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Fishing kayak

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May 16, 2010, 11:43:15 AM5/16/10
Any recommendations for a fishing kayak for a novice kayaker. I'm
looking for something stable and comfortable I can fish in.



May 16, 2010, 11:34:37 PM5/16/10
Per Roger:

>Any recommendations for a fishing kayak for a novice kayaker. I'm
>looking for something stable and comfortable I can fish in.

I'm no fisherman, but I'd think you have to look at the one by
Hobie that has a pedal propulsion system.

Also, kayak fishing is a big deal in some areas and there are
whole web sited dedicated to it and equipment for same. Might be
worth a couple hours Googling around.

John Kuthe

May 17, 2010, 1:59:24 AM5/17/10

I was gonna suggest the Wilderness Systems Pungo series of kayaks for
fishing, but Googling "Pungo" I turned up this Wilderness Systems

Seems Wilderness Systems is beginning to specialize in fishing kayaks.

John Kuthe...

Robert Scott

May 17, 2010, 11:47:32 PM5/17/10

"Roger" <> wrote in message

Hi Roger,

I'm a long-time canoe guy who needed a fishing kayak and I picked the
Wilderness Systems Pungo 140 Angler. I preferred it to the sit-on-top types
due to the lighter weight and dry storage. And, I'm 6'2" and 250 lbs. so I
needed something with a roomy cockpit and plenty of volume. I have to say
I'm very pleased with the boat and the value. It is very stable and roomy.
Today, I was paddling in brisk winds and whitecaps on a small Adirondack
lake and I was extremely impressed with the Pungo 140's manners. So much so
that I was wondering to myself how much use my canoes would get now that I
have this wonderful kayak.... ;-)

Good luck with your choice,


May 18, 2010, 4:10:27 PM5/18/10

Robert Scott

May 18, 2010, 11:42:05 PM5/18/10
One thing I wanted to add about the Pungo 140...

In the past, this particular model was criticized for not having a forward
bulkhead. I'm a newbie at kayaks, but I understood this to be a significant
safety issue as it prevented the possibility of a wet re-entry self-rescue.

Even though the product pages and literature still list the boat as having a
stern bulkhead, my 2010 model does indeed have a forward bulkhead as well.
I think the Wilderness Systems folks should be advertising this feature, as
anyone that has done some web searching in regards to the Pungo 140 will
most certainly read about the lack of one in the past.

Good paddling,

Jun 3, 2010, 3:14:27 AM6/3/10

I've used the hobie kayak but not for fishing, the pedal propulsion
can move you along quickly and keep your hands free. I liked it enough
that I might try and find a used one.


Jun 7, 2010, 1:50:20 PM6/7/10

"Jeepyak"? Now that does ring some bells from the past.

This doesn't happen to be Dougie Jaeger by any chance, does it? :-)

Wilko van den Bergh wilko<a t)dse(d o t>nl
Eindhoven The Netherlands Europe
---Look at the possibilities, don't worry about the limitations.---


Jun 8, 2010, 8:06:15 AM6/8/10
On Jun 7, 9:50 pm, Wilko <look...@my.sig> wrote:

Most likely one and the same. Check the posting history of


(and yes, its me)

Jun 8, 2010, 12:39:33 PM6/8/10
> :-)
> --riverman
> (and yes, its me)- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Yes, it's me,I'm just missing the jeep, IRL. The accidental drowning
on Memorial Day weekend on the Potomac brought me back as it triggered
momories both good and bad. I'm also going to get back into a kayak
this summer, hopefully I still fit.


Jun 8, 2010, 1:02:30 PM6/8/10

Hopefully you do. I'm not sure I even fit in a Jeep any more. :-(

(but I have a goal. I've been invited to row the Grand Canyon again
next summer....gotta get back in shape for it.)

Jun 8, 2010, 1:37:14 PM6/8/10
> next summer....gotta get back in shape for it.)- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -
I've read a few posts, and one of the pleasant surprises has been a
lack of sponsons. :) I've found that family life can take away from
personal life, My job and changes in jobs has had a dramatic effect on
my boating. The kids cut into that time even more so, my daughter has
somewhat disappointed me, she's a SWIMMER! *gasp* She does well, and I
couldn't be more proud of her achievments, and my son was a swimmer
and is now into karate. I now have finally been able to find some
balance, and hopefully I'll be boating soon, even if it's flat water

Good luck with the Canyon trip, that'll be fun, and I'm a wee bit


Jun 8, 2010, 1:57:28 PM6/8/10

Yeah, I didn't expect him to be anyone else, but since it had been such
a long time ago since I spotted that email address here on RBP, I
couldn't help but wanting to make sure it was Dougie. :-)

For me most of the magic of whitewater kayaking has evaporated. Besides
having done pretty much everything I had set out to do, whitewater
difficulty and playboatwise, it also didn't help that I had a bad
boating accident. Add the fact that most of my boating buddies have
started to get kids and stopped boating and seeing how I am no longer
finding myself near the mountains every second weekend (GF moved in with
me), the frequency of finding myself in a boat has gone down considerably.

I still boat class IV stuff, but it's relaxed boating, usually on
streams I know well instead of hunting for new runs, getting excited
with every announcement of a thunderstorm and trying to run everything
in sight.

This past year we even went on two non-paddling-related holidays (that's
been the first time in about 15 years for me)! Eek!

Then again, because of all the cycling, hiking and what not I am getting
in much better shape then I ever was in the last decade or so. Funny to
see that 33" waist pants I wore a decade ago suddenly fit again, after
having been buying only 36" waist pants for the last couple of years. :-)

Jun 9, 2010, 2:28:43 PM6/9/10
On Jun 8, 9:57 am, Wilko <look...@my.sig> wrote:
> --riverman wrote:
> > On Jun 7, 9:50 pm, Wilko <look...@my.sig> wrote:
> >> wrote:
> >>> I've used the hobie kayak but not for fishing, the pedal propulsion
> >>> can move you along quickly and keep your hands free. I liked it enough
> >>> that I might try and find a used one.
> >> "Jeepyak"? Now that does ring some bells from the past.
> >> This doesn't happen to be Dougie Jaeger by any chance, does it? :-)
> >> --
> >> Wilko van den Bergh                          wilko<a t)dse(d o t>nl
> >>      Eindhoven         The Netherlands            Europe
> >> ---Look at the possibilities, don't worry about the limitations.---
> > Most likely one and the same. Check the posting history of
> >
> ---Look at the possibilities, don't worry about the limitations.--- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Wilko, I read about you loosing a 1/2", don't worry you have plenty
height to spare. ;) I'm blessed to still live close to the Potomac,
and I've taken my kids there to hike and climb on the rocks. My son
now considers this a special spot, somewhere he and I can go and feel
completely at ease. I hope to get him into kayaking, he sees what fun
they have on the river and hears me speak fondly of the sport so I
think it's just a matter of time.

My wife and kids have prevented me from progressing further on the
whitewater level. I don't have the time to train, or the desire to
push the limits. I have fun on any type of water, white, flat or salt,
and that's what is important. Keep enjoying your local runs, they are
like friends you find comfort with, and you know they are reliable.

I still look forward to heavy rains, and keep an eye on the guages.
One thing I want to do is take the kids to Great Falls during high
water just so they can see for themselves what happens. They hear me
tell stories, and look at the high water pole on the VA side, but it
doesn't do it justice. Have fun on the water, and hopefully I'll be
having fun out there soon enough.


Jun 10, 2010, 2:33:31 AM6/10/10
On Jun 8, 9:57 pm, Wilko <look...@my.sig> wrote:

> Yeah, I didn't expect him to be anyone else, but since it had been such
> a long time ago since I spotted that email address here on RBP, I
> couldn't help but wanting to make sure it was Dougie. :-)
> For me most of the magic of whitewater kayaking has evaporated. Besides
> having done pretty much everything I had set out to do, whitewater
> difficulty and playboatwise, it also didn't help that I had a bad
> boating accident. Add the fact that most of my boating buddies have
> started to get kids and stopped boating and seeing how I am no longer
> finding myself near the mountains every second weekend (GF moved in with
> me), the frequency of finding myself in a boat has gone down considerably.
> I still boat class IV stuff, but it's relaxed boating, usually on
> streams I know well instead of hunting for new runs, getting excited
> with every announcement of a thunderstorm and trying to run everything
> in sight.
> This past year we even went on two non-paddling-related holidays (that's
> been the first time in about 15 years for me)! Eek!

Hey Wilko:
Thought this old RBP post would be meaningful to you now.



Jun 13, 2010, 5:58:09 PM6/13/10

Yeah, that definitely sums it up, Myron! :)

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