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How old are you guys that are buying Star Wars stuff?

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Oct 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/5/96

I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?


Dave Patterson

Oct 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/5/96

In article <537a77$>, says...

I'm 30 (31 in November), divorced, have a 3yr old son in another state, and kind
of co-habitate with my girlfriend. I was 11 when ANH came out in 1977 and was
at the premier of ESB and ROTJ the night they opened in '80 and '83. I have a
very small collection of the old toys which includes a complete large Darth Vader
and an incomplete large Chewie, and small 3PO and R2. My POTF2/SOTE collection
today far out numbers my old collection. I must say that I do like the new
stuff better except for the "action" poses. I do wish the new figures had
straight legs like the original figures. I too am curious as to the age of
some of the people who post on here. Just my .02...

Dave Patterson
Tampa FL

Tony Maravola

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

absolut zero wrote:

> (JMclain1) wrote:
> >I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
> >group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
> >wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?
> >
> >Joe
> >
> First off..I'm 20. I'm told I was in the theatre as a young tike to see
> ANH, and I clearly remember seeing ESB and ROTJ...manymany times :)
> first love is the old toys, but I am buying all the new stuff
> too.
> Now...another semi related story. About kids not knowing anything about
> the movies..There's a place here in town that sells old toys , including
> SW toys. I was in there one day, and this kid and his dad come in and like
> a bullet, head over to the SW figure display. Now, this kid was
> no older than 12 max. Why is that important? He could NOT have been born
> until *after* ROTJ came out. The kid is oohing and ahing at this figure
> and that. Now, the guy behind the counter who apparently thought he knew
> all, starts popping off about who each figure was..and eventually..."Now
> this here, is the Cloud car pilot"..only he's pointing at like the AT-AT
> commander (or some equally obviously non-CC pilot fig). The kid pipes
> up, points to orange and yellow head and says "But I thought THAT was the
> Cloud car pilot?". The employee has now been a kid 1/3 his
> age...about toys that preceded said kid. This is even more amazing to me
> b/c the Cloud Car pilot is just about the most uninteresting figure ever made,
> and this kid knew exactly who it was. Brought a tear to me eye ;)
> I've also seen just as many (if not more) kids buying POTF2 as collectors
> (collector=someone who was these kids' age back in '81 or any other
> non-scalper who likes these just b/c they're SW toys). And I've seen
> plenty a young un rifle thru the pegs and not find a Ben or somebody.
> This proceeds to bring up thoughts of strangling the local scalper(s),
> who are the main reason these kids can't find these figs as easy as I
> found 'em back when I was their age.
> Sorry for the ramble. Wasn't this originally just to find out how old
> some of us collectors are? :) 20 going on 12..or is that 21?

All I can say is...AMEN!!! Oh, and I'm 24.


Momaw Nadon

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

I'm 20 and I don't remember too much of ANH in theaters. I do
remember ESB and RoTJ in theaters. I recall that my first figure was
C-3PO. I still have him, minus gold paint and one hand. My 2 favorite
figs were(are) Boba Fett and Hammerhead. I still have these two figs as
I'm currently collecting POTF2 and Action Fleet. Before POTF2
came out, I was collecting Toy Biz Marvel Figs.I open my figs and play
with them. This causes my roomate to question my sanity, although he
played along once. I plan on collecting SW as long as things I like come

Momaw Nadon


Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

Barry or Nikki Mozes <> wrote:

> (JMclain1) writes:
> I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
> group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
> wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?
> Joe

Looks like I am the senior citizen. I am 35 and and I was 15 when I saw
ANH. The line to get into the theater was nearly 2 blocks long. I have 2
kids and both, my 11 year old son and 6 year old daughter, know and enjoy
the trilogy. Infact, most of my son's friends are Star Wars fans.



Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96
to (JMclain1) wrote:

>I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
>group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
>wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?

I,m 16, and I have never seen the movies in theaters, Although Ill be
going to the re-released ones. However, I buy all the books toys and
whatever I can get my hands on


Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

25, and vividly remember seeing the trilogy in the theatres way back

The best memories are of the double features they had when Empire came
out, and then the triple features when Jedi was released. Six hours
in a theatre, watching one film after another.....ah, memories! (and
sore legs!)

I collect the old stuff, and finally completed my collection of the
original ships and figures. I buy some of the new stuff as well, if
it is well done and doesn't look ridiculous, like the steroid-enhanced
Luke and Han.

The difference between collecting today and memories of buying the
stuff when I was a kid? Back then, there were row after row of
figures, and there wasn't any of this short packing crap or hoarding..
You could find any figure you want, and any ship you wanted was also
there. Also, when they said a figure or ship was going to be
released, it was on the shelf within days. And Kenner shipped to
everywhere at the same time, so wherever you went they had the same

The funniest thing about collecting? That people who buy the stuff
today think that the POTF2 will be worth a lot in the future.

Erik A Hansen

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

I'm 20, and saw the rerelease of ANH 13 times in the theater.
Not really sure if I saw the original release. My mom
took me to see ANH evry weekend for a month to see a matinee.
I've now got an 8 year old brother (9 in a week) who is
more exicited than me about collecting SW toys. I work
at an afterschool program and it seems that most kids have
seen the movies or have them, but not to interested in the
toys. Yo-Yos are the in thing now.

Erik Ariston Hansen

Tim Raabe

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

Well I am 15,and my parents tell me that I went to see ESB when I was
eight months old. They said I fell asleep, so I guess The movie
influenced me through subliminal(SP?) messages. I collect mostly the
new stuff, but I have some old figures as well. My first figure I got
was Wicket, I also got a speeder bike. The only reason I got these is
that my cousins were and still are into Star wars, and I wanted that
cute little Ewok. I remember flying him around on the speeder bike like
the scene in ROTJ. He always lived, even after slamming into trees, he
must have been super Ewok or something:). My favorite older figure is
the Jawa, or Yoda. I love the cloth capes they had. My favorite newer
figure, that I have, up to today is, um Boba Fett.

Tim Raabe


"I suggest a new strategy, Artoo. Let
the Wookiee win." C-3PO

"Many Bothans died to bring us this
information." Mon Mothma

Shawn Kemple

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

I'm 17 and saw ROTJ in the theatre I can barely remember it. I had a few
of the toys that were my brothers and my favorite figure was Luke Jedi
Knight. When I started collecting the old stuff again I made sure I got
a complete one. I also collect some of the new stuff if I like it well

Boba FART!!!

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

Barry or Nikki Mozes wrote:

> (JMclain1) writes:
> > I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
> > group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
> > wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?

I'm 16. I've been collecting for about a year. I have been a fan since I
was 8


Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

husband and wife, 24 and 27 resp. he married me because i remember the
first time i saw SW in 77.

jeff jensen

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96
to (JMclain1) writes:

>I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
>group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
>wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?


I'm 21, and that makes me about 2 1/2 when ANH came out in '77. I kinda
remember seeing ANH later when it was re-released before Empire back in
1979, because my my mom was pregnant with my little brother (now 16), and
she would go over to her mom's (my grandma's) house to do "baby" stuff,
and one day, my dad and I went to see AHN at the local theater. Later
that Christmas, ALL I wanted was Star Wars Stuff...from toys to bed
sheets to curtains to SW Under-roos.

When Empire came out the next year, my mom and my dad were getting
divorced, so to help, my dad took me to see Empire. I guess they thought
it would be good for me to be in a fantasy world for awhile, to get away
from all the problems. I remember hearing the Wampa-roar, and seeing him
jump out to attack Luke, and I jumped on my Dad in his seat!

When ROTJ came out, my mom took me and my brother to see it. He was only
3, but he wound up demanding to get all the SW toys I got. I rember the
first ROTJ figure I got was General Madine, because he was the only one
on the racks after everyone else grabbed stuff off the shelf. When I
turned 9, my mom was REALLY strapped for money during my b-day, so we
went to the local Albertson's grocery store (they had SW figs! Really!),
and on the way to the toy aisle, I told my mom all I wanted was Leia in
her Boussh costume, because I thought the removeable mask was just so cool!
Well, when we go to the aisle, there was Leia in her Boussh costume!
Eventhough that was the only present I was able to get from her, I was happy.

Now, I have the trilogy, and all the new figs (except HanTrooper), and
just as happy as I could be. When I bought my Leia as Boushh SOTE fig, I
thought back to that birthday, and just smiled.

-Jeff Jensen

P.S. Just something on my mind: If I could have any SW fig product that
I could imagine, I would have 2 different 4-fig packs, set up like this:

Rebel Leaders:
General Dodonna
General Willard
General Madine
Mon Mothma

Empire Officers:
General Tagge
General Motti
Admiral Piett
General Veers

...It would be nice to have leaders to boss around the figures...


Chris Georgoulias

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

ok, i'll play along. i'm 26. got into heavy-duty collecting in 1990. i saw
all the movies in the theatre and grew up in the heyday of sw. i was 7 when
i saw sw. i distinctly recall the line for jedi being wrapped around the
theater and then having to leave because it was sold out. i saw it later on, so
it was no biggie. i remember the holiday special on tv, but my dad wanted to
watch an animal show so i only got to see like a few seconds here and there when
there was a commercial break. i saw it 16 years later though. it sucked.

i didn't really play with my old toys, i just bought them and set them up. i
still have many boxed vehicles and playsets in fantastic condition that i bought
at retail back in the late '70's / early '80's. i sold off lots of stuff in
order to buy the figures carded. i enjoy the packaging. the logos, the names,
the photos, the offers, the backs. the whole thing.

i've gone overboard on collecting. i primarily collect the old carded figures
but i do pick up the new ones just to have. i also go bonkers for prototypes
from the old toy line, especially figure-related ones.

i have spent an obscene amount of money on my collection, so i will readily
admit that i care about values. it's not the reason i collect, but it is fun to
see the prices rise and nice to know how they are being more and more sought

i have noticed that most collectors nowadays are in the 20-30 year old range
since these were the folks that grew up with it. there are many older folks in
to it which is cool. i think the new involvement with teenagers and younger
folks these days is cool. but i hate to see them get duped on paying scalper
prices for new toys.

i'm also a hound for information on sw collecting and i have tried to amass a
nice stockpile of books and magazines on the subject. i also have a scrapbook
of every cool thing that has ever shown up in toy shop magazine. for folks that
read that magazine they can uderstand what an undertaking that is. i have
everything dating back to 1991. and i mean *every* cool and unusual sw piece
that has ever shown up. countless hours reading, rereading, rerereading and
clipping ads from various places. some stuff has shown up in there that has
never been seen before or since. that's how big of an info-hound i am.

plus i love the art and act of collecting. i love to find the really rare stuff.
that's why i got into prototypes. i got to toy shows as often as possible, i
network with folks all over the place. i love to swap info. i love to find out
about stuff that few people know about. and i love to share that info with
people. that's why i contribute to the sw collector's archive. keeping
collectors informed is the best way to battle ripoffs and scams and keep the
hobby fun and interesting.


- Chris Georgoulias -
- die hard star wars toy collector, -
- freestyle biker, and post-punk -
- music freak <> -
- *see the coolest toys on earth at:* -
- -
- lopez/collectors.html -

Dave Brown

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

13... I was a few months old when ROTJ came out and apparently was
never able to see it in a theater, although I might have. I don't
remember that far back. :) I mainly collect the original figures and
vehicles. The only POTF2 figure I have is Han Stormtrooper. I only
have him because he was free.


Teebo, the Magic Ewok

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

> I'm 30 going on 31. I have been buying the new stuff, but have very
> little of the old stuff. I didn't buy the figures when they came out
> years ago for some reason I can't remember. I saw Star Wars when I was
> 11 years old in a small town and don't remember standing in along line.
> I saw the movie twice, once with my brother and the second time with
> some friends.
> I saw Return Of The Jedi in 1983 and finally saw Empire Strikes Back
> in 1984 at college in the college movie theator.
> I am going to go see all three re-releases next year. I already have
> a date for the new movies when they come out. I made the date with a
> friend a couple of years ago, and we will be going to see the new
> movies together even if we are married to other people.
> Frank

I'm 15. The first movie I saw in my life was ROTJ.


Barry or Nikki Mozes

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96
to (JMclain1) writes:
> I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
> group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
> wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?
> Joe

I'm 25 as well and married, I lean alot towards collecting the
old instead of the new though.BARRY!!!


Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96
to (JMclain1) wrote:
>I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
>group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
>wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?

I turned 30 in June
Sean Savin 713-399-8137 fax 713-689-1027

absolut zero

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96
to (JMclain1) wrote:
>I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
>group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
>wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?

First off..I'm 20. I'm told I was in the theatre as a young tike to see

Reid Worth

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absolut zero

Tracy Alinger

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

JMclain1 wrote:
> I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
> group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
> wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?
> Joe

I'm 13. err..13 and 1. <It's 3:10!> For my bday yesterday, I got 3
shadows figs, new stormtrooper blaster, 12" darth <I already found my
Obi> and the Illustrated guide to the SW universe <which rules!>. I am
goin' back to target 2morrow to hopefully find the only SOTE fig I still
need...Luke Jedi!




Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

I'm 24 and lost all of my originals in a house fire so now I collect the
new stuff. I'm not a collector for value sake or whatever. If I wanted
to do that I'd just buy stock. I collect the new stuff because I like it.
I'm also one of those obnoxious guys who takes everything out of the


Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

<<I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the
group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?>>

I'll be 17 in about a week.. most of the people I talk to who are into
Star Wars are either under 12 or over 20 though. However, on AOL, there
are Star Wars SIMS (like RPGS) and most of the people who play those are
teenagers. You'd be suprised how big Star Wars still is in the younger

Jedi997 (Emperor Palpatine's Dark Jedi Temple)


Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

Dave Patterson wrote:
> In article <537a77$>, says...
> >
> >I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
> >group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
> >wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?
> >
> >Joe
> >
> I'm 30 (31 in November), divorced, have a 3yr old son in another state, and kind
> of co-habitate with my girlfriend. I was 11 when ANH came out in 1977 and was
> at the premier of ESB and ROTJ the night they opened in '80 and '83. I have a
> very small collection of the old toys which includes a complete large Darth Vader
> and an incomplete large Chewie, and small 3PO and R2. My POTF2/SOTE collection
> today far out numbers my old collection. I must say that I do like the new
> stuff better except for the "action" poses. I do wish the new figures had
> straight legs like the original figures. I too am curious as to the age of
> some of the people who post on here. Just my .02...
> Dave Patterson
> Tampa FL Oh well, here goes. I'm forty one.Yup.I am having more fun now doing stuff
like buying toys than I ever had before.(yes I was autistic).It's a real
blast.Every time I get a new toy price guide,I look up all my figures and realize
I am a Millionaire(on paper at least) Then I look on this newsgroup and realize it
is all a pipedream.Oh well,Can't afford real estate.Truly though, I am having a
real good(expensive) time. JOn

matt jacobus

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

I'm 20. I remember seeing ESB-sort of- Mostly where Han cuts
open the Taun-Taun. I remember seeing ROTJ twice. Born in 76.


Shon A. Congleton

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

Cool Thread. I'm 27, and I can remember seeing all 3 movies in the
theatres. A couple of the things I can remember the most were the long
lines we all waited in to see ESB and ROTJ (I can't remember the lines
for ANH, guess I was too excited about seeing the movie). The other is
the first year ANH was out, the local JC Penney had Darth Vader signing
autographs upstairs near Santa. The lines for that went all the way
upstairs, they turned off the escalator, and the line continued out the
west entrance of the store and into the parking lot, which was at least
200 or more yards away. As a 7 year old, seeing Darth Vader (he was
soooo big) was one of the biggest thrills of my young life.
Calvin: They say Santa knows if you have been good or bad, but
what if someone had been sort of both? I mean, suppose some
kid tried to be least, well, most of the
time...but bad things inexplicably kept happening? Suppose
some kid just had terrible luck, and he got blamed for a lot
of things he did only sort of one purpose?
Hobbes: Who exactly might we be talking about?
Calvin: This is purely a hypothetical case, Mr. Smartypants

Gary Weaver II

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

absolut zero wrote:
> (JMclain1) wrote:
> >I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
> >group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
> >wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?
> >
> >Joe
> >Jmcl...@aol.comYours Truly is 21 and a senior in Architecture at OU. I don't recall
seeing ANH in the theatre, but for some wierd reason I remember seeing
the holiday special. As for ESB and ROTJ i saw them both in the theatre
(I also saw ROTJ in the Drive-in). I also remember playing kick-droid
with the remote R2 at Wal-Mart beck when they used to have those open toy
fairs (too bad they don't do that now). I started collecting again back
in 90'. I started with the only things I had left (2 plush ewoks, Yoda
Puppet, and ROTJ lunchbox). By 94, I had all of the figures, and all of
the vehicles, among other things. Unfortunately, I had to sell them to
pay for school (I nearly twisted my own neck). I now collect ther Micro
Collecting, and the New Kenner stuff. Oh, I also collect some prototypes
and I have the 1991 Data East Star Wars pinball machine. I love that
thing :)

Happy Collecting,


Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96


Well, I'm 22.
I was 3yrs old when i saw Star Wars in its original release at a Drive-in.
It is my fondest childhood memory. I can remember my father have to read
the opening to me for i was too young and could not yet read the large

After that i was not only hooked on Star Wars but was spoiled rotten by
giving me Toys a holidays and birthdays. I remember opening Clothing
FILLED with figures. An yes, i still have it all, every last bit of it
stored away in the attic thanks to parents who were smart enough to save
boxes...or at least SOME

But now with the re-release and the NEW toys, I feel just like a kid

Now being an Illustrator i can project my Star Wars memories onto paper.
which IS something i do in my spare time between projects.

Happy Noodle Boy

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

Well......I'll be 31 in November. I have been collecting since I saw
Star Wars in 1977. I have a pretty nice collection of the older stuff.
I kept most of my playsets in their boxes when I wasn't playing with
them. The majority of my figures are loose, but some the later ones I
purchased, like original POTF, are still on their cards. I'm also,
pretty up to date on the new stuff (my credit card bills can vouch for
that!). I don't know what I would do with Star Wars, it's such a part of
my life. I guess I'd just be a lot richer.....

Jedi Jeff.

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

i am 13 and i collect in package.

Michael L. Jelarcic

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

In article <537a77$> (JMclain1) writes:
>I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
>group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
>wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?

I am 31 years old. Saw ANH at 12, still have my ticket stubs and since
I still live in the same city I plan on going to the re-releases in the
same theaters! My favorite Star Wars memories are of a SW theme birthday
party (14th I believe), including a R2-D2 cake, I even have a picture of
me, the cake, the R2-D2 model and the R2-D2 Kenner figure, guess you can
say R2-D2 is my favorite character. My second favorite memory consists
of attending the ANH re-release, watching *all* the screening for two days
solid, feeding my face with Sees Candy suckers and the cookies from Darth
Vader's Activity Book (I even baked them myself).

As a side note, in this month's Green Lantern (#81) the associate editor
Eddie Berganza states at the end of the letter column, "Only five more
months until I can take my kids to see Star Wars in the theaters! Wahoo!".

Who said what?!? We don't know him. go away. - my employer

Bill Nolan

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

I'm 26.
The first time I saw Star Wars (that's what I call it,
not "ANH," *long live Hammerhead*) was with my
mother in 1977 when I was 7. We arrived late, when Leia
was giving her message to R2, so I didn't saw the
whole scrolling intro thing until later.
I don't remember when I first saw Empire, but I remember
that I read both Empire and Jedi before I saw the movies.
And that still didn't ruin it for me. I also remember
waiting in a huge line when I was 13 (with my mom again)
in the rain to see Jedi at some point during it's first
The first Star Wars toy I had was a Chewbacca figure that
I found at recess in the 2nd grade. I still have it (it has
no crossbow), but I also have a loose complete one. I also
remember playing with several Jawas at school and losing one
in the rocks (not a vinyl cape one, that I'm sure of).
Other memories - getting the Death Star playset (the coolest
toy ever). I still have it, along a picture of me on Christmas
Day with the thing all put together. I also remember getting
the 12-inch Luke on Christmas and losing the grappling hook
that same day and the lightsaber not long after. Leia's
gun was the only other accessory I ever lost, but I picked up
a replacement somewhere along the way when I was given someone's

- Bill


Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

I'm Drake, and I'm 6. My dad bought the Star Wars movies, and I love
them, and I want all the toys, especially the spaceships!
Empire Strikes Back is my favorite movie.
(written by Drake's mom, Gina, who is 25 and never did care for the
movies the first time around,but I am certainly living it through my
husband and Drake's obsession this time!)

" I like to keep a more open mind" Fox Mulder
"One man's morality should never by way of ideaology become another's legality"
Robert Ludlum
Clinton-Gore '96


Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

My big brother took me to see Stars Wars in 1977. As he saw it the night
before, he told me it was the greatest movie. Boy, was he ever right.

Waited in line in 1980 with friend's from 8th grade to see the Empire
Strikes Back on its opening day. Still remember hearing that famous line
for the first time vividly "NO, I AM YOUR FATHER!"

Saw Return of the Jedi with a cute date from high school. I loved the
film. She said it was too much of a guy's movie. Oh well...

Looking forward to the special editions. It's like doing it all over

BTW, I'm 30 going on 15



Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

I'm 25 but at the rate I've been buying SW toys lately, you would think I
was going on 10. :)



Visit my Star Wars web page at


The Force

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

jeff jensen wrote:
> (JMclain1) writes:
> >I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
> >group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
> >wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?
> >Joe
> >
>Hi everyone,I'm 29 years old. I went to see the movie with my older brother and
when I got out of that theater I couldn't stop talking about that movie.
One day I went to the theater by myself and sat through Star Wars 5
times. I couldn't get enough of it. The story and character are great.
When I saw the toys I wanted them all but of course I was a little kid
with no money. Still my parents got me a good amount which I have
recently pulled out of the closet and have set them up in my room once
again. I have been spending alot of time at this newsgroup trying to
find the old toys that I didn't have and my collection is growing while
my savings is going terribly in the red. Oh well. I have my toys.
Well, if you have read this far, thanks for reading. If you would like
to write me, please do. I love talking about Star Wars.

William []

Steven Prendergast

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

I'm 27 going on 12. ;)


Brad Smith

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

31. Married and three kids. I have the biggest toy collection on the


Brad Smith

Derek Litton

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

If anyone cares, I am 33 years old.

I was 14 when Star Wars came out and could not get my parents to take
me... :-( I finally saw it during it's rerelease the following summer in
1978 (I had a friend who just got his license.) The one thing that
haunts to this day is the rememberence of a fat guy who sat behind me
and laughed at the most inopertune times. Like when Vader states that
"The force is strong in this one" , refering to Luke in the Seath Star
trench. I could help but wonder what this guys problem was...
Unfortunately, I did not even know that SW toys even existed because it
had been years since I set foot in any toy stores. (I was heavy into
collecting comic books... I still have all my old FF's... :-).

When the Empire came out I had my license (being 17) and saw the movie
14 times at the theater. I was hooked. I did discover the toys hunting
for a birthday gift for a friends nephew, but by then I though I was too
old to play with them. (What collect toys? That's what you do to comic
books....) I did however buy a few figures (6) and open them to place on
my desk (thought it was cool). In 1992, shortly after playmates came out
with their new Star Trek figures, I searched my parents attic and found
those 6 SW figures and have been on a collecting frenzy ever since.

Yes, I admit it, that I like Star Trek. I am in rehab for it and ever
since The Next Generation went off the air I have been SW crazed. Now, I
find that I have always been fascinated with action figures and love
most of the new figures that Kenner produces. Though I do wish that
Playmates got the new license to produce the toys. I do believe that the
5" is better scale for detail for figures but understand that if you
want to make and sell ships that actually use the figures, the 3 3/4"
scale makes sense. But if you wanted more realistic faces and less
muscles playmates would have delivered.

Just my 2 cents.

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

I am 19. I vaguely(sp?) remember seeing the first two movies in the
theaters. I remember seeing ROTJ twice in the theaters. I boxed up all
my old figures for a few years. I took them out of the boxes immediately
after reading the first Zahn novel and put them on a shelf in my room. I
have the new ones open on other shelves in my room and I have a few
foreign carded new figures that I have traded for.

Joe Filteau


Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

This thread has turned out to be a very good idea and proves that Star
Wars is indeed timeless.

John Marciante

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

In article <538njp$>,
Chris Georgoulias <> wrote:
>ok, i'll play along. i'm 26.

I beat ya - 27! And I still get SW toys for Xmas, Bday, etc.

I started in 78 with the original 9, went through the wee end, but stopped near
the B-wing, Imperial Shuttle - too much money! I've since replenished and
am near completion of the vehicles (have all figures without variants (except
I have the blue snag.)). Ah, the joy of collecting!



Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

I'm 17, and I have lots of old figs from when I was little. (My dad
went to the store every week to get me a new fig.) I now collect the
new stuff like a FIEND! Aaaahhh....hmmmm........I'm 17, so for my
birthday I want a Boba Fett helmet!

B O B A - F E T T

S. B. Leach

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

JMclain1 wrote:
> I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
> group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
> wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?
> Joe

I'm 41, saw ANH when I was 22, so I'm an old-timer. I began collecting
POTF2 because I've always been a fan of the trilogy. Plus I collect
other toys, old matchbox for instance. I realize the value, (mostly
nostalgic not monetary, though that can be a bonus), of saving the toys
of one's youth, (something I and my parents failed to do), and so I'm
saving a set of these toys for my soon to be 5 year old, and getting him
a set to play with today.

He is really getting into it as we set up mock battles. I can't wait to
take him to the re-release next year!

BTW, I have a 1977 dated Hildebrandt poster, the small, (approx. 18x24"),
Star Wars classic pose,(Luke w/lightsabre, Leia at his feet), blue
background etc. I don't put posters up anymore, so if anyone is
interested, LMK with an offer. thanks.



Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

After reading this thread, I'm actually happy to be 31 years old. (I've
been pinning for my youth for years now) I think I was the perfect age
when Star Wars came out. Old enough to go by myself, young enough to be
completely enthralled.

Yes, you guys have actually helped me to appreciate my true age.

Thank you
Carl Kramer


::Stay on target::

Jeffrey Cope

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

I am 31, and am thoroughly caught up in the SW-mania! I loved the
movie when I first saw it in '77 (even tho' I lost a tooth on a Milk
Dud in the middle of the movie! My last baby tooth) and I think I love
it even more now.

I remember after the movie came out in May of '77, I really, really
wanted toys. I was big into GI JOE at the time (go, Adventure Team!),
but never really cared for the size of the JOES. I always had a
fascination with smaller things. As a kid I had a huge collection of
little figurines and toy animals, the smaller the better. I remember
telling my folks that I wished they would make Star Wars figures
"about this big" and showing the size I hoped for with my fingers.
What size did I wish for? Oh, just about 3-3/4"!

I remember months later seeing a commercial for the Kenner early bird
set, and seeing the 3-3/4" figures for the first time. It was a dream
come true. And with POTF2, the dream lives on!

I've read several posts here and elsewhere from folks wishing
Playmates or McFarlane Toys had gotten the SW license, and all I can
say is, I am happy with what we got! The new toys for '97 look even
better (Bossk? yes!! My 2nd favorite bounty hunter!). Gonna need WAY
more shelf space!


Rick Schmidt

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

Well...I saw Star Wars in the theatre when I was 12 yrs do the
math! :)

ok...I will do it for you...12 + 19 = 31

I have been collecting SW for only about a year though, and my bank account
has not been the same since!


________ __ __ __ __ _______
/___ / /__/ /__/ / / /__/ /__/ /____
______/ / / / / \ /__/_/ / / / \_______/


Ken Sargeant

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96


Elizabeth Hall

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

I'm 27 years old and stephen the true collector is only 4. I remember
watching the star wars movie over and over again with this little boy
named stephen(not my son)that i use to babysit in the late 80's. We
would say the scenes together, he knew them all by heart. Now he has
gotton my son stephen into the collecting. Stephen has a complete set
of figures with all the weapons and has 70% of all the ships. He loves
his star wars more than anything. Elizabeth


Bob & Toni Hall Enterprises
Elizabeth A. Hall
45 Santa Ana Ave.
Santa Barbara, CA

(805) 967-2543

Always looking for Star Wars toys, Elephants and Vases.


Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

In article <>, matt jacobus
<> wrote:

...24...i saw all the releases zillions of times - jedi at its' first
screening in my city, of which i was very proud...i've very distinct
memories of all those times, the theaters, the pre-release newspaper
articles, etcet...
...i got my first fig, c3po, on night after the third or so time i saw
ANH...i can remember being so proud of him, taking him to show and tell
only to discover that all the other boys had four to nine figs apiece; so
much for being innovative!.. a child, my parents moved around very often, so i never really
got to know many kids a result star wars *was* my life, and the
toys were its' substance...i had a nice little cache, which i thought was
all the world, and that was my so solo occupation outside of attending
...what was so amazing to me about the star wars toys was that they
were an instant connection between me and the other kids i met moving
around; no matter how little i knew anybody, we could always get together
with our star wars figures and have a great time...i suppose for many kids
this would have been baseball or whatever, but i never cared much for
sports and star wars was the great universal truth then... age nine i finally settled into one place, and again quickly made
great star wars friends, some of whom i've had for i lived and
breathed and embraced the world these films and toys brought me into,
losing myself in fun that seems unmatched with lots of kids these days... age eleven, shortly after jedi came out, my parents made me give
all my toys to charity...i was devastated...eventually i found
substitutions in robotech or transformers or whatever, but star wars toys
were always my true first love...

...i've been a bit slow to accept the new stuff, thinking it inferior,
or he-manish (which i took to be the first phase in the decline of recent
toys), but was always fascinated by the action fleet, as it's almost a
perfect emulation of what i always deramed would be the ideal robotech
toys...i finally this summer broke down and began collecting it, picking
up POTF2 to satiate my craving in the inbetween i'm going
back and getting micro collection, which always fascinated me as a kid,
but was then beyond my (parent's) means...
...i open everything, and prize play value in the toys above all else;
thus i've been a bit disspointed in the POTF2 line so far...
...i'd say that i open and play with everything, and am damned proud of
it, but that's not really true...i try to play with it, really i try very
hard, but i just can't seem to get into playing by myself like i used

...still, the memories of playing, and the thoughts of play to be had,
warm me and keep me collecting and opening and dawdling; maybey it'll come
back to me sometime...


*collecting action fleet and micro collection*
*if you've any leads, please do pass them on!*

Ryan Beise

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

Well, I'm 20. I have quite a bit of the old stuff (some from when I was a
kid and some that I've bought in the past couple years (after I got back
into Star Wars). I have every POTF2 item that has come out so far (that
has come to my area - I haven't seen the Deluxe figs or the Xixor Vader 2
pack). I'm a music major at the UW as well.

Ryan Beise
Darth Vader and John Williams fanatic
Woodinville, WA

/| /|
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Todd DuBrey

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

I'm 25, Married, with my first child on the way. (Due early Jan.) My
Wife gives me hard time, because I'm a SW nut, but she loves me for it
just the same. I never (gasp) saw Star Wars in a theatre. I was only 6
when it came out, but I did see it in a drive-in a couple years
later...Guessing 79'. my First Figure was Hammerhead. I got it as a
Birthday present from a kid named Jim Laurine in 2nd grade. Sadly, all
of my SW stuff was destroyed in a house fire in 88'. I started
recollecting about 5 years ago. I simply can't wait to introduce my
child to Star Wars. My wife kids me about how when our child gets gifts
for Christmas, I'll be the one to open the package carefully, put the
box in the attic, and the play with the toy first...:} Lord, I can't


________________. ___ .______
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.-----) | | | / _____ \ | |\ \-------.
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____ __ ____ ___ .______ ________.
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\ /\ / / _____ \ | |\ \---) |
\__/ \__/ /__/ \__\|__| `._______/

The Force will be with you....always.

Todd DuBrey

Ken Higginson

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

I'll be 24 in November, and my friend who collects with me will be 23 on

I've seen all 3 movies on the big screen, own the Letterboxed laser
discs, and have over 40 stormtroopers (all open, and I just love saying

I like Star Wars, that's why I buy the toys... I had a lot of the ships
& figures growing up, but not everything, and I didn't take care of it
like I should have. I love the new stuff, especially stuff I didn't

___ _ _ ___ _ ___ _ _ How in the hell could you possibly
| \| >|_ /\ |\/| | |_||_ /\ | |_| > forgive me, after all the hell I
_|_/| \|_/ \| | | | ||_/ \| |_| \ put you through?

J. Kozlowski

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

I'm 25. On my sixth birthday, my parents took me out to dinner. After
that, they said they were taking me to get ice cream but instead they
took me to see A New Hope. I willl never forget it.

Jeff Kozlowski


Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

I have collected Star Wars for my entire life. I just turned 24 and do
not remember life before Star Wars. As I grew up, for every birthday,
Christmas, or Easter, I always got something to do with Star Wars.
Through my 24 years, I have watched the trilogy at least 1.9 billion
times and I plan on watching at least another 156.9 trillion times
more. I still have every single thing that I have ever gotten since my
very first Luke Skywalker figure. Well, maybe I lost a few weapons!
Through the years, I have poured money into Star Wars left and right.
It would be scary to add up the amount! Additonally, I am going
bannanas over the new stuff. When a new figure hits the stores, I
immediately want it no matter which character it is. With one
exception, I hate that classic figure pack of Luke, Ben, Darth, and
Chewie! It was cheesey!! I did not want it when I saw it at TRU and I
don't want it now!

RyAn -- Collector Of Gallatic Space Junk

Dan Bradley

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

Lets see...I'm 23, have been lurking around here for a long time though
most of you won't know me cause I mostly email, been collecting since 91
or so but did it in spurts due to funds so my collection isn't where it
should be for the time I've been doing it, bought my first Toy Shop in
92 or so, welcome POTF2 as a cool thing to own next to the original
line, remember the long line into the parking lot when I went to see
ROTJ opening night, had a dream to work for ILM after the SW movies and
their first large book, and I just wrote a gramatically pathetic
sentence that goes beyond any run-on I've ever written :)

George Mason University
email: 'Sweet Fuh Days'


Oct 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/8/96

I'm 30 going on 31. I have been buying the new stuff, but have very
little of the old stuff. I didn't buy the figures when they came out
years ago for some reason I can't remember. I saw Star Wars when I was
11 years old in a small town and don't remember standing in along line.
I saw the movie twice, once with my brother and the second time with
some friends.
I saw Return Of The Jedi in 1983 and finally saw Empire Strikes Back
in 1984 at college in the college movie theator.
I am going to go see all three re-releases next year. I already have
a date for the new movies when they come out. I made the date with a
friend a couple of years ago, and we will be going to see the new
movies together even if we are married to other people.


James Ballance Jr.

Oct 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/8/96

I am 29 and still remember standing in line for all 3 movies
on opening day. The first with my dad and the last two were
with friends. I remember those friends because they are still
my friends today and we are all still huge Star Wars fans. I
only got the toys after the first movie because I thought I had
gotten a little "old" for them by the time Empire came out.
All my old toys were sold at a few yard sales over the years
and I have spent the last 4 trying to replace them and others
that I never got. Its kind of funny because I play with my
toys a lot now and I don't think I'm to old anymore.

William H. Nickelson

Oct 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/8/96
to wrote:

I am 19. I vaguely(sp?) remember seeing the first two movies in the
theaters. I remember seeing ROTJ twice in the theaters.
-Joe Filteau

Then you have the best memory on the planet! I'm 20 (going on 8) and
Star Wars was the first movie my parents took me to, and I was less than
one at the time! If your 19 that means you were born in late 76
(me...Oct 1, 76), or sometime in 77, making you younger than me at the
time. For some reason I don't think you remember seeing "A New Hope" in
the theaters.


"Do. Or do not. There is no try." -Yoda
"The Force will be with you....Always." -Obi-Wan

William H. Nickelson (

Michael Mierzwa

Oct 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/8/96

McMIKEYB ( wrote:
: This thread has turned out to be a very good idea and proves that Star
: Wars is indeed timeless.

I don't collect Star Wars figures ... but have a "friend" who does. ;)

My "friend" is .... I ... um he forgets how old he is, but was born in
1971. [after much math] I guess that makes him about 25.

Yes, he has seen the films over and over and over again. In fact, he even
once had a professor move an exam back, because USA was playing the
Trilogy the night before ... cool professor, eh?

He kept all of his old stuff, is repairing it, and now has his parents
hunting & looking for more of the old stuff.

Oh, and yes. I ... make that he ... buys the new Stuff (posters, books,
toys, cards, etc) all the time.

Michael Mierzwa


Oct 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/8/96

In article <>, says...
>Barry or Nikki Mozes wrote:

>> (JMclain1) writes:
>> > I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the
>> > group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
>> > wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?

I'm 27 now.I used to have all the figures and most of the vehicles when they
first came out. Star Wars had a real impact on me when it first came out. I
can't wait to see it again on the big screen.

I started collecting again about 2 years ago.I had sold all my stuff years ago
at a silly price (they were'nt collectable back then) so I have given up on
the old stuff and I am now collecting the POTF2 range.

Oct 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/8/96

Well ,.................... I'm (cough) ....... 49 (cough) going on
(oh , heck , why lie about it ) 50.

I went to see the original Star Wars movie back in 1977, with my wife and
two sons, age 6 and 7. After that my two sons and I wore out 3 theatre
seats going as often as we could afford to see the movie over and over.
Then as the next two movies came out, we three, wore out 3 more theatre
We all three collected the star wars toys. We always bought 2 of everything.
One was for the boys to play with, the other went into a whole wall display
case that we all three built, with sliding glass doors. Needless to say ,
the ones the boys played with are buried somewhere on our 5 acres or are
at the bottom of our calf lot pond (weighted down with rocks). But, our
display case still stands today, full of every Star Wars figure small and
large that was put out by the Kenner Co., along with all the ships (micro,
die cast, and regular size). We (all 3 of us) still to this day buy the
new figures as they come out and add them to our joint collection. We still
get together several times a year and have a showing of all three of the
There is one place we have drawn the line. The new 12" figures. We
all decided not to put them in our collection. They are so different from
the original large dolls, that we don't want them. They are "awful".
I guess we three will always love Star Wars. My wife and both my son's
wives, have come to realize that after them , our family's, and our homes,
Star Wars is the next most important thing to all three of us.

In article <> (Michael L. Jelarcic) writes:

>In article <537a77$> (JMclain1) writes:
>>I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
>>group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
>>wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?
>I am 31 years old. Saw ANH at 12, still have my ticket stubs and since
>I still live in the same city I plan on going to the re-releases in the
>same theaters! My favorite Star Wars memories are of a SW theme birthday
>party (14th I believe), including a R2-D2 cake, I even have a picture of
>me, the cake, the R2-D2 model and the R2-D2 Kenner figure, guess you can
>say R2-D2 is my favorite character. My second favorite memory consists
>of attending the ANH re-release, watching *all* the screening for two days
>solid, feeding my face with Sees Candy suckers and the cookies from Darth
>Vader's Activity Book (I even baked them myself).
>As a side note, in this month's Green Lantern (#81) the associate editor
>Eddie Berganza states at the end of the letter column, "Only five more
>months until I can take my kids to see Star Wars in the theaters! Wahoo!".
>Who said what?!? We don't know him. go away. - my employer


Oct 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/8/96

S. B. Leach wrote:

> JMclain1 wrote:
> >
> > I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
> > group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
> > wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?
> >
> > Joe
> >
> I'm 41, saw ANH when I was 22, so I'm an old-timer. I began collecting
> POTF2 because I've always been a fan of the trilogy. Plus I collect
> other toys, old matchbox for instance. I realize the value, (mostly
> nostalgic not monetary, though that can be a bonus), of saving the toys
> of one's youth, (something I and my parents failed to do), and so I'm
> saving a set of these toys for my soon to be 5 year old, and getting him
> a set to play with today.
> He is really getting into it as we set up mock battles. I can't wait to

> take him to the re-release next year!
> BTW, I have a 1977 dated Hildebrandt poster, the small, (approx. 18x24"),
> Star Wars classic pose,(Luke w/lightsabre, Leia at his feet), blue
> background etc. I don't put posters up anymore, so if anyone is
> interested, LMK with an offer. thanks.
> Scott

I'm 16. I saw ROTJ when I was three and I remeber my mom taking me out
of the theatre because I was crying. Those damn Ewoks! :)

I started my SW fanatasiscim my Freshmen year in High School thanks to
my English teacher. We had to do a movie review and I got Star Wars.
My mom bought it for me bcos we couldn't rent it. Then I got hooked.
My first "Bought bcos I like SW" toy was the first ESB MM set with the
TIE and the AT-AT. The first SW toy I got was an original R2D2 with a
weird hole in his head. (It's not weird anymore! :) Then I got an OB1
and a Tusken Raider. I also remember having a bunch of others, but they
disappeared. I musta traded them off to my friend. I traded everything
I liked for BS toys. I traded an original Scourge and Hot Rod for a
bunch of Legos I don't even use. I'm not saying Legos are bad. As a
matter of fact, my girlfriend got me Majisto's Magical Workshop for our
monthaversary. Anyhoo, and that's how I got hooked.

MadVega the Magnificant

Major Smashing Pumpkins fan and ShRoOmEr!

Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage...

(p.s. Muzzle, coming October 1996! Enjoy the ride!)


Oct 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/8/96

I'm 37. College degree.
My wife - 36. College degree
Son - 6y/o
Daughter y/o.

I've collected things all my life . I remember truly enjoying Star Wars
when it first came out, but I was too heavily into Rock-n-Roll concerts
and school to go crazy over it..
A funny thing happened last Christmas ....

My wife bought the trilogy for my son ...... And if any of you have kids
out there, you know that you get stuck watching the same videos over &
over .(i.e. Barney ad nauseum)...
Well these were the first videos that we looked forward to seeing on a
steady basis ... we started buying POTF2's for my children and we have one
of each character to date ..... our boy now has the new Milleneum Falcon
(boy is that cool !) ...our daughter loves R2D2..
This past weekend our family spent some time hitting all the big stores
for SOTE items !!!!! We're hooked & we love it...
My wife & I have also been reading the novels that have come out over the
past few years..

I'm convinced my wife uses the Force to find things around the house that
the rest of us always lose !!!

Take care, May the Force be with All of You .....

Tydirium Multimedia

Oct 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/8/96

I'll be 29 in two weeks.

I saw ANH in the theatre five times at the age of 10/11. I never saw ESB
in the theatre, because I think my parents were afraid of my obsession and
never took me to see it. I played hooky from school in the 8th grade to
see ROJ on the day it opened. I saw it twice that day.

My collection of both old and new SW stuff is massive and huge. Most of
the old stuff is unboxed, tho.

I also publish a SW 'zine, Blue Harvest (see below)




Orders for Episode Ten being accepted now!!!

Will ship around Halloween!!!

This printed Star Wars Œzine is published by James Addams with Mary Jo Fox.

This issue features:

An interview with Star Wars comic book artists Cam Kennedy, Oliver Vatine
and Fred Blanchard.

A transcript and commentary of the record album ³Rebel Mission to Ord Mantell²

Tips and strategies for the Star Wars CCG

The Star Wars / Simpsons connection

³Heirs Apparent²: a look at the post- ROTJ bad guys in the SW saga

³SW: The home-made version²

Lots of Reviews: SOTE and more.

Plus news, rumours, gossip, editorials, and more, more, more!

Available by sending a check or money order for only $4.75 per copy made
out to Mary Jo Fox to:
PO Box 215
Vienna, VA

Episodes three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine are still available
for the same low, low price, and are also jammed full of great features...

Submissions now being accepted for Episode Eleven (February).

E-Mail (Mary Jo Fox) or (James
Addams) for more information!


'J' is for James who took lye by mistake

Michael Wall

Oct 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/8/96

I'm 26 and was 7 when SW came out. I was lucky enough to have parents
that never threw anything away. I got back into collecting SW about 3
years ago. I thought I had every figure made, until I found out there
was a Yak Face. So, it was real easy to complete my set. I bought the 85
POTF figures when I was 16 only because I had every figure made up until
then. I left them carded, tossed them into a box and up into the closet.
I opened the Han Carbonite though, I had to see what he looked like
under that shell. My favorite character is the Tusken Raider. It was the
first action figure I ever owned.
I recently purchased a Droids Vlix MOC and only need a MOC Droids Boba
Fett to round it out. So if you have one to sell, contact me.


Ray(the rebel)Burgard

Oct 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/8/96

I'm 20. Like many people, Star Wars has been a major part of my life.
I don't know how I could have seen SW on the big screen back in 76'.
But I remember the opening of the cantina scene with the first alien
popping his head out and looking to the audience, it scared the crud
out of me!! As a child I remember wanting a "Dark Vader" with his
"life saver". I was definitely in the theatre ESB & ROTJ. My dad and
I saw ROTJ twice back to back. I know some of you saw the movies
several times back to back, but when you're between the ages of
1-7, you don't have all that much say-so. My parents tried to get
me every figure that came out. They allowed me to have major
vehicles and playsets for Christmas and birthdays. My childhood
was SW. Every birthday was a SW convention. Yoda cakes, R2D2
cupcakes, SW napkins tablecloths, the whole bit. I remember
on one halloween night, I ambushed some teenagers out from a nearby
garden with my brand new Han Blaster. They split
in all directions, it was the best. I think I had a Yoda mask on,
a bit out of character, but I didn't care! I used to pray that
when I would wake up the next morning, a lightsaber would be at my
After ROTJ, I got lost in other things and I was going through
a move at the same time, things just changed. Now that I'm 20
and trying to balance work and school, I've some how mysteriously
found my way back into SW, and I'm happy to see that others are
doing the same. I primarily collect the old stuff, mainly because
it represents the innocence of my youth, and it reminds me of easier
times when I didn't have the bothersome responsibilities which
we must all face. Sorry if I've dragged on!--Ray :-]


Michael L. Jelarcic

Oct 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/9/96

On a whim, I went back through the old posts in this thread and made a list
of the ages:

Total # of ages posted: 60

Age Count Weird Graphic/Histogram Thingie
---- ----- -------------------------------
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 1 #
5 -
6 2 ##
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 -
13 2 ##
14 1 #
15 2 ##
16 3 ###
17 3 ###
18 -
19 2 ##
20 6 ######
21 2 ##
22 1 #
23 -
24 5 #####
25 7 #######
26 3 ###
27 6 ######
28 1 #
29 3 ###
30 5 #####
31 5 #####
32 -
33 1 #
34 -
35 1 #
36 1 #
37 1 #
38 -
39 -
40 -
41 2 ##
42 -
43 -
44 -
45 -
46 -
47 -
48 -
49 1 #

I don't believe I missed any ages but I could be wrong. The data appears
to indicate that people 13+ years or older are the ones most interested
but take into account many younger people (under 13) don't have access to
the 'net. A little over half of the posters (35) are aged 24-31, about
the right age range to see the movies in a theater, and be aware of what
is going on in the movie. But once again, we must remember that younger
people might not have access or even know about this group.

Peter Hamilton

Oct 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/9/96
to (JMclain1) wrote:

>I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
>group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
>wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?

Well, when they have a 22 year old brother telling them about it
they do. My young brother is six, and it is hard to tell who is a
bigger Star Wars nut. Dailey lightsaber fights after work are the
norm and we watch one of the movies each week. And about twice a
week he asks how long till the movies will be back at the theatre.
"Too long!". 8-)


/ @ \

Ted Sallis

Oct 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/9/96

I'm 32, saw Star Wars in the theatre when I was 13 and loved it ever
since. I'm amazed at the range of ages I'm seeing here! 6-41, and I'm
sure there are older fans as well as many many more kids 5 and up who love
Star Wars. Good thread.

Ted Sal...@AOL.COM
The world's first tooth whitening abrasive cereal that your kids will

Calvin Roe

Oct 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/9/96


My name is Calvin, I'm 30, and I'm a StarWars-A-holic.

I remember vividly seeing previews and reviews of this movie back in
'77. I was on summer vacation in the Georgia Mountains with my
Grandparents, and could not see it 'till I got back home.

I was facinated by the space fantasy of it all; Good guys wore white,
bad guys wore black, Han Solo wore half & half etc.

I drove by the small duplex theatre where I saw it for the first
(thirty+) time(s). It has since been shut down, replaced by a twenty
screen AMC up the street. But the memories live on.

Being 14 when Empire came out, my mother pressured me to stop playing
with toys, so my collection was not complete from childhood. Although I
did manage to pick up a Han in Carbonite for $1.29 when they first came
out (looking back, I think that was a good choice :-).

In High School, a friend and I made a 30 min. video using our combined
figures and playsets called "Bilbo Takes A Trip". It was a project for
two seperate classes and needed to involve the Hobbit. So we had Bilbo
travel to the Star Wars universe. We used my blue Smaggletooth as Bilbo,
and filmed part of it on my sears cantina playset. After the video was
complete, all out figures and sets got mixed up, I no longer have the
blue Snag or cantina(or that friends current address), but I do have
them on tape.

Star Wars has been a great and positive influence on my life. I can't
imagine how different things would be without it.

Happy Collecting everyone,


Oct 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/9/96

The thread on ages was so interesting that I just had to ask.

And if you do have 'em. Did you give them Star Wars names?

I have an 8 year old girl - Heather

and 14 month old Boy/Girl twins - LUKE & Lindsey

Michael Mierzwa

Oct 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/9/96

: The thread on ages was so interesting that I just had to ask.

: And if you do have 'em. Did you give them Star Wars names?

Well I ... oops make that my "friend" doesn't have any kids yet.

But I did once buy 1 Goose and 2 Ducks for some friends (a long time ago).

Goose = Fred
Duck, male = Luke
Duck, female = Leia <---- although my friends mom renamed the lady duck to
Laura ... ?!?!? Where did that come from?!?

Michael Mierzwa


Oct 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/9/96
to (Michael Mierzwa) wrote:
>YODASHOUSE ( wrote:
>: The thread on ages was so interesting that I just had to ask.
>: And if you do have 'em. Did you give them Star Wars names?
I have 2 kids. A son age 11 and daughter age 6. Both love Star Wars, but
no SW names here.


Oct 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/9/96

I'm 29

I saw Star Wars for the first time May 29, 1977 for my 10th birthday on
its 3rd day of
release. I left the theatre in a daze with my imagination set reeling. I
went nuts over Star Wars. In 5th grade I wore my Darth Vader head necklace
and the SW iron on t-shirts with the 1/4" thick piece of rubber decal with
gold metal flake on the front everyday. I even wore the big SW tube socks
to PE. Hell, the whole nation went nuts. Can't wait 'till next year to see
it all happen again.


Don Hancock

Oct 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/9/96

I'm 47...
Took my son (he's now 24) OPENING DAY for all 3 movies! He started
collecting cards, comics, & toys and now we both have a nice collection.
When SW was first shown, it DIDN'T say "Episode IV: A New Hope" !!!
(Guess they weren't very optimistic about making more.)


Oct 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/9/96

In article <53gdla$>, (YODASHOUSE) wrote:
>The thread on ages was so interesting that I just had to ask.
>And if you do have 'em. Did you give them Star Wars names?
>I have an 8 year old girl - Heather
>and 14 month old Boy/Girl twins - LUKE & Lindsey

I'll have kids someday. For now I'm 17, and ya know... kids... being
17... not often a good combo. :P


Pages dedicated to Marilyn Manson, KMFDM, and Dread's Toy News.


Tony Maravola

Oct 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/9/96

I'm 24. I can vividly remember at age 5 waiting in line with my dad
opening week to see SW. It was at the Newport, one of the old 1000 seat
theaters with a balcony, et al (Trying to find one of them, for
February!)From the opening fanfare, I was awestruck. I didn't budge for
2 hours (Hard to do aafter downing a large coke...). We went two weeks
later to see it with the whole family, at the drive in. It was a double
feature with Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I fell asleep after Star
Wars was over. The next day, I got my first figures. Chewie and a

Three years later, the whole family (including my 1 1/2 yr old sister)
headed to the Newport opening night, to see ESB. My mom didn't like it
as much (she had this thing for Han). Well, then we moved to Germany.
A year after we got there, ESB finally hit the military theaters. At
the time I couldn't stand my babysitter, so I would save .50 each day,
and I went to the movies (ESB was doing so well, that it ran as a
matinee every day for a month. Matinees are not a regular occurance in
military theaters). I ended up seeing ESB 28 times in the theater!

When ROTJ roll around, I got EVERYTHING I could get my hands on. I
bought the novel and storybook and comic adaptation, before I saw it in
the theater!!! It would take a year for the movie to hit the military
theater, but i couldn't wait. My best friend, Justin Enos (If you're
out there, Justin, drop me a line. It's been 12 years already!)and I
went and saw it in the German theater! I couldn't understand much, but
there was one line that missed dubbing. Bib leans over and says
"Bargain rather than fight? He's no Jedi." Once again, I was
captivated. Nine months later, the movie hit the AAFES theaters, but
the closest showing was an hour away. We didn't care. My dad once
againpacked us up and took us (including Justin) to Stuttgart to see
ROTJ in english.

So many memories...


Elizabeth Hall

Oct 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/9/96
to Michael L. Jelarcic

Michael L. Jelarcic wrote:
> On a whim, I went back through the old posts in this thread and made a list
> of the ages:
> Total # of ages posted: 60
> Age Count Weird Graphic/Histogram Thingie
> ---- ----- -------------------------------
> 1 -
> 2 -
> 3 -
> 4 1 #
> 5 -
Mike, cool looks like my little 4 year old stephen is the youngest
collector so far. Believe me he is a true fan!! Thanks for the
information, ELizabeth


Bob & Toni Hall Enterprises
Elizabeth A. Hall
45 Santa Ana Ave.
Santa Barbara, CA

(805) 967-2543

Always looking for Star Wars toys, Elephants and Vases.

Todd DuBrey

Oct 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/9/96

John Marciante wrote:
> I have one: age = -10 weeks (yes, that's a negative sign!).
> My wife has one other kid, age 27 (yes, that's me!).
> Obi-John

I'm very similar to Obi-John. Mine is -13 weeks..:} Due Jan 10th.
Can't wait. Oh, and I'm a 25 year old kid. Congrats Obi-John!


________________. ___ .______
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\__/ \__/ /__/ \__\|__| `._______/

The Force will be with you....always.

Todd DuBrey


Oct 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/10/96

I'm pretty sure that everyone knows that I have two kids

Ariel-18 months.
They both play with Star Wars toys and love them. Drake wants to be
Han Solo for Halloween, I was going to make ariel an Ewok, but I think
that I will wait until she is older. I don't think that she would
appreciate the cumbersome costume at this point(for anyone who sew and
is interested on how I was going to make the ewok, go ahead and email
Gina Wilder

" I like to keep a more open mind" Fox Mulder
"One man's morality should never by way of ideaology become another's legality"
Robert Ludlum
Clinton-Gore '96

Rick Schmidt

Oct 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/10/96

None yet..but when my wife and I decide to have kids, I can't wait to share
my love of Star Wars (and all of the new toys that I am collecting) with them!


________ __ __ __ __ _______
/___ / /__/ /__/ / / /__/ /__/ /____
______/ / / / / \ /__/_/ / / / \_______/




Oct 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/10/96

I have 3 kids but none have Star Wars names. The boys (7 and 5) are just
getting into Star Wars (having grown up watching and not really caught on
to what was going on) and so I buy toys for them as well as for myself!
The girl (2) is into whatever the boys are, but doesn't really sit still
well for movies other than Barney and Gordy yet. 8)

By the way, your mom renamed the ducks Luke and Laura after the famous
couple on General Hospital (the daytime soap). The actress who played
Laura is married to the actor who plays (Number One) Riker on Star Trek:
TNG so I guess that is her claim to Sci Fi fame! 8)

Bye now,

John Marciante

Oct 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/10/96

Michael Mierzwa

Oct 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/10/96

Gina ( wrote:
: Drake-6

: Ariel-18 months.
: They both play with Star Wars toys and love them. Drake wants to be
: Han Solo for Halloween, I was going to make ariel an Ewok, but I think
: that I will wait until she is older. I don't think that she would
: appreciate the cumbersome costume at this point(for anyone who sew and
: is interested on how I was going to make the ewok, go ahead and email
: me)

That is cool.

I once was a C-3PO/R2-D2 combo.

I was dressed in a glittery costume and had a 3PO head and chest looking
thing (1977). But I also had a R2-D2 shell that I could fit inside and
walk around in ... it had a dome with bike reflectors and such.

Outside = R2-D2
Inside = C-3PO

I think in 1980, not sure about the date. I was Boba Fett. Green
construction hard hat (father in construction industry) modified with a
Fett mask (plastic milk gallon thing) and armor and utility belt. I still
have the photos ... although I would not be caugh dead in it today ... it
was cool for a homemade kid costume!

Michael Mierzwa


Oct 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/10/96

I have 2 boys, one 3yrs and one 10yrs. My older son is more active in
collecting than the 3yr old (he has some peices I don't even have) but
the little one loves his doota doota and his threepidipio. He's also
got a Darth vader head full of the older figures that he drags out all
the time. I try to collect everything in three's.


Oct 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/11/96

I'm 26. ANH was the first PG movie I was allowed to see. I collect both
new and old, open and play with everything!

My nephews are 8 and 5, own the widevision trilogy, buy everything new
they can find, and also open and play with everything.

Has anyone really read this far into the thread?

Tony Ngai

Oct 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/11/96

I'm 21 and started collecting Star Wars again 2 years ago. I first heard
about SW when ESB came out and my cousin had the cards, we use to have
card tossing contest. I never saw the films on theatre b/c my parents
thought it was too expensive, and my only figures originally bought were
Luke Jedi and General Madine (which I kept in mint shape and with no
infamous nose chips!). I only got to see the movies when it was shown
on tv. I never liked watching ESB because the Hoth seen was too long and
boring for my attention span at the time, and it toke several times
before I saw it entirely.
Now I love all the original figures and is one away from the original 80
(without the POTF85), and collect all the new packaged ones with some
variations of Canadian/US cards. Vehicles still costs too much so I
limit myself to sales, and when they include a figure.
I collect all SW toys, comics, novels, cards and stickers, and starting to
get into other merchandise as well.

Darren Marrese 2

Oct 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/11/96

> : I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age

> : group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
> : wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?

Oh man! I just had to reply to this one!

I'm a 25 year old male and I've been a toy collector ever since I was a
kid. My original SW toys were the only things I kept when I grew up
simply because I loved them too much to part with. Now that Kenner is
making new and cooler looking stuff, I feel like I'm a kid all over
again. My family thinks I'm nuts; my Christmas list (for which they
insist on all of us making every year so that they know for sure they're
getting us something we want) looks just like the ones i used to make
when I was a kid. There are more Sw stuff on there than anything else! Oh
well, I don't care. Next to my love for my fiancee and our unborn, future
Star Wars fan (I hope), Star Wars, and all the memories related to it, is
the most exciting thing in my life. Pathetic I know, but it's true! Hey,
I'm not the only one you know. This group wouldn't exist if it wasn't!



Darren Marrese 2

Oct 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/11/96

> The thread on ages was so interesting that I just had to ask.
> And if you do have 'em. Did you give them Star Wars names?

Oh boy! Another fun post!

I have a baby on the way, does that count? My fiancee and I think that we
might be having twins, although it hasn't been confirmed yet. I thought
that it might be cool to call them Luke and Leia should we be blessed
with a boy and a girl, but Leanne thought that was too cheasy. I
suggested the Jedi twins, Jacen and Jaina instead and she said that was a
possibility. Oh boy, I can't wait!!!


C. W. Walker

Oct 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/11/96

> The thread on ages was so interesting that I just had to ask.

NO! And don't let anyone else tell you different! :-)

> And if you do have 'em. Did you give them Star Wars names?

It would be so easy to give my son a Star Wars name... How about
Luke Sky Walker??? Or, Anakin Sky Walker. However, with the middle
name "Sky", he would be picked on so horribly (as if being named for
a Star Wars character isn't grounds for a bloody nose in the first
place :-) ).

C. W. Walker
C. W. Walker <>
Technical Development
Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Star Wars ** Wolfpack ** Panthers ** MST3K
Star Wars Trilogy
Special Edition
See It Again... For The First Time
January 31, February 21, March 7,


Oct 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/12/96

> "William H. Nickelson" <> writes:
> wrote:
> I am 19. I vaguely(sp?) remember seeing the first two movies in the
> theaters. I remember seeing ROTJ twice in the theaters.
> -Joe Filteau
> Then you have the best memory on the planet! I'm 20 (going on 8) and
> Star Wars was the first movie my parents took me to, and I was less than
> one at the time! If your 19 that means you were born in late 76
> (me...Oct 1, 76), or sometime in 77, making you younger than me at the
> time. For some reason I don't think you remember seeing "A New Hope" in
> the theaters.

I'm one of the people that never saw the movies in theatres. I'm 16. The first time
I saw the trilogy was when I was in 4th grade. I loved it, but never started collecting
until this past year.


Oct 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/15/96

In article <53bb6v$>, (John Marciante) writes:

> started in 78 with the original 9, went through the wee end, but stopped
>the B-wing, Imperial Shuttle - too much money! I've since replenished
>am near completion of the vehicles (have all figures without variants
>I have the blue snag.)). Ah, the joy of collecting!

If you still have all of these then you're a very happy man.


Matthew R. Rardon

Oct 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/21/96

> (JMclain1) wrote:

> >I'm just curious. I'm 25 and still collect and was wondering what the age
> >group is that are buying Star Wars. I would think that the younger kids
> >wouldn't know anything about the trilogy? Just wondering?

> >Joe
> >

I am 23 (or something like that, I lost track after 21 and am reminded that I
am not 25 yet everytime the auto insurance rolls around). I remember seeing
ANH in a theater. Shortly after that I saw ST at a drive in and fell asleep
(I guess you can tell which I liked better). I also saw ESB and RotJ in a
theater. I was RotJ at a showing around 11:30 pm on opening day. This was
real late for me then! I remember my dad coming back from the bathroom (a
hobby of his) and telling me he say 3PO on the screen. Being the naive lad I
was I thought they were filming it right there! I also glowingly remember
scenes from the holiday special. After having the great displeasure of seeing
this again over the weekend I have learned that hindsight is NOT 20/20! Being
an adequately spoiled child I had all the figures execpt POF (I did have Han
Carbonite), a lot of the early ships, and all the 12"ers (complete). In an
attempt to attain maturity I sold it all off at various yard sales (I had so
much it took a few). Now I seem to collect in much the same manner as I did
then. I have all the figures and the 12"ers but the ships interest me very
little. Could it be because they are the same darn ships!!!!!!!


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