
Kapcsolatfelvétel a tulajdonosokkal és a kezelőkkel
Welcome to the Rattle Users Google Group.

Please consider asking questions about Rattle on Stack Overflow - I monitor and answer questions there as well, and it may have a larger user base to answer.

I will use this rattle-users mailing list mainly for announcements and will continue to monitor it for support and also encourage suggestions and general discussions.

This mailing list discussion group is for users of the free and open source Rattle data mining toolkit as described in the book Data Mining with Rattle and R. Information on Rattle is available from Togaware. I also have a new template based (i.e., programming by example) data science book The Essentials of Data Science which I view as the progression from Rattle.

When posting here (or preferably for questions on Stack Overflow) , particularly when seeking assistance with coding, please follow the Stack Overflow guidelines: