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8 psychiatrists slam Dr. Phil & Cedars for letting him barging into Britney's room uninvited (as his sagging career booster)

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Jan 6, 2008, 9:30:04 PM1/6/08
The fat slimy ASSHOLE is trying desperately to book Britney's
worthless, failure parents. Tsk.

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Psychiatrists Slam Phil, Cedars
Posted Jan 6th 2008 6:25PM by TMZ Staff, NTVLand

Eight psychiatrists tell TMZ they are shocked Cedars Sinai Medical
Center let Dr. Phil go up to Britney Spears' room without her prior
knowledge or consent.

The shrinks had various things to say about Dr. Phil's visit to Brit's
room, but the theme was unified -- that the hospital should not allow
any doctor who does not have in-patient privileges into a patient's
room, unless that patient has given prior consent. TMZ has learned
Britney had no idea Dr. Phil was coming to her room and indeed when he
walked in she became agitated and walked out. She eventually came back
in and he pretty much did all the talking for around 15 minutes.

One psychiatrist called it "intrusive and inappropriate." Another
shrink told us the hospital "is supposed to be a safe place. If the
patient doesn't want to see someone, that person doesn't get in --

Another shrink, who said he was "outraged and disgusted," added, "It
is incredible that the hospital allowed Dr. Phil in her room. It's a
total violation of her rights."

One doc surmised bluntly the hospital was "star struck" and let the TV
doctor's profile override its judgment.

We're told early yesterday the show wanted to book Brit for a TV
intervention that is being taped on Monday. We're told she wants
nothing to do with it, and the show will not have her on. We're also
told Brit's parents, who wanted Dr. Phil to visit Britney, had agreed
at least initially to be on the program.

One shrink said splashing a private medical matter on TV and saying
it's an intervention -- especially without the proper medical
diagnosis -- is no way to run a railroad.


Jan 6, 2008, 9:33:29 PM1/6/08

Do you know who we should blame in all this? OPRAH WINFREY. Yep. It
was that *bitch* that forced this blowhard on us. Actually..... you'd
think Oprah could better control that blathering idiot. That African
Girls' School rape incident should have taught Phil McGraw (((not)))
to make Oprah look bad. Because she does NOT like to be embarrassed
(the over-powered shrew).

Message has been deleted

Padmar Mushkin

Jan 7, 2008, 11:29:25 AM1/7/08
On Sun, 6 Jan 2008 18:30:04 -0800 (PST), Taylor <>

>The fat slimy ASSHOLE is trying desperately to book Britney's
>worthless, failure parents. Tsk.

Dr. Phil is a pinhead:

Fritz Wuehler

Jan 7, 2008, 1:03:34 PM1/7/08
Ah, they are just envious because Phil makes millions while all they get
is a lousy $400 / hour, when they can even convince some sucker to visit
them and have his head shrunk.

Jan 7, 2008, 5:56:04 PM1/7/08
On Jan 7, 1:03 pm, Fritz Wuehler

They shouldn't be surprised, Cedars/Sinai is always catering to
celebs. They are the celebrity hospital.

Agent Smith

Jan 7, 2008, 9:44:45 PM1/7/08
Padmar Mushkin <x@y.z> wrote in news:tok4o3dvpjrhqc70b3bp0e80luo91d7gp9@

Worse, he's a villain.

Wyle Coyote

Jan 7, 2008, 10:00:12 PM1/7/08
> (the over-powered shrew).- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Oh let's blame Oprah.
Granted, she could have discovered a finer Doc than Dr. Shrill, but
doesn't the
U.S. TV viewing audience get a vote in the matter? They could have
this thing off our TV screen years ago. At this juncture blaming
for Dr. Shrill is akin to blaming Diana Ross & Berry Gordy for
They're like..."who"?

Jan 7, 2008, 10:02:45 PM1/7/08

The article I read had this nugget that had me rotlfmao:
"It's true people sometimes need to be placed under involuntary mental
health treatment because they can't take care of themselves," veteran
psychiatrist Dr. Jeffrey Sugar said of the 26-year-old Spears. "But
there's a difference between being detained involuntarily for
psychological treatment and being forced to endure Dr. Phil

Spears, who appeared to have enough trouble already, saw McGraw barge
into her life Saturday when he showed up at her room at Cedars-Sinai

Wyle Coyote

Jan 7, 2008, 10:11:44 PM1/7/08
On Jan 6, 7:48 pm, "It's the Principle!"
<> wrote:
> Taylor <> wrote in alt.showbiz.gossip:
> Additionally, if he went there in a professional capacity, him
> saying ANYTHING about it at all, including that he even saw Britney
> Spears, is a HIPAA violation.  A health professional, especially
> mental health, isn't even supposed to acknowledge that they've met
> someone who is under their care.  
> If he went as a friend of the family, he's obviously a friend of the
> media whore mom trying to milk this for all it's worth, definitely
> not one of Britney's.

I agree! He is so "Z" list!
Meeting w/Brit then acting unethically, by disclosing his profesional
diagnosis of a "mental patient" to the media.
This hurts the psychiatric profession and serves as more reason for
untrusting clients to avoid shrinks.
I'm stone mad, but I just keep going, w/docs like this!
Besides, I got too many bills to pay. ;-)


Jan 8, 2008, 10:28:47 AM1/8/08

"Padmar Mushkin" <x@y.z> wrote in message

"Lead Cenobite" Pinhead doesn't appreciate that:

William George Ferguson

Jan 8, 2008, 1:58:19 PM1/8/08
>> Taylor <> wrote in alt.showbiz.gossip:
>> > One shrink said splashing a private medical matter on TV and
>> > saying it's an intervention -- especially without the proper
>> > medical diagnosis -- is no way to run a railroad.
>> >
><> wrote:
>> Additionally, if he went there in a professional capacity, him
>> saying ANYTHING about it at all, including that he even saw Britney
>> Spears, is a HIPAA violation.  A health professional, especially
>> mental health, isn't even supposed to acknowledge that they've met
>> someone who is under their care.  
>> If he went as a friend of the family, he's obviously a friend of the
>> media whore mom trying to milk this for all it's worth, definitely
>> not one of Britney's.
Wyle Coyote <> wrote:
>I agree! He is so "Z" list!
>Meeting w/Brit then acting unethically, by disclosing his profesional
>diagnosis of a "mental patient" to the media.
>This hurts the psychiatric profession and serves as more reason for
>untrusting clients to avoid shrinks.

Keep in mind that Dr. Phil is not a psychiatrist, he's a psychologist (his
doctorate is not medical).

Compare and contrast Dr. Phil McGraw's behavior on this with Dr. Drew
Pinsky's (whose doctorate is medical) behavior with the Jessica Sierra
stuff. This isn't to say that Pinsky is a paragon, he's every bit as much
of a media whore as McGraw, and he had the advantage of already treating
Sierra for addiction before she crashed and burned, so he had a prior
doctor-patient standing.

I would say that I agree with the judge's orders in the Sierra case, and
think they should also be given in the Spears case (the judge ordered
Sierra to a do a year in rehabilitation at Pinsky's clinic, also ordered
that she not appear on television in connection with the rehabilitation and
that Pinsky not use her in promotion of his clinic or his show, in other
words, get her out of the limelight and out of allowing anyone to
capitalize in terms of publicity),

The key here is that the standoff required police intervention. The state
can bring charges on this, and even though Spears pleading temporary mental
incapacity or reduced mental capacity would almost certainly stand up, that
would put the affair in front of a judge who could make such a ruling as
was made in the Sierra case.

"Oh Buffy, you really do need to have
every square inch of your ass kicked."
- Willow Rosenberg


Jan 8, 2008, 3:01:41 PM1/8/08
On Jan 6, 8:48 pm, "It's the Principle!"

<> wrote:
> Taylor <> wrote in alt.showbiz.gossip:
> Additionally, if he went there in a professional capacity, him
> saying ANYTHING about it at all, including that he even saw Britney
> Spears, is a HIPAA violation. A health professional, especially
> mental health, isn't even supposed to acknowledge that they've met
> someone who is under their care.
> If he went as a friend of the family, he's obviously a friend of the
> media whore mom trying to milk this for all it's worth, definitely
> not one of Britney's.
> --
> Brandy Alexandre
> The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew
> he never would be found out. -- Thomas Babington Macaulay

I just saw an interview he did in which he said Britney needs LESS
If he truly has her best interests in mind, why is he discussing her
in interviews?

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