rails girls berlin

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WELCOME to the rails girls berlin group - start making things 

Dear Rails Girls Berlin members! 

Welcome to the Rails Girls Berlin group! This is a mailing list for all the people interested in Rails Girls Berlin Workshops and Events, who want to be a part of the community behind the events and stay in touch with everybody.
This is also the space to ask questions about coding - did you stumble over an error message you couldn't solve (and check out our blog to: railsgirlsberlin.tumblr.com/errors), do you wonder about some step you wanted to take, but didn't understand? Every question is welcome here and will be answered by our lovely coaches and everybody who had the same problem as you - be sure, there always is someone with the same problem :)

1) The aim is that railsgirlsberlin@googlegroups.com will be a backchannel for discussions and communication about coding experience, sharing information and generally being friendly.

2) Participate as little or as much as you like. You can find instructions to using Google Groups from here (http://support.google.com/groups/?hl=en). 
We started little project groups (just create a thread and ask around who wants to code the same as you do like done here) and encourage everybody to do so - and meet at a coache's kitchen or just in a café to code and work together and share your experience. we will set up a calender where you can see and add which group is meeting where an when, so that everybody can join too.

3) Other channels of communication include:

Our website  http://railsgirlsberlin.de/

Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/RailsGirlsBerlin

Twitter:  twitter.com/railsgirls_bln

Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/CpsoD

PLEASE NOTICE! Don't post job offers to this group! Thank you!