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Homebuilding Killed John Denver

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Aug 19, 2004, 7:11:52 AM8/19/04
I just read in the newspaper that John Denver was killed in a
homebuilt airplane? That got me thinking to look for a NG that might
be dedicated to this activity, and I found this one.

This is all new to me, quite honestly, and disturbing. People are
building airplanes at home and then flying them? This is endangering
people on the ground and in the air flying in real airplanes.

I guess the good thing from Mr. Denvers death is that the public at
large knows about this practice, and maybe can do something about it
to make our skyways a safer place.


Aug 19, 2004, 7:38:26 AM8/19/04

Never moore352 wrote:

I guess the good thing from Mr. Denvers death is that the public at
large knows about this practice, and maybe can do something about it
to make our skyways a safer place.

What planet are you from that you just rrealized that individuals were building
planes? If you would get a little more
familiar with the aspects involved with
home building, you would not completely
dismiss an interesting and fulfilling
pasttime. Some depart from original
plans and modify things. If researched,
they turn out very well. Denver was not
completely familiar with a Plane he BOUGHT and it bit him.

Bill OParowski

Rob Turk

Aug 19, 2004, 7:46:29 AM8/19/04
"never_moore352" <> wrote in message

> I just read in the newspaper that John Denver was killed in a
> homebuilt airplane? That got me thinking to look for a NG that might
> be dedicated to this activity, and I found this one.

<morbid humor>
This newsgroup is not at all dedicated to killing John Denver.
</morbid humor>



Aug 19, 2004, 8:25:27 AM8/19/04
"never_moore352" wrote:
> ...

> This is all new to me, quite honestly, and disturbing. People are
> building airplanes at home and then flying them? This is
> people on the ground and in the air flying in real airplanes.
> ....

Fortunately, we have a gov't which allows people to engage in
recreational activities, some riskier than others, based upon actual
data as to the risk to the general population.

Any airplane can crash into a house and they occasionally do, but it
is extremely rare they even injure anybody. Same with automobiles,
and they hit houses much more often. There's far more meteorites
which strike earth than airplanes, but the reason there's no real
hazard to us is the statistical chances of hitting anybody, or even
houses. Collision between aircraft is extremely rare too, but whether
or a homebuilt is involved has nothing to do with the cause.

Rock climbers fall off rock faces, and most pilots won't even think of
that as their kind of recreation. But until climbers start killing
"innocent" people down below, there's no need for laws. A kid on a
skateboard can kill a frail senior citizen if he/she falls and suffers
brain injury. Maybe very rarely that has occurred, but merchants
merely post signs and cops don't arrest our kids.

The orig post is yet another instance where some people do not want
gov't controls on their recreation, but they just have to do something
about all those other people, merely because they don't understand
their form of recreation.


Corky Scott

Aug 19, 2004, 7:58:55 AM8/19/04

Bill, this is possibly one of the most obvious Troll's to hit
rec.aviation.homebuilt since the last time this almost identical
comment appeared some several years ago.

There's no question, just comment designed to stir things up. It's
exactly like going into an NRA group and telling them you intend to
outlaw all handguns.

Ignor it.

Corky Scott


Aug 19, 2004, 8:59:25 AM8/19/04

My first instinct was to tear into you with all sorts of personal insults
against you intelligence, your heritage, and so on. My second thought was to
assume that you were yet another sick troll trying to start a flame war.
Instead, for the moment, I will make the assumption that you are simply a very
uninformed individual who needs to be educated on some facts.

Yes, John Denver was killed in a homebuilt aircraft but your subject title
"Homebuilding Killed John Denver" shows that you are pretty ignorant of the
facts. The reality of the event is that STUPIDITY killed John Denver, not the
"homebuilt airplane". John Denver has just purchased the aircraft, had not
flown many hours in the aircraft and was unfamilar with the fuel system, the
range of the aircraft and flying the aircraft. He had flown the aircraft for
several hours without refueling and took-off without filling the fuel tanks.
He was flying too low over an area that he should not have been flying over to
begin with. He then exhausted the fuel in one tank and caused the plane to
dive into the water while trying to switch tanks. There were several things
that John Denver could have done differently, any one of which would have
totally changed the outcome.

First, the fuel selector valve did not have a proper control handle and a pair
of vicegrips were being used to turn the valve. This should have been repaired
before any flights and it was John's responsibility to see to that. It has
also been indicated that the placement of the valve was a contributing factor
and to some degree it was since it required the pilot to take his concentration
from flying the plane to work the valvel. The plane hand been flown for many
hours without incident with it placed there.

Second, the placement of the fuel valve required a movement by the pilot that
could easily have resulted in the pilot pushing on one of the rudder controls
in the process. This could have been the contributing factor in the reported
dive into the water. Even if this was the case, had John Denver not been
flying so low, he could have easily recoverd from the dive without problems.
Had he replaced the vicegrips with a normal control handle it would not have
required as much movement or attention from flying.

Next, John was in such a hurry to get into and fly his plane that he failed the
first rule of flying, preflight your aircraft and make sure you have a plane
that is ready to fly. That means that YOU have enough fuel for the flight
before you takeoff. It had NOTHING to do with being a homebuilt aircraft that
he failed to fill his fuel tanks before flying.

There are several additional problems with John's flight but that should give
you some idea that homebuilding has nothing to do with John Denver's death. It
was the same type of stupid mistakes that could kill you on the highway today.

Yes, people are building airplanes at home and flying them. These are NOT some
Rule-Goldberg type aircraft that are endangering people on the ground or other
"real" aircraft. They are very "REAL" aircraft that in many cases represent
the best that aviation has to offer. They do not present any greater danger
than the manufactured production "real" aircraft. The quality of their
construction often far exceeds that of production aircraft.

Nothing good came from Mr. Denver's death, especially if the ignorance of
people like you is used to "do something about it". Do yourself and everyone
else a favor, either become educated to the facts or mind your own business and
take on some cause that really needs your attention like elimination of dog
owners who let their dogs defficate in my front yard.

Bob Reed (KIS Builders Site)
KIS Cruiser in progress...Slow but steady progress....

"Ladies and Gentlemen, take my advice,
pull down your pants and Slide on the Ice!"
(M.A.S.H. Sidney Freedman)


Aug 19, 2004, 9:04:28 AM8/19/04
It gets worse, never_moore352....

I just read in the newspaper that anonymous trolls, with just a
few clicks of a mouse, can set up fake accounts and post moronic
opinions on the internet, totally anonymously.

This is, to me, quite disturbing. People are allowed by the government
to do this? Obviously this creates too much opportunity for mischief.
This endangers national security, lives, and our safety. Why, someone
could post information which might be valuable to terrorists! Or express
an opinion contrary to the public good!

Please, PLEASE, ask the government to take away this "right", in order
to make the world a safer place for people like us.

"never_moore352" <> wrote in message

Dave S

Aug 19, 2004, 9:22:39 AM8/19/04

I just read that this guy named John F Kennedy, Jr..the son of some
famous dead guy... died in a plane crash in a Piper Saratoga.. I think
that they should outlaw the Piper line of airplanes, since obviously
they couldnt design a plane intelligent enough to overcome the pilot's
lack of skills and judgement...

Dave, the counter-troll...

Darrel Toepfer

Aug 19, 2004, 9:28:03 AM8/19/04
Me wrote:

> I just read in the newspaper that anonymous trolls, with just a
> few clicks of a mouse, can set up fake accounts and post moronic
> opinions on the internet, totally anonymously.

He's in Utah, your in Maryland...


Aug 19, 2004, 9:54:51 AM8/19/04
"Darrel Toepfer" <> wrote in message

> He's in Utah, your in Maryland...

My what? in Maryland?

Darrel Toepfer

Aug 19, 2004, 11:15:02 AM8/19/04
Me wrote:

>> He's in Utah, your in Maryland...

> My what? in Maryland?

Baltimore / Cockeysville area...

"anonymous trolls" - aren't really so anonymous...

Motherboard memory issues yesterday:

Juan Jimenez

Aug 19, 2004, 11:58:52 AM8/19/04
to (never_moore352) wrote in

<groan> Aside from the fact that John Denver's music sucked, the fact that
the airplane was homebuilt was not what killed him.


Roger Halstead

Aug 19, 2004, 1:13:42 PM8/19/04
On 19 Aug 2004 04:11:52 -0700,
(never_moore352) wrote:

Most trolls have the decency to at least camoflage their intent a bit.
Do a search on Google under this thread title <:-))

Roger Halstead (K8RI & ARRL life member)
(N833R, S# CD-2 Worlds oldest Debonair)

Malcolm Spann

Aug 19, 2004, 3:07:46 PM8/19/04

That's like saying that Mercedes Benz killed Princes Di

Matt Whiting

Aug 19, 2004, 5:17:56 PM8/19/04
never_moore352 wrote:

The trolls get less skillful every year...


Del Rawlins

Aug 19, 2004, 8:09:19 PM8/19/04
On 19 Aug 2004 04:11:52 -0700,
(never_moore352) wrote:

>I just read in the newspaper that John Denver was killed in a
>homebuilt airplane? That got me thinking to look for a NG that might
>be dedicated to this activity, and I found this one.


If you had even the foggiest idea what happened to the last troll who
tried this, you would have stayed far, far away from our newsgroup.

Del Rawlins--
Unofficial Bearhawk FAQ website:
Remove _kills_spammers_ to reply

Ernesto Sanchez

Aug 19, 2004, 7:10:49 PM8/19/04


Aug 19, 2004, 7:54:14 PM8/19/04
"Me" <> wrote in message news:Li2Vc.38243$

I like that - your right is to be correct; you know you're right!


Aug 19, 2004, 7:58:29 PM8/19/04

And the housing market has been doing so well. I guess folks should stop building new homes....


Aug 19, 2004, 8:00:54 PM8/19/04
Why are you so obsessed with proving you can gleen IP
addresses from headers, and use Google? Something any
kid can do. Not very impressive.

And what did I say that you think is 'trolling'? Responding
to the troll who started this thread?

"Darrel Toepfer" <> wrote in message



Aug 19, 2004, 8:30:14 PM8/19/04
Who is eric cobb?

"Ernesto Sanchez" <> wrote in message news:ZraVc.40237$
> Read:

Darrel Toepfer

Aug 19, 2004, 11:10:08 PM8/19/04
Me wrote:

> And what did I say that you think is 'trolling'? Responding
> to the troll who started this thread?

Two trolls - two many...

C J Campbell

Aug 20, 2004, 1:42:34 AM8/20/04
Maybe so, but a troll killed two of the Billy Goats Gruff.

Ron Natalie

Aug 20, 2004, 8:21:49 AM8/20/04

"C J Campbell" <> wrote in message

> Maybe so, but a troll killed two of the Billy Goats Gruff.
I still love the theme park ride in South Park: "The John Denver Experience"
(not suitable for pregnant women).


Aug 20, 2004, 8:44:03 AM8/20/04
>> Maybe so, but a troll killed two of the Billy Goats Gruff.
>I still love the theme park ride in South Park: "The John Denver Experience"
>(not suitable for pregnant women).

I'm a rabid south park fan, and I've missed that one!

Care to give a brief description? or does the title pretty much say it all ?

take care


Justin H

Aug 20, 2004, 5:39:33 PM8/20/04
Its where they go to a carnival and there is a ride called the john denver
experience and resembles the rotating 'school bus' ; it just starts beating
the kids around ravagously.

"BllFs6" <> wrote in message

Ron Natalie

Aug 20, 2004, 9:49:46 PM8/20/04

"Justin H" <> wrote in message

> Its where they go to a carnival and there is a ride called the john denver
> experience and resembles the rotating 'school bus' ; it just starts beating
> the kids around ravagously.
Not quite, the whole thing just crashes into the water right after it starts.
The warnings say pregnant women should not ride the ride. Kenny's
mother is pregnant and he gets her to ride it.


Aug 23, 2004, 9:25:06 AM8/23/04
never_moore352 wrote:
> I just read in the newspaper that John Denver was killed in a
> homebuilt airplane? That got me thinking to look for a NG that might
> be dedicated to this activity, and I found this one.
> This is all new to me, quite honestly, and disturbing. People are
> building airplanes at home and then flying them? This is endangering
> people on the ground and in the air flying in real airplanes.

Yes he died in a homebuilt, but it was the SAM that killed him. His low
radar cross section worked against the Patriot, but he failed to install
the IR supression kit and payed the price.

Chris Schmelzer

Aug 29, 2004, 1:24:02 PM8/29/04
In article <>, (never_moore352) wrote:

> I just read in the newspaper that John Denver was killed in a
> homebuilt airplane? That got me thinking to look for a NG that might
> be dedicated to this activity, and I found this one.
> This is all new to me, quite honestly, and disturbing. People are
> building airplanes at home and then flying them? This is endangering
> people on the ground and in the air flying in real airplanes.

> I guess the good thing from Mr. Denvers death is that the public at
> large knows about this practice, and maybe can do something about it
> to make our skyways a safer place.

Oh oh oh...Troll!


Chris Schmelzer, MD
Capt, 110th Fighter Michigan ANG
University of Michigan Hospitals
Ann Arbor, MI


Aug 29, 2004, 1:53:21 PM8/29/04

"Chris Schmelzer" clearly demonstrated in a message that he is clueless:

> > I just read in the newspaper that John Denver was killed in a
> > homebuilt airplane?

Don't you read 'current' newspapers?

> > That got me thinking to look for a NG that might
> > be dedicated to this activity, and I found this one.

You must have expended a lot of mental effort on that one. Too bad you
'found this one'.

> > This is all new to me, quite honestly, and disturbing. People are
> > building airplanes at home and then flying them?

You need to go back and expend more mental effort on this one.

> > This is endangering
> > people on the ground and in the air flying in real airplanes.

Homebuilts are 'real airplanes'.

Lousy troll. Maybe a 1.5 on a scale of 10.



Aug 29, 2004, 1:57:13 PM8/29/04
Sorry Chris!
It's this 'person' who is really out to lunch. (got
the wrong line there)!

"Larry" <> wrote in message

Tim Ward

Aug 29, 2004, 2:13:34 PM8/29/04

"Larry" <> wrote in message

> Lousy troll. Maybe a 1.5 on a scale of 10.
> Larry

Certainly not a very original troll, since it's a copy of a troll from Oct
14,1997, subject line and all.
Google is your friend.
Still, successful, then and now, in getting responses, which is all the
troll is after.

Tim Ward


Aug 29, 2004, 2:32:15 PM8/29/04

"Tim Ward" <> wrote in message

Agreed Tim.
Every once in a while one of them just 'gets under my skin' and I cannot
seem to control my 'reply' finger.



Aug 30, 2004, 3:09:06 PM8/30/04
Why do they want responses?

"Larry" <> wrote in message

Corky Scott

Aug 30, 2004, 4:09:20 PM8/30/04
On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 19:09:06 GMT, "Dude" <> wrote:

>Why do they want responses?

My guess: they don't go away, they sit there watching the fire. Or
perhaps it's a contest between friends or groups to see how much
activity they can fire up by posting an inflammatory comment.

Corky Scott

Old Quaker saying: "Everyone in the world is crazy except for thee and
me, and sometimes I wonder about thee."


Aug 30, 2004, 9:34:58 PM8/30/04
>From: "Dude"
>Date: 8/30/2004 2:09 PM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <mXKYc.52200$>

>Why do they want responses?

They all have delusions of adequacy.The need validation.

Dan, U.S. Air Force, retired

Chris Schmelzer

Sep 3, 2004, 10:38:17 PM9/3/04
In article <>,
"Larry" <> wrote:

> Sorry Chris!
> It's this 'person' who is really out to lunch. (got
> the wrong line there)!

No problem

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