Try loCfg = Createobject("CDO.Configuration") With loCfg.Fields .Item("") = vSMTP .Item("") = vSMTPport .Item("") = 2 .Item("") = .F. .Item("") = .F. .Item("") = vCorreosSnder .Item("") = vpasswSender .Update Endwith loMsg = Createobject ("CDO.Message") With loMsg .Configuration = loCfg .From = vCorreosender IF vartester = 0 .To = vcorreoTo ENDIF If !Empty(vCorreotocopia) IF vartester = 0 .CC = vCorreotocopia ENDIF .BCC = 'micorreodeverificacion' Endif .Subject = "Informes correspondientess a: " +Dtoc(p4fecha2) cfile = Filetostr(Fullpath(Curdir())+'firmas\firma.html') cbody = CBody + '

' + '

' +'

'+ cfile + '

' + '

' lctmpfile = Forceext(Addbs(Sys(2023))+Sys(2015),"html") =Strtofile(cbody,lctmpfile) .CreateMHTMLBody(lctmpfile) lcFile = "c:\temp\"+oArchivo If !Empty(lcFile) .AddAttachment(lcFile) Endif .Send() Endwith Catch To lcErr =Messagebox("No se pudo enviar el Correo" + Chr(13) + ; "Error: " + Transform(lcErr.ErrorNo) + Chr(13) + "Mensaje: " + lcErr.Message , 16, "Error") Finally