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Auntie May's Peanut Sticks

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Doreen Randal

не прочитано,
20 авг. 1994 г., 02:59:3920.08.1994
Peanut Sticks (Source My Auntie May)

3/4 cup flour
pinch salt
90g butter
3/4 cup grated tasty cheese
beaten egg to glaze
extra salt
freshly ground black pepper or pinch cayenne pepper
coarsley chopped skinned peanuts

Sift the flour and salt into a bowl, run in the butter until
the mixture resembles breadcrumbs, Stir in the cheese and
pepper and knead together to form a dough.
Roll out thinly, cut into strips about 6 cm. long & 1 cm.
wide. Brush over with beaten egg and sprinkle thickly
with chopped peanuts, pressing them down lightly.
Sprinkle with a little salt. Bake on lightly greased
tray 180 C (350 F) about 10 mins. until golden.

These go well with a nice cold beer.

Cheers Doreen

Doreen Randal Phone 06 343 9692
135 Ikitara Road
Wanganui 5001
New Zealand

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