Denoiser version: 1.9.1 SFF files: fasta_sff/blue.txt Fasta file: demultiplexed/blue_demultiplexed.fna Preprocess dir: None Primer sequence: GAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG Running on cluster: False Num CPUs: 1 Squeeze Seqs: True tmpdir: denoised/blue/ percent_id threshold: 0.97 Minimal sequence coverage for first phase: 1 Low cut-off: 3.75 High cut-off: 4.50 Error profile: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qiime/support_files/denoiser/Data/FLX_error_profile.dat Maximal number of iteration: None Sequences in barcode mapping: 5765 Truncated flowgrams written: 5765 Filter flowgrams by prefix matching Prefix matching: removed 2985 out of 5765 seqs Remaining number of sequences: 2780 Clustersize # 1: 2114 2: 372 3: 131 4: 49 5: 40 6: 18 7: 6 8: 4 9: 3 10: 4 11: 2 12: 3 13: 3 14: 3 15: 3 19: 2 21: 2 24: 1 25: 1 27: 1 28: 3 29: 1 30: 1 31: 1 36: 1 40: 1 43: 1 78: 1 105: 1 108: 1 127: 1 129: 1 132: 1 152: 1 177: 1 228: 1 Round 1: Rounds remaining in worst case: 666 Filtering with IIN13JX02GWPTO: 2780 flowgrams