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"Antique Networking" New Homepage announcement

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Isabelle Bryman

Jun 1, 1995, 7:00:00 AM6/1/95


Market Test where You May Advertize for free >>>>

Antique Networking is an organization which aims to put an "Antique Network"
on the Internet. Currently it has a home page where, if you wish to
participate in their data collection period, market test, you can put your ad
in for free. More info on the home page at URL:

E-mail for info. on participation and programs:

(please note that there is no "u" in antiq above; this is the correct e-mail
call letters. Fax: (614) 889-9773-99, telephone (outside Ohio):
800-400-8674-99. Postal mail: Antique Networking, 3132 Aullwood Court,
Dublin, OH 43017.

This is posted as a service to K. Litz, whom I have been in touch with since
plans began for this enterprise. I have not been asked to post this
announcement. I feel, however, that this a very worthwhile project which can
add to our choice of antiques forums on the Internet. Other than being a
registered data collection participant, I have no other affiliation with this

Isabelle Bryman

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