote:
>* Avatars can only be killed by decapitation from another avatar.
[... some stuff deleted]

[...more stuff deleted...]
>[2211 exp] <66hp 100m 100mv> decap rennard
>You bring your weapon down upon Rennard's neck!
>A misty white vapour pours from Rennard's corpse into your body.
>You double over in agony as raw energy pulses through your veins.
>Info -> Rennard has been decapitated by KaVir.

Can I be Sean Connery? :)

Actually, it sounds like fun.. laugh.. and it sounds like it's based on the
Highlander movie concept -- cute!

Hugs and snoogies,

Le gach deagh-dhurachd,

Eileen Kortright,
Vice President, Sojourn Systems Ltd.,
"Lansing's Premier Internet Service Provider"
SojournMUD Forger

KaVir DarkBlade

Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95
-= God Wars Mud =- 4000 4000

God wars is a PK mud, where players work their way up to avatar level,
then fight each other in battles to the death to improve their own combat
status level. There is one safe room (temple altar), but you can't hide

When coded, the mud had 3 primary objectives:
1) The players should be able to do what they like.
2) The mud should be stable and never crash (well, it hasn't yet...).
3) It should be different from other muds.
Well, I think it has lived up to its objectives :)

Based on Merc 2.1, God Wars includes the following features and more:
* No in-game rules, except those set up and enforced by players (no flags).
* Godless option, making you immune to slay, force, mset, and other immpowers.
* Modified damage messages, death moves, and extra body parts.
* 5 levels, with players being able to work up to 'avatar' - level 3.
* New training system uses exp to train your level, stats, hp, mana, etc.
* Avatars can learn all normal spells and skills, and have other advantages.

* Avatars can only be killed by decapitation from another avatar.

* Spell affect weapons and armour, and weapons that cast spells when they hit.
* Extra object types, mob affects, player affects, and so on.
* Vampires, with vulnerability to sunlight, the ability to grow fangs/claws,
perfect night vision, and more stuff to come.
* Clans coded, and soon to be implemented (as soon as Rotain mails it to me).

So don't delay, get beheaded today!

[2211 exp] <66hp 100m 100mv> fangs
Your fangs extend out of your gums.
[2211 exp] <66hp 100m 100mv> claws
Sharp claws extend from under your finger nails.
[2211 exp] <66hp 100m 100mv> kill rennard
You claw Rennard very hard.
You claw Rennard very hard.
[Tanking] [Awful] <66hp 100m 100mv>
You sink your teeth into Rennard's throat and tear out his jugular vein.
You wipe the blood from your chin with one hand.
Rennard is mortally wounded, and spraying blood everywhere.
[2211 exp] <66hp 100m 100mv> wield sword
You wield a standard issue sword.

[2211 exp] <66hp 100m 100mv> decap rennard
You bring your weapon down upon Rennard's neck!
A misty white vapour pours from Rennard's corpse into your body.
You double over in agony as raw energy pulses through your veins.
Info -> Rennard has been decapitated by KaVir.

[3211 exp] <66hp 100m 100mv>

Jul 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/24/95
<everything deleted>

Sorry to ask this but what's the address?

Also, is ACK up or not, I just get connection timed out, which is strange
for a UK-UK link.

Signed: me.

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