NC I'm going to need some help putting this together, since I'm going to London SJ We've done lots of conf org professionally we can take over plenty of that stuff while you're in the UK NC Having your students around on the day was enormously helpful I hope we can actually get, some different people involved as well but we've got you to cover some bases SJ Mostly org logistics Getting calls out, leading stuff, getting the community together, etc.. NC There are 2-3 parts. One of the first things is decide if we want to keep the structure the same as last year, or decide what to do instead. I didn't get a ton of feedback, but I did get some. Most people were ok with basic structure: More formal morning, but with afternoon being more open spaces. Most people liked Keynote, it's a hassle, but we're fine with that. The only piece of feedback I got, and I know Jeff had strong feelings, that a lot of people wanted multiple open-spaces at once Jeff Part of my reaction is personal, and ended up disappointed in the afternoon. I wanted to hook up with people with people I didn't meet. I felt like, after that, we got lost in the conference. That would sum up how I felt. I had an idea. SJ Unconference would allow you to see stuff you didn't before. A BoF room, a Sprint Room. Jeff Lightning talks were good, but it felt like we took a long time picking them. SJ We'll have to organize a group of people to vet the lightning talks. There'll have to Jeff Lightning talks worked great at EDU Summit last year. NC I can talk to Eva and find out about separate rooms NC Do we want to use moderator to pick break-out spaces? only got 5 comments They thought selection method took too long Since we are by invitation, most people know they are coming in advance Will we get access to space before hand? yeah, I had access the night before, but I think the site staff did all the configuring. it won't ever be perfect, and things got missed. SJ How many people do you have interested in helping? NC There are 7 here, and at least 2 others. Teams 1) Program and Keynote 2) Google Moderator for talks/lightning talks 3) Room Status/Space 4) Logistics 5) Sponsors & Vendors (talk to Jesse Noller) 6) Outreach Dedicated Twitter/Social Media for day of Find out what space we have A/V Get more mics Figure out who is handling those logistics We needed to reconfigure the room at that last minute last year, and we needed the 2nd mic, and we only got it the morning of... Q: How much will it be like last year? A: People were happy overall with the format last year. There was some question about how we'd handle the afternoon session. If we have the space, we'll do multiple break out rooms, if not, we'll use Google moderator to front load selection. JN I can do all the social media channels. Even if I can't be there, I can schedule it out to go to the audiences when we want. It all depends on what has been used before, and what you think will be most valuable. ***Action: Create One Pager*** ***Action: Create blurb*** ***Action: JN - create a twitter account for PyCon EDU Summit*** ***Action: Remy - Create a Calendar for PyCon EDU Summit*** ***Action: SJ - Create a Doodle Poll to figure out when to have regular PyCon EDU Summit Organizer meetings*** ***Action: Remy - Create an IRC Channel #PyConEDUSummit*** ***Action: Remy - Look into Google Moderator*** ***ACTION: NC - Ask about Multiple Break-out rooms in addition to big room***