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Amish Friendship Bread (Please read! It's neat stuff!)

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Feb 4, 1990, 11:00:31 AM2/4/90

This recipe is one of those ones where you make a "starter culture" and
it keeps on growing, and you give it to friends, and it keeps on growing.... :)
(And they tell two friends...and THEY tell two friends....)
Kind of the "Old World" version of a chain letter, but you eat it! :)

Day 1 - Receive container. DO NOT refrigerate. DO NOT use metal bowl or spoon.

Day 2 - Stir

Day 3 - Stir

Day 4 - Add 1 cup each of flour, sugar and milk. Stir until smooth.

Day 5 - Stir

Day 6 - Stir

Day 7 - Add 1 cup each of flour, sugar and milk. Use three small containers.
Put 1 cup of batter in each. Add to your remaining batter:
2/3 cup oil
2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
3 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 cup rasins
1/2 cup nuts
Pour into two well greased loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 to 55 minutes
or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the bread comes out clean.

Give a container of batter, the recipe and some of the bread to your

If you received this recipe electronically, you will have to make your
own starter batch of dough. To do this, simply combine 1 cup each of flour,
sugar and milk, and 1 packet of yeast. Count this as Day 1 in the above recipe.

This recipe started being distributed by Girl Scout Troop 15 in
Oswego, NY, USA. They would like to trace its progress as an "experiment" to
see where it goes. If you use the recipe, PLEASE take a few minutes to write
a quick postcard jotting down your thoughts, where you are, etc., and mail it
Girl Scout Troop 15
c/o Emilie Manning
57 E. 8th St.
Oswego, NY, 13126

Or, if you received this electronically, and you would prefer, send
E-mail to CHI...@OSWEGO.OSWEGO.EDU (But if you can't reach the address
electronically {due to the wonders of modern Net routing technology ;^) }
then either send your note to me, and I will forward it, or send some
"snail-mail" to the above address. Please let the girls know where the recipe
is travelling, though, they'll appreciate it!

Thank you, and ENJOY! :)
-Patrick Salsbury
U. of Buffalo, NY


May 2, 2014, 2:26:37 PM5/2/14
reblogged & expanded your original posting on:


May 2, 2014, 4:46:27 PM5/2/14
On Monday, February 5, 1990 2:46:05 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> This recipe is one of those ones where you make a "starter culture" and
> it keeps on growing, and you give it to friends, and it keeps on growing...

Ya mean, kinda like the clap?

Julie Bove

May 2, 2014, 5:40:58 PM5/2/14

"Chemo" <> wrote in message
Yeah. Somebody gave me some of that stuff years ago but it was a totally
different recipe that used a package of Jell-O vanilla pudding. The
resulting bread was super sweet. Not to our liking but my MIL liked it.
For a couple of weeks. And then she too got sick of it. And nobody wanted
the damned starter.


May 2, 2014, 8:46:49 PM5/2/14
On Fri, 2 May 2014 11:26:37 -0700 (PDT), hgoei <>

"(Please read! It's neat stuff!)"

LOL. These spammers are getting more and more blatant every day :)
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