Qt 4.5, Qt Creator released

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Liang Qi

Mar 3, 2009, 4:46:40 AM3/3/09
to qt-c...@googlegroups.com

Qt 4.5, Qt Creator released

New offerings include Qt 4.5, Qt Creator IDE version 1.0, and the new Qt SDK

Oslo, 03 March 2009 – Nokia announced today the availability of
version 4.5 of the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework. It
also introduced Qt Creator, a new lightweight cross-platform
Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Qt 4.5 and Qt Creator
combined comprises the Qt SDK, an easy to install package that will
let application developers to create applications quickly and easily.

"Qt 4.5 is setting the benchmark for application development,” said
Benoit Schillings, Chief Technologist, Qt Software, Nokia. “With the
performance improvements in Qt, the introduction of Qt Creator, and
the release of the Qt SDK, developers looking for a native or a hybrid
native/web application framework now have the power and flexibility
they need.”

The release of Qt 4.5 also marks an important milestone for the open
source community. For the first time Qt will include the LGPL
licensing option to go along with the Commercial License and GPL
licensing options currently available. By adding the LGPL license for
Qt, developers can now add their proprietary applications on top of Qt
without paying a licensing fee.

In addition to the new product releases and licensing changes, Qt
Software is also introducing a new flexible technical support package
for LGPL and GPL license users. Developers using these licenses will
now be able to purchase technical support from Qt Software.
Details on the above are available at http://www.qtsoftware.com/whatsnew.

Qt 4.5

Qt 4.5 includes several new features, but sees the greatest
improvement via a concerted effort to increase performance across the
entire framework. Significant performance enhancements were made to
the graphics system, data handling, and the web engine. These
improvements result in an appreciable performance increase in Qt-based

Qt 4.5 also improves integration with the WebKit web rendering engine
which will blend web and native content into a richer user experience.
This includes:

* Netscape Plugin API support; allowing Qt applications to load
Flash (such as the YouTube player)
* More advanced web UI effects, including animations,
transformations and zooming
* New JavaScript engine for better performance

Qt 4.5 has also been ported to Apple’s Cocoa framework. Previously Qt
supported only the Carbon framework, but with Qt 4.5, Qt can now
support both. This means developers can create applications that
support 32 or 64 bit, Intel or PowerPC Mac binaries from a single

Qt Creator

Developers can now download version 1.0 of Qt Creator, a lightweight
cross-platform IDE for Qt development. Qt Creator has been designed to
deliver two key benefits: it provides the first IDE designed
specifically for cross-platform development; and it enables developers
that are new to the Qt framework to get up and running more quickly.

Qt Creator includes an efficient tool set for creating and testing
Qt-based applications, including:

* An advanced C++ code editor
* Context sensitive help system
* Visual debugger
* Source code management
* Project and build management tools

Qt Creator will be available under the terms of the LGPL version 2.1
license and will be open for contributions. Currently Qt Creator only
supports desktop platforms for Qt development (Windows, Linux, and Mac
OS), however support for embedded platforms will be added in the
coming months.

The Qt SDK

The new Qt SDK, downloadable from www.qtsoftware.com, is a
comprehensive package designed to provide developers everything they
need to begin cross-platform Qt development from a simple-to-install
binary package.

The Qt SDK includes the Qt libraries, the Qt Creator IDE, and the Qt
tools, all integrated into one easy-to-install package. It has been
tailored to the needs of cross-platform developers and is designed to
make new Qt developers more productive, more quickly.

Contribute to Qt

In the coming weeks, Qt Software will be launching the Qt Contribution
website where developers will be able to see the Qt code repository
and also be able to contribute to Qt, Qt Creator and other Qt-related
development projects. More details will be announced soon.


Mar 9, 2009, 9:11:06 PM3/9/09
to qt-c...@googlegroups.com

2009/3/3 Liang Qi <cavend...@gmail.com>

Liang Qi

Mar 10, 2009, 10:10:47 AM3/10/09
to qt-c...@googlegroups.com
Qt Creator文档

我用得也不多,感觉Creator和XCode有些相似,也许是苹果截屏导致的,但肯定没有走Visual Studio的路线。

2009/3/10 李昆仑 <tty...@gmail.com>:
> 我试用过一下,感觉不太习惯啊,而且有些问题也不知道是bug还是我自己使用不熟悉的关系。。。

ccp ccp

Mar 11, 2009, 1:02:39 AM3/11/09
to qt-c...@googlegroups.com
QtCreator RC中找了半天也没有找到关闭调试窗口的地方,每次Debug就不知道怎么关掉它,占了半个屏幕。。后来才发现ESC可关掉。。

2009/3/10 Liang Qi <cavend...@gmail.com>

Kermit Mei

Mar 11, 2009, 11:09:06 AM3/11/09
to qt-c...@googlegroups.com

俺觉得还是Emacs好,大小同时,哈哈。 Creator在我的机器上明显有点龟速……
BTW:这是我的.emacs 的el配置,共享一下:
$ cat /home/kermit/.emacs

(setq inhibit-startup-message t)


(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.h\\'" . c++-mode))
(require 'cc-mode)
(setq c-C++-access-key "\\<\\(slots\\|signals\\|private\\|protected\\|
public\\)\\>[ \t]*[(slots\\|signals)]*[ \t]*:")
(font-lock-add-keywords 'c++-mode
'(("\\<\\(public slots\\|public signals\\|private slots\\|private
signals\\|protected slots\\|protected signals\\)\\>" .

(font-lock-add-keywords 'c++-mode

(font-lock-add-keywords 'c++-mode
'(("\\<emit\\|SIGNAL\\|SLOT\\>" . font-lock-builtin-face)))
(font-lock-add-keywords 'c++-mode
'(("\\<setupUi\\|connect\\>" . font-lock-function-name-face)))
(font-lock-add-keywords 'c++-mode
'(("\\<foreach\\>" . font-lock-keyword-face)))
(font-lock-add-keywords 'c++-mode
'(("\\<Q[A-Z][A-Za-z]*" . font-lock-type-face)))

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