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Chuyển tới thư đầu tiên chưa đọc

chưa đọc,
18:23:40 25 thg 6, 200925/6/09
đến Protocol Buffers
Is there anything in the works that would allow us to output
JavaScript along with C++, Java, and Python?

Marc Gravell

chưa đọc,
18:53:36 25 thg 6, 200925/6/09
đến Protocol Buffers
I haven't tried it, but
lists javascript support here:

(this is one of many unofficial independent implementations - not
google's; don't blame them ;-p)


Alek Storm

chưa đọc,
19:42:24 25 thg 6, 200925/6/09
đến Marc Gravell, Protocol Buffers
That one doesn't look complete.  I've got one that almost is.
Alek Storm

Kenton Varda

chưa đọc,
20:17:58 25 thg 6, 200925/6/09
đến, Protocol Buffers
One problem with javascript and protobuf is that you need a lot of support code to parse the messages.  Unless you end up sending quite a lot of stuff back and forth, making the user download a JS protobuf codec library may be a net loss.  It may be better to use JSON or XML because browsers already have built-in support for those.

That said, I think various people inside google have been playing with javascript + protocol buffers for awhile and if we end up with anything that works well enough, we'll release it.

Leo Gallucci

chưa đọc,
13:09:19 23 thg 3, 201523/3/15
Almost 6 years later, what do you think about this now? What about using ? or is it still more convenient to simply stick to JSON/BSON/PSON?


Timo K

chưa đọc,
20:31:24 24 thg 3, 201524/3/15
I am just using right now. I use it for piping the internal protobuffer communication over websockets and it just works like a charm.
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