What's the state of TextFormat?

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Oct 4, 2010, 8:08:47 PM10/4/10
to Protocol Buffers
Hi there.

I'm wondering what the state of TextFormat support is in protocol
buffers and if it is and will remain a fully supported option.

Among other things, I'm thinking of using it as a way of storing
configuration/state for objects in a message based system in an easy
to read format that can also be serialised efficiently to binary when
needed. Does this seem like a reasonable use for PB or could there be
problems with this approach? Would there be any issues with
localisation for string fields by doing this?

Thanks for the advice.

Daniel Wright

Oct 4, 2010, 9:39:30 PM10/4/10
to Dan, Protocol Buffers
TextFormat is used extensively within Google, often for exactly the purpose you describe.  It should work well, though I'd recommend keeping the files in UTF8 to avoid localisation issues.

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